Chapter 150 "All Living Things" comprehends the taste of life, the true teachings of the Battle Hall are coming!

Lu Changsheng returned to the Northern Region Tianzong and submitted the task as soon as possible.

He handed the demon blood essence to the elder deacon of the task hall.

"Not bad, the task was completed so quickly, even less than a month."

"You are a seed disciple, the reward is doubled, and you get 20,000 contribution points."

The elder deacon took the demon blood essence.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng's contribution points also rose to 28,000 points.

He can exchange for two enlightenment pills again.

However, Lu Changsheng did not exchange them immediately.

Instead, he returned to his yard.

He counted the gains from this trip down the mountain.

Three enlightenment pills, a "All Living Things" magic weapon, and 20,000 contribution points.

In fact, it should be four enlightenment pills.

Lu Changsheng had already taken an enlightenment pill in Qingcheng before.

From this point of view, this trip down the mountain was really rewarding.

Of course, not every mission can have so many gains.

This time, he was lucky.

Lu Changsheng had to plan how to use the three enlightenment pills.

He still had three enlightenment pills, but he had four domains.

Should he use all the enlightenment pills to comprehend one domain and strive to achieve perfection, or distribute them equally to each domain?

This really needs to be carefully considered.

Lu Changsheng thought about it carefully. Every time he used a domain, his domain seemed to be a little worse and was defeated by the opponent's domain.

He was able to suppress his opponent only by numbers.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng made a decision in his heart.

"First, I will do my best to improve the starry sky domain and see how far I can improve it?"

Lu Changsheng had three enlightenment pills.

He could even exchange two enlightenment pills with contribution points.

It should be enough to improve the starry sky domain to an extremely high level.

So, Lu Changsheng waited until dark, and then took the enlightenment pills in the yard to comprehend the starry sky domain.

One day, two days, three days...

Three days later, Lu Changsheng had taken all three enlightenment pills.

Moreover, during these three days, he was wholeheartedly comprehending the starry sky domain.

And the progress of the starry sky domain has almost reached 57%.

In fact, this is already very good.

It has exceeded 50% of the progress.

Now Lu Changsheng's starry sky domain is already considered to be relatively strong.

However, Lu Changsheng is still not satisfied.

He spent another 20,000 contribution points to exchange for two enlightenment pills.

He took it again and practiced for two days.

He forcibly increased the progress of the starry sky domain to 75%.

Lu Changsheng discovered a very strange phenomenon.

The speed of his domain progress seems to have not slowed down at all.

It's as if there is no bottleneck.

In general, the further the domain progress is, the more difficult it is.

But Lu Changsheng did not slow down.

Taking an enlightenment pill can increase the progress of the starry sky domain by about 8% to 10%.

Lu Changsheng also roughly knows the reason.


Or because Lu Changsheng's comprehension is too high.

Even if the domain is perfect, it is nothing to Lu Changsheng's comprehension.

"If the efficiency of perceiving the domain does not decrease, then taking three more enlightenment pills should be able to make the starry sky domain perfect!"

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

I wonder what will happen after the domain is perfected?

However, there are still three enlightenment pills missing.

If you want to exchange, it will be 30,000 contribution points.

Now Lu Changsheng only has 8,000 contribution points left.

Unless you do another task.

However, there is no rush now.

The domain must be improved, after all, the improvement of the domain represents the improvement of strength.

But Lu Changsheng has not forgotten what the essence of the Shengang realm is.

It is the power of the mind!

Only when the mind scale reaches 100 can he open the brain and step into the Shenzang realm!

Before, Lu Changsheng improved the domain, which is equivalent to perceiving the world, so as to improve the power of the mind.

But now he has a magical artifact "All Living Things" in his hand.

He can fall into the illusion, perceive the various forms of all living beings, and thus improve the power of the mind.

Lu Changsheng directly took out the "All Living Things".

He slowly opened the painting.

There were words on the painting.

