"Wait a minute. I feel that this matter can be discussed. You know, I don't want to be an enemy of one."

That Yu Yifei in this is, is looking at that Heng Yan Lin, then is hastily said a word.

At this time, if you don't want to be soft, you can't do it.

Take a good look at hengyanlin, the other side is completely can, directly crush his existence.

Before that a red Mans, he is no way, is able to let himself, is intact to live.

Even if he has nothing to do, but after that, hengyanlin can't say that after that, he will continue to use such tricks.

The rest of the tricks were not used.

It is estimated that those moves are not so simple that they can be stopped.

All this is still whether he is able to block this move. If not, he is talking about death first.

At the thought of this, his mouth is a little dry up, looking at the eyes of Heng Yan Lin, is full of panic, began to emerge.

Hengyanlin at this time, is looking at each other, listening to each other's words, immediately a sneer.

This guy, at this time, still thinking, is it possible to survive here?

But this idea, where is so simple, is able to be?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin is looking at him, his eyes are no change.

The rest of the people, Heng Yanlin may not want to move, but at this time, living is also a disaster. It would be better to kill them directly.

Think of here, Heng Yan Lin is in the eyes of the killing intention, is to start to soar up.

"Wait, I'll pay any price as long as you're willing to let me go!"

That Yu Yifei saw Heng Yanlin. At this time, after such a strong intention to kill himself, there was a strong fear in his eyes, which began to emerge.

What is the situation?

In the previous time, it was clear that the other side was still so strong to kill, but at this time, it was with such a strong killing intention that it began to emerge.

Is it necessary to kill yourself?

At the thought of this, he is looking at each other's eyes, is a color of fear began to emerge.

The rest of the people on the other side, at this time, also watched the scene, and then began to retreat.

Is this too fierce?

In the past, I just killed a master. Looking at the current situation, I clearly want to kill a person.

At the sight of such a situation, they were filled with panic.

In the past, but I have never heard of anyone who would kill two masters in succession at this time.

That is to say, in the past, there were some people who could kill a master alone.

However, if you want to kill two masters one after another, there is no such thing.

It is very rare to kill a master alone.

If today, let's hengyanlin finish such a thing, it is estimated that after that, hengyanlin's deeds will be thoroughly circulated.

Think of here, they are looking at the eyes of Heng Yan Lin, is full of panic color.

If yu Yifei is going to die, will it be their turn after that?

For Yu Yifei's request, Heng Yanlin is lazy to respond to what, after a light look at the other side, is gently toward the back, is a gentle wave.

Then, there was a flying sword, which flew to Heng Yanlin's side. After that, the diameter hummed gently and quickly rushed towards the remaining one.

Before that, people didn't pay attention.

But at the moment, they finally saw that the red awn was a sharp sword.

However, it is commanding the flying sword. What kind of skill is it?

People do not know, but see this scene, is still feeling, is full of incredible feeling in general.

So at the moment, they are looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of them, and then there is a color of surprise.

That Yu Yifei is to see, Heng Yanlin is at this time, began to use such means, to deal with himself, but also in a panic, then quietly watching a scene.

"Drink! Endless palm wind

At this time, Yu Yifei is also ready to go all out.

If it goes on like this, it may be this flying sword that will kill him.

So at this time, after thinking about it, he still decided to speak as hard as he could. As for the rest, he said it later.He knew that if he didn't try his best at this time, he would die.

At the thought of this, he is looking at each other's eyes, but also with a thick fierce.

He just didn't believe it. In his desperate situation, it was difficult to say that he still had no resistance ability. At this time, he was also waving his palm technique to the extreme. After that, he could see that the palm technique was beginning to form a myriad of palmprint like wind. It was towards the flying sword in the distance, and it was starting to beat


These palms, one by one, are with a violent whistling sound.

Even if a great master encounters these things, he will be killed into a ball of meat.

But at this time, when I met the flying sword, I could see that the flying sword, like a needle, directly pierced the palm wind.

Seeing such a situation, people are full of astonishment at this time.

This move, at least also that Yu Yifei famous stunt, for this, they are very clear.

But this time, it is to see, this move, is by the other side, directly to the rout.

What is the origin of the other party's move? Is it too fierce?

People are at this time, is looking at the situation in front of them, and then is some scared licking the corner of the mouth, the face is full of that unbelievable look.

Originally, I thought that before, the master was unprepared, so he was easily killed by the other side.

However, with some precautions, Yu Yifei is impossible and will be easily killed by Heng Yanlin.

But now look, to this time, is still able to see, the other party is able to at this time, still is to kill them directly.

At the thought of this, they are looking at the situation in front of them, and they are also a little frightened.

So it seems that the master on their side can't resist the feeling.

If it goes on like this, these people, do not want to think, is able to escape here.

"Damn it!"

That Yu Yifei also saw this situation at the moment. Immediately, his face changed. In a hurry, he changed his moves directly. Then he folded his hands. Then, there was a layer of golden light on his body.

Later, he was able to see the golden light that surrounded his body.

This is one of his defense skills. Even if the master's master comes, he can resist the opponent's all-out attack.

He just doesn't believe that the other party can break his skill even at this time!

That far away Heng Yan Lin see this, immediately is a sneer, there is no other action, is light looking at a scene.


A light sound, directly flash, and then you can see, that red awn, just like before, directly flying this remaining, is through.

The golden light, will his body, is a golden, but still has no effect. What can be felt is still the general feeling of paper paste.

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