At this time, Heng Yanlin is lazy to pay attention to these people.

However, these people are constantly shouting, is let, that Heng Yanlin is a little bored.

It's really a group of some noisy guys. They just can't. they stop some? What's the reason why he always yells like this?

Heng Yanlin is full of people. He is very impatient to look at these people. However, these people still don't know that they are disgusted by Heng Yanlin.

Just, they do not know, they are hengyanlin, disgusted, but Heng Yanlin's eyes, they can still see.

However, they are one by one, is looking at the eyes of hengyanlin, is a little angry.

This guy, I don't know where he came from or who he is.

But regardless of these, what we need to know is that before that time, there were so many people coming. At this time, they all stayed outside.

And this guy? Unexpectedly, I didn't say it when I came in, and I still used such eyes. What do I want to do? Did you come in to challenge their authority?

If so, this guy can be proud of something.

Because, this guy, is very successful, he is successful, is to provoke their anger.

There is no one who dares to do such things here, but this guy dares. In their opinion, they are seriously provoked!

In any case, they are the legitimate son, this matter, can not be changed.

But in the eyes of this guy, they are just like a shield, like a child, who is allowed to play with her.

Making such a thing come out, still say this word, this is not make clear, is bullying them two people?

At the thought of this, they are looking at the guy in front of them. Their hearts are full of anger and they are beginning to brew.

It's just that it's time to say something, and it's really controlled by the other party. Therefore, the two people who want to say something can't say it.

Just looking at these people, is the heart, full of dissatisfaction.

Damned guy, these people were actually dissatisfied with both of them before.

They know about it.

There is no way, who let them two, are the legitimate son, as long as the legitimate son, in this is to enjoy some things, is these people, are very envious.

So in the past, these people are beginning to envy them.

At this time, it is just able to fall into the well and lay a stone on it. Naturally, they will not let it go.

It's just that the two people who are dissatisfied with these people are directly linked up.

It is totally unexpected that these people are disgusting and can be disgusted to such a degree.

Thinking of this, their expression is naturally not good-looking.

That side of hengyanlin, at this time, is more calm, is looking at these people, is not a bit of expression.

These people, in the past, just did not know what they had done, so looking at these people, Heng Yanlin was also a little disgusted.

Anyway, none of these people is the feeling that Heng Yanlin wants to take care of.

That is, in the side, is a light look at these people, that is not thinking about what.

In any case, it is already like this, in fact, there is no need to think about what.

These people want to say, is want to do, in fact, for Heng Yan Lin, there is no relationship.

After all, on these people, where will be hengyanlin in the eyes, at will these people are to what, when it is not, hengyanlin is obliterated what.

Of course, this is what these guys do when they don't know what to do. If not, Heng Yanlin still won't do it. It's easy, and that's what they started.

"That's enough for you. Are these words what you can say? Do not look at their own identity, legitimate son is you can blame? "

That humility, is at this time, looked at these people, then is angry, directly called.

These people, just do not know, their own identity? With the rest of the lead, really think that they can be so unscrupulous to come?

It's really funny. Thinking of this, she took a look at the people in front of her, and then she cried out angrily.

In any case, it is impossible for these people to accuse their legitimate sons, because, in which family, their identity is not as good as theirs.

And the rules of the big family are extremely strict, so if these people want to do something out of the ordinary, they are looking for death.Moreover, they are the legitimate son of the case, these people are even more can not mess.

Did not see, their third uncle, are directly with them over, in the previous time, many things, is not the same is not afraid to mess.

This matter, in fact, can explain that they as legitimate sons, or extremely have status.

However, these people are under the situation that the rest of the people are criticizing together. At this time, naturally, they are changing. They are a little nervous, and they just don't dare to mess around.

When I think of it, I'm looking at these people in front of me. Their eyes are a little stern.

They are a group of people who don't know whether they are alive or dead. They have to use their own identities to suppress them.

At ordinary times, they don't like to use such identity to mess about, because in this way, their reputation will still be bad at that time.

Moreover, for themselves, in fact, they do not like this.

However, the current situation is to look at these people, they themselves also understand that if they are not like this, these people are not a bit conscious.

Since these people forced them by themselves, they could only be like this.

Otherwise, these people just don't understand that they are different from them. At that time, they are real, even if they want to apologize.

At this time, Heng Yanlin took a look at these people, and then his eyes were on his modest body. He stopped for a moment. His eyes were a little strange.

It's really fun. This guy, before that, Heng Yanlin was looking at her. He had a very weak feeling.

But this guy, is at this time, that performance appearance, but does not have a bit of this feeling.

So at this time, she looked at each other and shook her head.

This guy, I don't know, is what kind of situation, but no matter what, this guy, is to make her feel, at this time, it is a little dignified.

Heng Yanlin is in which modest body, is a little pause, and then is to turn around to come, after that, is to look at these people in front of.

For this side of the situation, Heng Yanlin know, in fact, not a lot.

So at this time, he was a little curious. Did these people, who are modest, yell at these people, begin to become afraid?

Looking at the modest appearance, it is clear that these people should be afraid of their appearance.

So for this situation, her heart, or more curious, do not know, these people will have what kind of things to happen.

In Heng Yanlin's eyes, there is some playfulness. Then he looks at these people lightly. At this time, the people on the other side also see the eyes of Heng Yanlin, and then the heart is angry. Just, then look at the modest two people, the flame in their eyes, is quickly extinguished down.

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