Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 136 The two fields merge, and the new field crushes everything!


"Not lending?"

The three people's faces changed slightly.

They glanced at everyone on the boat, and finally fixed their eyes on Lu Changsheng.

"Maybe we didn't make it clear. We are disciples of Youhaimen. Now we want to borrow your big ship."

"Is it clear now?"

The three warriors of the Divine Power Realm all had a hint of pride in their tone.

Obviously, "Youhaimen" seemed to be very famous, and they were not afraid that Lu Changsheng would not lend it.

After all, it was obvious that this big ship was an ocean-going ship of those foreign merchants.

What foreign merchant dared to go against the will of Youhaimen?

"Not lending."

Lu Changsheng's tone was still cold, decisive, and without hesitation.


The three people's faces changed instantly.

This was a refusal of them again and again. Even when they raised the Youhaimen, the other party turned a deaf ear.

For a while, the faces of the three people gradually became cold.


At this time, a man in a red robe jumped out of the small boat, walked on the water on the sea, and landed on the big ship after a few jumps.

Seeing the red-robed man, the three people immediately bowed and saluted, respectfully shouting: "Welcome, senior brother!"

"Tell me, what's going on?"

The red-robed man asked coldly.

"Senior brother, we want to borrow this foreign merchant's ship, but they don't lend it."

The three people said truthfully.

"Don't lend it?"

"I want to borrow a foreign merchant's ship from Youhaimen, but I can't borrow it?"

"Useless things!"

The red-robed man looked cold and swept over the many sailors on the ship.

Then he said coldly: "No one on the ship will be left!"

"Yes, senior brother."

The three people were shocked.

Knowing that "senior brother" was very dissatisfied with them.

If this matter is not handled well, I am afraid that they will be punished when they return to Youhaimen.

Although they are all warriors in the realm of divine power, the senior brother has a high status, and it is easy to punish them.

So, the three of them raised their heads, and their eyes became murderous.

"Mr. Dao..."

The faces of these sailors changed drastically.

They didn't want to die.

Especially since they knew that these people were from Youhaimen, they dared not offend them.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

These people were murderous, shouting and killing, as if they didn't take him seriously at all.


Lu Changsheng had never heard of it.


The next moment, the vast sea around them seemed to change all of a sudden.

Everyone seemed to be in the dark starry sky, and could vaguely see a huge waterfall running through the starry sky and stretching across the starry sky.

That kind of vastness and grandeur shocked everyone's heart.

"This is... artistic conception!"

The red-robed man was also knowledgeable, and his face changed drastically in an instant.


Lu Changsheng drew his sword.

A blood-colored sword light instantly cut through the void, and there seemed to be a faint sound of surging waves sweeping from a distance.

The four of them didn't even have time to react before they were enveloped by the knife light, and their bodies froze.


Four heads just rolled down, and blood splattered on the deck.

The air was filled with rich blood.


The ship was extremely quiet.

The captain and the sailors seemed to have not reacted yet.

Those were four warriors in the Divine Power Realm, and one of them was the "Big Brother" of Youhaimen.

In the end, they died just like that?

They didn't even see "Mr. Dao" take action.

"Throw the bodies into the sea and clean the deck."

After Lu Changsheng finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Just four warriors in the Divine Power Realm.

Even the "Big Brother" didn't comprehend the artistic conception.

For such a warrior in the Divine Power Realm, Lu Changsheng didn't even need to use the second knife to kill him.

One knife was enough!

For Lu Changsheng now, if a warrior in the Divine Power Realm didn't comprehend the artistic conception, then there was no difference between him and a warrior at the body-building level.

No matter how many there were, they were not enough for him to kill.

Just a piece of shit, too weak.

"Yes, Mr. Dao."

The captain replied tremblingly.

But at the same time, a hint of excitement appeared on his face.

Although he had long known that this "Mr. Dao" was very strong and had a close relationship with the Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

However, the captain still didn't know what "very strong" meant.

Now, the captain and the sailors all knew what "Mr. Dao" meant.

Even the four powerful warriors of the Youhai Gate were killed with one sword.

