Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 13 Something unexpected happened in Miaoshou Garden!

"New medicinal herbs have arrived."

"The trade route has finally been restored. I heard that the Lord of the Mansion mobilized the imperial garrison to wipe out the bandits who blocked the trade route with thunder."

"Yes, with a large army sweeping the area, how could the bandits not be wiped out? However, we must be careful. I heard that some martial arts masters among the bandits have escaped and are sneaking into nearby cities, often committing crimes."

"These damn bandits make people restless..."

The apprentices and pharmacists in Miaoshou Garden were talking about it, and they obviously hated the bandits.

The bandits blocked the trade route, making it impossible for medicinal herbs to be transported into Nanyang City, which directly affected the business of Miaoshou Garden.

But fortunately, the trade route was restored, Miaoshou Garden had medicinal herbs, and business could be restored.


Lu Changsheng naturally knew about this.

The bandits were defeated by the imperial army, but some martial arts masters scattered into various prefectures and counties to commit crimes, which gave the constables in various government offices a headache.

After all, they are all martial arts masters, and it is very difficult to catch them.

What's more, they are roaming around and committing crimes. They make a fortune and then leave. There is no way to catch them.

So the public security in Nanyang City has been very bad recently. Some wealthy families have been robbed by thieves. The guards of Miaoshou Garden have also been frequently dispatched and increased the intensity of patrols.

For the time being, Miaoshou Garden has not had any problems.

"Lu Changsheng, come and help, this basket of medicinal materials is too heavy..."

Liu Yang called Lu Changsheng.

"Here I come."

Lu Changsheng saw Liu Yang carrying a basket of medicinal materials on his shoulders.

But this basket of medicinal materials was too big, and Liu Yang underestimated the weight. This time, he was trembling all over under the pressure of the medicinal materials. Obviously, he couldn't carry such heavy medicinal materials.

Lu Changsheng quickly ran over, and then grabbed the medicinal materials, and Liu Yang felt his shoulders loosened.

"Come on, let's lift it down together."

Liu Yang said.

"No need to be so troublesome."

Lu Changsheng directly used both hands to lift the basket of medicinal materials directly.

This made Liu Yang's face show a trace of surprise.

He was almost unable to straighten his back by the weight of this box of medicinal materials, which weighed at least 600 to 700 kilograms.

But now Lu Changsheng lifted it up by himself.

Even looking at Lu Changsheng's appearance, his face was not red and he was not out of breath, he looked very relaxed.

Obviously, this weight was not the limit of Lu Changsheng's tolerance.

"Lu Changsheng, have you entered the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong?"

Liu Yang seemed to think of something and asked immediately.

"Yes, I have entered the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong."

Lu Changsheng did not reveal too much.

After all, his Dahe Zhuangxue Gong is more than just entering the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong? He has already completed it!

Liu Yang is also a pharmacist apprentice, two or three years earlier than Lu Changsheng.

He has no talent for martial arts and has given up martial arts a long time ago.

Liu Yang knew that Lu Changsheng insisted on practicing martial arts, but he didn't think so.

Which pharmacist apprentice has never persisted?

But in the end, they all gave up.

Without medicinal food and martial arts talent, it is almost impossible to achieve anything in martial arts.

But now Lu Changsheng has obviously mastered the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, and even strengthened his qi and blood.

Otherwise, he would never have such great strength.

"I'm really envious."

"Not to mention the pharmacist apprentices, even among the pharmacists, there are not many people who have mastered the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong."

Liu Yang's face was full of envy.

Lu Changsheng just smiled and said nothing.

Of course, martial arts have benefits, just strengthening the body has many benefits.

However, Liu Yang didn't say much despite his envy.

Even if Lu Changsheng mastered the Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, he couldn't join the guard team, and the most important thing for them, the pharmacist apprentices, is to become a pharmacist.

Although Nanyang City is not peaceful, Miaoshou Garden is very safe.

Lu Changsheng read books, identified medicinal materials, and practiced martial arts day after day, without falling behind.

In just two months, Lu Changsheng made rapid progress.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 198 (average)

Instant Killing Technique: Great Success

Iron Sand Palm: Great Success

Sixth Heaven Blood Strengthening Skill: Fourth Level

On the attribute panel, Lu Changsheng's comprehension is as high as 198. He is only 2 points away from 200 points of comprehension, which is almost twice that of an ordinary person.

