Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 140: If Lu Changsheng doesn’t make a sound, he will make a big splash!

"What, challenge Meng Fang?"

"How could anyone challenge Meng?"

"He...he is Lu Changsheng, right? He has been on the ladder to join the sect for more than four months. He can't even keep his identity as a seed disciple. He doesn't dare to go back to the mountain to accept the challenge. Now he wants to challenge Senior Brother Meng Fang?"

"Is there a possibility that he doesn't know who Senior Brother Meng Fang is?"

For a moment, many outer disciples looked at Lu Changsheng with very strange looks.

That's Meng Fang!

There are three major "taboos" for all outer disciples.

Who dares to challenge Meng?

That can only be humiliating oneself!

"Are you sure you want to challenge Meng Fang?"

The outer deacon also widened his eyes.

He knew Lu Changsheng, and even more so, Meng Fang.

He didn't believe that Lu Changsheng had never heard of Meng Fang.

After all, Lu Changsheng has been in the outer sect for more than four months. Anyone who is an outer sect disciple must know a thing or two about the three taboos of the outer sect.

But now Lu Changsheng actually wants to challenge Meng Fang, one of the three taboos?

"Yes, I want to challenge Meng Fang. What, is there a problem?

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

"Of course there is no problem. Meng has not been challenged by anyone this month. Of course you can challenge."

"Since you insist on challenging Meng Fang, then I will register you."

"If nothing else happens, maybe Meng will agree to your challenge today."

The deacon began to register Lu Changsheng, and then waved his hand to have the news delivered to Meng Fang's courtyard.

Meng Fang lived in Courtyard No. 8, which was actually not far from Lu Changsheng's Courtyard No. 12.

But Lu Changsheng had never met Meng Fang.

However, the first time he used his perception field, he seemed to be discovered by the other party.

But after that time, Lu Changsheng basically stopped covering the opponent with his perception field.

In the outer gate, there are actually many places where many people can find Lu Changsheng's perception field.

As long as he is discovered by the opponent once, Lu Changsheng will not continue to use the field of perception.

He would deliberately avoid those places or those people.

After all, releasing prying eyes in the field of perception is, strictly speaking, even considered a provocative act.

"Will you accept it today? Then I'll wait for the news here."

Lu Changsheng did not leave the butler's office. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and waited quietly.

At this moment, many outer disciples in the deacon's office felt a little surprised when they saw this scene.

Seeing Lu Changsheng like this, he was really determined to challenge Meng Fang, and he was not joking.

Moreover, the Deacon Office has sent someone to send news to Meng Fang.

This is a big deal!

In the past three years, no disciple has ever tried to challenge the three "taboos" of the outer sect.

Now is the first time in three years that an outer disciple has challenged Meng Fang, one of the three taboos!

For the outer sect, this is really a big deal!

"What's going on with Lu Changsheng? After four months in the sect, he can't even keep his identity as a seed disciple, and now he wants to challenge Senior Brother Meng Fang? This is crazy!"

"It is indeed a bit crazy. In terms of talent, Senior Brother Meng Fang also climbed the ladder to enter the sect, but after a few years of silence in the outer sect, he broke out and challenged himself to become a seed disciple. Later, he became one of the three taboos in the outer sect. Not even a single defeat. How long has it been since Lu Changsheng thought about challenging Senior Brother Meng Fang and becoming famous? "

"Senior Brother Meng Fang even defeated Senior Brother Inner Sect. Why does Lu Changsheng do that?"

Many outer disciples were sneering, feeling that Lu Changsheng was overestimating his abilities.

However, several outer disciples looked strange.

"Maybe there will be a miracle..."

These outer disciples looked at each other. There was no surprise in their eyes, but they were very calm.

It seems natural.

In fact, they were the ones who saw Lu Changsheng defeat three inner disciples with one blow in Tianyuan Canyon.

However, after Lu Changsheng returned to the outer gate, he kept a low profile and made no movement.

They didn't dare to publicize Lu Changsheng's deeds casually.

In fact, they had previously speculated that Lu Changsheng had not returned to the Northern Territory Tianzong within three months, perhaps because something had really delayed him.

They always felt that Lu Changsheng would make big moves.

