"We don't have all our things together. Why does he have so many things in there? Yeah? Do you look down on our people? "

The river looked at the waiter in front of him, and said with anger. He just didn't think that the people on his side had already ordered good things, but these people didn't give them all the first, instead, they arranged them to the last.

In this way, they can't bear it. They don't want to see what kind of people they are, these guys, where can they compare with him.

According to the truth, they belong to a group of people who need to arrange their things first. But these people, on the contrary, arrange their things behind them. Naturally, they are very angry.

The waiter looked at the man in front of him, and his face was full of embarrassment. But then, he looked at Heng Yanlin in the distance, and his face flashed a touch of unspeakable meaning.

"He is not an ordinary person. He is the one who our boss said he would like to treat specially. Therefore, it is our responsibility to serve his dishes first and give priority to him."

The waiter at this time, is a light said.

This guy, he is not how to know, but that Heng Yan Lin, he absolutely knows.

Don't look, in the previous time, the man in black is how to say, are completely ordered down, who if slighted Heng Yanlin, then one by one is unable to bear.

Thinking of this, he just can't help shivering. The man in black is also a big man. There is no way to compare with the sea. But who dares to listen to the words of this guy?

So at the moment, for this, completely unknown people, he naturally has no good words.

The rest of the diners on the other side, at this time, are looking at this side, then a frown, and then, is showing a smile of schadenfreude.

They don't know Jiang Jiang, but they still quite agree with what he said. No matter what this guy is doing.

But a reason should be needed. Which of them was not earlier than hengyanlin? But what about the results? This guy's dishes, one by one, are much faster than them, and they go up continuously. After that, they look at each other's dishes. As long as it is the next one, they will top up one. In this state, they are already watching their mouth

corners twitching.

This feeling is like, this hotel is opened for hengyanlin, so at this time, their hearts are already very dissatisfied.

The same people who come here to have dinner are also guests. No matter the identity of the other party is high, they are all here to eat. How can they be faster than them at this time.

This is something that is totally intolerable, so at the moment, they are looking at the guy in front of them, and they are beginning to look directly at the past with the ironic eyes.

They don't care, the other party is what identity, as long as the other party is at this time, someone targeted, then, they will definitely fall into the hole.

This guy, I don't know where he came from, but I don't know his identity. But the people here have different identities.

As long as they are together at that time, the people in this hotel dare not take any measures against them. It is this guy who is powerful and can surpass them?

It's completely impossible.

So at the moment, they started to cheer up and looked at the river, which was to support him. "That is to say, what kind of thing is this guy? Why does he want things? They go up so fast. He is a guest here, so we are not? We are here one by one. How long have we been waiting for the dishes? Have you put us in the eye "How do you treat guests in this hotel? Do you know that I know the sea? Do you know who the sea is? The newest overlord is you, the hotel. He is the last boss. Just you people dare to neglect me.

believe me or not, I will let you all go at that time? "

"Everything comes first, then comes later. He comes so late, and the dishes go up one after another. Don't you see how long we have been waiting for the dishes to come up so late and send the beggars? We don't want to eat, are we? "

At this time, people were also emboldened. In any case, some people took the lead. Naturally, they were not afraid. Looking at that side, Heng Yanlin's table, which was full of food, they all looked at each other and their eyes were about to stare.

Damned guy, after eating so much food, can't he eat too much? I don't want to see. The things they ordered here are just a few.Thinking of this, their eyes are more impatient.

If it goes on like this, who knows how long the other party will eat and how long they will wait? At the thought of it, they just get impatient.

After finishing these words, the river looked at the other party coldly. After hearing the waiter's words, his eyes were fierce. When he wanted to continue to say something, he heard the words from the diner on the other side.

At that time, they turned their heads and looked at these people. At this time, they stood up one by one, and then completely stood up. They were all stunned by the way they spoke for themselves.

He didn't think that his words were recognized by so many people. So many people, one by one, stood on their side. He was very happy to see this. To say that, he was always a bad man before. After seeing him, these people always felt that he was an unforgivable guy. He did some bad things when he was not talking about the rest. At ordinary times, he was also used to being a bad person.

At this time, the words are actually not pleasant. Some people are able to look more elegant than he is. Naturally, we can't tolerate the current situation.

However, as soon as he spoke on this side, he directly let the people on one side start to support him, making him seem to be a man of matchless justice, standing on the side of justice. With this feeling, he is incomparably comfortable. Listening to the people's words on the other side, he has been recognized by so many people. Actually, compared with before, he began to bully people, and then enjoyed them. These people have the awe of their own eyes, but also comfortable appearance


The people on the other side, at this time, are looking at the river. In their eyes, they are full of encouragement. They almost say to him, "hurry up, no matter what you do, we will support you.".

Thinking of this, his confidence is even stronger. No matter who these people are, what kind of people are they? Can you help them when there is a conflict.

But at this time, it's enough to see the other party speak for themselves.

These people will not be able to help at that time. In fact, they have nothing to do, because in fact, he is enough to cope with all this. Otherwise, he will not be so stupid to stand up.

No matter who the other party is, but here, he feels that he is enough to crush each other. After the waiter finished, he also heard the words of the diners on the side and listened to their condemnation. His eyes changed slightly. Then he looked at these people, one by one with the cold eyes and looked at him directly. His heart was also slightly flustered.

These guys, in the past, but did not see what they are like, how is it at this time, one by one is negotiated, began to coax, as if to get things out in general?

The waiter was a little flustered in his heart, but it was just for a while. These guys, even if they want to make trouble, also want to see where it is.

Where does it mean that the other party wants to do something, that is, it can do it? Don't you look at the sea of their home, is it for nothing?

On the other side said, and the sea to know the words, he just smile. Usually, do not know how many people, are at this time, said that he is with the sea.

These guys, don't they know, they know that the sea is the boss behind them? Do you really think that they don't know, so that they can be scared and believe their words?

If the other party really knows the sea and has a very close relationship with the sea, he will say hello directly when he comes, and then he will talk to the hotel. At that time, they will know that there is such a person who will come and their hotel will treat each other well in advance. That is not to say, at that time, they will be in a hurry and treat bad people. At that time, not only will they have bad luck, but also the image of the hotel will be destroyed. Knowing this rule, he is listening to the other party saying that they have a very deep relationship with the sea, but some of them want to laugh. If they really know each other, they will know each other, OK?

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