Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 190: Divine magic burns the sky and shows its power, Lu Changsheng burns Skull Mountain,

Chapter 190 The divine art of burning the sky shows its power, Lu Changsheng burns the Skull Mountain, and overwhelms the seven Daoji masters!


"Who is this?"

"Another troublemaker has come, but we have been here for so long, and you want to pick the fruits as soon as you come. Isn't it a bit too much of an advantage?"

"Humph, if you want to intervene, you have to see if you have the strength!"

There are seven Daoji masters besieging the three-headed Skeleton Sky Demon.

These seven people all master a law.

However, none of them mastered the spiritual law.

Spiritual laws are very rare, and it is difficult to even meet a Sky Demon with spiritual attributes, let alone mastering spiritual laws.

But they don't master spiritual laws, which doesn't mean they don't need Skeleton Sky Demon.

Maybe they will use the Skeleton Sky Demon's blood essence to exchange for some other Sky Demon's blood essence.

Or, they are trying to master the second law.

In short, as long as it is a Sky Demon, it is extremely precious.

No Daoji master will dislike too many Sky Demons.

Even if they don't need it, they can exchange the Sky Demon's blood essence they need.

The laws of the seven Daoji masters were all vibrating, forming a huge "area".

Anyone who wants to enter this area must be able to break the blockade of so many laws.

Only then are they qualified to "intervene".

Lu Changsheng just smiled slightly.



Suddenly, in Lu Changsheng's brain, the law of fire instantly released flames.

The flames surged and turned into a fire dragon.

It hit the seven blocking laws fiercely.


The seven Daoji masters were shocked.

Their brains were shaking violently, and even the blockade of the seven laws was instantly torn open.

There was no resistance at all, as if it was very easy.

"What? It just tore open the blockade of the seven laws?"

"This fire law is terrifying, the aura is so strong?"

"To be able to break through the blockade of the seven laws at once, although it is not the full strength of the seven laws, it is definitely not something that ordinary Dao-based strongmen can do. Even if he has mastered a fire law, judging from his aura, his progress in the fire law is not very high, most likely he has just comprehended it, how can he have such a strong power?"

"He has just mastered the law, and he is only in the 'primary stage' of the law, but he can have such power. How strong is his brain?"

The seven Dao-based strongmen were silent.

The strength of the law comes from the law itself. Some rare laws are indeed very strong.

Or they are very profound in the comprehension of the law, and even reach perfection.

And Lu Changsheng's fire law has just been comprehended, and the progress is only 4%, which is still far from the perfection of the law.

Whether the power of the law is strong or not may also be related to the brain of the Dao-based warrior himself.

If the brain itself is very strong, then the power of the comprehended law will definitely rise.

The same fire law, but someone has a strong brain, then the power of the fire law is naturally stronger!

Now Lu Changsheng belongs to this situation.

His brain foundation is too solid, stronger than any other Dao base strongman's brain.

Therefore, his fire law power is naturally very terrifying.

Lu Changsheng released the fire law and directly tore a hole.

Then he took a step forward and entered the area blocked by the laws of the seven Dao base strongmen.

"You are qualified to participate in the qualification of these three skeleton demons!"

One of the Dao base strongmen said solemnly.

The power of the law is so strong, this is not a weak person.

There is a saying that the brain is strong step by step.

It means that the brain is the foundation of the Dao base warrior.

Once the brain is strong, even if the law is comprehended, it will be much stronger.

Therefore, the solid foundation that Lu Changsheng laid for the brain when he was in Shenzang is now "harvested" and gradually has an effect.

Lu Changsheng ignored these Dao base warriors.

His eyes immediately fell on the three-headed skeleton demon.

Although the three-headed skeleton demon was suppressed, its mental impact was overwhelming and it kept attacking in all directions.

This is why the seven Daoji warriors can only suppress it but not kill it.

Mental impact!

Even if the seven Daoji warriors have ways to deal with mental impact, they can only barely withstand it.

As for how much combat power they can have left to deal with the three-headed skeleton demon after resisting it, it is hard to say.

At least, the seven Daoji warriors have not been able to take down the three-headed skeleton demon.

This shows how terrifying the mental impact of the three-headed skeleton demon is.

Lu Changsheng also suffered a mental impact.

His fire law, under the blessing of the brain, directly resisted almost half of the mental impact.

