Chapter 290 "The traitor" persuaded Lingbao, Lu Changsheng swept through Wudi and looted thirteen Lingbao!

"Let's put the Lingbao aside for now."

"Since Kunyu Xianzong has been destroyed, the next step is to take over the power of Kunyu Xianzong and transform everyone into blood descendants."

"Once we have the power of Kunyu Xianzong, plus the power of Shenjian Villa, the rise of blood descendants can no longer be stopped. At that time, the flesh and blood martial arts will naturally spread to the entire Yuanjie."

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

In fact, the next thing is very simple.

That is to wait!

Wait until the martial arts, under the "boost" of the will of all living beings, completely reaches the peak level of the spirit transformation, that is, the peak level of the seventh growth, and there is no room for improvement.

At that time, it is time to try to break the martial arts and obtain the martial arts fragments.

But you need to wait.

And you must strive to push the martial arts to the peak of the seventh growth within a few years.

Otherwise, after a few years, the Yuanjie will gradually move away from the Xianwu world, and that will be troublesome.

Lu Changsheng went back to Shenjian Villa.

He still had to study the spiritual treasures.

He felt that these spiritual treasures were quite interesting, and what the spirit of the Mountain Moving Seal said was right.

Perhaps, he could really "make a fortune" in the Yuan Realm and seize one spiritual treasure after another.

These spiritual treasures could serve as the foundation of a sect or force.

However, Lu Changsheng was still a little worried.

Once he returned with a large number of spiritual treasures, he would most likely face a trouble.


Or the Refining Void cultivators.

Would they be tempted by the spiritual treasures?

There were also spiritual treasures in the Xianwu Realm.

There were even many of them, far from being comparable to the Yuan Realm.

However, the spiritual treasures in the Xianwu Realm all had owners, and many sects under the command of Tiansheng or Refining Void masters.

It was normal for such sects to have spiritual treasures.

Who dared to rob them?

Some Refining Void masters or Tiansheng forces did not even have spiritual treasures.

The appearance of a spiritual treasure would be fought over by all forces.

Lu Changsheng was in the Yuanjie, and was able to forcibly seize the spiritual treasures.

Although there were not many spiritual treasures.

But now in the entire Yuanjie, only Lu Changsheng had the strength to seize the spiritual treasures.

"Spiritual treasures... I still have to try it after all."

"If I miss this time, it will be difficult to seize spiritual treasures next time."

"As for the pressure from the Heavenly Saint or the Refining Void Strongman, I will talk about it when I return to the Xianwu Realm."

Lu Changsheng has already made a decision in his heart.

This time he was able to come to the Yuanjie.

Moreover, the Yuanjie is also a world of immortal cultivation. It is a great fortune to have spiritual treasures.

How difficult will it be to find such a secret world next time?

Maybe I will never encounter such a secret world again.

Therefore, I must seize the opportunity.

"Mountain Moving Seal, tell me in detail, what spiritual treasures are there?"

Lu Changsheng directly asked the spirit of the spiritual treasure.

The Mountain Moving Seal now hopes that Lu Changsheng will "take away" other spiritual treasures, so that there will be spiritual treasures to "accompany" it.

It can only be said that there is no betrayal in the spirit of the weapon.

The Yishan Yin had no psychological burden for being a "weapon traitor".

"Master, there are the Yin-Yang Twin Swords, which are the treasures of the Yin-Yang Immortal Sect, and they are very powerful."

"There is also the Wuji Bell, which is the treasure of the Wuji Immortal Sect, and can imprison everything, even the magic array, which is very mysterious."

"There is also the Mountain and River Map, which is the treasure of the Mountain and River Immortal Sect. It is said that it is a world of its own, which can seal everything in the world, even living things..."

The "weapon traitor" Yishan Yin almost said all the spiritual treasures it knew.

Lu Changsheng counted carefully.

In fact, there are only twelve spiritual treasures in total.

Including the Yishan Yin, there are only thirteen spiritual treasures in the Yuanjie that are currently on display.

There are many top spiritual treasures among them.

