"Yi Yu!"

Hearing the sound, the White Wolf immediately turned his head and looked. When he saw the people on his side, he yelled directly. Then he looked around to find out what had attacked his own people.

But when I looked around, I didn't see anything else. I was shocked. One of the members on one side has already run over to check on your injury.

"The bone is broken, but fortunately, there is life."

The member looked at it, then breathed a sigh of relief and said something.

When the rest of the people heard this, they immediately felt relaxed, and then they put down their hearts. They just broke their bones. They could still save them at that time. They didn't die on the spot. Everything was easy to say.

"Tut Tut, it's better not to die. If it wasn't for us to keep our hands on him, he would have no life. He just wanted to let him play his surplus heat. He would hope later and pray that he would rather die."

Just after the member's words had just fallen, a figure stood out on one side. After looking at the people in front of him, he immediately gave a sneer.

In his words fall, on one side are a number of people, these people see the White Wolf and others, followed by the face with this scene of sneer, and then the eyes swept around.

It's just that when they see these people, they frown.

"No, these people are just ordinary people. How can they kill Barthes? With the strength of these men, Bart and any one of them could kill them? "

"Yes, these people are just ordinary people. How could they be able to kill Bart's people? Those people are so powerful that guns can't help them. How could they die in the hands of these people?"

After seeing the White Wolf and others, these people are all holding guns one by one. Their muscles are very weak. They immediately feel that something is wrong.

What do you think? I don't like these people killing Bart and others.

"If it wasn't for these people, who would it be? You know, these are the people around here, and on the traces of the time, we followed here all the way. Who would it be if it wasn't these people? "

On hearing this, a man on one side immediately said something. In fact, there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes. In fact, he was also a little strange. I don't know whether the guy who killed nabart is these people.

This guy, although all special forces, but want to kill those people, how do you feel is some unlikely appearance.

"If you hesitate so much, just ask," a bald man on the side waved his hand and said a word. Then he looked at the people in front of him and then gave a grim smile.

"Who of you, in the past, saw a group of people about one kilometer away from here, and the young men who were similar to us were killed? Or are you the ones who do it? "

The man said, while he was facing in front of a ruthless, it is actually rude to the extreme, is not a little convergence of the appearance, but this, listen to the White Wolf and others, immediately in the heart.

These guys are still the accomplices of the former one. Naturally, they remember those people. They are really fierce. Since these guys are accomplices with those people, it is absolutely useless to find them later.

It is estimated that a person is dead. If you want to be here, you will naturally be silent, and then you will be very vigilant to look at these people. I never thought that the speed of these people's search is so fast.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You'd better get out of here!"

At this time, the White Wolf took a deep breath, and then said coldly. The people on the other side were stunned. Then they looked at the White Wolf playfully. Only when they were staring at the White Wolf, they could not help but sink slightly.

They can feel that the other party is lying at this time. After their ability is improved, they can see whether some people have lied or not, and some of them can easily see it.

At present, these people are all lying. Some people can feel their expressions when they ask questions. They seem to tremble. In this case, it can explain the problem!

"It's really your hand, but with your strength, you can't kill them. What means did you use?"

At this time, the bald man in front of him gave a cold look at the people in front of him. Then he frowned and asked. He was a little strange. How did these people kill their people.

In principle, these people are weak and become chickens. How can they be killed? How to look at it, it's impossible.Thinking of this, he looked at the people in front of him, and naturally began to question. Could it be said that what has been developed by Huaxia, which can actually break through their defense?

If so, they must be more careful. Otherwise, they may die at that time.

The White Wolf and others were stunned for a moment, and then some incredible looking at these guys in front of them. What happened to these people? They were well-trained on their own side. So when they lied, they couldn't have been seen through, right?

How can these people say that they are lying directly in an instant? This is a little strange. It seems that they are trying to deny it, as if they are not likely to do so.

At this time, the people took a deep breath. Then they looked at the people in front of them. Their hearts began to pray. Heng Yanlin came back earlier. Otherwise, they would be buried here.

After all, it's these people who really can't cope with it.

Under such circumstances, the two sides are afraid of each other. It is actually at this time that some of them stand still.

However, this stalemate will not last for a long time, because those bald people are already impatient. In any case, they are much stronger than nabart.

If these people used any special means to kill Bart and others, they should be able to deal with them.

"There's something wrong with these people. If they killed Bart? How do I feel that these people are looking at us? Are they afraid and worried? "

A man on the other side, at this time, asked a strange question.

After the strength becomes stronger, their observation has become extremely strong. Although these people are hiding, they can still feel that they are afraid.

If these people really have any backhand, they should not be like this. Why don't they see that they have the strength to kill them?

That bareheaded smell speech, is also a frown, at random glance at these people in front of one eye, is able to feel that these people's eyes, there is indeed a touch of panic in which, immediately pick eyebrows.

"It's true. It seems that we are too careful. Maybe these people have some weapons, but they are only disposable. After killing these people, we can't use them any more."

At this time, the bald man gave a grim smile, and then he said that if his subordinates hadn't reminded him, he didn't notice this. But now, he has noticed this, that's enough. These guys, in the end, whether they have the strength to kill them, as long as they are directly started, they can know where they need to be, and constantly explore what they want, but they don't need it at all!

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