It was actually a reminder that once this magic weapon was used, people would be immersed in an illusion.

At that time, they would lose their memories and spend an ordinary person's life in an illusion.

As for what an ordinary person would experience in his life.

What insights could they have.

Whether it could improve the power of the mind was actually unknown.

It was like relying on luck.

However, on the whole, once the All Living Things were used, the power of the mind could basically be improved.

"The illusion is roughly equivalent to three days in reality."

"Then, I need to be in seclusion for at least three days and cannot be disturbed by anyone. Otherwise, it will lose its effect."

"There is only one last chance to use the All Living Things, so I have to seize it."

Lu Changsheng sat cross-legged in the room.

Not eating or drinking for three days had no effect on his body.

He held the All Living Things scroll in his hand.

This magic weapon should have been specially made for warriors.

Just focus your eyes on the All Living Things, and you will naturally be able to stimulate the All Living Things, and fall into an illusion.

"Let's get started."

Lu Changsheng placed the picture of all living things in front of him.

Then he stared at the scroll intently.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lu Changsheng felt that the scroll in front of him seemed to have turned into a vortex.

The vortex became bigger and bigger, and finally "swallowed" him completely.

Then, Lu Changsheng lost consciousness and fell into darkness.

However, the moment Lu Changsheng lost consciousness, he had already fallen into the illusion of all living beings.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng was experiencing an illusion.

It’s just that he didn’t know it.

In the illusion, Lu Changsheng was born in a remote mountain village in Luo State, called Luoshan.

The village relied on hunting and farming for a living.

Luoshan grew up very strong since he was a child. He learned many hunting methods from the elders in the village. He became the best hunter in the village when he was only eleven or twelve years old.

When Luoshan was sixteen years old, the village suffered a war disaster.

At that time, the world was in chaos and there were wars everywhere.

Luoshan’s village suffered a war disaster, and his parents, younger brother, younger sister and other relatives were almost all killed by the chaotic soldiers.

The whole village was slaughtered.

Only Luo Shan and a few hunters went to the mountains to hunt, and they escaped.

Luo Shan was furious and vowed to avenge his parents and relatives.

He and the remaining hunters followed the traces of the group of rebels and found them.

There were hundreds of rebels.

Luo Shan was not blinded by hatred and anger.

He began to set traps by various means.

Just like hunting, he killed the rebels one by one.

The rebels didn't know at first.

They just thought someone was unlucky and stepped on the traps set by the hunters.

However, as time went by, people died almost every day.

At this time, the rebels knew that it was not simple.

After careful investigation, they found Luo Shan and others.

In the end, Luo Shan's companions were caught and killed by the rebels, and only Luo Shan escaped with injuries.

Luo Shan was heartbroken.

But he still didn't give up.

With injuries, he set various traps for the rebels like a ghost.

For a full six months, Luo Shan followed the group of soldiers, using traps, assassinations and other means to kill them one by one.

Finally, the last soldier was killed.

Luo Shan's revenge was avenged!

He almost killed hundreds of soldiers by himself in half a year.

Later, Luo Shan joined the rebel army, charged into battle, and gradually grew up in the war, becoming a world-famous general.

The Luo Kingdom collapsed, the world was in chaos, and the heroes competed for supremacy.

Luo Shan married the daughter of the leader of the rebel army, the woman he loved all his life.

The leader of the rebel army later died in battle, and Luo Shan became the new leader of the rebel army.

Without the constraints, Luo Shan's ambitions were realized, and he led the army to gallop across the country, invincible.

He even had the power to compete for supremacy.

Unfortunately, the war was dangerous.

In the most critical battle, Luo Shan lost.

He lost to an opponent with ten times his own strength.

Luo Shan did not die. His opponent was eager to recruit him. From then on, Luo Shan fought for his master and finally pacified the world.

Luo Shan had been a soldier for half his life. Just when the world was pacified, he was greeted with a cup of poisoned wine.

His contribution was too great, and his master could not tolerate him.