Various powers and functions are simply magical.

Of course, the Yishan Yin is actually quite powerful, and it can be regarded as a top-notch among the spiritual treasures.

Lu Changsheng was also very excited about the various powers and functions of these spiritual treasures.

"Martial arts has entered a normal track, and can be slowly promoted bit by bit by the will of all living beings."

"But the more blood descendants there are, the faster the martial arts will be promoted."

"You can use this reason to attack those immortal sects and seize the spiritual treasures."

Lu Changsheng thought about it.

He has made a decision in his heart.

Now for him, martial arts fragments are actually within easy reach.

Then, the spiritual treasure has become the top priority.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.

"The mountain and river map is interesting, it should be similar to an auxiliary spiritual treasure."

"And the mountain and river sect is also the closest holy land to the Divine Sword Villa, let's go to the mountain and river sect first."

Lu Changsheng chose the target.

So, he didn't notify anyone.

To seize the spiritual treasure, of course, it is best to go alone.

If you bring people from the Divine Sword Villa, do you have to share the spiritual treasures with the people from the Divine Sword Villa?

This kind of thing naturally depends on each person's ability.

If the Divine Sword Villa can also seize the spiritual treasure, then Lu Changsheng will naturally not stop it.

Unfortunately, Shenjian Villa does not have this ability.

Then Lu Changsheng can only take action.

At this moment, in Shanhe Sect, the entire Shanhe Sect is faintly filled with a solemn and tense atmosphere.

The reason is very simple, Shanhe Sect feels threatened.

Or, it feels pressured.

The territory of Shanhe Sect is actually adjacent to Kunyu Immortal Sect.

The relationship between the two sects is actually quite harmonious.

Shanhe Sect is a holy place with little expansion.

It is relatively mild.

It has a good relationship with other sects.

However, Kunyu Immortal Sect was destroyed.

It was wiped out.

This is simply too horrible and too unbelievable.

However, this is the fact.

Being so close, Shanhe Sect knows the details of the extermination of Kunyu Immortal Sect.

Basically understand the whole story.

It is precisely because of knowing the inside story that the whole Shanhe Sect is so gloomy.

"Elders, the Divine Sword Villa is aggressive. Although there is no movement for the time being, they are warriors, and their sects are different from ours. They have successively destroyed the Haoqing Sect and the Kunyu Sect. How can our Shanhe Sect protect itself?"

"Yes, the Kunyu Sect is stronger than our Shanhe Sect, but it was also destroyed, and even the spiritual treasures were taken away by the other party. Once the Divine Sword Villa attacks our Shanhe Sect, I am afraid that our Shanhe Sect will not be able to stop it."

"Perhaps, we can contact other immortal sects and holy places to fight against the Divine Sword Villa together with them?"

" What nonsense are you talking about? We are the closest to Shenjian Villa. If we join forces with other immortal sects and holy places, I am afraid that our Shanhe Sect will be the first to be destroyed! "

"Yes, we cannot easily offend Shenjian Villa."

"But if we do not offend Shenjian Villa, can we ensure that we will not be destroyed?"

"Or, we will turn to Shenjian Villa? At most, we can become a subsidiary force of Shenjian Villa, which is better than the end of the Taoism."

"Absolutely impossible! My Shanhe Sect is a dignified holy place. How can it be a subsidiary sect of a martial arts force?"

For a while, the Shanhe Sect Hall began to quarrel again.

In fact, the comparison of the strength of the two sides is already very obvious.

Shanhe Sect has no advantage at all.

If you choose to confront, then there is only one ending for Shanhe Sect.

That is extermination!

The same fate as Haoqing Sect and Kunyu Immortal Sect.

If you choose to turn to Shenjian Villa, there may be a glimmer of hope.

However, for a dignified holy place.

To turn to a martial arts force is indeed unacceptable to many cultivators.


Suddenly, the entire Shanhe Sect's mountain gate formation was shaking violently.

It looked like a landslide.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the mountain gate formation shaking?"

"Quick, go out and take a look."

