This is the most likely, it's what happened.

After all, as long as there are people who start to let the two families start fighting, it is estimated that who will know, and it will be the result at that time, and it will not be very good.

However, on the other hand, it needs a step down.

As long as it is time, there are steps down, I think it is able to calm down.

It is not to say that the most important thing is to let ourselves have no face.

That side of the snow, for this matter, is very clear, so is forced to helpless, is to start to cover each other.

Otherwise, this guy, what is he going to do, even if he died here, is actually related to him, and it is not very big.

This guy is just doing something. He feels that he can die here.

Think of here, is to see these people come, that Bai Xue is also some helpless, to that feather elder brother is to scold a, is to wave a hand, hope this guy, is to leave here quickly.

Those bodyguards, she is free to choose, is to let them die or something, but this guy, she really has no way to arrange anything.

This guy doesn't mean that she is a dog who decides life and death at will.

That feather elder brother is to listen to this words, immediately is in the heart is an angry, looking at the Bai Xue's eyes, is a cold.

In fact, this guy is far from him in terms of status.

You know, that's what happened.

As a man, or a legitimate son, in front of this guy, even if it is also a legitimate son, but compared with a man, in fact, is very different.

Looking at the guy in front of him, his heart is full of anger, is beginning to brew.

Anyway, looking at this guy, he's real, just extremely upset.

This guy, really, can't even compare with himself. He dares to talk to himself like this. He's really looking for death!

"Well, it seems that you really think of yourself as a character."

Feather elder brother is to look in front of this guy, and then nod, in the eyes, is a piece of indifference, and then is a grim smile, that is to say a word.

Let's side of a few people, is at this time, is looking at the guy in front of her, but also understand the anger in her heart, is to start brewing.

"And you, this guy, I have already remembered you. At that time, you don't want to think about it. It can be better!"

That feather elder brother is to look at that Heng Yan Lin, then is a sneer, is; coldly said.

At this time, it was not only Bai Xue, but also Heng Yan Lin who was in front of him. It was also the same that Bai Xue was hated by him.

So it is at this time, looking at this guy, his heart, is extremely angry.

That Heng Yanlin, at this time, smell speech, also turned his head to look at, the guy in front of him, saw the other side's eyes, was so looking at himself, immediately also a cold. This guy is really brave. He dares to look at himself and speak like this at this time, but I don't know if he will be able to be as tough as

when he meets himself. If he doesn't have such a hard spirit, it will be fun.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin is looking at the guy in front of him and shaking his head.

And then I step forward, and I'm already lazy about what to say.

One side of Bai Xue, originally is tightly looking at that feather elder brother to, sees each other, is at this time, also dares at this time, is so to speak to that Heng Yan Lin, immediately is that eyebrow, is also tightly wrinkling up.

Just want to scold, and then be tough, is to the other side, is to drive away directly.

Otherwise, this guy is really looking for death. Just at this moment, he saw that Heng Yanlin was walking slowly towards brother Yu.

See such a scene, her heart, immediately is convulsion for a while, then is some flustered looking at the scene in front of her.

Damned, this guy, just don't know, is to enrage that Heng Yanlin, he will have what kind of end!

At this time, he has already infuriated Heng Yanlin. At this time, he belongs to and wants to die!

At the thought of here, she was also a little flustered, but at this time, that Heng Yan Lin was walking slowly towards that guy.

At this time, she did not know what reason was to stop Heng Yan Lin.

After all, hengyanlin's temper, she can still know some, if at this time, is to stop that hengyanlin, she is evil luck.

Think of here, she is also a frown, and then looked at the feather brother to come, and then also shook his head.He has no way, in the previous time, is to say so many words, but this guy, is still not a bit, want to listen to his appearance.

Therefore, at this time, he is really, if he wants to die here, she has no way.

As far as the current situation is concerned, looking at the scene, he himself is helpless.

That feather elder brother, is at this time, are not aware of, his situation, is to see that Heng Yan Lin is toward him, immediately on the corner of his mouth, is to hook up a smile out.

"What, boy, do you want to do it? If so, I still admire you Yu Ge on the other side is looking at Heng Yanlin on the other side, and then grinning. He feels that if Heng Yanlin is at this time, it is true, if he is shooting at himself, then this thing is a little good


No matter what, this guy is here. If he really dares to do it, he will admire each other very much.

After all, we don't have a look. In terms of the current situation, these people are here and dare not treat him like this.

Look at his identity, where is Heng Yan Lin, is active? The rest is not to say, is that Bai Xue, actually dare not, is to her hand, on this, in fact, has been able to explain everything.

Even more is not to say is Heng Yan Lin, this guy, if dare to fight against him, it is really, is looking for the general feeling of death.

Think of here, is in front of the constant Yan Lin, he is a hook of the mouth, is light looking at each other.

Then is light looking at the other side, a face also does not believe, the other side is to dare to his hand appearance.

This is what he thought, so he would not be afraid of it. Seeing that hengyanlin was walking towards him, his face was still full of smile.

That side of the snow, is to see this situation, in front of this guy, is to say such words, immediately also shook his head.

This guy has no self-knowledge. He doesn't know who he has offended!

If in the future, is to know, it is estimated that will know, what will happen to themselves, at this time, is not such a talk with hengyanlin.

Thinking of this, he took a look at the Heng Yan Lin, and then shook his head. This guy is looking for his own death. She has no way.

So, it's better to follow hengyanlin. Otherwise, it's to stop hengyanlin and be remembered by hengyanlin. That's true and bad.

Think of here, he is looking at the Heng Yan Lin, see that Heng Yan Lin's face, full of calm, but also helpless sigh.

Look at hengyanlin's expression, she is able to understand, hengyanlin is really, is ready to start, in this case, she is also extremely helpless. It's sad to know that Heng Yanlin is going to start. This guy, who doesn't know, doesn't know at all. When he arrives, he will be faced with what kind of situation it is. It's really sad.

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