But he promised his son to inherit the title.

Luo Shan drank the poisoned wine and died in melancholy.

I don't know how long it has been.

Just like a nightmare, Lu Changsheng suddenly woke up.

"I am... Lu Changsheng?"

Lu Changsheng widened his eyes.

The memory in his mind was vivid and clear.

It was as if he had really experienced it himself.

"The appearance of all living beings, so this is the appearance of all living beings."

"How can this be an illusion? It is clearly a new life experience..."

Lu Changsheng's heart was in turmoil.

What a powerful illusion, what a powerful magic weapon!

After Lu Changsheng woke up from the illusion, he carefully recalled the memories in his mind, but he didn't know that Luo Shan's many experiences were affecting him subtly.

However, the influence was not great.

Lu Changsheng was a warrior in the Shengang realm, and his mind and will were extremely strong.

How could Luo Shan, an ordinary person, influence him?

However, Luo Shan's experience was too rich.

Perhaps, Lu Changsheng was also very lucky.

He was able to have such an experience in the illusion.

At the age of a teenager, he suffered the pain of his whole family being killed by the rebels.

But he was not depressed. Instead, he chased the murderer for thousands of miles and killed hundreds of rebels in half a year with his own strength.

Later, he went from a small soldier to a general, and even competed for the world.

Although he was defeated, he met a good master and finally pacified the world.

It's a pity that he can share hardships with his lord, but not wealth.

Finally, he died unwillingly in the power struggle.

Such a life experience can be said to be quite rich.

The richer the life experience, theoretically, the more helpful it may be for the growth of spiritual power.

This illusion of sentient beings is actually equivalent to "game world" plus "life and death fight".

It's really worth it!

Unfortunately, this is the last chance to use it.

Lu Changsheng picked up the scroll of sentient beings again.

But he just touched it.


The scroll automatically dissipated into pieces.

The sentient beings were gone.

"Unfortunately, there is only one chance. If you can use the image of sentient beings nine times, which is equivalent to nine life experiences, it will be of great benefit to the training of the mind."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

In fact, he knew that the images of all living beings were refined by a "Kong Ming Dao Lord".

Lu Changsheng also saw the name on the scroll before.

"If we can find Dao Lord Kong Ming and refine another volume of all living beings..."

However, this is just a thought.

Lu Changsheng has never heard of Dao Lord Kongming, so where can he find it?

Now the sentient beings have been used once and were completely destroyed.

Lu Changsheng felt that he had gained a lot and his spiritual power should have increased a bit.

But Lu Changsheng didn't know exactly how much it had increased.

So, Lu Changsheng stood up and left the courtyard, heading towards the Gong Chuan Hall.

Soon, Lu Changsheng came to the spiritual monument in the Chuan Gong Hall.

As always, there are many disciples queuing up in front of the Spirit Monument to test their spiritual power.

Lu Changsheng waited quietly.

It took about half an hour before it was Lu Changsheng's turn.

"Eh? Isn't that Senior Brother Lu Changsheng?"

"How long has it been since he last tested his psychic power? It was just over a month in total, less than two months. How much can his psychic power increase in less than two months?"

"Many people may not see any improvement in their spiritual power for a year or two. Even if they are seed disciples, no matter how talented they are, it is difficult to improve their spiritual power."

"Maybe Senior Brother Lu is different? Last time, Senior Brother Lu's mental scale was twenty-eight. I wonder if there is a chance to reach more than thirty this time?"

After all, Lu Changsheng was a famous figure in the inner sect.

He was recognized as soon as he appeared.

However, Lu Changsheng didn't care. He put his hand on the spiritual monument and looked directly at the spiritual monument.

Gradually, Lu Changsheng felt like he was in a trance.

It was as if the Soul Monument had some magic power that made him fall into it.

I don’t know how long it took.


A glimmer of light bloomed on the monument of the soul.

Lu Changsheng also completely woke up from that immersion.

He immediately raised his head and looked at the Soul Monument.