So, one after another, the gods flew out quickly.

As soon as they flew out, they immediately raised their heads and saw the void, or the top of their heads.

Above their heads, a large seal covered the sky.

It exuded a rich black and white color, and it was so majestic that it covered the entire void.

The faces of many gods changed instantly.

"This is... the spiritual treasure Mountain Moving Seal!"

"Isn't Mountain Moving Seal the treasure of Kunyu Immortal Sect? And Kunyu Immortal Sect was destroyed, and the spiritual treasure fell into the hands of the flesh and blood ancestor in Shenjian Villa..."

"Could it be that the flesh and blood ancestor has come?"

"Shenjian Villa is so fast, just destroyed Kunyu Immortal Sect, now want to destroy my Shanhe Sect?"

"It's simply too much..."

For a while, countless cultivators of Shanhe Sect were filled with righteous indignation, and they wanted to fight to the death.

However, it was just talk.

In the end, no cultivator went up to fight to the death.

What a joke.

That's a spiritual treasure!

For cultivators, their fear of spiritual treasures has penetrated into their bones, and they naturally know how terrible spiritual treasures are.

Only spiritual treasures can fight against spiritual treasures.

Otherwise, if they bump into each other, they will be seriously injured if not killed.

Especially the Mountain Moving Seal, this spiritual treasure is a terrifying spiritual treasure that can rank among the top five in the attack power of the entire Yuanjie.

Who dares to go up and fight against the Mountain Moving Seal?

"What should we do now?"

"Master, you decide, what should we do now?"

For a moment, many people looked at the master.

The current headmaster of Shanhe Sect is a female cultivator.

A female cultivator who can take charge of a holy land and become the master of a holy land must be extraordinary.

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect is like this. Regardless of talent, cultivation, and character, the headmaster of Shanhe Sect can be regarded as the top existence among the heads of many holy lands.

In fact, she herself is a god!

The heads of many holy lands are actually just Nascent Soul cultivators.

There are very few god-transforming cultivators.

But the headmaster of Shanhe Sect is a god-transforming.

If she doesn't become a god-transforming, she can't become the headmaster of Shanhe Sect.

However, such a headmaster also looks solemn and frowns at this moment.

"Forget it."

"I'll go and contact the people of Shenjian Villa."

"See if Shenjian Villa really wants to wipe out my Shanhe Sect?"

After saying that, the headmaster of Shanhe Sect instantly flew into the void.

She manipulated the mountain gate formation and could temporarily block the attack of the Moving Mountain Seal.

But if the opponent continued to attack, it would not last too long.

After all, it was a spiritual treasure!

And it would be very difficult for the Mountain and River Map to collect and suppress the Moving Mountain Seal.

If you are not careful, the Mountain and River Map will be damaged.

Therefore, the head of the Mountain and River Sect did not want to use the Mountain and River Map to confront the Moving Mountain Seal head-on unless it was absolutely necessary.


The head of the Mountain and River Sect came to the void.

Through the black and white colors, she vaguely saw a figure standing in the void.

It was a man who looked terrifying.

Just standing quietly in the void, it seemed as if he had infinite power.

"Fellow Taoist, is this the flesh-and-blood ancestor of Divine Sword Villa, Lu Changsheng?"

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect asked.


"Yes, it's Lu."

"Are you the headmaster of Shanhe Sect?"

Lu Changsheng responded slowly.

He also saw the headmaster of Shanhe Sect, which was rather surprising.

He didn't know at the time that the headmaster of Shanhe Sect was a female cultivator.

In Lu Changsheng's eyes, the master of the Shanhe Sect was unrivaled in magnificence and exuded a divine aura.

Of course, that's all.

Lu Changsheng has been practicing so far and has already passed the stage of looking at the superficial appearance.

What he saw was that the other party was a transformed god!

Moreover, there seems to be a vague power fluctuation on the body, which is comparable to the Yishan Seal.

Obviously, the master of the Mountain and River Sect carries the Lingbao Mountain and River Picture.