This shows that the law can indeed resist part of the mental impact.

And the stronger the law, the more mental impact it can resist.

But even the remaining mental impact is actually very powerful.

Lu Changsheng almost didn't think about it.


The golden heart sword in the brain flew out instantly, directly cutting off the mental impact of the skeleton demon.

The golden heart sword even sank into the body of the three-headed skeleton demon.


The three-headed skeleton demon actually roared in pain.

Obviously, Lu Changsheng's golden heart sword was not without any effect.

On the contrary, the golden heart sword had a huge effect, affecting the three-headed skeleton demon at once.

But this is just the beginning.

Lu Changsheng displayed the Law of Flame, and it fell down instantly like a mountain bearing down on top, covering the body of the three-headed skeletal demon.

The three-headed skull demon is really powerful.

Being suppressed by Lu Changsheng's flame law, he looked on the verge of collapse, but he still persisted.

However, it was only a matter of time before they were suppressed by Lu Changsheng.


Suddenly, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, huge skeleton monsters appeared one after another.

They emerged from the ground one after another, like sleeping undead.

These are skeleton monsters.

Usually sleeps underground.

The skeleton monster will only appear after some particularly big changes occur.

When the seven Daoji warriors saw this scene, their expressions changed instantly.

"No, the skeleton demon has awakened."

"Skeleton demons usually sleep underground, how can they wake up?"

"It was these three-headed skeleton demons that awakened the demons? But we have blocked the three-headed skeleton demons with laws. How could they awaken the skeleton demons?"

"Could it be that at the moment when our laws were torn apart, the three-headed skeleton demon seized the opportunity and used the gap in the torn laws to awaken the skeleton demon?"

"That's probably it..."

For a moment, all seven people's eyes fell on Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

"Since the seven of you can't suppress the three-headed skeleton demon for so long, let me do it!"

"I can suppress the three-headed skeleton demon by myself!"

"Besides, what if the Skeleton Demon wakes up?"

Lu Changsheng's brain suddenly expanded.


The fire burned brightly.

Directly ignited the newly awakened skeleton demon.

This is the law of fire, and it is simply too easy to deal with these skeleton monsters.

It can even be called a "nemesis".

Lu Changsheng's law of fire just restrained these skeleton demons in Skull Mountain.

One head, two heads, three heads...

One after another, these skeleton monsters were covered by Lu Changsheng's law of fire, and their bodies quickly burned with blazing flames.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a flame released by the law of flame.

According to the fairy tales, it belongs to the category of innate spiritual fire.

The Skeleton Demon cannot be extinguished on its own.

As a result, the skeleton monster that had just woken up from the underground was burning in the sea of ​​fire, and was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Although these demons are not heavenly demons, they are still comparable to Taoist masters.

As a result, even the flames released by Lu Changsheng's casual Fire Law couldn't be blocked.

The flames released by Lu Changsheng instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

No skeleton demon can stop it.

He single-handedly defeated countless skeleton monsters.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"His laws are truly terrifying."

"How can the law of fire be so powerful? He single-handedly suppressed the skeleton demons in the entire Skeleton Mountain. How can a law be so strong?"

"It's not as simple as just one law. It should be that his law of fire restrains the skeleton demon in Skull Mountain. In addition, his brain should be very powerful, so his law of fire is also very powerful."

"But the three-headed skeleton demon will not be suppressed that easily."

Seeing Lu Changsheng showing off his might.

The sea of ​​fire that covered the sky and the sun burned one skeleton demon after another. Gu Nian couldn't believe his eyes.

Gu Nian naturally knew exactly what happened to Lu Changsheng.

How could he suppress the entire Skeleton Mountain by himself?

However, the fact was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

Perhaps, this is the power of mastering the law!

The Seven Great Dao Foundation Powerhouses are all extremely vigilant now.

Lu Changsheng was so powerful that they felt even more pressure.

After all, they were competing with Lu Changsheng for the three-headed skeleton demon.

"Lu Mou wants these three skull demons."

"Which one of you wants to fight for it?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes swept over the seven powerful men one by one.

Just now, Lu Changsheng suppressed many skeleton demons at once, and made the entire Skeleton Mountain surrender with his own strength.

With such power, even the powerful Seventh Avenue Foundation couldn't help but feel shocked.