Isn't this too strong?

Anyway, with Mr. Dao around, they will be fine.

The boat in the distance seemed to have seen the four warriors of the divine power realm being killed.

They didn't dare to stay and quickly sailed away.

Lu Changsheng didn't care.

He was still feeling the artistic conception of the waves on the big ship.

Time passed in a flash, and a few more days passed.

Lu Changsheng's artistic conception of the waves had actually reached 99% of the progress.

Now it only takes a little opportunity to be perfect.

But the opportunity still needs some chance.

"Go to the depths of the sea."

Lu Changsheng ordered the captain.

"Yes, Mr. Dao."

The captain obeyed Lu Changsheng's order and drove the big ship towards the depths of the sea.


The weather on the sea changes suddenly.

In a blink of an eye, there was lightning and thunder over the sea.

Obviously a storm is coming.

And the storm in the sea often represents huge waves.

"Here it comes!"

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng felt the waves.

And it was a huge wave.

It was so mighty that it seemed to be able to destroy everything.

This kind of power of nature is not something that anyone can resist.

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath.

"You wait here."

After that, Lu Changsheng jumped into the sea with a "plop".

Lu Changsheng entered the water and swam quickly towards the waves.

Soon, Lu Changsheng arrived in the waves.

In the waves, Lu Changsheng felt dizzy.

He was swept by the waves and thrown high up, and huge waves dozens of feet high raged on the sea.

Wave after wave, it was endless.

Lu Changsheng just drifted with the waves.

At this moment, he personally experienced the essence of the waves.

Lu Changsheng was blessed.

The artistic conception of the waves on his body emanated involuntarily, and quickly transformed and evolved.

The sea wave artistic conception gradually evolved into the sea wave domain.


The sea waves hit the big ship.

Unconsciously, Lu Changsheng was swept to the position of the big ship by the sea waves again.

"Hahaha, sea wave domain!"

Lu Changsheng laughed up to the sky.

However, compared with the huge waves at this moment, his laughter was insignificant.

Lu Changsheng jumped up and jumped onto the big ship in an instant.

"Let's go, leave here and return to Zhanhai City."

Lu Changsheng said to the captain.

"Yes, Mr. Dao."

The captain and the sailors immediately got busy.

Faced with such terrible huge waves, they didn't want to stay for a long time.

However, they are all experienced sailors, and the big ship is also very strong.

There is no problem if they want to leave at this moment.

Lu Changsheng sat cross-legged on the deck, concentrating on checking the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 3480 (Praised by all directions)

Qi and blood sword casting secret method: sword casting for 5 years and 2 months.

Heart Sword Art: Progress 21% (Heart Sword)

Sea Wave Domain: Progress 1%

Storm Domain: Progress 6%

Perception Domain: Progress 16%

Starry Sky Waterfall Artistic Concept: Progress 42%

Sure enough, the Sea Wave Domain appeared on the attribute panel.

Lu Changsheng looked at the Sea Wave Domain and the Storm Domain, and suddenly his heart moved.

He raised his head and looked at the sea.

At this moment, in the sea, huge waves swept in, one after another.

There was also a howling wind in the sky.

From a distance, it seemed that there were tornadoes on the sea surface in the distance, and even rolled up water columns, which looked very spectacular.

Moreover, the storm also boosted waves after waves.

"Storms and waves complement each other. Even with storms, the waves will be more terrifying."

"In the sea, once there is a storm, there must be waves."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

A flash of inspiration just flashed through his mind.

Since the storm and the waves are so closely related.

Then, can his wave domain and storm domain be integrated?

Once integrated, what will it look like?

Lu Changsheng's mind moved, and he could no longer hold back, and immediately displayed the storm domain.


Suddenly, the storm domain appeared beside Lu Changsheng.

He also deliberately avoided the sailors on the ship to prevent them from being affected by the domain.

Then there is the wave domain.

When the wave domain is displayed and superimposed on the storm domain.

In fact, there is no change.

If there is no deliberate collision between domains, there will be no impact on each other.

