Then Liu he squatted on one side and began to wait. When his family got such a thing, he would immediately react to it, and then began to deal with it. At that time, it was these people who had bad luck.

Thinking of this, he was a little relieved, and then he was waiting. How long will it take for these people to let themselves go.

After all, after seeing the influence of their own family, how can these people leave here directly when they are afraid of it, instead of saying that they are still here and keeping him, it will be a trouble at that time, isn't it?

As for the hengyanlin, that is, when the time comes, we should think of a way to treat each other well.

Liu he thought in his mind that he had been counting the ants. He only felt that the time was really slow. After a few hours, the sound of a car sounded on the side, which made him look up subconsciously.

Then, a scene that made him look pale appeared. In the car, countless familiar people were directly thrown down and landed on the ground.

"Second uncle! Third uncle! Dad

Seeing these, one by one, they are all the pillars of the family. They are all arrested one by one. At the moment, their faces are a little pale, and there are some disordered people on their bodies. Liu He's face, which was originally calm and incomparable, changed instantly.

He just didn't think, how could this thing become like this!

I used to rely on many people, but at this time, it seems that all of them have lost their functions. All of them have been arrested. Is it difficult to say that the influence of their own family, even if they are moved, are not captured by these people?

Thinking of this, he got up quickly and ran to these people. When he ran to the elders of these families, he asked eagerly.

"Dad, why are you arrested? What about the power of our family? What about the relationship? Are you all unused? "

At this time, Liu Hejian's face was full of tension, and his face was full of incredible looks. I just don't know how this happened. His most powerful people were arrested. What happened after that?

Thinking of this, he looked up, that is to see, behind that, there are other people, one by one caught here, and these people are very familiar with him!

When he thought of this, he had the general feeling that the sky collapsed in an instant.

It was originally caught here, and then the people were extremely frightened. After seeing Liu He, they immediately showed a touch of anger and anger in their eyes.

"Brute, you should be better at ordinary times. Don't make trouble everywhere outside, otherwise it will cause big things. Show me what you have done? Return the forces in the family. The family has been harmed by you. All of them have come here! "

"It's just a beast! How did you survive to this day? At the beginning, we had already killed them. What kind of people did this make our family uprooted? "

"The guy who should have been so arrogant outside, even if he killed himself, even implicated us? Who do you think you are? I'll kill you, you fool

The people of the Liu family on the other side were furious when they saw Liu Hejian. Their family, at least, had a little power. So after being arrested, someone took a risk and told them the story.

However, as soon as I heard about myself, it was because Liu he had a crush on a woman outside, so he was all kinds of mania and wanted to kill a person. The result was that after kicking the iron plate, they were instantly ugly and incomparable.

Such a guy is actually the legitimate son of their Liu family. As a result, such a legitimate son directly killed them. How can they not be angry at this time, how can they not want to make this guy live?

At this time, the people were very angry. They directly beat Liu He Jian to the ground. At this time, Liu he was very confused. But then, his face was very ugly.

It's over. His family has been ruined in this way. What about him? Is it not to say that he is going to die, and that there is no salvation?

At the thought of this, he was at a loss. He thought that this was his umbrella. But now, the umbrella is gone. What should we do at this time? He didn't know at all.

"This big brother, it's the little beast who does things by himself. It has nothing to do with us! We are just branches. We haven't dealt with them for a long time. If you want to catch them, it's really not related to us at all. " "Yes, it's a family, but it doesn't mean that we are all together. You see, this guy usually separates from us, that is, funds and other things. We are separated from everything. What this guy committed is true to usIt has nothing to do with it! "

After a moment of anger, the Liu family on the other side finally came back to their senses. Looking at some leisurely officers on the other side, they began to plead with each other. When they spoke, they excluded those people. Listen to this, the clan leaders of the Liu clan on the other side are all ugly. These guys, when they want to pay dividends, their mouths are bigger than anything else. But at this time, they start to avoid the relationship directly? I have never seen such a shameless scene of these guys!

At this time, the rest of the people on the other side said repeatedly that if they didn't, they would have no chance after themselves. This guy, the one who offended, was really terrible.

Let them, who were originally very well connected people, at this time, are completely afraid. Here there are half a sentence of nonsense, and half a sentence of words related to these people.

The officer heard this and looked at them. They were already separated. He shook his head directly. "You are wrong. The person you ask for love is not me. You should know that the person who offended is not me. I just acted according to orders."

Let these people go, but he has no right. He has the right to arrest these people. If they are released, they are looking for death. These people have offended that person, so they are so miserable at present.

But what about him? It seems that he will not offend that person if he releases these people at this time. If he offends that person, it will not be better than him!

Thinking of this, he was looking at these people, his eyes full of pity.

These guys are really a bit unlucky. If they offend anyone, they will offend such a guy. Otherwise, some other people will not ruin their families.

After all, a family member is not so easy to get, but this guy has such strength and power, and can do it. Moreover, these guys are also unlucky and involved.

If it wasn't for the dandy disciples, they would have been extremely moist at this time. "Please, help is to talk to that person. We are all innocent. This guy's business has nothing to do with us. We won't mention what he does. You can help us to talk about it. If it's done, we will not lose you.


"That's right. Please help me. We are really innocent about this matter. I think you also know that this guy's own work has nothing to do with us."

When Liu's family members heard this, they immediately began to speak. When they spoke, they were extremely anxious. They were in the office and were still working well. They were caught here.

If not for some of their people, the relationship is really good, or know, risk to call them, they are afraid at this time, or do not know anything.

Therefore, at this moment, they feel that they are extremely frustrated in their hearts, but they do not know how to say it. They can only look at the officer in front of them and hope that he can say a few words.

On hearing this, the officer looked at these people and felt that these guys were really innocent. In this way, if they were to capture so many people, would they look a little better.

Thinking of this, he also frowned, then thought about it and nodded, "forget it, I'll ask for you, but even if you can let go, your assets will be confiscated."

"It's OK, it's OK. As long as we can calm down that man's anger, we will do anything!"

It's time to sign up. It's still the most important thing to sign up. There is time to pay attention to the external things. These people are elites one by one, and there are so many contacts outside.

Even if there is no such property, there is still a way to earn it back. Therefore, they are a little nervous at this time.

As long as they can get out, that's what they want most.

On hearing this, the officer nodded his head and took a look at these people. After that, he turned around and called Heng Yanlin. When he called Heng Yanlin, he was also a little nervous.

This guy, but compared with him, are more powerful countless times, but, caught so many people, in fact, there is still some influence, in order to avoid too bad influence, he still made such a phone call.

When he finished with the young man, he was relieved. The young man was much better than he had imagined. Fortunately, he felt that he had done a very wrong thing.

"All right, just the generation with the closest relationship with Liu He, and the rest can go."When the officer came back, he looked at the people in front of him and said a word, which made a lot of people very happy. However, some people on the side of Liuhe changed their faces. These people have the best relationship with Liu He, and their blood relationship is excellent. Naturally, they are going to stay. As for what will happen after they stay, they don't know, but they can also guess that there is absolutely no good thing!

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