"All right, take him and kill the rest."

At this time, the river shook his head, and then said a word. The rest of the people on the side, listening to this, also nodded. Then he showed a smile and walked towards hengyanlin.

The boss on his side has also opened his mouth to speak. Naturally, they are only obedient.

However, when these people were walking towards hengyanlin, they were not close to hengyanlin. The diameter was flicked by hengyanlin, and then they flew out abruptly.

At this time, all of them were stunned for a moment. Then they looked up and looked back at Heng Yanlin. His mouth was suddenly widened.

What happened just now? They did not notice at all, but this is not the most critical thing. The most important thing is, how dare this guy directly resist them at this time?

I didn't see it. They all controlled this place at this time, and they were still here. They actually started at their people. When they saw this, their faces even flickered with inexplicable looks.

"This guy, how dare you be

When Jiang song heard what was happening here, he turned his head and saw that the people on his side were directly beaten away and his mouth was widened. Then he took a look at Heng Yanlin. In his eyes, there was a strong look of astonishment.

Like these people think, he did not think that this guy, at this time, dare to start like this.

"You're a real jerk. I admire you very much. It's a pity that you're not my person. Otherwise, I'll give you a good position for your role."

The rest is not to say, the other side is not even life, such an attitude, if you can keep it, when there is something that needs to be dealt with, directly call this guy out, then at that time, it is absolutely able to handle a thing.

After all, sometimes, encounter some things, is the need for such a person, is able to complete.

However, it's a pity that this guy, who is not one of them, will come here, in fact, it is useless.

Think of here, these people are at this time, looked at Heng Yan Lin, "forget it, this guy also don't know what is going on, have a little strength, with a gun shot through his limbs, take away in saying."

If it's so powerful, I'll shoot through my limbs and take it away. Anyway, it's just to take it away. It's not necessary to be intact.

When the river thought of this, he also waved his hand and said a word. The people on the other side looked at each other and nodded slightly. Then he pointed the gun in his hand to Heng Yanlin in front of him, that is to buckle the gun in his hand and shoot him directly.

However, just as they were snapping their fingers, they found that there was no movement in their hands and how they moved. At this time, several people on the other side were stunned.

"What's the matter? You didn't let you do it?"

The river is always waiting, Heng Yanlin was beaten through the limbs, that sent out the scream, but it is slow to see, his hands, immediately some strange inquiry.

When they can't use it, they can't use it

Heng Yanlin looked at the guy in front of him and said with great pity. This guy, at this time, did not understand what kind of guy he was facing.

The river listened to Heng Yanlin's words, but he didn't care. He was joking. Although the channel they bought was a bit black, every time, it was extremely positive.

What's more, the most important thing is that these things have been used before, that is, they are afraid that at that time, there will be some accidents, and then they can not be used.

Once they want to use this thing, it represents the moment of life and death. Therefore, they have tested this thing very many times, and it is absolutely easy to use. How could it not be used?

Even if it can't be used, how does the guy on the side know? It's just a joke.

"What are your situations?"

For Heng Yanlin's words, he didn't believe it, so at the moment, looking at the rest of the side, he just opened his mouth and asked, "guns can't be yo, isn't this a joke?".

As he spoke, he reached out his hand, ready to take the gun from these people's hands and try it on his own.

"Jiang Shao, this thing seems to be out of order. It really can't be used."

Several people on the other side also responded with some ugly faces. The hengyanlin didn't lie or say anything wrong. This thing can't be used.Listening to this, the river looked at them suspiciously. After one of the results of the gun, he looked at Heng Yanlin on the other side. He didn't want to think about it. He shot Heng Yanlin directly.

"Carb ~ ~"

it's just that the sound of gunfire that should have been banging didn't come out, and some of it was just the clattering sound, as if there were no bullets in the gun.

The river at this time, the rest is stunned, this gun, is really not able to use?

His eyes, is to look at the rest of the people, there is no want to try, he has tried a, is not able to use, then that is to say, the rest of the people are not cheating him.

It's just strange that so many guns can't be used together.

"Come on, you guys, shoot him through the limbs."

Although these guns could not be used together, it was a little strange, but it was just a little strange. Thinking of this, he just looked at the rest of the people and waved to let the rest of them give Heng Yanlin some fun.

The rest of the people smell speech, do not want to, raise their hands, ready to give hengyanlin a few shots.

They are all practicing guns for a long time, just a aiming hand, is able to understand, whether they can hit Heng Yanlin.

However, when they button their fingers, the same sound came from the gun, which made them stupefied for a moment, and then their face was extremely ugly.

Some people unloaded their clips and put them on again. After that, they tried again and again at Heng Yanlin. Even if they shot again and again, they just let them use their guns, but they had no effect at all.

At this time, people suddenly changed their faces and began to get flustered. There was something wrong with this matter. The guns of those guys had no effect at all.

What about their guns? It's also the same thing. This thing is a little weird. How could it be that their guns had an accident together?

Thinking of this, they just look at these people in front of them, and they make eye contact to let the rest of them try to see if their guns can be used.

When the rest of the people saw this, they began to experiment in an instant, but after a while, these faces became ugly.

Because in their hands, the gun is completely in the state of being unable to use. After feeling this, their faces will naturally not look good. The rest of the people, at this time, also reacted to it, and then some of them became vigilant. Damn it, they had not checked their guns before, and there was no problem with their guns. How could they get here, all of them have problems?

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