Sure enough, Lu Changsheng is making big moves now.

"Miracles, there can be no miracles!"

"Really? So, do you dare to make a bet?"

"Just bet."

For a moment, several outer disciples showed a smile on their lips.

Unexpectedly, they did not dare to publicize Lu Changsheng's deeds, but it actually brought benefits to them.

No, they bet almost all their wealth.

This is going to make a lot of money!

As for Lu Changsheng not being Meng Fang’s opponent?

They didn't believe it at all.

They were even more confident than Lu Changsheng himself.

Meng Fang did defeat the inner disciples back then, but it took a lot of trouble. How could he defeat the three inner disciples with one sword like Lu Changsheng did?

Who is strong and who is weak, can they still not understand?

This time, we must make a fortune!

Soon, the people from the Deacon's Office arrived at Courtyard No. 8.

In Courtyard No. 8, Meng Fang is practicing a secret technique.

He only has two years left before his ten-year term as an outer disciple.

There is not much time left for him.

Bangladesh has great ambitions.

Like the other two "taboos" of the outer sect, he had actually been able to gather the divine power long ago and was promoted to an inner sect disciple.

However, he wanted to keep his identity as a seed disciple as soon as he entered the inner sect.

Therefore, he could only continue to accumulate strength in the outer sect.

His secrets and martial arts have almost reached the extreme.

The only thing left is the domain.

Meng Fang's domain is very strong!

He has never thought about comprehending two domains, that is impossible.

He just wants to comprehend the domain to a deeper level as much as possible.

In that way, his strength will be improved.

Moreover, he will dabble in some artistic conception during this period.

It is not a big problem if the artistic conception is not improved to the level of evolving the domain.

At that time, maybe he can try to condense the second kind of divine power with these artistic conceptions.

After all, it is not only the evolution of the domain that can condense the divine power.

Evolving the domain can only guarantee 100% condensation of the divine power.

Theoretically, even if the artistic conception is 1% of the progress, the divine power can be condensed, but the probability is very low.

For a disciple like Meng Fang who has good talent, it should not be a problem to comprehend the second artistic conception to 50% or 60% on the premise of evolving a domain.

At that time, he can also try to condense two kinds of divine power.

If successful, with two layers of divine power and a deep understanding of the domain, it should not be a problem for Meng Fang to keep his status as a seed disciple.

The status of a seed disciple is excellent.

Double rewards.

Double resources.

Entering the inner gate will give more resources overall.

But what does it mean compared to the status of a seed disciple?

"If I do more tasks, I can collect 10,000 contribution points. When I exchange for an enlightenment pill, maybe my domain can be further improved."

"There are still two years left. I will try to exchange for three more enlightenment pills. Then I can start to condense the divine power and advance to the inner gate!"

Meng Fang has already made a plan.

Three more, plus the enlightenment pill that is about to be obtained, a total of four enlightenment pills.

With so many enlightenment pills, whether he fully comprehends the domain, elevates the domain to a new realm, or improves the second artistic conception, it will be very useful.

The premise is that he must obtain so many enlightenment pills.

If he does not have the status of a seed disciple, it is impossible for him to obtain so many contribution points and exchange so many enlightenment pills.

"Meng Fang, outer disciple Lu Changsheng has applied to challenge you."

"Will you accept the challenge or give up?"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the No. 8 courtyard.

"Someone is challenging me?"

Meng Fang was slightly startled.

As one of the three taboos of the outer sect, no outer disciple dared to challenge him in the past few years.

Now there is a disciple challenging him?

"Lu Changsheng? The Lu Changsheng who climbed the ladder to enter the sect and obtained the status of a seed disciple, but never accepted any challenge?"

"He actually applied to challenge me?"

Meng Fang frowned.

A mere outer disciple who had just entered the sect dared to challenge him.

Meng Fang was a little unhappy.

He now has time to comprehend the artistic conception or domain, or to complete tasks and get double rewards.

He doesn't want to waste time fighting with others.

However, this is the rule of challenge by outer disciples.

Either accept the challenge or give up.

Meng Fang got up and walked out of the yard.

He looked at the deacon who came to deliver the message and said coldly: "I accept Lu Changsheng's challenge."

