"That's right. That's the guy. That's him. Before that, he was constantly challenging our forces. He was still saying that he wanted us to look good. Boss, you should teach him a lesson. Otherwise, our signboards will be destroyed in the future."

"That's right. That's the guy. Before that, he was constantly challenging us. Before that time, he said he wanted to send people to come over and clean us up. He was just a villain like guy."

At this time, they had the support of their own people, or from the support of a very powerful big man from the upper class. Looking at Heng Yanlin in front of them, they were constantly laughing.

The other party is looking for death, and they don't have a look. Who's the place here? Look, the people who come here are all their own people. With Heng Yanlin in front of him, how can he fight with them.

They have never called people, but at this time, they are here, but they are extremely powerful. They can imagine how powerful their people are.

"Boss, this is the man. Look, what are you going to do next? Are you going to give it to this guy, or will it be scrapped or what?" The tattoo guy on the side, at this time, looked at Heng Yanlin, was extremely excited, and then repeatedly said, they are excited, this is the first time, can work with such a level of big man, can have a, such an opportunity, is really very good


Later, when you go out and meet your friends, you can show off and talk about this matter.

At this time, they were very excited. They felt that after this experience, they were able to climb up here. If they were appreciated by these big men, it would be better.

At this time, the two people are talking, while looking at their own boss, want to see, these people are ready to fight against this guy, by the way, is to give themselves, long insight and so on.

Just, two people just turned to come over, is a big hand in front of them, directly hit them.


A very strong noise, at this time, is directly resounding, followed by two slaps, printed on the two people's faces.

The strength of the force, directly to the two people, are to fly to the side of the ground, set off a layer of dust up, and then let the two people, are fierce cough up, but the face, extremely intense pain, is let the two people, some confused.

At this time, they did not know what was going on. Why were they their own people? In the past, they still said well, but at this time, they were directly pumping them away?

They are their own people. If they want to fight, they are also fighting hengyanlin. Are these people wrong? What do you have to do to fight them?

Although I don't know what this is and what kind of situation it is, they still dare not scold or denounce at this time.

If in the previous time, usual time, encounter such a thing, they must, at this time, directly scold people, and then after a fierce curse, is to consider, how to return a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

But at the moment, they really dare not have such thoughts and actions. The guys in front of them are just big guys. It is not easy to kill them.

So at this time, they are a little strange, why this thing, is to become like this, but still there is no action, just sit on the ground, want to see, how these people say.

But do not know why, they are at this time, some panic, always some feeling, things are not very good.

In how to say, they are so close to each other, it is impossible to say that what will be wrong? This matter should be impossible.

So they are a little frightened. If they hit the wrong person, it is still the best. If not, it means that they are in some trouble?

Think carefully, the other side is why, want to hit them, is still not enough understanding, not enough understanding?

Two people's hearts, at this time, is a bit of panic, and then there are people on the side, at this time, is also Leng Leng looking at the scene in front of.

The rest of the people who have just come here, when they look at the time before, are very happy to talk with these two people. They should be their own people.

In this case, it should be Heng Yanlin. When he is in trouble, everyone is happy to see the scene in front of him. But at this time, when he sees the change in front of him, he can't turn around.

People of your own, why beat yourself? They don't understand, but this thing, it seems to be more interesting.People are a little scared, thinking about how to look at this matter at the moment, but also think that when the time comes, it is not to burn yourself. At this time, people's eyes are tightly staring at the guys in front of them, who are wearing suits. At this time, they are a little low headed, and then they walk towards the front in horror. Then, the words that are said are cold in the hearts of all people.

"I'm so sorry, boss. We didn't know that it was you who offended these two guys. I'm so sorry."

"Boss, it's just that we were careless. It's my mouth that is cheap. Before that, I didn't understand it. This guy is talking about you. Please forgive us!"

At this time, the people lowered their heads and went to the front of hengyanlin, and then said to hengyanlin. While talking, they were looking at the hengyanlin. They slapped several times in their face and slapped several times in succession.

All the people who saw the strength were shocked. The clear red palm print on their faces made them understand that they did not make a show, nor did they start lightly.

That strength, is to see all people at this time, are stunned, completely did not expect, these ordinary days high guy, in the face of their own hands, is so merciless.

What's more, what I didn't expect was that one day, these guys were so cruel to themselves and could be so cruel to themselves. How fierce should they be when dealing with the rest of the people?

In the hearts of all the people, there was some coldness, but at this time, they did not dare to say anything more, even the voice did not dare to speak out.

Seeing these people, such an ugly moment, I don't know whether the other party will kill people or not?

It's not impossible. These guys on weekdays seem to be the ones who want face most. At this time, they have no face. If they all die, no one will know.

If this is the case, in fact, it has some effect. Thinking about these guys, in the past, they were so cruel. When they treated some people, they did not leave any feelings. They were even more afraid.

I'm afraid that these guys will kill their mouths. At this time, I dare not say a word. I'm afraid that it has attracted the attention of these people. At that time, they will remember themselves and come here to kill people.

At this time, the two people who were beaten up on the other side were even more afraid. They did not expect that they all felt the existence of a big man. At this time, they were so respectful to Heng Yanlin. Who is that guy? Why would he let him? He thinks that he is a big guy. He is so nervous and scared? So you have to slap yourself a few times before you can relax?

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