"What did you punish those people for?"

Shanhaizhen and hengyanlin went out together. After going out, shanhaizhen looked at hengyanlin curiously and then asked.

With shanhaizhen's ability, at this time, it is natural that we can't see what Heng Yanlin has done.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the other side after one eye is gently said.

"It's nothing. It's just that the accomplishments of these people are abolished."

Is relying on, oneself is so little strength, all kinds of evil feelings.

Hengyanlin is feeling, some disgust, so it is at this time, diameter is, these people are abandoned.

Otherwise, looking at these people, Heng Yanlin feels a little uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, we should discard all the accomplishments of these people, so that they can't bully others. In this case, I'm satisfied.

That Shan Haizhen listened to this, took a look at Heng Yan Lin, then turned around and took a look at the hotel behind him, then shook his head.

These people, in the previous time, clear or happy, Heng Yan Lin is let them go once, they are able to survive.

However, after that, I found that my cultivation was abolished. I guess this thought has become extremely ugly.

After all, no matter how it is said, for a warrior, it is now a common person. No one can accept it again.

So at the moment, their mood, it is estimated, has become extremely bad, the gap, not for a while and a half, is acceptable.

That Shan Haizhen is to think of here, that is lazy to pay attention to the people behind.

Anyway, these guys, in fact, deserve it. For such guys, she doesn't have any feeling. She can sympathize with these people.

Shanhaizhen is thinking of this, is holding Heng Yanlin's hand, toward the outside.

For a while, there was no other place to go, so I thought about it.

She is hit this time, pull Heng Yan Lin, came to the seaside, began to blow up the cold wind.

At this time, the weather has become extremely cold, are about to close the year.

Especially in the seaside wind, is particularly piercing very.

So at this time, there is no one on the side of the road.

Originally, it was extremely cold, and at this time, when the cold wind was blowing, I could feel that my body was going to be stiff and stiff.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to see a person on this side.

"Why are you here?"

Heng Yanlin took a look at the noon. He was totally belonging to the place where there was no one. He was also a bit curious. After a look at the mountain and sea treasure on the side, he asked.

In such a place, he is a little strange to come here. Shan Haizhen is here to do something.

That Shan Haizhen is listening to Heng Yanlin's words, diameter is to look at him, and then some speechless looking at him.

I'm here. What's the problem? Besides, the number of people here is so sparse. At this time, I'm here. What's wrong.

In saying that, they are all martial arts, on this point of cold wind, for them, is no use to love your influence.

"What's the matter? You're not happy to be here, don't you?"

That Shan Haizhen is waiting for Heng Yan Lin one eye, then said a sentence, for the other side, is to say such words, she is also a little dissatisfied.

What's this saying? What's the matter? I'm pulling him here, and then I'm alone. What's wrong?

Heng Yanlin listened to the other party's words, and did not say anything more.

He just felt that there was nothing good to see here, and some did not understand. The other party was here to do something.

However, since the other side has said so, he will not say more, let the other side speechless words.

The two were at the seaside for a long time, and then it was too late. This was the only way to leave. However, they were not ready to go back. The diameter was to find a hotel and check in.

At the moment, in the family, but a piece of light.

"Third, what's wrong with you?"

In the family of the Yu family, the group of people were still asleep before. After a moment, all of them were wakened up.

At the moment, the innumerable people, are all sons, that family, is beginning to move up and down.

Although I don't know what happened, at the moment, all the people's faces are dignified and incomparable, and they begin to walk around in succession.Then, in the chamber, a middle-aged man was quite strong. At this time, it was a good time to have a look at the man at the bottom, then his face was slightly cold, and then he said a word.

Before that, for the sake of safety, the most powerful member of their family was sent out.

But did not think, how is to see these people are back, one by one is so embarrassed appearance.

The rest do not say, but now, looking at these people, he is able to feel that these people, at this time, the breath is changing, incomparably listless.

In other words, these people were all taught by these people before.

But, this old three, at least also is a half step master's existence.

They just went to the mountain family. They didn't have it at all. How could such a powerful person become like this?

As for the mountain family, if they want to, they belong to it. They want to deal with it. They are very simple families.

How now, is to see their own people, is to become like this.

Those who dare to do it for themselves are the first to do it for themselves!

How can these people treat a guest like this?

Even so, as a family, it still needs some etiquette.

At the thought of this, the anger in his heart, at this time, is also beginning, some can not suppress the general feeling.

The rest of the people, at this time, are also standing on the side, looking at a dozen people on that side, and their eyes are also somewhat different.

Originally, I thought that it was just a mission that we could get. But now, looking at these people, it seems that this task is still suffering.

People think of this and look at the people in front of them. Their faces also become strange.

What's the matter? The people of the mountain family should be no one. They can be compared with the third uncle.

How could it be that at this time, the people of the mountain family were able to hurt the third uncle.

Is it difficult to say that they met the rest of the people, so they were hurt?

But the problem is, if this is the case, it is impossible. In any case, there is a person in their family who belongs to the general master.

If ordinary people, or some masters, are not so easy to offend a master, it is not a wise choice.

That group of people, at this time, are staring at by these people, and their faces are not good-looking.

But then, at the thought of their present situation, their faces, is even more ugly.

Originally, when I went there, I still could feel that this time, I had no problem. I just dealt with these people.

But what we didn't expect is that, in the current situation, some of them are out of control.

They didn't finish the task, that is to say, one by one, at this time, the cultivation also did not exist.

At the thought of this, their faces became extremely ugly. If they could, they would rather be themselves and die in that mountain family at this time. It's not to say that it's just like this. It's so gray.

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