"Let's go, go quickly and come back quickly, I have to hurry to complete the task."

How could Meng Fang take a mere disciple who had just joined the sect seriously?

The sooner he went, the sooner he solved it. Try to solve the challenge within a quarter of an hour.

More and more outer disciples gathered at the outer sect deacon's office.

Wang Cheng was among them.

There were even two women beside Wang Cheng.

They all looked at Lu Changsheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with their eyes full of surprise.

"Wang Cheng, you got a great bargain before. This Lu Changsheng must have been delayed by something, so he didn't return to the sect. As a result, you experienced the identity of a seed disciple for a day."

"Yes, he has been in the outer sect for a few months. It is impossible that he doesn't know the three taboos of the outer sect. Now he dares to challenge Brother Meng Fang, one of the three taboos. He must have some confidence."

"To be able to climb the ladder to enter the sect, either you are born with strong mental power and amazing willpower, or you have evolved a domain to pass the ladder. Before, we all thought that Lu Changsheng might be a person with strong will and extremely strong spirit. But he He dared to challenge Meng Fang after four months in the sect, most likely he has evolved a domain. "

"Evolving a domain... How many outer disciples have wasted years and still cannot evolve a domain. Even many inner disciples have not evolved a domain either."

"However, if Lu Changsheng really thinks that he can defeat Brother Meng Fang by evolving a domain, he is totally wrong. How can a domain that is evolved in general be compared with Brother Meng Fang? I don't know how far Brother Meng Fang has gone in the domain, and there are differences between domains..."

Wang Cheng listened to the discussion of his two companions, and his face became even uglier.

Is it possible that he picked up a big leak?

If Lu Changsheng rushed back to the sect at that time, he would be the first person to apply for the challenge, and he would probably lose miserably, and even become the laughing stock of the entire outer sect.

Wang Cheng is now somewhat glad that Lu Changsheng did not come back.

Although he was defeated by Zhang He.

But Zhang He is very strong, and it is normal to defeat him, and he will not be ridiculed.

"How can a domain evolve so easily?"

"Maybe he is just crazy, or he thinks he can defeat Brother Meng Fang with some secret method or martial arts?"

Wang Cheng actually felt that his companions' words made sense, but he refused to admit defeat.

"Which one is Lu Changsheng?"

"I accept your challenge."

At this time, a strange voice sounded in Lu Changsheng's ears.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

Meng Fang is here!

One of the three taboos of the outer sect.

For several years, no one dared to challenge Meng Fang.

And today, Lu Changsheng broke this record.

Lu Changsheng's challenge made Meng Fang very dissatisfied.

Lu Changsheng did not challenge the other two taboos, but chose him.

Does this mean that he is weaker?

This is even more intolerable!

Meng Fang decided to fight quickly and solve Lu Changsheng in one move.

"Brother Meng, please."

Lu Changsheng stood up.

"Then let's go to the ring and fight quickly. I have to rush down the mountain to complete the task."

Meng Fang said coldly.

He looked like he was in a hurry.

Lu Changsheng naturally heard a hint of anger and disdain in the other party's tone.

However, he didn't care at all.

Still want to go back to do the mission?

I'm afraid Meng Fang will not be in the mood to do the mission later.

"As you wish."

Lu Changsheng stood up and walked directly to the ring.

Soon, the two came to the ring of the martial arts field.

A group of outer disciples gathered below.

After all, such a battle can be said to be full of "topic".

One is a disciple who has just entered the sect for more than four months, and the other is Meng Fang, one of the three taboos of the outer sect.

The battle between these two people is naturally very popular.

Many disciples are actually very puzzled about Lu Changsheng's strength. What confidence do they have to dare to challenge Meng Fang?

As for Meng Fang, the outer disciples are actually curious.

After all, they haven't fought for several years. How strong is Meng Fang now? Many outer disciples are still unclear.

However, this battle can clearly see Meng Fang's current strength.

"You are a young bull who is not afraid of tigers. You dare to challenge me when you just came to the outer sect. I have to say that you are very courageous."

"But that's all. Courage cannot replace strength."

Meng Fang said coldly.