Lu Changsheng is looking forward to it. Will the evaluation be unlocked again after the comprehension reaches 200?

Will the comprehension reach a whole new level by then?

Moreover, not only has his comprehension improved rapidly in the past two months, but Lu Changsheng's instant killing technique is also about to be perfected. He can feel that it may be perfected within a few days.

Instant Killing Technique may be a third-level or even fourth-level martial art. Once it is perfected, it will definitely be extraordinary.

Finally, there is the Sixth Heaven Blood Strengthening Skill.

Lu Changsheng has already practiced it to the fourth level.

This Sixth Heaven Blood Strengthening Skill is indeed a superior martial art. Each level is a level, and each level is a earth-shaking change.

Now Lu Changsheng's blood and qi are so strong that it is simply unimaginable.

Even though it is only the fourth level, Lu Changsheng is now extremely powerful and can easily break monuments and split rocks.

You know, Master Meng of Feihe Martial Arts School was a martial artist at the Bone Forging Realm, but he could only break monuments and split rocks.

Now Lu Changsheng is still at the Blood Strengthening Realm, but his strength is not inferior to Master Meng.

When he reaches the sixth level, how terrifying will his strength be?

"Ding ding ding".

"Quick, all apprentices come out to help."

Suddenly, the shouting of Zhang Guanshi was heard in the Miaoshou Garden, and there was a hint of urgency in his voice.

"What's going on?"

Lu Changsheng immediately put down the work in his hands and came to the Miaoshou Garden Square.

Manager Zhang's face was livid, and he said in a deep voice: "Just half an hour ago, a group of thieves robbed a medicine shop in Miaoshou Garden."

"Many doctors, apprentices, pharmacists, and even the guards suffered heavy casualties."

"Now, all apprentices go to the front hall to help, follow the doctor's instructions, and treat the wounded."

The apprentices were shocked.

The Miaoshou Garden medicine shop was robbed?

It seems that there were heavy casualties?

Lu Changsheng immediately thought of the bandits who were swept by the imperial army.

Only those bandits dared to rob the Miaoshou Garden medicine shop in broad daylight so unscrupulously.

Without giving the apprentices time to think more, Manager Zhang took all the apprentices to the front hall.

In the front hall, there were many stretchers on the ground.

Some stretchers were covered with a layer of white cloth.

Obviously, those covered with white cloth were dead.

At a glance, almost a dozen people had died.

There were also dozens of wounded soldiers, some of them were missing arms and legs, and some were pale, obviously dying.

This scene shocked all the apprentices.

Many apprentices even turned pale, obviously they had never seen such a "tragic" scene.

Lu Changsheng looked normal, but he was very solemn.

Miaoshou Garden, that is a major force in the entire Nanyang City.

Every medicine shop has guards, how could there be such a heavy loss?

There is only one explanation, the enemy is too strong!

Under the command of the doctor, many apprentices began to help treat the wounded.

Soon, a group of people in gorgeous clothes came to the front hall.

Someone recognized that the leader was the current head of Miaoshou Garden, Zheng Renxin.

Miaoshou Garden was founded by the ancestors of the Zheng family and has been going on for more than a hundred years.

Zheng Renxin, the head of this generation, is not very good at medicine, but it is said that he has a good talent for martial arts and is a very powerful warrior.

The people behind Zheng Renxin are basically the top leaders of Miaoshou Garden.

When they saw this tragic scene, they all gnashed their teeth.

"Master, this group of thieves is too rampant. They dared to attack our Miaoshou Garden. Give me a team of guards. I will lead the team to catch this group of thieves."

"For many years, such a bad thing has not happened in my Miaoshou Garden. We must punish them severely."

"Master, at your command, the guard team will search the whole city to find the thieves!"

These elders and senior officials were all indignant. Obviously, the actions of this group of thieves caused Miaoshou Garden to suffer heavy losses.

More than 3,000 taels of silver were lost alone.

Not to mention some precious medicinal materials were also looted.

So many people died, and the subsequent treatment and pensions would also cost a lot of money.

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