With such an idea, they are looking at the other people on that side with disdain in their eyes. After a glance, they take back their eyes, and then look at Heng Yanlin in front of them. They move their weapons.

Their own people, that is to say, this guy is a little fierce, then they are also a little more careful.

It's not that hengyanlin is so powerful, but it's just that if in case, it's hengyanlin who comes up and down a few times, and then he's beaten down, it's a shame.

There are so many people here, but in the future, they will all meet together, and they are all from the same place. At that time, they will be publicized by the other party, but it is a bit humiliating.

When they think of this, they naturally feel that they need to be careful of something to be better.

"Be careful, but don't let anything happen." The morning rain saw these people and came directly to his side. He was nervous and looked at Heng Yanlin. Seeing that he was at this time, he still had a light expression. He didn't even put these people in his eyes. He immediately gave a quick warning to Heng Yanlin.

No matter how she said, she was still worried. If something happened to hengyanlin, it would be a little bad.

At that time, not only hengyanlin is going to die here, but also themselves. So he thinks about it. He still feels that hengyanlin is more careful. As long as hengyanlin has nothing to do, she will not have anything.

Hengyanlin at this time, listening to the words of the morning rain, just looked at each other, and then nodded.

"You don't have to worry about anything. It's just a few guys who come here to look for death. I can kill such people by directly dividing minutes."

At this time, Heng Yanlin doesn't care about these guys at all. However, he is looking for people. He wants to kill each other. In fact, it is not simple.

Let the morning rain is a little far away from himself, Heng Yanlin this is looking at these guys in front of him, a hook of his mouth, "come on, see if you can block me for a while?"

These guys, one by one, look rather fierce, and one by one they are quite strong. Therefore, Heng Yanlin is a little curious. After he goes down one foot, how many of these people can stand.

If these people are able to stand a few, their own estimate is to be able to kick some of the force, but also be able to devote some.

What do you think? Heng Yanlin still hopes that these people should let themselves down too much. So after thinking about it, Heng Yanlin looks at these people in front of him, and his expression also becomes a little excited.

In the heart is some uncomfortable situation, is will these people, as is the human flesh sandbag what, in fact is the best but.

Hengyanlin at this time, is to see these people, and then waved his hand, completely is a pair of, you quickly up the meaning, in there.

People are looking at the gesture of Heng Yanlin, immediately their faces sink, and then after a look at each other, they all see each other's eyes, that touch of extremely angry eyes, is contained in it.

"Do you really think that all of us are worse than those guys? So let you, at this time, dare to challenge us like this? "

I have never seen anyone who is more arrogant than Heng Yanlin. On their own side, if they don't give each other a profound lesson, they all feel that they are guilty.

I don't know how such a guy can live for such a long time. It's really a miracle. When they think of it, they look at Heng Yanlin, and the corners of his mouth become ferocious.

However, looking at these people's expressions, Heng Yanlin's face did not change a bit. At this time, those big men couldn't help it. After shouting directly, they rushed to Heng Yanlin.

At this time, some people also went around to one side, preparing to give Heng Yanlin a very sinister sneak attack.

It's so powerful. If you give it to the other party, you will be able to put hengyanlin down. At that time, have a look at this hengyanlin. How can we do then?

Think of here, some people's hands, but also exposed a cold light flashing ice blade out.

Before that time, the guy called for help. They all thought that something was going on here, so they came here with sharp weapons one by one.

Originally, only Heng Yanlin was alone. They all felt that some of them were overqualified and some were cheated.

But at this time, seeing hengyanlin in front of them, they feel that they are a little bit like thinking more.In the current situation, it is clear that we can feel, not feel, but something that can be used. Fortunately, at that time, I took it with me.

A group of people, as if they were wolves, rushed directly over. If they looked at it from a distance, it was about the next second. Heng Yanlin was going to have a bad day.

However, at this time, they are able to see that these people are at this time, directly one by one, starting to fly upside down.

But before the inverted flight, what happened there, they couldn't see at all. In this case, they saw them one by one. They all opened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them in great shock.

What's the situation? At the beginning, it seems that something happened. How could these people start to fly upside down?

The most exaggerated thing is, in fact, before that, I don't know why. The last second, these people just flew up, and the rest of the people around him also took off.

In this case, it's as if these people were driven to fly by something inexplicable at the same time, and then began to fly upside down.

If you really want to say, actually it should be that hengyanlin did it by himself, but they just don't know how the hengyanlin did it. Under such circumstances, they are really a little curious.

Maybe it's because the sky is a little dim, so you can't see it. But, that guy is so powerful that he can get all these people up.

"Bang bang bang!"

A group of people think that the group of people kicked up at this time is good, as if the heavenly maids scatter flowers. They directly fall to the ground. Then, they can hear the low groans of these people.

These guys, in fact, don't want to cry out loud. It's really because they were kicked out just now. They were all out of breath. Under such circumstances, how can they shout out loud.

Can only be at this time, is looking at these people in front of them, began to make, oneself is able to send out the voice.

At this time, Heng Yanlin took a look at these people, then turned his head. After looking around, he saw some people who were ready to rush directly at themselves, but they all began to shrink back.

These people, before, were also ready to rush over, but where is the desire, originally is the affectionate, full of their brothers' back.

However, it was at this time that all these people in front of them suddenly felt empty. Then they saw that their brothers, one by one, were kicked to fly away. In this case, they were surprised to see them one by one.

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