Even if they master the law, they still have no advantage at all against such a powerful Lu Changsheng.

"You want to devour the three-headed skull demon by yourself?"

"Hmph, the three-headed skeleton demon is not an ordinary skeleton demon. Their mental impact is very terrifying. Without the suppression of our seven powerful masters' laws, how can you alone deal with the three-headed skeleton demon?"

"Since you are confident enough to deal with the three-headed skeleton demon on your own, as you wish, then we will no longer suppress the three-headed skeleton demon!"

The seven powerful people reached a consensus in an instant.

They don't want to think about internal strife.

They don't want to start fighting and killing each other without suppressing the three-headed skeleton demon.

That makes no sense and will only make the three-headed skull demon easier.

However, they don't want to give up on the three-headed skull demon easily, so what should they do?

We can only give up temporarily!

Let Lu Changsheng deal with the three-headed skeleton demon alone.

Once Lu Changsheng couldn't deal with him, they would take action again.

When the time comes, the Eight Great Paths masters will divide the three-headed skeleton demon, and there will be no need to fight with each other, lest they get the advantage of the three-headed skeleton demon in vain.


The seven Daoji masters immediately collected the laws.

Without the suppression of the seven laws, the three-headed skeleton demon immediately exploded.

Lu Changsheng's fire law could no longer suppress the three-headed skeleton demon.


The three-headed skeleton demon roared.

One after another, terrifying mental shock waves continued to sweep towards Lu Changsheng.

Even though Lu Changsheng had the fire law supported by his brain, even though he still had the Heart Sword Mantra, even though Lu Changsheng's mental will was extremely firm.

However, he could not withstand the wave after wave of attacks from the three-headed skeleton demon.

"He can't bear it."

"Even with his powerful fire law, it is impossible to resist the spiritual impact of the three-headed skeleton demon."

"Even if the seven of us Daoji masters use the law together, we can barely suppress the three-headed skeleton demon. That's seven laws! He wants to suppress the three-headed skeleton demon with just one law? It's a pipe dream!"

"Be prepared, he probably asked for help, and we must not let the three-headed skeleton demon escape."

The seven Daoji masters are waiting for Lu Changsheng to make a fool of himself.

As long as Lu Changsheng can't deal with the three-headed skeleton demon, they will have to take action.

At that time, they will still divide the three-headed skeleton demon by strength.

As for dominating?

It's impossible!

No one here has the ability to dominate the three-headed skeleton demon.

"Oh no, Lu Changsheng is in danger!"

Gu Nian is also staring at Lu Changsheng and the three-headed skeleton demon.

He has a spiritual secret method.

He was indeed not afraid of the skeleton demon, but facing the skeleton demon, Gu Nian did not master the law, and was far from it.

Once he got close, not only would he not be able to help Lu Changsheng, but he would even become a burden to Lu Changsheng and distract him.

Therefore, Gu Nian could only endure and did not rush forward.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lu Changsheng.

Can Lu Changsheng resist the three-headed skeleton demon?

After all, it was Lu Changsheng who kept saying that he wanted to dominate the three-headed skeleton demon.

Lu Changsheng's face was very calm.

He naturally felt that the three-headed skeleton demon had indeed broken through his fire law suppression.

A simple fire law could not suppress the three-headed skeleton demon.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng did not hesitate at all.

"Divine art, burn the sky!"


As Lu Changsheng's voice fell.

In his brain, the flames instantly boiled.

The void was twisting.

The flames were burning.

An astonishing aura rushed from Lu Changsheng.

Especially the terrifying aura emanating from his brain.

The raging flames seemed to burn everything.

"Is this... a divine art?"

"What a terrifying divine art! This is one of the top divine arts, Burning the Sky!"

"And, even if it is the Burning Sky divine art, it shouldn't be so terrifying, right? Unless, his divine art Burning the Sky has been perfected..."

The seven Daoji masters all opened their mouths wide.

The top flame divine art of the perfect state!

Coupled with the flame law blessed by the powerful brain, who can stop these two superpositions?

Lu Changsheng could clearly feel that the power of the flames skyrocketed ten times or even dozens of times.

The terrifying flames swept past.

The three-headed skeleton demon screamed, and then there was no movement.


With just one blow, the skeleton demon was burned to death by Burning the Sky.

