The soldiers looked at each other, and then they were full of laughter.

"The reason, of course, has a reason. You are also lucky. If you meet us, you will kill each other. As long as you are able to live, you will be able to transform more."

Just after the words fell, the people on the White Wolf's side immediately changed their faces. What are these guys doing? They even want them to kill each other, and say that the people here are not forced by them?

Immediately, people are subconsciously raised guns, and then aimed at these people in front of them, eyes, is full of killing intention.

These guys, want them to kill each other, is a dream, let them one by one, give these people to sudden, this is almost.

When those people saw the White Wolf, they all aimed their guns at them, but there was no nervous color on their faces. They just looked at the White Wolf, and then they were full of sarcasm.

With such a look in their eyes, all the people in the audience are shocked. They don't know what the situation is. The rest don't say. According to the identity of a special soldier, no one is allowed to point a gun at himself. This is very fatal. If you are not careful, you will probably die. This kind of insecurity will not be done. But now, what is the matter with these people? Why do they point a gun at them? These people are indifferent, and even feel that they are not afraid at all.

Is it true that these people are crazy? Or are they determined that they dare not shoot?

People don't know, but at this time, they feel as if they are falling into something.

"You don't want to kill each other now because you don't see the real power. Let's show you what power is," the white man sneered and then looked at the two people in the field. At this moment, the two men are almost ready to win. One of them is unable to resist at this time, and the other directly picks up a huge gold on one side, and then smashes it on the head of one of them.

In an instant, that person's head was directly opened, blood splashed, the picture is extremely terrible.

When they saw this, they immediately took a puff from the corner of their mouth. Then they looked at the man who was full of crazy color. They were all confused. This guy was really bewitched by something.

The winner was a black man, and his muscles and muscles were swelling. It could be seen that the other side had taken advantage of this.

"Come on, give me the seed!"

At this time, the black man turned his head and said a word. When the people behind him heard the words, they immediately laughed. Then they threw out a black thing. After the black man took it, he put the seed in the man's head. Then, an extremely frightening scene appeared in front of all the people. I saw that the black thing swelled in an instant after it didn't enter the blood drenched head. But after a moment, the seed took root and sprouted, and the blood was absorbed directly at this time.

The seed began to grow into a small tree, and then a very attractive little fruit began to grow out slowly. After that, the body was completely withered down, and after that, it was dissipated.

After the black man saw the fruit, his eyes flashed with joy. He picked it and swallowed it. In the eyes of some people who were stunned, after the fruit was eaten by the black people, it was originally a scarred black man. The wound began to heal in an instant. After that, it was originally some terrible muscles. At this time, it became more solid. There was something in the imitation Buddha that surged through it, making the black man strong It's a good look.

The crowd watched, all of them swallowed their saliva involuntarily. They didn't know whether it was an illusion. They only felt that the black man at this time was like a wild animal, extremely terrible.


The black man was forcing his eyes, as if he were absorbing the fruit. After a moment, he suddenly had a big drink, and then he stomped his feet. The original gem on the ground was actually broken into powder under that foot!

The White Wolf and others saw this, and immediately their hearts sank. Looking at these people in front of them, they were filled with a look of panic. They finally understood what happened to these people.

In the beginning, why was it that they were not afraid of their guns, but at this time, they were still calm and incomparable. If the strength of the other side was such a terror, they really didn't have to be too afraid of them.

In particular, such a guy can trample that gem into powder with one foot. What kind of monster is this? In the past, the other side is still the same as ordinary people.But at this time, the other party became like this. I think it has something to do with the fruit. It's just that the fruit is so weird that it needs to be fed by corpses, which they have never heard of before.

At this moment, people were a little cold in their hearts. However, Heng Yanlin on one side looked thoughtful and looked at the scene, then touched his chin.

"Cyril, you idiot, who told you to crush that gem? You want to see your own strength, I will fight with you. What do you do with that gem? This is our future treasure, you idiot

Heng Yanlin's side, no one spoke, but among the crowd of the other side, a man looked at the black man and immediately said, looking at the gem under his feet, there was a trace of heartache in his eyes.

Although there are a lot of gems here, he is still very unhappy to waste several gems like this.

Hearing this, the black man looked at his feet and saw the broken stone. He was embarrassed and looked at the people in front of him. "Well, have you considered it? As long as you are willing to join us, you will also be able to become extremely powerful. After that, you will be able to share the wealth of this island with us. We are the strongest and richest people in the world The white man in front of him looked at the jewel, then turned his head carelessly and looked at Heng Yanlin and others in front of him. Then he said, "we are all special forces. After we have such a strong strength, our strength will be increased by many times. Those who are outside the head will not be able to resist US." Listening to the white man's words, the people beside the White Wolf made a slight stir at this time. To tell the truth, looking at these treasures, if they didn't feel excited, it would be impossible. But now, there are team leaders and others beside them. They are rebellious when they say they are rebellious?

Moreover, they still have loyalty to their own country, so at this time, they all look at each other and see the struggle in each other's eyes.

On the one hand, they are bewitched by these things. On the other hand, their own country and the other party's ability to bewitch are really too powerful. We don't look at the power and wealth given by the other party. All of us want to have them.

Especially for these special soldiers, the worship of power is incomparably high, so at this time, they all have a kind of appearance to be bewitched. When the white wolf saw this, he immediately frowned, and then coldly glanced at these soldiers. If they dare to have any idea that they should not have, he promised to shoot them!

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