Heng Yan Lin just shook his head when he heard the speech. These guys always feel very confident about their own strength. They really don't know who gave it to them. It's really stupid.

Really think, just eat a few fruits, is able to be so rampant? I don't want to look at them. After they go out, even if they encounter the sharp blade team, they are expected to be able to kill several.

Some people who are too young, about before, they did not contact too many powerful people, so at this time, they saw that they were invulnerable, so they thought that they were invincible.

When it was really a group of stupid big, Heng Yan Lin waved, and then a gem in his hand was shot out directly.


A series of voices, at this time, directly sounded, followed by a few bloodstains shot up, those who were ordered to come over and wanted to take hengyanlin, at this time, were shot directly by hengyanlin, who had no resistance ability at all.

When they saw this, they were stunned. Then they grew up and looked at the scene in front of them. In their eyes, they were full of incredible looks.

How could that be possible! This guy, in the previous time, shot those guys, in fact, it was only used to pierce each other's mouth and kill each other one by one, but at this time, it directly penetrated their bodies!

These guys, the body is strong, they know, it is very powerful, but at this time, how can it become like this?

If you just wave your hand at will, you can kill these people. What about them? Is it in hengyanlin, also like that paper paste general, as long as a light bucket, is able to kill the degree?

Thinking of this, people are a little nervous, they are now some doubt, their body, whether there is something wrong, how is under the other party's gem shooting, so simple, is killed and pierced.

You know, in the past or, that's not the bullet or what, are blocked? Why is it so simple to be shot now?

People don't understand, but at this time, they dare not to provoke hengyanlin. This guy is a monster. If they are provoking, they will be the next guy.

They are not willing to do anything before the people who can deal with Heng Yanlin come out. Moreover, if someone does, they still think that it is better to take the lead.

These cannon fodder can't help Heng Yanlin, so let these guys come. They are powerful and can be on the job.

At this time, it's time for them to do this, with strong strength. If they don't go up at this time, is it difficult to say that they have to wait until the other party will kill all these people?

However, they thought about this idea in their hearts. At this time, the white man on the other side still didn't mean to start. He just looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him, with a look of panic in his eyes.

He doesn't know what his subordinates think. If he knows, he will definitely chop these guys. What's the joke? This guy is already able to kill him. Do you want him to work hard with this guy? When he's stupid?

When the jewel flies over, he will definitely be able to kill him, but his life is only once. It is easy for him to get such a strong power. He only waits for the time, goes out, and then turns over countless people. Then he will be good in the city, natural and unrestrained.

At this time, what's the advantage of going up and fighting? At this moment, I'd better wait. Anyway, the last boss is still behind. I'm just a little head.

On his head, there is a more outgoing role, so he doesn't have to worry about anything. When they come out and kill Heng Yanlin, it should be extremely simple.

Thinking of this, these people's hearts are slightly relieved, and then look at Heng Yanlin in front of them. In their eyes, they directly show a touch of killing intention.

"Boy, it seems that we haven't met each other before, and we don't know each other. You come to us directly and kill people when you see them. What do you mean? Is it interesting to be here and kill them all? "

The big man inside should know what happened outside. At this moment, he can only delay hengyanlin. When the people behind him come out, he can take hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin listened to this and looked at each other. He held the gem in his hand, and then he squeezed it gently. The gem was directly crushed by Heng Yanlin and then scattered in the palm of his hand. Heng Yanlin gently pinched, and then he lifted it out. In an instant, it seemed like a stream of streamers flashed by. It was that countless gemstones that directly shot through those people. Some of them, even though hiding behind some people, were still shot by hengyanlinYes!

That's it. Nearly half of the people have fallen down. There are about 70 or 80 people. Seeing this effect, Heng Yanlin is very satisfied. As long as he is on the top, he will be able to kill all the people here.

In addition, there are more than 200 people who should also be nearby. When the time comes, they will be found out and killed one by one. This is what Heng Yanlin thinks.

But in front of these people, saw Heng Yanlin is actually gently raised his hand, is killed so many people, immediately is involuntarily swallowing saliva, the body is beginning to slowly retreat.

This guy, where on earth is the evil spirit, so here, so rampant? Actually, it is said to kill people. They didn't say anything about it. They just started to do it. They just killed people!

They can also feel that after eating the fruit, their temper is much hotter than before, but now, compared with the guy in front of them, what are they? Nothing!

This guy is just like a beast. It's just for killing people. At this time, the white man was also frightened. Looking at the dense crowd, he thought that when he was taken out, he would be able to sweep the crowd. At this time, he was shot and killed easily by Heng Yanlin. At that time, he was convulsed by the corner of his mouth. He felt that he was in trouble. He survived this time, but only ordinary people were left. Heng Yanlin should choose him next. If he left here, his subordinates would die so many people, and the big man behind him would not let him go.

Think about the consequences of this matter, when the time is estimated to be cramped skin can not!

"You, why, why do you want to kill so many people? We didn't provoke you. At the beginning, you came up, and then you had to kill and scrape. You are too much. Are you Chinese? When are Chinese people so savage? "

The white man took a little breath, and then looked at Heng Yan Lin in front of him and said with gnashing teeth.

At this time, the people on the side are also extremely frightened. Looking at Heng Yanlin in front of him, they step back one after another. Their eyes are four times and start scanning. They are all thinking that the next wave of Heng Yanlin is coming. What can they do to stop Heng Yanlin's shooting.

If there is no defense, they are dead! At this moment, in fact, the situation has completely changed. They are ordinary people, and Heng Yanlin holds the machine gun in his hand.

As long as it is a bad one, hengyanlin will be shooting at it, and then a row of people will die. Clearly, I have reached such a level. I didn't expect that I didn't start to act domineering, but I was threatening again. Compared with the previous time, when I was a special soldier, I had to suppress the feeling of submission!

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