Those several people, is after saying, is tightly looking at that Heng Yan Lin.

Originally, I thought that Heng Yanlin would think about it, or say, what he wanted.

But what they didn't expect was that what they saw was Heng Yanlin's expressionless face.

As soon as I saw this, and then I looked at the corner of the mouth of hengyanlin. It was at this time that they began to shake. Their hearts were also slightly surprised.

If this is not wrong, this Heng Yan Lin, is to this time, is to start, is to kill?

At the thought of this, their eyes, also become a little dignified.

Anyway, they are people who have experienced so many things, so it is at this time that we have a look. After Heng Yanlin, we can see that this guy is trying to kill people.

At the thought of this, their heart is a little gloomy. Damn it, I still thought that Heng Yanlin would let them go after he said such words to Heng Yanlin, but what he didn't expect was that this guy was looking at them at this time, but he didn't have any sympathy.

This guy, even if he killed so many people, was not satisfied at this time.

So it is at this time, it is preparation, directly facing them, is beginning to start, think of here, their heart is a little gloomy.

Damn guy, just can't, is to this time, don't mess around, is to kill them, for this guy, in fact, it doesn't have any meaning.

After killing so many people, what can we do if we don't kill one?

Is it necessary to kill all of them and kill them clean?

Heng Yan Lin is at this time, is to see these people in front of, see these people, is to this time, is the beginning, some fear to see him.

Heng Yanlin also slightly hook the corners of his mouth.

These people are observing, extremely good, is looking at this detail, that is to understand, Heng Yanlin is not prepared, is to give them some way to live.

Thinking of this, they took a look at the Heng Yan Lin, saw each other, is a smile, is facing them is starting to smile.

Where still can't know, this guy, is trying to attack them, is to start.

At the thought of this, they are the whole, but they start to get worse.

Damned guys, they are regarded as what kind of people, also do not look at them, these people, anyway, is more powerful.

But at the moment, they are actually treated as pigs and sheep to be slaughtered, which is quite enough.

Their hearts, but not happy, looking at this scene, that eyebrow, is constantly wrinkled up.

That Heng Yan Lin, is to look at these people, but is lazy to pay attention to these people what, anyway is killed so many people, is to keep these people, why.

If these people, is to see him, is directly is all left, Heng Yan Lin estimate is also lazy to start.

But these people, if they come to look for it by themselves, then they don't need to. They want hengyanlin to say something.

Anyway, it's already like this. It's better to kill more people.

In fact, there is no point in keeping these people. This is what Heng Yanlin thought at this time.

So, I think of Heng Yanlin here. After seeing these people, he is the corner of his mouth. He is ready to make a move and kill these people.

Anyway, these people are kept. In fact, they are also kept. It is better to kill them together.

At this time, the people on the other side saw Heng Yanlin on the other side and saw the Heng Yan Lin. it was at this time that the corners of the mouth that hung up knew what Heng Yanlin wanted to do.

At the thought of this, their hearts began to twitch constantly.

"Do it! If you don't do it, you'll die together

"Come on, let's do it first!"

The rest of the people, after taking a look at the hengyanlin, began to keep shouting, and then took out their side of the guy, is to prepare, is facing the hengyanlin, is to start.

It's preparation. It's killing Heng Yanlin.

Otherwise, it is after arriving, but everything is trouble.

They don't know the rest, but they still know the current situation.

Heng Yanlin wants to kill them.

These people, that is to take advantage of this opportunity, is to kill Heng Yan Lin first, then that is OK, is to survive.

Otherwise, it is to look at the hengyanlin in front of him. He can know that hengyanlin is preparing to kill all of them.If they are stupid, they are sitting here, and then there is no expression, Heng Yanlin will not be soft hearted.

After all, Heng Yanlin wanted to kill them. Where would he wait? It was because they were such people who would not do anything.

The reaction of that group of people was extremely rapid, and also very domineering. At the thought of this, they took out the guy in their arms and started shooting at Heng Yanlin.

It is at this time, but they are very clear that if Heng Yanlin is not killed, they will not have a way to live.

In this case, or direct, is to kill hengyanlin, is the most intelligent choice.

At the thought of it, they did not hesitate.

So fast reaction speed, is to let the side of Bai Xue two people, is to see this scene, are scared, and then after a look at these people, is subconscious, is toward the side of Heng Yan Lin.

They are at this time, is to prepare, is to tell the Heng Yan Lin, is to let him faster start.

These people are the things in their hands. They are not joking. If these things are allowed to start to get powerful, it will be hengyanlin and it is time to capsize in the gutter.

After all, if you look at them at will, you can also see that once these guys start shooting bullets, as long as one comes out, Heng Yanlin is absolutely hard to block these people.

This point, they themselves are very clear, so looking at the Heng Yan Lin, is very nervous.

I'm afraid that at this time, Heng Yanlin is not careful, that is to be killed together by these people.

Bai Xue two people, is a thought here, is extremely angry.

After taking a look at these people, I urgently want to remind that hengyanlin is hoping that hengyanlin has arrived at this time, but don't hesitate about anything. Don't slow down, or you will be killed by these people. If you look at these people, you can see that their shooting skills are not bad. It is estimated that when the time comes, Heng Yanlin will surely die once it is opened by one person.

At this time, Heng Yanlin has already noticed this scene.

These people want to be in front of Heng Yanlin at this time. They are just one by one. They are all dreaming.

After all, if you think about it, you can see that there is a gap between these people and Heng Yanlin, not a little bit.

The reaction ability of an ordinary person is compared with that of a cultivator. Unless the cultivator is really lazy and pays attention to these people, otherwise, these people are really, can't compare with the cultivator in front of him.

What's more, the things in these people's hands are no threat to hengyanlin. These people are doing useless work at this time, but they don't know it. They think that as long as they shoot early enough, they will be safe after that.

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