"I don't have anything to impress you. There's only one. I think you can save them."

That morning rain is one side said, one side is to make their own incomparable Jingguang, and then looking at the Heng Yan Lin, is to show a smile out, said a word.

Words are incomparably straightforward, there is no cover up and so on, but Heng Yanlin after reading, is looking at the morning rain incomparably delicate face.

"I am a little strange, they are with you, it seems that is not very good, you are so for them, what are you doing?"

This matter, the root is that you don't have to think about it. Heng Yanlin can know it. So at the moment, Heng Yanlin is a little strange. The other party is sacrificing what he is doing.

Although he had heard something before, he didn't listen much. Heng Yanlin was lazy to listen to so many things.

That morning rain smell speech, looked at the Heng Yan Lin, in the eyes, flashed a touch of sadness.

"This is the only chance for me to get away from them. Otherwise, I would not have any freedom in my whole life."

Think in the past, she has become a very popular position, but how can that be?

In how, at that time, the other party is what she wants, she can only be like this, a little disobedience, is not the kind.

So at the moment, she is looking at the hengyanlin, and then slowly taking a breath, the eyes are incomparably firm, and then looking at the hengyanlin.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the morning rain, then shook his head, "you did not think, if you are now like this, then it will not be the same, it will become my person, and then also the same will not have freedom?"

This is not really the same, it is just this person, is replaced by him.

At present, Heng Yanlin, looking at the morning rain, is beginning to shake his head continuously. He doesn't understand each other's words and behaviors.

The morning rain listened to Heng Yanlin's words, immediately a faint smile, and then repeatedly shook his head.

"No, you are not the same. With your ability, you just don't need to restrict me like that. Besides, for you, or it's just that you don't pay attention to me at all. Unlike other people, at this time, they want to control me firmly."

That morning rain at this time, is incomparably bright eyes, looking at the Hengyan forest.

Others, she is not very clear, but in front of this hengyanlin, she is incomparably clear, in fact, at this time, he is able to understand what kind of situation Heng Yanlin is at this time.

After the matter, she is not very clear, but, no matter how, as long as it is now, that is this time, she knows that Heng Yanlin will not limit her too much.

As long as Heng Yanlin is able to save those people at this time, she will be able to restore her freedom. However, with his ability, she just doesn't believe that there is no other woman on the other side.

In such a case, the other party's heart can not always be placed here with her. In addition, it is estimated that the other party is not very much himself, but what he will be like at that time.

Therefore, she thought about it and felt that she was beside Heng Yanlin. In fact, it would be much better. In addition, she felt that Heng Yanlin was a good person.

Heng Yanlin listened to each other's words, his mouth was slightly open, and then he took a look at the morning rain. Seeing that the other side was holding the last trace of restraint, they were all untied, and immediately his mouth was slightly open.

But then, Heng Yan Lin's mouth, also emerged a touch of drama to the color.

Heng Yanlin's hands stretched out, that is to pull the other party into the arms, that morning rain is at this time, exclaimed, followed by a piece of delicate red face, after that, is the skin, emerged a touch of red, some trembling, lying in the arms of hengyanlin.

At this time, Heng Yan Lin took a look at the morning rain, and the color of his mouth was beginning to deepen.

"Why, aren't you ready?"

Heng Yanlin said, while holding out his hand, he pinched a few times on the extremely white soft meat and said a word.

The morning rain was so sudden, and immediately it was a low voice and a low cry. It started to tremble all over the body. In Heng Yanlin's arms, she began to wriggle restlessly.

"You, don't do this..."

the morning rain was his face, and he was blushing with shame. His body was full of pink light. At this time, Heng Yanlin picked up the morning rain and walked directly to that side.

He is not a gentleman. At present, people are like this. He is directly sent to his arms. If Heng Yanlin doesn't do anything at this time, it's insulting his ability.The morning rain was directly held up by Heng Yan Lin, who was immediately like a quail, and was directly shrunk in Heng Yan Lin's arms.

The next day, the morning rain is from the bed, slowly wake up, subconsciously is to reach out a touch, but this wipe, is directly lost, in her side, it is empty, no one at her side.

In this case, the morning rain is at this time, directly face a change, do not care that he is still naked, is directly out of bed, barefoot in the room, began to look for the Hengyan forest.

Just in, this circle strolls down, is a person's shadow also did not see, that morning rain is at this time, facial expression is incomparably lost, and then unable to sit on that bed.

"Is this?"

The morning rain was a little apathetic. When sitting by the bed, it was just a glance out of the corner of his eye. He saw that beside her, there was a note that was put aside.

That morning rain is to see this, hurry is to take over, and then is to see after a look, immediately is that facial expression, is to become, incomparable surprise.

After reading the note, she quickly took out a piece of stone from one side. On the stone, it was crystal clear, but on the top, there was a glimmer of light, which began to twinkle.

After seeing the stone, the face of the morning rain became more and more happy.

According to Heng Yanlin, this stone is something that can save those people after that. As long as the stone is ground into powder and then mixed with soup for them to drink, it is OK.

As for the later, after they drink, what kind of things will happen, that is, there is no relationship with her.

Anyway, hengyanlin said so. It's impossible to think of it. It's the one who will cheat them. After all, if we were to deceive them, we would not have left this thing before. With Heng Yanlin's strength, we didn't need to do so at all. To do this, it was totally a disgrace. To think of it, Heng Yanlin could not have done something like this.

That morning rain is at this time, take out his mobile phone, and then will be the number on the note, is to write down, in the following, is incomparable joy looking at a scene. Heng Yanlin said that the number was his. He had something to do, so he left first. If there was anything in the future, he could call him. After that, there was no other words. But for her, with this content, it was more important than other things. When he thought of this, his mouth was full After that, he took a look at the bed on the other side, and saw the red one. His face was more joyful.

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