However, Lu Changsheng immediately stopped the divine art Burning the Sky.

If this continued, the bodies of the three-headed skeleton demons would be burned to ashes.

He still needed three drops of Skeleton Sky Demon's blood.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng kept three Skeleton Sky Demon's bodies and extracted three drops of Skeleton Sky Demon's blood from them, put them into different bottles and put them away directly.

The seven Daoji strongmen could only watch Lu Changsheng collect the three drops of Sky Demon's blood.

They did not say anything to stop him.

They did not even make any movements.

They just stared at Lu Changsheng quietly.

The whole Skeleton Mountain suddenly fell into a deathly silence.


Some ordinary Daoji warriors around reacted at this time.

They witnessed such an incredible scene with their own eyes.

They were still immersed in shock just now, but now they have completely recovered.

For a time, the emotions were extremely enthusiastic.

"Who is he?"

"Incredible, really incredible! Such a powerful fire law, the top fire magic of the perfect realm. This person is definitely not an unknown person, but the entire third layer of the ancient domain seems to have never heard of this person."

"Just now he seemed to know Gu Nian of the ancient domain Tianzong, and Gu Nian also called him 'Lu Changsheng'."

"Wait, Lu Changsheng? Not the Lu Changsheng I know, right? It seems that he is indeed a disciple of the ancient domain Tianzong."

"Are you talking about the Lu Changsheng of the ancient domain Tianzong who dominated the immortal and martial arts generations and ranked first in the two lists? But isn't Lu Changsheng Shenzang? ? Even if he has established the foundation of Taoism, it is impossible to comprehend the law of fire in such a short time. "

"Yes, I have heard of Lu Changsheng. He is a real top genius and a brilliant figure. But no matter how talented he is, it is impossible for him to master the law of fire in such a short time."

"However, he seems to be the Lu Changsheng we know..."

"Lu Changsheng has mastered a law as soon as he entered the foundation of Taoism, and it is an unparalleled law of fire. Moreover, there is also the magic of fire, and he has cultivated it to the perfect state. It is incredible..."

Some people guessed Lu Changsheng's identity.

However, those who guessed Lu Changsheng's identity not only did not stop discussing, but became more enthusiastic.

Lu Changsheng!

This is a figure who is famous throughout the ancient domain.

He is the most powerful person in the immortal and martial arts world!

He is the first in both lists!

Even the style he showed when he was in the God's Hidden World.

However, who can underestimate such a genius?

Once the foundation of the Tao is established, it will not take long for him to soar to the sky.

However, how long has it been now?

Just a few months.

In a few months, Lu Changsheng has already soared to the sky!

"Brother Gu, let's go."

Lu Changsheng came to Gu Nian step by step.

Gu Nian was slightly startled.

But he quickly came to his senses and nodded, saying, "Okay, let's go."

So, Gu Nian and Lu Changsheng quickly left Skull Mountain and returned to the headquarters of the Ancient Domain Tianzong.


The two really stepped into the headquarters of the Ancient Domain Tianzong, and Gu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lu, have you mastered the law of fire?"

"You even cultivated a top-notch fire magic?"

Gu Nian had been patient all the way.

Now that he had returned to the ancient domain Tianzong station, he could no longer hold back and asked immediately.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to master a law of fire. As for the magic of burning the sky, Brother Gu should have seen it. It is a magic collected in the sect, so it should not be too unfamiliar, right?"

Lu Changsheng did not deny it, but admitted it openly.

He mastered a law, in fact, he was no longer a weakling, and he really stood firm in the third level of the ancient domain.

Many things do not need to be concealed, let alone scruples.

"I actually mastered a law of fire..."

Gu Nian's expression was a little complicated for a while.

How long has it been?

He still remembered that when Lu Changsheng first came to the ancient domain Tianzong station, it was he who proposed to compete with Lu Changsheng.

As a result, Gu Nian was defeated in the duel of spiritual secrets.

The two did not know each other, but became good friends.

But now several months have passed.

Lu Changsheng could actually successfully comprehend a law, which was almost unimaginable to Gu Nian.

But Lu Changsheng did it!

Lu Changsheng looked at Gu Nian.

He then took out a porcelain bottle.

"Brother Gu, I know that what you are thinking about is this drop of Skeleton Sky Fairy's blood. It is a spiritual Sky Fairy's blood, which is crucial for you to comprehend the spiritual law."

