"Wow, it turns out that this is the residence of the hundred medicine family. I've heard about it before, but I haven't been here. Now, it's really quite spectacular."

In that group of people, there is a woman, at this time, is to walk down.

The woman was dressed up, quite a bit chivalrous. At this time, after coming down, she took a look at the surrounding buildings, and then she exclaimed.

Hum, the people here still have some vision and so on.

It's not like the guy who just came here and saw the building of their family, but he still made it. He looks very arrogant. It seems that he is not strange to these things.

At the thought of Heng Yanlin's performance, after comparing with these people's performance, the driver just appeared angry.

This guy, he doesn't know what other abilities are, but he's very good at pretending.

At the thought of this, he took a look at the side of the Heng Yan Lin, saw this guy, is still a light expression, the heart is more angry.

"This is the residence of the hundred medicine family. After that, there are some very large places for planting herbs. The buildings here are more heroic and normal."

A man on the other side, at this time, was listening to the words and smiling faintly. He looked at the buildings around, but he didn't look surprised at all.

Those drivers saw this, but there was no point. They were a little dissatisfied with him.

"In fact, there are some things that can't be compared with Mr. Jiang's family."

Several people on the other side, at this time, also should have a word with each other.

In fact, the two families are almost the same.

However, at present, in front of them, or Jiang's childe, and the people here, one by one, are just drivers.

Under such circumstances, it would be better to praise Mr. Jiang in front of him.

It was at this time that people said something about the maintenance and praise of Mr. Jiang. You can hear it directly.

The young master Jiang listened to this, but he didn't say anything.

The woman on the other side, at this time, is staring at the four places, is beginning to look up.

The old man on the side, at this time, looked at her, and then shook his head.

"Well, it's just some buildings. There's nothing to see."

Although the old man had some denouncing meaning in it, the people on the side could all hear that the strong meaning of spoiling was in it.

This is a master of the LAN family, and also a big elder. They are very clear about this.

At this time, is listening to his words, there is no one, is the induction sound.

After all, they are very clear about this.

When he wants to talk to the master, it is enough to talk with them.

That blue dress jade listens to this words, but is mischievous smile, regarding own grandfather's words, is completely does not listen to.

Her grandfather knows her best.

So she didn't mean to be afraid of such words.

As for my grandfather's words, that is to say, listen to them at will. As for the rest, I don't have to worry about anything.

The old man, seeing his granddaughter, looked like this, and shook his head helplessly.

His granddaughter is spoiled by him.

However, that is to say, she went at will. Anyway, she has her own, so even if it is, her granddaughter will not have other things.

That blue dress jade is the noon ah, all is to see once, at this time, is a look in the eye, suddenly saw the side of Heng Yan Lin.

Seeing the appearance of hengyanlin, a person standing alone on one side, is ready to walk towards the inside, immediately towards the hengyanlin, is a wave.

"Hello, you?"

That blue dress jade is facing Heng Yan Lin, begin to shout.

But Heng Yanlin at this time, but did not pay attention to each other.

In fact, Heng Yanlin did not know that the other party was calling himself. After all, he and the other party did not know each other. At this time, he would not think that the other party was calling himself.

That blue dress jade is to see, oneself is called Heng Yan Lin, the other side is actually ignore, immediately is a corner of the mouth a hook, is some dissatisfaction.

What's the matter with this guy? Didn't you see him? Did you call him?

How can we ignore ourselves at this time?

At the thought of this, the blue jade is a little discontented towards the hengyanlin is rushed."Well, I called you, didn't you hear me? Are you deaf or blind? "

That blue dress jade is in front of Heng Yan Lin, is extremely dissatisfied, to that Heng Yan Lin cry up.

She's not afraid. This is where it comes from.

My grandfather, but a master, the other side is just a servant here, this is to see the other side's appearance, so it is the conclusion.

I have a Grandmaster's grandfather here, just yell at each other's servants.

In such a case, they are not afraid at all. What can the other party do.

That Heng Yan Lin is at this time, some inexplicable looking at the blue jade in front of him.

What does this guy want to do? He doesn't know each other. What is he going to do?

What's more, I didn't pay attention to each other, just because I was not familiar with each other. What's the relationship between this and deafness?

And that blind, is even more irrelevant?

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin is looking at the blue jade in front of him, but also a little discontented.

Frowning, then opening his mouth and saying, "what do you want?"

Hengyanlin's tone is full of impatience. However, some of them are disrespectful to him. For such a person, hengyanlin is naturally a little impatient.

That blue dress jade is to listen to Heng Yanlin's words, immediately is a frown, then is dead looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of.

What's the matter with this guy? He called him. Did he not hear it or how? He dared to treat himself like this. He was just looking for death?

I don't know, whose is it?

As a servant of a hundred medicine family, although this family is very complicated, you are still a servant!

Under such circumstances, they dare to be so rampant. I'm afraid they don't know the strength of their blue family!

Blue clothes jade is at this time, eyebrow is tightly wrinkling, and then is dead looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of.

"You, a servant of a hundred medicine family, can be so rampant? Who gave you courage? Do you dare to talk to me like this

Blue jade is impatient, for hengyanlin, there is no good tone, immediately cold to hengyanlin, said.

Hengyanlin at this time, is Leng for a moment, and then some speechless looking at the guy in front.

This guy, where can we see that he is the servant of this aristocratic family?

If they can be guests, they can't be. They also make themselves guests.

At this time, Heng Yanlin shook his head slightly and then said.

"Make it clear to yourself that I am not a servant. Now, you can leave. Don't get in my way."

For his tone, is so unfriendly, but also as a servant, such a case, let Heng Yan Lin, for this guy, also did not have a good tone, immediately said a cold mouth.

For the other party at this time good, but also in front of their own appearance, is more impatient. In front of him, that is to say, only those who stand in their way are pushed away by themselves, but they are not. They are in the habit of taking a detour. Therefore, Heng Yanlin looks at the woman in front of him and says something coldly.

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