Nowadays, the mountain and river map must be on the other side.

"Friend Lu Dao, you are so aggressive at Shenjian Villa, are you really not going to give me a way out?"

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Lu Changsheng was not angry, but said calmly: "Lu will naturally give Guizong a way to survive."

"As long as your sect does not prevent the free transformation of blood descendants, then there will be no problem. Shenjian Villa will not personally intervene in the transformation of blood descendants. Everything is left to the free choice of ordinary people, how about that?"

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect naturally knows about blood descendants.

We also know how terrifying the spread of vampires is.

But this is a blessing in misfortune.

As long as Shenjian Villa doesn't interfere.

Although many people will choose to transform into vampires.

But those with spiritual roots may still choose to become immortal cultivators.

This can be regarded as a continuation of Taoism.

"no problem."

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect agreed.

"Then, there is only one last condition left."

"Lu needs your sect's Lingbao Mountains and Rivers Map."

"If your lord can renounce his love and hand over the Mountain and River Map, then Lu will definitely do nothing wrong."

Lu Changsheng's words made the headmaster of Shanhe Sect change his face instantly.

"You want a map of mountains and rivers?"

"No, this is absolutely not possible. Without the Mountain and River Map, will the Mountain and River Sect still be the Mountain and River Sect?"

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect refused without even thinking about it.

This is the treasure of the Shanhe Sect, how could she give it away so easily?


"Without the Mountain and River Map, the Mountain and River Sect is still the Mountain and River Sect, the Taoism continues, and the Mountain Gate is still there, but it is no longer a holy place."

"But there is no need to worry about the Shanhe Sect. If the Shanhe Sect loses its Lingbao, other Immortal Sects will also no longer have their Lingbao. Lu will come to them one by one."

"If Guizong refuses to part with his love, then Lu will have no choice but to come and get it himself!"

Lu Changsheng's words made the headmaster of Shanhe Sect slightly startled.

According to Lu Changsheng, are they trying to loot all the spiritual treasures in the entire Yuan Realm?

In that case, wouldn't there be no spiritual treasures in all the holy places?

Everyone is the same!

For a moment, the headmaster of Shanhe Sect really fell into deep thought.

"This matter is too big, I need to go back and discuss it."

Lu Changsheng stood with his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "One hour."

He didn't want to waste too much time.

Therefore, the headmaster of Shanhe Sect returned to the mountain gate to discuss with the ancestors of the gods.

Immediately, the ancestors of the gods reacted fiercely.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! If you want our Shanhe Sect's Zhenzong Lingbao, you are cutting off the foundation of our Shanhe Sect!"

Just, that's all.

Some people reacted fiercely, but most people were silent.

"Elder Liu doesn't think it's possible, then how about having a fight with Lu Changsheng?"

The headmaster of Shanhe Sect said coldly.


For a moment, Elder Liu blushed, but in the end he did not dare to agree.

Are you kidding me? Lu Changsheng is a ruthless man who can single-handedly destroy the Kunyu Immortal Sect.

If he goes up alone, wouldn't it be a dead end?

For a while, no one spoke anymore.

Apparently they all fell into silence.

"If you don't speak, that means you agree."

"Actually, we said we were discussing today, but did Lu Changsheng discuss it with us?"

"He is giving an ultimatum directly. In one hour, whether we agree or not, he will take away the Mountain and River Map."

"The only difference is that if we don't agree, he will destroy the Shanhe Sect, that's all."

The words of the headmaster of the Shanhe Sect made many ancestors of the gods turn pale.

They never thought that the Holy Land would one day be forced to this point?

He even had to obediently offer the Zhenzong Lingbao.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

The last Kunyu Immortal Sect who did not bow his head is now three feet tall with grass on his grave.

The sect has been destroyed, and the mountain gate is in ruins.

Do they still dare to resist?

That is undoubtedly a dead end.

"That's all, Headmaster, just promise Lu Changsheng."

"Yes, we agree to any conditions. Preserving the Shanhe Sect's orthodoxy is the key."