"This time, if I didn't have your news, I'm afraid I wouldn't know what happened in Skeleton Mountain, let alone go to Skeleton Mountain, and I wouldn't get three drops of Skeleton Sky Fairy's blood."

"So, this drop is for you. Sometimes, information is worth a drop of Sky Fairy's blood!"

Lu Changsheng's words immediately excited Gu Nian.

Skeleton Sky Fairy's blood!

He dreamed of getting it.

But before in Skeleton Mountain, he didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the competition for Skeleton Sky Fairy.

However, Gu Nian didn't refuse.

He didn't want to refuse in a pretentious way.

He really wanted Skeleton Sky Fairy's blood in his heart.

However, Gu Nian knew very well that his information was not worth a drop of Heavenly Fairy Blood!

Lu Changsheng was able to arrive at Skull Mountain in time, which was also Lu Changsheng's luck. It was related to Gu Nian, but the effect was not that great.

"Brother Lu, I won't say any more."

"This drop of Heavenly Fairy Blood is lent to you by me. I will definitely return you a drop of Heavenly Fairy Blood in the future!"

Gu Nian looked solemn.

He was very serious!


Lu Changsheng didn't care.

Anyway, he gave this drop of Heavenly Fairy Blood to Gu Nian.

It would be better if Gu Nian could return him a drop of Heavenly Fairy Blood in the future.

If he didn't return it, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Brother Lu, thank you."

Gu Nian said goodbye to Lu Changsheng and left in a hurry. He must have gone to comprehend the Heavenly Fairy Blood of the Skull.

Lu Changsheng also returned to the cave.

He was also ready to comprehend the Heavenly Fairy Blood of the Skull.

Lu Changsheng took out the porcelain bottle.

He still had two drops of Heavenly Fairy Blood left.

However, he could only comprehend one drop of the blood of the heavenly fairy.

"Spiritual heavenly fairy blood is extremely rare, and it is hard to come by."

"I hope this drop of skeleton heavenly fairy blood will not disappoint me..."

Lu Changsheng immediately opened the porcelain bottle, poured out the drop of skeleton heavenly fairy blood directly, and began to comprehend.

Lu Changsheng comprehended the blood of the skeleton heavenly fairy.

With a terrifying comprehension of more than 10,000 points, Lu Changsheng was completely immersed in the blood of the skeleton heavenly fairy.

He was also immersed in the spiritual law.

He was tirelessly comprehending the spiritual law.

And the progress of Lu Changsheng's spiritual law seed was rapidly increasing at a terrifying speed.

10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%...


When the drop of skeleton heavenly fairy blood in front of Lu Changsheng disappeared and turned into ashes, Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

This time, Lu Changsheng had a very intuitive feeling when comprehending the spiritual law.

He felt that it should be improved very quickly.

However, Lu Changsheng himself was not clear about how far his spiritual law had been improved.

So, Lu Changsheng called up the attribute panel to check the situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 12501 (a rare talent)

Spiritual law seed: 60% (progress)

Flame law: 4% (progress)

Heart sword mantra: 1% progress (golden heart sword)

The progress of Lu Changsheng's spiritual law seeds has actually increased to 60%.

The progress is suddenly increased by 60%, which is more efficient than the original method of comprehending the blood of the fire attribute sky fairy.

When I first learned about the blood of the fire attribute Sky Fairy, I improved my progress by 58% in one go.

There is still 2% less progress.

However, whether it is 58% or 60%, there is actually not much difference.

"With one more drop of spiritual heavenly fairy blood, I will be able to fully comprehend the spiritual laws!"

"At that time, I will have two laws and my strength will be even greater!"

Lu Changsheng perked up.

Two rules!

For Daoji warriors, with one more law, their strength is almost completely changed.

What's more, what Lu Changsheng has now comprehended is a very rare and special spiritual law.

Once he understands the spiritual laws, the power of Lu Changsheng's spiritual secrets may be earth-shattering.

Moreover, there are also spiritual magical arts.

It was a huge help to Lu Changsheng in improving his combat power.

"It's just that it's not easy to find the second kind of spiritual heavenly fairy blood."

Lu Changsheng thought for a while, then got up and left the cave.

He went directly to the trading hall.

