Sure enough, after his words fell, the face of Heng Yan Lin became a little cold.

"OK, then I'll wait here and see what your people can do to me. If you don't want to die by yourself, you have to find your friends to come and die together. What you say will help you."

At this time, Heng Yanlin is looking at the guy in front of him, and then he opens his mouth and says, "this guy, here, is really coming to look for death.".

Heng Yanlin saw it at this time, so he didn't mind. He helped the other party directly.

As for the other side's encouragement, this is actually no effect at all for hengyanlin. If it works, Heng Yanlin will not be polite to them.

They were really stimulated by the method of encouragement. It is estimated that at this time, these guys were killed directly by Heng Yanlin.

You know, angry Heng Yanlin, harmony guy, originally there is some time, but at this time, they are a bit of time, is not left.

People are at this time, looking at the Heng Yan Lin, then see, the other side is agreed to come down, some people can not help shaking their heads.

"Well, it's really naive. It's really naive. It's strange that this guy will not die in such a naive situation." "That is to say, if these people come directly with sharp weapons, they are afraid that they can't get close to him? One of them pounced on him, and then saved the guy. If the rest of them took the next cold knife, the other party would surely die. Just look at him. There is no tool in his hand. It's strange that he will not die when

, but those people have killed people. "

Seeing that Heng Yanlin, at this time, it was under the other party's provocation that he should come down directly. The audience on the side were somewhat speechless.

How naive this is to stimulate each other.

If a normal person, is to know, yes, is to bring people, say what also want to run again.

The other side said you can't run away, can't you? If you take a bus directly, the other party can know where you are going? Is it difficult for the other party to mobilize and monitor something?

Even if so, you don't know where you've been.

Think of here, people look at the Heng Yan Lin, but also more speechless, what the other side is saying, you believe what, there is nothing, more stupid than this.

Think of here, they are looking at the Heng Yan Lin, is some pity up.

At present, the other party has decided to stay. It is estimated that he will not have much time at that time. This is predestined. It is about the other party who belongs to martial arts training, so he has no brain.

All the things are trained to the brain, thinking that they have a pair of fists, that is, they can be invincible.

In such a case, in front of the Heng Yan Lin, is simply a most true portrayal, that side of the woman, looks not stupid, but also stupid can.

That Heng Yan Lin was stimulated, but you did not, you at this time, unexpectedly still do not persuade that Heng Yan Lin?

You know, when he's dead, you can't be better than you. These guys are always thinking about how to take off her clothes.

At the end of the day, he started to do what he wanted. Under such circumstances, the other party was not worried at all. He didn't know. He tried to dissuade Heng Yanlin and pulled him to leave here quickly.

You know, if you have his persuasion, these people can't stop Heng Yanlin. They can run away.

However, now that she doesn't say anything, the situation is becoming dangerous. It seems that only they know this thing.

However, they do know, but they will not say. Once they do, they will offend these people. If they offend these people, they will not want to die at that time?

These people, minutes, is able to kill their existence, where do they dare to offend them?

Thinking of this, they looked at each other, that is, each other, directly holding those benches, have retreated far away.

If they want to leave, they are still reluctant to give up, but if they are closer, it is estimated that they will be affected.

So it's better to think about it or to step back. When you want to come, there won't be anything about them. Well, everything is OK. At this time, people began to look at the scene in front of them, and at the end, they were also worried. They only hoped that the other party was coming, not too many. If there were too many people, they would still be dangerous. They should be ready to run away at any timeThat's what we can do. At this time, people are looking at Heng Yanlin in front of them. At this time, they are still looking at the scene in front of them. It seems that they are very comfortable. The women on the other side are not afraid at all. They also follow and sit on the side. In this case,

it seems that the momentum is enough.

It is just that when we hope that they will be able to meet the danger, or can be so calm.

"Well, did the brothers bring any of them?"

That side of the big man, at the moment is feeling, his body, is some soft feeling, not a bit of strength, looking at the other side of the people, is also powerless to say a word.

In the previous time, I do not know why, was that Heng Yan Lin came for such a while, he is able to feel that his whole body, as if there is no strength in general.

In this case, they are still able to make them confused. They have no sense of why they are in such a situation. They just belong to this side and feel sick.

It's about one of the other's feet. At the beginning, it hurt myself, so I had this feeling.

It's a damn guy. When it comes to the time, it's necessary to go to the hospital to have a check-up. Otherwise, I don't know where the injury is.

He has been in this business for a long time, and he has also seen some things, such as some people, in the past, they will have conflicts with some people, and then there will be fights.

Sometimes, a bad, in fact, has been injured in the body, the result is that they do not know, and then back not long, is a sudden death.

In fact, there are many such things. Now, he is feeling that his physical condition is a little worried.

I'm afraid that when I get there, I don't know what's going on, and then I'm living. I'm directly dead. It's too oppressive to die like this.

That Heng Yan Lin, just at that time, the ruthlessness of the attack, is also incomparably insidious, it is estimated that he is indeed, some injuries in the body is.

Thinking of this, he also took a deep breath and looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him. His eyes also became a little chilly. If something happened to him, the whole family of this European guy would be buried together.

Heng Yanlin doesn't know. If he knows what he thinks in his heart, he will probably sneer and let the other party not go to the hospital. It's just a waste of time.

As for this guy, his time is not much. If he has such a little time, he should go back directly and prepare for the aftercare. At this time, he should also think about whether to go to the hospital for examination? For those hospitals, if they can check out something, Heng Yanlin's means are not to come out that way. It would be disgraceful.

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