On the monument of the soul, the number "thirty-three" shines brightly.

This also means that Lu Changsheng's mental scale has reached thirty-three at this moment.

Compared with last time, there are five more scales.

Lu Changsheng was slightly startled.

He never thought that the mental scale would be thirty-three.

Not too much, but too little!

This time he went down the mountain, he increased the star field to 75%, and there were all living beings, and he fell into an illusion, which was equivalent to experiencing a brand new life.

It can be said that it has gone through a lot of hardships.

As a result, only five points of spiritual scale were added?

The power of the mind is ethereal, and it is simply too difficult to increase it.

No wonder there are so many geniuses in the inner sect who are amazingly talented, but in the end they are never able to raise their spiritual scale to one hundred, and end up being depressed and staying in the Divine Gang Realm forever.

However, Lu Changsheng's spiritual power improvement was too little, but for other inner disciples, Lu Changsheng had raised his spiritual scale to thirty-three in such a short period of time.

This kind of speed is simply amazing!

Their eyes widened one by one.

As if he couldn't believe it.

However, the monument of the soul still exudes a gleaming light.

The scale of thirty-three is also very eye-catching.

"Thirty-three, Senior Brother Lu's spiritual scale has actually reached thirty-three?"

"How long has it been? In just two months, your spiritual scale has increased by five points?"

"Last time, Senior Brother Lu's spiritual scale was only twenty-eight, and this time it is thirty-three. How could Senior Brother Lu improve so much spiritual power in less than two months?"

"Maybe it's the Enlightenment Pill? Maybe it's some adventure. I heard that Senior Brother Lu took a mission and went down the mountain..."

Many people are talking about it.

In less than two months, the power of the mind increased by five levels.

This is a huge improvement.

Lu Changsheng returned to the courtyard.

He admitted that he had been overly optimistic before.

It is thought that by understanding the field of perception and improving the progress of the field, one can quickly increase the power of the soul.

In fact, improving the field can indeed increase the power of the mind.

However, the growth is very limited.

On the contrary, Lu Changsheng felt that his mental level had improved a lot.

It’s a pity that all sentient beings are gone.

"You still need Enlightenment Pills, at least three of them, and 30,000 contribution points."

Lu Changsheng now has 8,000 contribution points, which is still less than 20,000.

"Are we still going to do the mission?"

Lu Changsheng had just returned to Beiyu Tianzong not long ago, and he didn't want to go down the mountain.

"Wait a minute, there is another place where you can hope to get contribution points without completing tasks."

Lu Changsheng thought of a place, Douzhan Palace!

Disciples of the Northern Territory Tianzong are generally not allowed to fight privately.

Only by challenging those seed disciples can we fight.

However, the disciples are all warriors.

And how can a warrior not fight?

Therefore, there is the Douzhan Palace.

This battle hall is very special, and disciples can sign up to participate in the battle.

To register once, you need to pay one thousand contribution points.

Every time as long as hundreds of disciples sign up, they can have a "battle".

At that time, there will be all kinds of melee.

You just need to hold on to the last ten people in the battle.

Then these ten people can share the contribution points of "Battle".

Each person has 1,000 contribution points, and 100 people participate in the battle, that is 100,000 contribution points.

The ten people who persist in the end will share the 100,000 contribution points.

The first place gets 35,000 contribution points.

The second place gets 20,000 contribution points.

The third place gets 10,000 contribution points.

The remaining fourth to tenth place will each get 5,000 contribution points.

This reward is quite generous.

And there is no need to go down the mountain.

As for fighting, Lu Changsheng is really not afraid of fighting.

So, Lu Changsheng got up and went directly to the Battle Hall.

Soon, Lu Changsheng came to the Battle Hall.

There are many people in the Battle Hall.

Even many disciples have started the battle.

The battle starts at a fixed time every morning.

As long as the number of people is 100.

Lu Changsheng took out his identity token and applied to register for the battle.