When Lu Changsheng came to the trading hall, he still saw a lively scene.

Many Taoist warriors were setting up stalls to trade the blood of the heavenly demons in their hands.

Lu Changsheng immediately saw Zhao Yuanshan, who had lent him the blood of the Sky Demon.

Within ten years, Lu Changsheng must return a drop of the blood of the sky demon.

This "one drop of sky fairy blood" refers to returning one more drop.

It's actually two drops.

If it exceeds ten years, you need to return two more drops, which is actually three drops of fairy blood.

Lu Changsheng now only has one drop of sky fairy blood.

Nor did he have enough to return.

Even if there was, Lu Changsheng would not return it now.

After all, there are still ten years left, and he is in no hurry to return it.

Now Lu Changsheng still puts strength first.

Obtain more blood from the heavenly demons, understand the rules, and improve your strength.

Once the strength is improved, it will be easier to obtain the blood of the sky demon in the future.

For example, now, Lu Changsheng needs the second type of spirit-like heavenly fairy blood.

Lu Changsheng looked around in the trading hall.

As a result, he couldn't find any drop of spirit-like celestial fairy blood.

"Spiritual laws are extremely rare to begin with, and the same goes for the blood of spiritual heavenly demons. They are very rare and can only be encountered but not sought."

"There seems to be no warrior in the trading hall who has the blood of spiritual heavenly demons..."

Lu Changsheng was a little disappointed.

If such a drop of precious skeleton sky fairy blood is exchanged for some other ordinary sky fairy blood, then there will definitely be no problem.

But Lu Changsheng must be at a disadvantage.

After all, this kind of rare fairy blood is usually traded with the same properties.

Lu Changsheng thought for a while and finally came to Zhao Yuanshan.

Zhao Yuanshan has always been in the trading hall.

Know the situation of the entire trading hall very well.

Zhao Yuanshan must know everything about the "information" about the blood of the sky demon.

So, Lu Changsheng asked him: "Brother Zhao, do you know who in the trading hall has the blood of spiritual heavenly fairies? And also wants to trade the blood of other spiritual heavenly fairies?"


"Lu Changsheng, have you obtained a drop of spirit-like heavenly demon blood?"

"Is the rumor true that you gained three drops of Skeleton Sky Fairy blood in one battle at Skull Mountain?"

Zhao Yuanshan's eyes also lit up after seeing Lu Changsheng.

He was well informed.

Only one day had passed, and the news about Skull Mountain actually reached Zhao Yuanshan's ears.

"It's just a fluke."

"Brother Zhao, do you know the information about the blood of spiritual heavenly demons?"

"If you have it, I can trade with you."

Lu Changsheng continued to ask.


Zhao Yuanshan took a breath.

Didn't Lu Changsheng's words admit that everything about Skull Mountain was true?

Good guy!

Zhao Yuanshan looked Lu Changsheng up and down.


What a mistake.

Zhao Yuanshan was actually bold enough, but he did not expect that Lu Changsheng could master a law in such a short period of time and be extremely powerful in combat.

He defeated seven Taoist masters who had mastered a law and gained three drops of Skeleton Sky Fairy blood!

"Lu Changsheng, in fact, the blood of spiritual heavenly demons is extremely precious. It can be encountered but cannot be sought. In the ancient domain Tianzong station, there are almost no Taoist warriors who have a drop of spiritual heavenly fairy blood."

"However, if you really want to trade, I have a way."

Zhao Yuanshan suddenly became mysterious, looked at Lu Changsheng, and said meaningfully.

"What can I do?"

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Zhao Yuanshan closely.

PS: Recommend the book "Immortality will last forever, I will become an immortal with my proficiency"

Traveling through the world of cultivating immortals, Su Yu became a collateral descendant of an ordinary cultivating immortal family. He was good for nothing except being handsome, his talent for cultivation was mediocre, and his life experience was mediocre.

Fortunately, Su Yu brought the proficiency panel of the game he played in his previous life. Regardless of all restrictions such as spiritual roots and comprehension, he could improve his strength by practicing over and over again from 9 to 5 to accumulate proficiency.

It’s not a problem to live for thousands of years and become an immortal and an ancestor!

The genius of the sect and the powerful ancestor are just passing by, only cultivating immortals. Oh no, only proficiency is eternal!

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