Heng Yanlin drove his car and directly drove the car to the airport. Seeing this, Jiang Siyu looked at Heng Yanlin strangely. He didn't know what he was driving here for.

"What's the matter? Are you here to meet someone?"

Jiang Siyu looked around and asked Heng Yanlin. She didn't know what Heng Yanlin was doing here, but she thought about it. It seemed that it was a reliable idea to pick up people.

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech and shook his head directly.

"No, I'm going to leave here for a while. You can drive back later."

Heng Yanlin turns his head and looks at Jiang Siyu on one side, and then says a word to her.

Jiang Siyu listened to this, slightly stunned. Then he turned his head and looked at Heng Yanlin, "what's the matter? You're leaving here. Where are you going? What's the matter? "

Jiang Siyu did not know why Heng Yanlin wanted to do this, so he simply asked. On her side, she has just been saved by Heng Yanlin, so at this time, she is facing Heng Yanlin, and she is a bit bored and wants to be with him. So at this moment, listening to Heng Yanlin's words, she is a bit worried. She doesn't know why Heng Yanlin is. At this moment, she wants to leave.

At that time, she was able to feel the benefits brought to her by her abundant mental energy in her mind. At the moment, she was thinking about how to make use of Heng Yanlin when she could teach her how to make full use of her spiritual strength.

But at this time, is to listen to Heng Yan Lin said, he is need to leave for a while, directly is ten thousand don't give up.

Hengyanlin smell speech, looking at Jiang Siyu, he just shakes his head. This guy, what he thinks in his mind is something. How can he think that something happened at this time?

"Don't think about it. I just need to break through. I feel it's time to make a breakthrough. Go to Lingshi mine and break through the realm by the way."

Here, that is, in the spirit stone mine, there are many spiritual powers. If a breakthrough is made, the first choice is that place. For this, Heng Yanlin is very clear.

So at this time, it's better to prepare for the past and let yourself break through the cultivation.

When Jiang Siyu heard the speech, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at Heng Yan Lin in amazement.

"Your accomplishments are so high. At this time, are you about to break through? This is too evil

Jiang Siyu did not expect that Heng Yanlin would break through again at this time. However, she was caught off guard by the time of the breakthrough.

Originally I thought that Heng Yanlin was at this time, that is to say, it would take a long time of cultivation to break through to the present state. But I didn't expect that as soon as he left the pass, Heng Yanlin said he was going to break through?

She didn't even know the specific cultivation of hengyanlin. She only knew that he was extremely powerful. She always felt that Heng Yanlin was not so quick and could break through.

Originally she was thinking, see see when, can catch up with Heng Yan Lin, but now it seems that this idea, is some want more appearance.

Jiang Siyu looked at the Heng Yan Lin in amazement. Heng Yan Lin was a light expression.

He originally had a very strong cultivation, but now it is just that. It takes a long time for him to break through. At that time, it is not certain that he can catch up with Heng Yanlin.

After all, Heng Yanlin himself said that the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it will be and the more time it will take to break through.

But now, looking at Heng Yanlin's appearance, she doesn't know what to say. Originally, she doesn't know how this cultivation is, and now it's about to break through. Does this still make people live?

Thinking of this, Jiang Siyu's eyes are somewhat complicated.

Heng Yan Lin is, still is the expression light appearance, "just a small realm just, break through, also have nothing to show off."

In the past, his accomplishments were very high. But later, if Heng Yanlin's resources were not relatively small, then at this time, Heng Yanlin did not know how many accomplishments he had recovered.

It's just because there are too few resources. Otherwise, his cultivation will recover more quickly. In Jiang Siyu's feeling, there is a terrible recovery speed, but in hengyanlin, it seems that there is a little less pitiful.

"Well, the plane is about to take off. I'll come back to you after I break through."

Heng Yanlin looked at the time and felt that it was almost over. After opening his mouth to Jiang Siyu, he turned his head and walked outside. He was ready to go directly to the airport at this time.When Jiang Siyu heard the speech and looked at the hengyanlin, he just opened his mouth and said, "otherwise, let me go with you. I can protect the Dharma for you when you are in the Olympics?"

Jiang Siyu said, while looking forward to the hengyanlin.

She didn't know what it was like when Heng Yanlin broke through, so she was a little curious. She thought, she would go with Heng Yanlin, and then she would be able to see it.

However, when Heng Yanlin heard this, he waved his hand directly.

"All right, you can go back first. Don't worry about the rest of the things. You should work hard. Otherwise, as a senior sister, you will be surpassed by Liu Xueyan. At that time, you will regret it."

These two guys, in private, have been competing. When the time comes, they will see who will be pulled down first. So at this time, that hengyanlin said this to Jiang Siyu.

With the other party's degree of care for this, it is impossible not to care, can not be not excited.

Sure enough, after Heng Yanlin finished speaking, Jiang Siyu's face changed slightly. After saying something to Heng Yanlin, he quickly got on the bus and left quickly.

Time does not wait for her, if you go back late, it is equal to, late practice, although it is only a little time, do not care about what.

But what if after.

In the past, she has been behind the other party, do not know how much, but now is a little bit, this is a little thing, where can be careless.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin has not entered the airport. Seeing Jiang Siyu at the moment, he is already racing away. He is stunned for a moment, and then he looks at the scene in front of him.

This guy, is it at this time that he attaches such importance to this matter?

I just wanted to leave with myself. At this moment, listening to this, the people who run directly have no shadow, and they haven't sent them to themselves.

Heng Yanlin was helpless about Jiang Siyu's way of doing things, but he didn't say much. After shaking his head, he walked to the airport.

After a series of inspections, Heng Yanlin passed all kinds of security checks, and then came to the plane. After a moment, the plane rose into the air and headed for the destination.

This time the flight, it seems some calm without waves, not like before, like that, but also encountered an accident, in a moment later, the plane is also Huang Han landed, and then parked on one side.

For here, Heng Yanlin is already very familiar with it. He has been here several times before. With his memory, even if he has only been here once, he is already very familiar, let alone have been here so many times. Heng Yanlin, who is very familiar with the road here, came to the taxi place and took a taxi at will. After reporting the destination, he asked the driver to take him there.

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