He used a sword, but he did not draw the sword, but just gently grasped the hilt.

The moment he grasped the hilt.


A terrible edge instantly enveloped Lu Changsheng.

Sword edge!

Sword edge everywhere!

It seemed that there were terrifying sword edges everywhere.

"Sword Domain!"

Lu Changsheng spoke slowly, word by word.

The Sword Domain evolved from the perfect sword intent.

Of course, not all sword intents are the same.

Ten thousand people may comprehend ten thousand kinds of sword intent.

But no matter what sword intent, it fits the sharpness and sharpness of the sword.

Especially after evolving into the sword domain, it will be even more terrifying.

Lu Changsheng froze all over.

As if he was suppressed by the sword domain, he couldn't move at all.

Even, his whole body seemed to be cut by a sharp sword, which was very scary.

Under the ring, many outer disciples were also in an uproar.

"Sword Domain, I didn't expect to see Brother Meng Fang's Sword Domain again after a few years!"

"Brother Meng Fang's Sword Domain should have become stronger again. In recent years, Brother Meng Fang has exchanged a lot of enlightenment pills, and his Sword Domain has been improved to a very scary level."

"As soon as the Sword Domain was released, Lu Changsheng was suppressed. With this little strength, how dare you challenge Brother Meng Fang?"

"What secret method, what martial arts, what artistic conception, are all useless under Brother Meng Fang's Sword Domain."

"I guess Brother Meng Fang doesn't need to draw his sword, Lu Changsheng will have to admit defeat. Otherwise, once Brother Meng Fang draws his sword, Lu Changsheng will have to suffer."

When Meng Fang's Sword Domain appeared, everyone was amazed.

Meng Fang's Sword Domain swept across the entire outer sect.

Except for the other two taboos, no one can stop Meng Fang's sword domain.

Now Lu Changsheng is the same.

As soon as Meng Fang's sword domain appeared, Lu Changsheng was suppressed.

This was the first time Lu Changsheng was suppressed.

"Domain? I have one too!"

Lu Changsheng raised his head and spoke slowly, word by word.


Meng Fang suddenly felt that there was a faint breeze in his sword domain.


The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and finally formed a storm.

The storm raged in the sword domain, and Lu Changsheng immediately broke the suppression of the sword domain.


Meng Fang narrowed his eyes slightly.

In fact, he thought of this possibility.

After all, being able to enter the sect through the ladder is not a trivial matter?

"Sure enough, Lu Changsheng has evolved a domain!"

"It seems to be a storm domain."

"Lu Changsheng dared to challenge Meng Fang, and he really has some reliance and confidence."

Some disciples looked as if they had suddenly realized something.

However, although they were surprised, they did not think that Lu Changsheng defeated Meng Fang's sword domain.

It was the same domain, but there were also great differences.

Meng Fang also sneered: "Is your confidence the storm domain?"

"You can evolve a domain, it seems that your understanding is indeed extraordinary. However, you want to challenge me with just a storm domain. Do you really think that the outer disciples of the Northern Territory Tianzong are all trash?"

As Meng Fang's voice fell.


The power of the sword domain suddenly increased.

Indistinctly, it seemed as if there were flashes of sword light, constantly cutting through the void and cutting Lu Changsheng's storm domain.

The storm domain and the sword domain collided without any fancy moves.

However, this head-on collision immediately tore apart Lu Changsheng's storm domain.

Even the storm was pierced by the sword light, as if it had dimmed a lot.

It seemed that it would collapse at any time.

Meng Fang's sword domain is well-deserved!

They are both domains, but Lu Changsheng's storm domain has not even made 10% progress.

After colliding with Meng Fang's sword domain, the storm domain was on the verge of collapse after just one encounter.

"Hua La La".

At this time, there seemed to be the sound of water.

From far to near, at the end, a roaring sound of "booming" was formed.


Huge waves!

Behind Lu Changsheng, there was another huge wave, as if it was a hundred feet high, raging in the sword domain, sweeping all directions.

All the sword lights were submerged by the waves.

Meng Fang even exclaimed: "Two realms? You actually evolved two realms?"

This time, everyone was shocked!

Lu Changsheng would be amazing if he did not make a sound!

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