"Besides, it's not that our family has lost its spiritual treasure. By then, there will be no more spiritual treasures in all the holy places in the Yuan Realm."

For a time, these elders also accepted their fate.

Therefore, the headmaster of Shanhe Sect no longer hesitated and immediately flew into the void and saw Lu Changsheng again.

Without saying anything, she took out a picture scroll.

That is the mountain and river map!


The headmaster of the Mountain and River Sect waved his hand, and the Mountain and River Map fell into the hands of Lu Changsheng.

"Is this the Mountain and River Picture?"

Lu Changsheng grasped the mountain and river map.

The mountain and river map is still shaking violently.

As if wanting to resist.

At this time, the spirit of Yishan Seal appeared and said directly to the mountain and river map: "Stop resisting. The master is not an ordinary person. If he makes the master angry, he will destroy you."

"We are all spiritual treasures. It is not easy to be born with spiritual wisdom. Why bother to be loyal to others? It is better to follow the master and be majestic."

"Besides, other brothers and sisters will soon come to accompany us."

"Come, let me explain to you the benefits of following the master..."

Yishan Yinqi Ling looks like a "weapon traitor".

He actually started to take the initiative to enlighten and persuade Shanhe Tuqi Ling.

This scene made even the headmaster of Shanhe Sect stunned.

This was the first time she had seen a spiritual treasure weapon being a "tape rapist".

It seemed that Lingbao's majestic image suddenly collapsed in her heart...

"Okay, now that the Mountain and River Map is in hand, Lu won't keep it any longer."

Therefore, Lu Changsheng left through the air and stayed away from the Shanhe Sect.

This is just the beginning.

He still has many other spiritual treasures that need to be "collected" one by one.

In this way, Lu Changsheng asked for spiritual treasures one by one throughout the Yuan Realm.

Most of the holy places naturally handed over their spiritual treasures obediently.

But there is also a stubborn Holy Land that refuses to hand over the spiritual treasure.

Lu Changsheng didn't bother to talk nonsense about these stubborn holy places.

No need for Lingbao at all.

Manifest the law, heaven, and earth.

With one palm strike, the gate of the Holy Land was reduced to ruins.

He directly took away the spiritual treasure by force.

Then the people from Shenjian Villa were called to take over the land.

It's that simple and straightforward.

Nothing complicated at all.

After several months, Lu Changsheng finally raided all the spiritual treasures in the Yuan Realm.

A total of thirteen spiritual treasures were obtained.

Of these thirteen spiritual treasures, Lu Changsheng actually only needs a small part of them.

Lu Changsheng has no need for the other spiritual treasures.

"By the way, too many spiritual treasures may cause disaster."

"I am currently short of martial arts fragments or god fragments. I wonder if they can be auctioned or traded?"

"If Lingbao can trade martial arts fragments, then the harvest this time will be too great..."

Lu Changsheng had an idea and thought of some possibility.

Lingbao is so rare.

The strong ones who refine the void will all fight for it.

After all, Lingbao can suppress the sect's destiny.

There is a spiritual treasure, that is the foundation.

For such a precious spiritual treasure, theoretically it shouldn't be too difficult to trade martial arts fragments.

By then, perhaps Lu Changsheng would be able to obtain many martial arts fragments directly, instead of having to venture into the secret world again and again and spend a long time to obtain martial arts fragments.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng first selected the spiritual treasures he needed.

Among them, there are the Moving Mountain Seal, the Picture of Mountains and Rivers, the Yin and Yang Swords, and the Infinite Bell.

Almost four spiritual treasures are helpful to Lu Changsheng.

As for the remaining nine.

Either the functions are duplicated, or they fail to meet Lu Changsheng's requirements.

In short, the remaining nine items can be traded.

Following Lu Changsheng, he "conquered" all the major immortal sects.

Therefore, the major immortal sects no longer dare to stop the spread of blood descendants.

With the help of Shenjian Villa, the blood descendants quickly spread all over the world.

In just over a year, the number of blood descendants accounted for 70% of the entire Yuan Realm!