Unless it is a confrontation between domains.

For example, Lu Changsheng and other warriors who have evolved domains, they display domain collision and confrontation with each other.

But what Lu Changsheng has to do now is not the confrontation between domains.

It is the fusion of the two domains!

This also requires Lu Changsheng to lead in order to be able to merge.

"Let's start."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and began to guide the fusion between the storm domain and the wave domain.


When Lu Changsheng forcibly merged the sea wave domain and the storm domain, the two domains collided and entangled with each other, and circles of ripples constantly stirred Lu Changsheng's spirit.

After all, the domain is also guided and exerted by the spirit.

The collision of domains will definitely consume the spirit.

A warrior can comprehend many kinds of artistic conception and evolve many kinds of domains.

Even if there are ten or eight kinds of domains, as long as they are not actively merged, then no matter how many domains are developed, they will not interfere with each other.

However, once the warrior intends to actively merge, it will be different.

There will be fierce collisions between domains.

Sometimes, even the domain will collapse, causing the warrior's spirit to be damaged.

However, Lu Changsheng's storm domain and the sea wave domain do not seem to have a very fierce collision.

Under Lu Changsheng's forced fusion, the two domains actually produced some changes, and the entangled domains actually began to gradually merge.

There are countless storms in the storm domain.

After merging with the sea wave domain, a huge tornado was formed.

And it swept the terrifying huge waves.

The huge waves surged, forming a huge water column.

The water column grew larger and larger, containing storms and waves.

The water column continued to sweep, sweeping all the storms and waves together, forming a terrifying waterspout that penetrated the sky and the earth.

The water tornado covered the sky and the sun, and came in a mighty force. Anything within the domain would be shattered by its touch.

As long as it was within the domain, the power of the water tornado was more than doubled?

It might be doubled, tripled, or even ten times!


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

He couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It was just a small attempt, but who would have thought it would be so smooth?

"The fusion of the two domains has an amazing effect."

"Once the two domains form a water tornado domain, it will sweep everything and crush everything, and the power will increase tenfold! Even if other domains are very powerful, once they collide, they will probably be smashed to pieces by my water tornado domain!"

Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

The fusion of the two domains formed a water tornado domain.

The power increased tenfold.

This situation was beyond Lu Changsheng's expectations.

However, this is a good thing.

Many of Lu Changsheng's future opponents will definitely have evolved domains.

At that time, it will be a collision between domains.

Generally speaking, some highly offensive domains, such as sword intent, knife intent, etc., are indeed more powerful.

However, the fusion of the two domains to form the water tornado domain is really overwhelming.

Unless the opponent can also fuse two complementary domains.

However, the probability is too small.

It is extremely difficult to evolve a domain, let alone evolve two domains.

The probability of the two domains complementing each other is too small.

Even Lu Changsheng did not do it deliberately. He just happened to comprehend the artistic conception of the waves and the artistic conception of the wind of heaven and earth, which allowed him to evolve two complementary domains and fuse them.

Then, Lu Changsheng collected the domain.

The two domains are temporarily fused.

They can also be used separately at ordinary times.

When needed, they can be temporarily fused, which is also very convenient.

"I didn't expect that this trip to the sea, in addition to successfully evolving the sea wave domain, it also merged into the waterspout domain, which is an unexpected gain."

"Next, it's time to evolve the starry sky waterfall domain..."

Lu Changsheng thought of the starry sky waterfall artistic conception.

In fact, this artistic conception is a bit troublesome.

It is both the starry sky and the waterfall.

But the combination of the two has skyrocketed its power.

But what about the divine power?

If you want to condense the divine power, that's troublesome.

There is no divine power realm martial arts that match it.

After all, Lu Changsheng's starry sky waterfall artistic conception was comprehended from the "poem".

It's an imaginary thing.

Who would create a divine power realm martial arts for an imaginary artistic conception?

On the contrary, the starry sky domain or the waterfall domain actually have corresponding divine power realm martial arts.

"The artistic conception can be comprehended casually, but if you want to evolve a domain, you still have to think about it carefully. It's best to learn from nature and match the divine power, so that you can better step into the next realm of martial arts..."

