Just when her cell phone was just dialing out, the door was opened directly.

The woman is holding a mobile phone, the mobile phone is a burst of busy tone, that is just the man who opened the door, just heard, his mobile phone, is a mobile phone ring.

At this time, the two people looked at each other, the eyes were slightly silent for a while, and then became a little embarrassed.

However, it was just a look at each other, and the two people were directly and extremely tacit, which was to shift the eyes directly.

After taking a look at the situation in the room, the man felt that something was wrong at this time.

First of all, the woman, at this time, is intact, sitting on the side of the bed, is far away from that hengyanlin.

Logically speaking, after his previous experience, he knew that every time he came in, he could almost see that the men fell on the woman.

It's not like this time, it's in this state.

But at present, it is strange that he is allowed to do so. What is more, the current situation is not what he thinks, which is a little strange.

In addition, that Heng Yan Lin is also sitting on the side, is light looking at them these people, that look in the eyes, is extremely indifferent incomparable, seems to be for their appearance, is not a bit surprised appearance.

What's more, the most surprising thing is that the woman just made a phone call to him just before. What's the situation?

The man is a little strange, but then forced, is the strange in his heart, is to suppress.

"Boy, how dare you dare to move even my woman?"

The man is at this time, is looking at the Heng Yan Lin, then is the angry roar way.

While saying, one side is to his hand, is to press the very ring, and then is a face of rage toward the Heng Yan Lin go.

Behind him, there were other men. At this time, they walked in directly and took a glance at the surrounding situation. It was also strange.

However, they are also lazy and pay attention to these things. Anyway, it is not the first time for them to do such things.

As long as it is the past directly, then it is OK to seize Heng Yanlin, and then start to extort money. As for the rest, they will be gone by then. What else can there be?

Think of here, they are looking at the eyes of hengyanlin, is to become a little gloomy down, then straight is towards the hengyanlin is to start to walk past.

Hengyanlin is at this time, is to look at these people in front of, then is a slight hook of the mouth.

"Are you mistaken? Look, when did I have these actions? I don't say the rest. Isn't that woman there? Did you see me move him? "

Heng Yan Lin at this time, is to look at these people, is a response.

For these people, it is at this time, direct anger is incomparable, is toward their own, but there is no sense of surprise, there is no sense of tension.

It's just that some of the sadistic people look at them, which makes people feel that they have a kind of inexplicable calm general feeling.

The people on the other side listened to Heng Yanlin's words. When they looked at him, they all frowned slightly. No matter what the rest of the things were, they had done such things before.

In the previous time, is to look at these people, is able to understand that these people are extremely timid.

Especially in this case, it's the feeling that you are in the wrong, so after that, you will feel that you are a little timid or something.

So at this time, when they appear, the other party will be extremely nervous. In addition, when they speak, they will be extremely nervous.

But here in hengyanlin, it is completely invisible. Hengyanlin is like this.

Now is to look at Heng Yan Lin, completely do not know, the other side is why, will be so calm.

This makes them strange and uneasy at this time.

"Xiaoyu, what did he do just now! How dare you lie to me at this time? Do you think I'm a liar? "

"That is to say, the orphan is brought in a room. When you give it to me, there is nothing wrong with it? What about the ghost? "

"Boy, since you are so ignorant, don't blame us? When the time comes, we will call people directly. We will make trouble for this matter. We will have a look. What face do you have? "

The rest of the people on that side, is at this time, directly looking at the Heng Yan Lin, began to yell repeatedly.

Heng Yanlin looks like this, they still have not seen.

However, no matter what hengyanlin is going to do, anyway, it is here that they caught it, which means that hengyanlin has fallen into the trap.Since this is the case, then there is no reason to let it go.

As long as it is to seize hengyanlin, it will be OK at that time. It is to blackmail hengyanlin.

Want to come, if the other party is afraid, this matter is big what, in the end or will give money.

As for the money, I think it's quite rich from the other party's appearance. Since this is the case, then it is OK. Hengyanlin should give more.

Think of here, they are looking at the eyes of Heng Yan Lin, is full of light.

Then, in looking at the Heng Yan Lin, is directed at that jade is beginning to make eyes.

It's time for her to act.

As long as he appears, when the time is to say a few words, Heng Yan Lin is what words, are inseparable from clean!

Thinking of this, they are looking at that jade's eyes, is full of signs.

That jade is at this time, looked at those several people, is looking at the side of Heng Yan Lin, do not know why, is to this time, she is some, do not know what to say.

When I think of Heng Yanlin's calm and incomparable appearance in the past, in addition, I can clearly see that these people are about to come in.

This is what makes her extremely eccentric, and under such eccentricity, she is also a little uneasy.

So at the moment, is looking at these people in front of her, she is beginning to hesitate, don't know whether to act according to the opportunity.

If you want to, then hengyanlin if really, is what things, then how to do?

However, if not, these people on their side will not let her go.

In addition, this matter, also can't be because, oneself is such does not cooperate, even if is ended.

At the thought of this, she was beginning to hesitate.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

Seeing the people on my side, it was actually at this time that I began to ponder. I was completely absent-minded. Some people on the other side were a little strange at this time.

I just don't know what the situation is. I thought I had a look in my eyes, and the other party would start to plant this thing on Heng Yanlin according to their requirements.

For such a thing, the other party has done many times, and I think it is very familiar.

How is it at this time that I began to hesitate?

For this, he is completely some can not understand, immediately looking at the jade, that look is also some gloomy down.

Several people on the side, at this time, are also looking at the jade, is a little strange, do not know what the other side is to do?

At this time, she did not know that she wanted to come out and say a few words. As long as she said a few words, the matter was directly in their hands. Now, they can just say a few words from her.

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