"Now, where are the good questions for all of you?"

At this time, Heng Yanlin asked again. On the one hand, he was holding the stone, and on the other hand, he looked at the people in front of him. The meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

If any of these people didn't answer, they might die here.

When the crowd heard the speech, they were all shocked. Then they repeatedly answered, "just in the front of a mountain depression, there is a forest. As long as you go there, you can see it."

"If you don't know the place, I can lead the way!"

"I'm very familiar with this place. Let someone lead the way and guarantee that I can take you there!"

At this time, the people were all tongue and tongued, and the tone seemed to be very similar. They had to perform well in front of Heng Yanlin when they were doing something great.

However, Heng Yanlin looked at these people in front of him, but his mouth was crooked, and then stones were ejected out in succession. Just a moment later, a large number of people fell down.

People see this, immediately is a cold heart, then is incomparably angry looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of.

"What are you doing? We've told you the location, but you're going to kill? Well, as long as you answer, you won't die? "

"You're a man who doesn't believe his word. We're going to kill you!"

Those who had not fallen down, when they saw an Changqiu and killed people, they were still not a bit soft hearted. They immediately roared with anger, and then they wanted to rush to fight with Heng Yanlin.

Seeing this, Heng Yan Lin sneered, "when did I say that if you answer the question, you won't be killed. I just said, let you answer the question. As for those who didn't answer the question, I just let them go first."

The stone in hengyanlin's hand is constantly shooting out. Those who want to come over and fight with hengyanlin just take a step and fall on the road. The blood flows directly and the end is extremely miserable.

Hengyanlin family see this, the face unchanged, and those who were shot by hengyanlin, still the rest of the public, at this time, is a face of iron looking at the hengyanlin in front of.

This guy, from the beginning, did not intend to let them go. In the past, he did not say that he could survive by answering questions, but they all thought that as long as they answered questions, they could survive!

This guy, to give them such an illusion, is really shameless!

The people took a deep breath and turned their heads and ran. If they couldn't beat them, they could only try to escape. Although they knew that the probability was too low, they still had to test it at this time. In case they ran away?

However, they will not just stay there and let others kill them.

However, after a moment, the crowd just ran a few steps away, but the chest revealed a touch of cold color, which made them feel a little cold in their hearts, and then only felt that the strength of their whole body was evacuated at this time.

Bareheaded at this time, he turned his head and looked at Heng Yanlin. He clapped his hands and dropped the remaining stones. The corner of his mouth was slightly open, which was the continuous gushing of blood.

"You're dead, you're dead. If you go there and look for our boss, you'll know that your strength is nothing at all. There are terrible things over there, enough to crush you into pieces!"

The bald head seems to have a great resentment in general. Originally, he was about to die. At this time, he was constantly forced to keep himself from falling down. After finally falling down, the words in his mouth were also finished.

At this time, his mouth also showed a smile, as if to be able to finish the words, he is very happy, as if to say, after he finished these, Heng Yanlin is definitely dead!

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin immediately raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he did not know what the situation was, there should be something there that gave him so much confidence that she was absolutely dead after she passed away.

So it can be said that these people want to take him there, but in fact they want to take him to the pit? As long as it can be brought to a special place, they just feel that hengyanlin will die?

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin was interested in these people's words, but he didn't care about them. The things here gave them too much reinforcement, and then they all thought that they were invincible.

Then in hengyanlin here, hengyanlin is able to give them minutes to crush the general feeling!

"You are studying. Tomorrow will give you a day, and then you will leave," Heng Yanlin clapped his hands, then looked at the crowd and said.Those guys really need to be solved. In addition, I don't know why. Heng Yanlin always thinks that it's not very peaceful here. He needs to send these people out of here as soon as possible, and then make a good investigation.

Otherwise, I feel that something bad will happen.

Listen to Heng Yanlin's words, in the presence of those guys, at this time, has also found their own once, so people at this time, are not meant to refute.

If we are going to stay, there will be more people and there will be so many people here. We will be planting here.

So at this time, they all think that it is time to leave now. In fact, it is enough time to have such a day.

Thinking of this, people are extremely quick to gather some things on one side and start to study them. In addition, they can see if there are any particularly important resources that need to be brought back.

Heng Yanlin stood aside and didn't pay attention to these people. To protect these people, he would send them back tomorrow. After that, he just needed to settle accounts with those people.

The time of the day soon passed, and the researchers and the White Wolf and others were all about to clean up at this time. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin was slightly relieved, and then began to send these people back to the place where they came here.

When the people came to the shore, they saw that the ship was still in good condition. They immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "OK, you all go back, I won't go back, you can go back and report truthfully."

Heng Yanlin looked at these people in front of him, waved his hand and said a word, then let these people leave.

Some of them have already carried a lot of precious stones and other valuable things on their backpacks at this time. They will not be quick to go back like this.

And some of the researchers, in order to be able to stay with some rare and needed research resources, have lost some of their instruments, hoping to bring back more things.

As long as you have money, instruments and other things can be produced at that time, but it is possible that these resources can only come once.

Therefore, at this time, they are clear about who is more important and who is lighter.

"As long as you straighten the rudder and don't move it, you will be able to drive out later. Don't turn around. Otherwise, you will be lost in the fog. Don't believe anything you see on the road.

The helmsman, after adjustment, don't let anyone go there. Just let him drive by himself. Do you understand? "

This fog is an array. When you go out, it will be easier. As long as you don't move it, you will be able to drive out. However, if someone moves, it will be affected by the fog.

Under such circumstances, it is very possible to get lost in the fog. Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, they all nodded. After they should come down, they turned their heads and then glided the boat slowly into the sea. Seeing these people, Heng Yanlin immediately turned around and left.

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