"It's you. You finally came. I thought that you were killed by me and left behind. We came here. Fortunately, you are still a qualified bodyguard. Otherwise, if you go back this time, I will let my father directly

fire you!"

That side of the hundred snow, is at this time, is to look at the Heng Yan Lin, and then is a smile, and then said a word.

That looks at Heng Yanlin's eyes, is extremely intimate incomparable.

When I speak, I also become very familiar.

The people on the other side were listening to the words, and their faces were not very well.

Sure enough, this guy is really the bodyguard of these two people.

In the previous time, is not to see each other, is the other party, deliberately aimed at this guy, is to throw the other party away.

However, the other side is also a professional level bodyguard, at this time, it is found back.

They are at this time, looking at the situation in front of them, and immediately some of their hearts are beginning to sink.

After a while, they are going to kill a lot of people.

At the thought of this, their hearts are full of evil spirit, is beginning to brew.

Damned guy, how is it at this time that he is destroyed by a bodyguard?

Before the time, is to think of so perfect, at this time, are not a little way?

The modesty of that side is at this time, it is to have a look, one side of his best friend came, and then he was a little surprised.

This Heng Yan Lin, just met once?

How is at this time, is facing Heng Yan Lin, is saying, is own bodyguard to come?

In terms of Heng Yanlin's body, if you say that the other party is a small white face who is provided by his own side, it is not bad. Just say that the other party is the bodyguard on his side. What does this mean and who will believe it?

That modesty is to think of here, just a little strange.

At this time, is to take a look at that side of the snow, that is, the mouth is slightly open, is to ask a sentence.

Just before she opened her mouth to ask, she could see that the snow on the other side was crazy. She started to look at her.

That look, is extremely strange, look at that modest, but also feel a little strange.

The words that had come to the mouth were at this time, and they were directly swallowed.

Although the other party doesn't know what to say now, it is not a matter of their own.

At the thought of this, she took a look at the people on the other side, but there was no sound at all.

No matter how you say it, your best friend will not harm yourself.

So at this time, after taking a look at these people in front of him, he just thought about it. He was ready. He didn't speak. He quietly watched the snow coming.

I don't know what my little sister is going to do, so don't open your mouth.

In case it is the time, is the matter, is to be destroyed, resulting in their own side is to face danger, that is a little bad.

That side of Heng Yan Lin is at this time, also heard the other party's words, immediately is stunned for a moment, completely do not know, the other side is why to speak like this.

However, what he knows is that these people, who are here, are totally ungrateful.

So after thinking about it, I just shook my head.

"Are you mistaken? I'm not your bodyguard

Originally, it was a one-sided relationship with each other.

At this time, it's just because the other party invited him or had a cup of coffee.

So Heng Yan Lin is thinking, is to take this opportunity, is the human feelings, is to repay.

So after thinking about it, it is preparation. It is to clean up all these people. At that time, it is to save the other party once. If you want to come, it is also able to compensate. Before that, the other party's coffee came.

As for what the other side said, he was a bodyguard. Heng Yanlin didn't want to think about it, but denied it.

What kind of joke? Who are you? Where are you going to give it to each other? What kind of bodyguard do you do?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin is looking at the other side's eyes, but there is no fluctuation at all.

At this time, the people who were looking at the hengyanlin were still at this time. After hearing the words of hengyanlin, they were stunned for a moment, and then they were shocked.What is the situation?

Before that time, that woman, is to say, Heng Yanlin is the bodyguard of the other side what?

But at this time, this Heng Yan Lin, is directly began to deny up.

At the thought of this, their hearts are beginning to be more active. If Heng Yanlin is true, he is not the other party's bodyguard, then this matter will have some turning point.

At the thought of this, they are just the corners of their mouths, and a little smile comes out.

That Bai Xue at this time, is to look at that Heng Yan Lin, listen to each other's words, immediately is that facial expression, all have some changes.

This guy didn't see that when he said this word, he kept looking at him?

That side of the boudoir, is to see, he is to her is to use the eyes, is to know, his meaning.

What about hengyanlin? The other person is constantly using their own eyes, so they are afraid from the beginning to the end.

But now it's better to see what this guy has done?

Is it actually at this time that they began to deny it?

This guy, is the brain sick? I just don't know. I used so many eyes. I just hope that he can, is good and cooperate with myself.

No matter how it is, the other party knows or doesn't know, just cooperate with yourself, in fact, what things are not?

Actually at this time, there is no brain, is a direct denial up?

At the thought of this, she was angry, and almost even her teeth were about to be broken.

"You, this guy, did you get rid of you just before? It is actually at this time that I dare to speak like this. Believe it or not, after I go back, I teach you a good lesson? "

That hundred snow, is a deep breath, and then looked at, that in front of the Heng Yan Lin, is extremely angry said a word.

I didn't think that this guy was so stupid that he looked at his eyes. Even if he was a normal person, he knew that it was a little weird.

So it's difficult to cooperate with yourself. What's the matter? How can it be very difficult?

At the thought of this, she felt that before that, her best friend had taken a fancy to Heng Yanlin. She was almost blind.

If you know that this guy is so brainless, then it should be good after that. It is directly to let your best friend away from this guy.

Do not have a bit of brain, is handsome, so a little, how can it be?

Is able to think completely, the other party's extremely idiotic appearance, then will also be tired to death does not know how many people.

My girlfriends can see that there are some things wrong. At this time, I'm still stupid and think that it's a very big man's, which is a direct denial. Let your big man, when it comes to these cruel guys, there are, when this guy cries!

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