At this time, Heng Yanlin was also a little bit aroused by curiosity, but he didn't expect that there was such a place here. He had to register his identity to be able to eat.

In this way, the other side of this thing, it is estimated that is very unusual, think of here, Heng Yan Lin is a smile, in the heart is some expectation.

That morning rain is at this time, a smile on his face looked at the Heng Yan Lin.

"Don't worry. Things here will never let you down. If you come out, you will not be treated badly."

She has been thinking about this thing for a long time, but she has no time. In addition, the people in her studio are not very reliable. Otherwise, at this time, she just doesn't need to find such a person to come here.

It was at this time that the morning rain gave a sigh of relief, and then called the waiter. The dish took a while. Yes, it was confirmed that she wanted to eat some other food before she could come up.

She had not eaten before, but at this time, she was already a little hungry, so at this time, she had to eat first, and the food here was very good.

For this, Heng Yanlin is no opinion, the chef, is also very fast, will be the thing is done, and then is brought up.

After a while, they took them down. At this time, the waiters before them came up with a smile on their faces.

"Hello, there is no problem with your ID card. Can you order this dish? Is it ready for you now?"

The waiter looked at Heng Yan Lin respectfully. Before that time, they checked the Heng Yan Lin. the information they checked was not much, but they found out some about the other party's assets.

Under such circumstances, Heng Yanlin is absolutely qualified to sit here and eat this food. In particular, rich people like Heng Yanlin have been extremely welcomed by them.

The waiter is to know the details of hengyanlin, naturally is to hengyanlin extremely respectful up, such a person, is not he can offend.

Heng Yanlin at this time, is listening to the other party's words, and then gently nodded, indicating that the other party can go busy, as soon as possible, the dish is ready, get up.

That side of the morning rain, at this time, is a slight frown, and then looked at the hengyanlin, do not know why, at the moment, she seems to feel, the other side is looking at the hengyanlin, seems to be some respectful appearance.

It's not likely to look like this? In the past, the people who came with her were quite rich, but even so, they didn't see what the other party was like to that person.

How is this time, see that Heng Yan Lin, is respectful? That morning rain is to think, is to think, about their own think too much, and then ignore this, is directly bow to eat up, in front of their own dishes.

At this time, Heng Yanlin began to eat.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Chenyu slightly filled his stomach, but he was not eating any more. Instead, he was eating constantly, as if he had been hungry for a long time. The morning rain was surprised and looked at the hengyanlin. What's the matter with this guy? He really doesn't care about her. Although Heng Yanlin is a boy, he will be restrained in front of a woman. However, in hengyanlin's case, this sentence does not exist in general.

In this case, let her is for the hengyanlin in front of her, but also helpless very much, but looking at the other side is eating so fragrant, there is nothing to say.

"By the way, what do you do? You don't seem to belong to any ordinary family, do you?"

Although Heng Yanlin can eat very well, there is still some elegance in his behavior. From that point of view, it is known that some habits can be developed only after some training.

And the most important thing is that Heng Yanlin's body and her dress are quite unusual. Under such circumstances, she feels that Heng Yanlin is able to rain shoes, which is unusual and normal.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, chopsticks is slightly a meal, and then said, "I, I did not do anything, equivalent to so mixed eat and die."

Heng Yanlin said softly, except for the latter, it is false to eat and wait for death, but the words in front of him are true. Now he has done nothing and doesn't need to do anything.

Anyway, the money in the card is enough for him. If he has no money, he should go abroad to have a look. If he is short of money, isn't all the money in foreign countries?

Think of here, hengyanlin is slightly a hook of the mouth, with the strength, but he will not, in the money such things worry.The morning rain didn't think of it. Just listening to Heng Yanlin's reply, he immediately flashed a sudden color in his eyes. In her opinion, Heng Yanlin's answer is like this, probably because the other party is the second generation of a rich family. If not, how could Heng Yanlin return such money without doing anything and have a very valuable clothing? After that, when Heng Yanlin had a meal, her manners were somewhat elegant, and she thought that she had been trained. Under such circumstances, she naturally felt that hengyanlin had a very deep family. Heng Yanlin's answer also made her feel that she had not guessed wrong

in general.

In this way, the other party is not surprised to see herself, nor does she appear to be obsessed with her appearance, which is understandable.

After all, the second generation like this almost has no shortage of women. In such a case, the other party is not surprised at her appearance, which can be explained.

Although she is very beautiful, but for some second generation, also has seen some stars, and is with some female stars, has the different relations, is also very many.

In such a case, she did not know how much she knew in the circle. Under such circumstances, she took a look at Heng Yanlin, holding a finger probe, and then quietly looked at the hengyanlin. It seemed that she wanted to see something from Heng Yanlin's behavior. However, no matter what she looked at, she felt that there was a layer of fog on Heng Yanlin, which covered him with a layer of fog. He was totally unable to see through. When he thought of this, the morning rain was slightly stunned, and her heart was a little strange. What's the matter? After spending a long time in the entertainment circle, she has also developed a whole set of skills and can make some people better You can see it in a few eyes.

But in the face of hengyanlin in front of her, she felt that she could not see through. She didn't know why. At the thought of this, her brow was slightly wrinkled, but after thinking about it, she still gave up and continued to look at hengyanlin's meaning.

Since you can't see through it, you don't need to go on. For Heng Yanlin, it's just a chance encounter. You don't need to know so much. Perhaps, in the future, they will not have any intersection, is not necessarily.

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