Practicing martial arts is not arbitrary.

Unless, his comprehension is strong enough to create a Shenggang Realm martial art.

Unfortunately, with Lu Changsheng's current comprehension, he can't do this.

Even if his comprehension is improved tenfold, he can't do it.

Shenggang Realm martial arts are created by martial arts masters who are far beyond Shenggang Realm. They have spent countless efforts to create them.

What realm is Lu Changsheng at?

He is not even Shenggang Realm. Does he want to try to create Shenggang Realm martial arts with the Divine Power Realm?

That is nothing but a fool's dream!

However, Lu Changsheng was reluctant to give up the Starry Sky Waterfall artistic conception.

Even with Lu Changsheng's comprehension, artistic conception cannot be comprehended just by wanting to comprehend it.

It still takes some opportunities.

It's really hard to comprehend an artistic conception, but give it up like this.

"Starry Sky Waterfall..."

"Since both the Starry Sky Realm and the Waterfall Realm have corresponding Shengang Realm martial arts, why don't I split the Starry Sky Waterfall Realm into the Starry Sky Realm and the Waterfall Realm?"

"In this way, I can evolve the Starry Sky Realm and the Waterfall Realm separately. At that time, because I have comprehended the Starry Sky Waterfall Realm, these two realms are originally one. Once the realm is evolved, can I try to merge the two realms again?"

"If it can be merged, the merged Starry Sky Waterfall Realm will not be weaker than the Waterspout Realm, or even stronger..."

Lu Changsheng's mind moved, and he thought of a way.

Split the realm!

This is a fantastic idea.

Even a genius-like fantastic idea.

Splitting the realm sounds a bit incredible, but it is not impossible.

After all, Lu Changsheng has already comprehended the Starry Sky Waterfall Realm. If he splits it separately, with his comprehension, can he still not comprehend the Starry Sky Realm and the Waterfall Realm?

"Whether it is the artistic conception of the starry sky or the artistic conception of the waterfall, they can all be learned from nature."

"It's best to see it with your own eyes."

"There are no waterfalls in Zhanhai City, but there are waterfalls in Tianlu Mountain Range. As for the starry sky, you can see it at night."

Lu Changsheng's mind suddenly became clear.

Calculating the time, he has been down the mountain for more than a month.

He also stayed in the Northern Territory Tianzong for a month before.

There are only about twenty days left before his seed disciple's "novice protection period".

It's almost time to go back.

Being in the Northern Territory Tianzong will not affect his understanding of the artistic conception of the starry sky and the waterfall.

Soon, the ship of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce slowly docked and returned to the dock.

At this moment, the Three Dragons Club Hall.

The three giants of the Sanjiao Society all appeared in the hall.

There is also an old man in black robe in the hall.

The black-robed old man seemed to be holding back his anger and said coldly: "We, Youhai Sect, have been cooperating with the Three Jiao Association for a year. Your Three Jiao Association has grown so much that it has almost surpassed the Sihai Gang and become The top one in Zhanhai City.”

"Why, you don't dare to ask you to investigate the people who killed four of my disciples?"

The old man in black robe is the master of Youhai Sect, known as the Ancestor of Youhai, and is a Shengang Realm warrior.

The Shengang realm is almost the top level of helper and supreme elder in Zhanhai City.

Sanjiaohui is one of the three major gangs in Zhanhai City.

In order to surpass the Sihai Gang, the Sanjiao Society cooperated with Youhaimen, and their power grew rapidly in just one year.

Now that the Ancestor of Youhai has come to visit him personally, the three giants of the Sanjiao Society must also express their opinions.

However, when they investigated the actual situation, they had a headache.

This matter is very troublesome!

"Ancestor Youhai, this matter is extraordinary. According to the clues you provided, the ship should be a ship of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce. Among the Ocean Chamber of Commerce, there is probably only one of your four divine power realm disciples who can kill you with one sword."


The ancestor of Youhai just wants to know who killed his four disciples?

"Twelve swords!"