"Come to the Battle Hall tomorrow morning."

"If you can't get 100 people in one day, you have to register again."

The steward of the Battle Hall reminded.


Lu Changsheng nodded.

He read the rules carefully in the Battle Hall.

There is no limit on the strength of the participants.

Outer disciples, inner disciples and even true disciples can participate.

However, each disciple can only participate once a month.

This is also to prevent the disciples from being immersed in the battle all day long.

Battle is good, but if you indulge in it and ignore the improvement of other aspects, it will not be worth the loss.

"If there are true disciples in the battle, it will be troublesome."

"However, true disciples rarely participate in the battle. Even if I participate, I don't get the first place, but I can get the second or third place."

"Besides, if there are true disciples participating, it may be a good thing. It can be regarded as a gain to experience the strength of the strong in the God Hidden Realm."

Lu Changsheng's mentality is very good.

So, Lu Changsheng went back to prepare.

The next day, Lu Changsheng came to the Battle Hall again, took out his identity token and handed it to the deacon.

"Your group, one hundred people have already gathered."

"Go in, inside is the battle hall."

The steward said to Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

One hundred people have already gathered, and he walked directly into the battle hall.

Lu Changsheng entered the battle hall.

There were already many people inside.

As soon as Lu Changsheng entered the battle hall, he immediately attracted many people's attention.

After all, Lu Changsheng is an inner sect seed disciple.

He was also an outer sect seed disciple before.

There are many people who know Lu Changsheng.

Almost everyone in the battle hall knows Lu Changsheng.

"It's Brother Lu Changsheng, the inner sect seed disciple!"

"It's Lu Changsheng, this is trouble, he is a strong opponent."

"Four domains, four levels of divine power, can burst out the power of 100,000 tripods... This is a contender for the top three or even the first place."

"That's not necessarily true. What if there is a true disciple participating in the battle?"

"It should be difficult to meet a true disciple..."

Just when everyone was talking about it.


A figure walked in from outside.

A man in a white robe, with a long sword on his waist, a handsome face and elegant demeanor.

From a distance, he didn't seem to be a warrior, but a scholar.

However, seeing this man in a white robe, the faces of many disciples in the hall changed instantly.

"Is this... Xiao Jian's true disciple?"

"There is actually a true disciple coming to participate in the battle, this is trouble."

"Don't even think about being the first. With Xiao Jian's true disciple, no one can win the first place in the battle."

"Even, we have to be careful not to be eliminated by Xiao Jian's true disciple. If we don't even make it into the top ten, these 1,000 contribution points will be wasted."

"It's really unlucky, I actually met a true disciple..."

For a while, many disciples showed a trace of disappointment on their faces.

True disciples are not just here to grab the first place in the battle.

If they are unlucky during the battle and are targeted by Xiao Jian, they will be eliminated at that time.

If they were originally in the top ten or even the top three, they would be eliminated by Xiao Jian directly, which would be a big loss.

As soon as Xiao Jian appeared, the instability of this battle increased.

Except for Xiao Jian, no one dared to say that they were 100% sure to enter the top ten.

It all depended on luck.

Even Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up and down at Xiao Jian.

"True disciple..."

"Maybe, this time I can personally experience what means the Shenzang Realm has?"

Lu Changsheng was a little excited.

Losing a thousand contribution points is nothing.

Even this time, it doesn't matter if I can't reach the top ten.

Just seeing the true disciple take action is worth it!

Of course, Lu Changsheng will not be reckless.

He still has to be as careful as possible, and it would be best if he could stick to the top ten

Xiao Jian seemed to have a very gentle attitude.

But no one took the initiative to come forward to talk.

Xiao Jian sat cross-legged on the ground and waited quietly.

Although the quota for the battle of 100 people has been gathered, there are still disciples who have not come to the battle hall.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Many more disciples came one after another.

Finally, the door of the battle hall slowly closed.

"The battle begins!"

A voice came from outside the battle hall.

Suddenly, everyone became nervous.

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