"Are you going to die if you say it or not?"

That morning rain is following Heng Yan Lin behind, looking at the Heng Yan Lin, is at this time, or leisurely appearance, immediately is incomparably angry to say.

It's all like this. What can we do? If at this time, still hanging his appetite?

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the morning rain, is shaking his head, this matter, how to say to the other party, said, the other party will not believe, then is to ask people to check.

Once it's found out, it will be fatal.

In fact, it can't be said that it's fatal. In fact, it's the other party. After knowing this situation, he must be curious. What's going on? That's why it's like this. So it's facing Heng Yanlin, and he's going to keep questioning him.

Then he asked, how did Heng Yanlin do it? He just kept asking until now. God knows that the other party knows the situation, and he will ask how he looks.

Thinking of hengyanlin here, naturally will not say anything more.

The other party may know what happened to these people at that time, but at that time, Heng Yanlin was no longer here. The other party wanted to continue to ask questions, and there was no way to do it.

Looking at Heng Yan Lin is to this time, or do not want to say the appearance, that morning rain is a burst of helplessness, after a look at the Heng Yan Lin, is not asking.

The other party has already shown, such appearance, she is aware that she is questioning, and there is no point in the meaning, so after thinking about it, she is not talking.

"Let's go. I used to eat something. I haven't eaten it yet." After eating half of the food, someone came out and began to yell with himself. Hengyanlin didn't eat any food. He was a bit agitated. Seeing that there was something to eat on the roadside, Heng Yanlin got a little bit of interest, and then he went to find the roadside.

The roadside sales, or some barbecue or something, Heng Yanlin directly sat down and was not polite. He ordered a pile of things directly. The boss looked at Heng Yanlin with astonishment.

Have you finished ordering so many things?

However, if you look at Heng Yanlin's temperament and the clothes, I don't think they will order any more. The boss, who doesn't pay at that time, is full of words and doesn't say anything at this time. Instead, he starts to make a barbecue instead of Heng Yanlin.

The morning rain on that side, at this time, took a look at the surrounding environment, looked at the hengyanlin, and then bit his lips, or followed him and sat down beside him.

"I thought people like you wouldn't be here to eat such things."

That morning rain is looking at the Heng Yan Lin, in a look at the surrounding environment, is some curious mouth said.

Before that, she didn't want to sit here. After all, she had never eaten anything here.

In fact, her families are all very good, but it is because Heng Yanlin in front of her is actually sitting here. Otherwise, she would not come here to eat.

Normally speaking, people like Heng Yanlin should be rich and powerful. They should not eat here. How could Heng Yanlin sit down here?

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Gu Wenyun to sit down and eat.

Heng Yanlin listened to this, took a look at the morning rain, and nodded involuntarily. In fact, the other side was sitting here, still a little out of place.

The main reason is that there are street stalls. The morning rain is a little too beautiful, so at this time, it is here, and it is a bit out of place.

Knowing that Chenyu asked this, he didn't mean anything else. Heng Yanlin didn't mean to be angry. He just looked around and said.

"I was not brought up in a wealthy family. I have eaten a lot of food in such a place."

Hengyanlin is open to say a word, that boss at this time, also has baked some things, then is to take up, and then put in front of that hengyanlin.

At this time, the boss noticed the morning rain and saw each other's face. The boss was stunned for a moment. In his eyes, there was a flash of amazement.

However, the street light is still a little dim, so the boss, at this time, did not recognize each other, just felt that the other side was really beautiful.

However, looking at each other's clothes, as well as that Heng Yanlin, the boss is also very discerning. He turns his head and leaves directly. He knows that the two people in front of him are not what he can think about.

It's estimated that these two people have very unusual identities. There are more people to see. So if you just look at the two people in front of you, you can guess that these two people are somewhat different.That morning rain at this time, is listening to Heng Yanlin's words, some surprised to see that Heng Yan Lin.

Look at each other's appearance, the influence is more powerful than Gu Wenyun. As a result, he grew up from an ordinary family. In this case, Heng Yanlin is too powerful, right?

She all thought that Heng Yanlin was absolutely different in identity, and would have this situation at present.

But now it seems that it is not so general at all. Heng Yanlin gives her the feeling that all these things are his own, struggling to come back.

If so, then at present this Heng Yan Lin, is really too powerful.

That morning rain is thinking of here, looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, is to start flashing, but hengyanlin is not aware of this, just lightly sniff the barbecue, is satisfied with the nod.

Some things on the street actually taste very good.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin picked up a string of barbecue and began to bite, that is to eat. The morning rain on the other side also showed a smile.

"I didn't expect that you were like this since you were a child. I thought that you, like them, are also a person relying on your parents behind your back."

In such a young age, it is impossible to have such power without parents.

As for this time, it is impossible for him to rely on his parents, because in the past, Heng Yanlin was out of his feet, which can already show how powerful Heng Yanlin is.

What's more, in the past, Heng Yanlin's parents did nothing, but after that, some changes were made. In fact, it was impossible.

After all, sometimes things, from the previous time, just start to freeze down, that is, young Heng Yanlin, there are some possibilities, can change some things.

Heng Yanlin listened to the other party's words, and did not want to respond to anything, because he did want to say the same, his everything, can be his own fight.

After coming here, he has always been helpless, relying on his own.

"Do you want to eat something? The food here is quite delicious."

Heng Yanlin took a look at the morning rain and felt that her words were too much. He immediately picked up a string of barbecue and handed it to the Chenyu. He said something directly.

Seeing this, the morning rain took a look at Heng Yanlin without much hesitation. She took it over and began to eat. She didn't want to let Heng Yanlin think that she despised these things, so she didn't want to eat them.

As soon as the morning rain began to eat, she had no words. I think she was taught by someone since she was a child that she could not speak when she was eating. Therefore, at this moment, she could see the morning rain completely, just ate something and then she did not speak. Seeing this, hengyanlin was relieved. Finally, he felt that his ears were relaxed. In other words, the morning rain did not know what Heng Yanlin thought, or if he knew it, he would be breathed to death.

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