"According to our information, Dao Twelve should have returned to Zhanhai City recently, and also went to see the goddess, most likely him."

Hearing the name "Sword Twelve", Youhai Ancestor's pupils shrank slightly.

No wonder even the three giants of Sanjiaohui have a headache.

It turns out to be Dao Twelve!

Ancestor Youhai has never seen Dao Twelve, but he has heard of Dao Twelve, and is even familiar with it.

Who in the entire Zhanhai City doesn’t know Dao Twelve?

"The battlefield in the Northern Territory, the one with the most powerful sword, Dao Twelve?"

"Who else could it be but him?"

Ancestor Youhai was silent.

Dao Twelve is not an ordinary person.

That’s number one on the divine power list!

He once single-handedly defeated countless divine power realm warriors from the Beilu Kingdom, thus becoming famous all over the world.

Such a person is extraordinary.

"Hmph, his twelve swordsmen are known all over the world, so he is famous enough. But my four disciples should die?"

"No matter how famous Dao Twelve is throughout the world, it has nothing to do with me!"

"What is the first person in the realm of divine power? Even if he is the first person, he is only in the realm of divine power. I must kill him!"

Ancestor Youhai’s eyes were red.

His four disciples, especially the eldest disciple, are the ones who can inherit his mantle.

As a result, he died?

The Ancestor of Youhai is extremely angry!

Even if he knew it was Dao Twelve, Ancestor Youhai was still unmoved.

No matter how strong Dao Twelve is, can it still be stronger than Shen Gang Realm?

In fact, neither the Sanjiao Society nor the Ancestor Youhai knew that Dao Twelve was already a disciple of the Northern Territory Tianzong.

The strength shown by Dao Twelve is actually at the level of divine power.

It’s no wonder that the ancestor of Youhai is so murderous.

No matter how famous Dao Twelve is, fame doesn't matter in the world.

In the arena, only strength matters!

The three giants of Sanjiaohui looked at each other, they had a headache.

They vaguely learned that Dao Twelve had an unusual relationship with the royal family of the Dayu Dynasty.

If I really want to kill Dao Twelve, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

But who made Dao Twelve provoke Ancestor Youhai?

This ancestor of Youhai has a hot temper, and is even a gangster himself. He is used to being arrogant on the sea.

Now that even four of his disciples have been killed by Dao Twelve, how can Ancestor Youhai let it go?

"Report! Ancestor, you asked us to keep an eye on the Ocean Chamber of Commerce's ship at the dock."

"A large ship from the Ocean Chamber of Commerce has just returned to the dock."

At this time, spies from Youhaimen came to report.


"It seems that Dao Twelve is back!"

"I'm going to kill Dao Twelve now!"

Ancestor Youhai’s eyes were red, and his body was filled with murderous intent.

At this time, even the three giants of Sanjiaohui were unable to stop them.

"Forget it, since the ancestor is determined to kill Dao Twelve, I, the Three Jiao Society, will naturally not stand by and watch."

"We will not directly help our ancestors kill Dao Twelve, but if that crazy woman from the Heavenly Lady Sect wants to intervene, we can help our ancestors stop her."

The three giants of Sanjiaohui also made a commitment.

They know that the Tiannv Sect has a close relationship with Dao Twelve.

Dao Twelve is the guardian of the contemporary goddess.

If the Heavenly Lady Sect is determined to intervene, the ancestor of Youhai may not be able to kill Dao Twelve.

But if they take action to stop the powerful Shen Gang Realm of the Tiannu Sect and allow the Youhai Ancestor to attack Dao Twelve, most of the time Dao Twelve will be in trouble.

This can be regarded as the help the three dragons will give to the ancestor of Youhai.

"Okay, once Dao Twelve is killed, the cooperation between me and the Sanjiao Society will be intensified!"

Ancestor Youhai is also very satisfied.

Then, without further delay, he left the Sanjiao Guild and rushed towards the Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

"Let's go, let's go take a look too, and keep an eye on that crazy woman from the Heavenly Lady Sect!"

The Big Three quickly followed suit.

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