And 70% blood descendants are enough to push martial arts to the upper limit of the Yuan world.


On this day, martial arts was promoted a little higher.

Then, all warriors who grew up three times or more felt the emotion.

Reached the limit!

They can all sense that martial arts has reached its limit.

Can't go any further.

No matter how many blood descendants are born, martial arts cannot be promoted.

Unless one day, this world takes a step further, then the upper limit of martial arts can be raised.

Otherwise, the upper limit of martial arts would be where it is now.

Can't go any further.

Lu Changsheng raised his head.

"Twenty-five months...just over two years..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

In two years, he allowed Yuanjie to condense martial arts, and even martial arts was pushed to its limit.

Although, he still has three years left.

But there is no need to wait another three years.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, now that the upper limit of martial arts has been reached, can I break the martial arts and obtain martial arts fragments?"

In fact, the earth saints of Shenjian Villa could no longer hold themselves any longer.

Now I have finally reached the upper limit of martial arts.

Therefore, everyone quickly found Lu Changsheng.

They have been in Yuanjie for so many years.

Now I just want to harvest.

Lu Changsheng glanced at the many earth saints, and he suddenly said: "Fellow Taoists, have you ever thought about how to break the martial arts?"

Many earthly saints were slightly startled.

Yes, how to break the martial arts?

They had always wanted to unite their martial arts.

But the martial arts has been condensed, how to break it?

"The martial arts in the secret world must be broken with absolute strength."

"We can summon the true body to break some of the weaker secret realms before, using the power of the true body."

"But, now that our true bodies are in the Yuan Realm, how can we break the martial arts?"

"With so many Earth Saints joining forces, can't we break the martial arts?"

Yes, join forces.

This is the plan of the earth saints of Excalibur Villa.

Basically that's all.

"Okay, let's give it a try."

Lu Changsheng came to the void with many earth saints.

The several earth saints at Shenjian Villa could no longer hold back.

If you can't deal with the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods, can't you also deal with the martial arts?

This martial arts is a living target, allowing them to attack.

As a result, the earth saints immediately manifested themselves.


As the Earthly Saint Dao Body erupted, there were horrific attacks one after another.

Suddenly, countless Earth Saint Dao body attacks fell into the martial arts in the void.


The martial arts shook violently.

But that's all.

After a wave of bombardment, the martial arts basically showed no signs of being broken.

But the Earth Saints obviously know that it is not that easy to break the martial arts.

So, they were bombarded one by one.

Not sparing the power of the Dao body, they all bombarded the martial arts crazily.

Martial arts is the concentration of the will of all living beings.

And now it has reached the limit of the Yuan Realm.

Bombarded again and again, the martial arts seemed to be shaking violently.

But there was no sign of any brokenness.

The Earth Saints stayed awake and bombarded for three whole days.

As a result, their Earthly Saint Dao bodies could no longer hold up, but the martial arts in the void still showed no signs of being broken.

"Is this... martial arts so difficult to break?"

"We have so many Earth Saints, bombarding them non-stop, but we can't do anything to the martial arts. We can't even weaken the martial arts."

"Oops, we shouldn't have pushed martial arts to the upper limit. We didn't think about this issue at all."

"Yes, the martial arts has been pushed to the upper limit. Although the harvest is huge, the prerequisite is that the martial arts fragments can be obtained. Now with such a powerful martial arts, even if we bombard it in front of us, we can't bite it."

"We promoted martial arts at all costs because we wanted to obtain stronger martial arts fragments. Now it seems that we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot?"

"Friend Lu Dao, it's only you who can take action..."

For a moment, many earth saints looked at Lu Changsheng again.

In fact, they have little experience.

It is very rare for the true body to enter the secret world.

Everyone is thinking about maximizing profits.

Who would think about the problem of being unable to break the martial arts?

But now, the problem really comes.

They were helpless.

Are we going to ask Heavenly Saint to take action?

Once Tiansheng takes action, where will their share be left?

Thinking of this, the Earth Sages felt bitter in their hearts.

Can't help but look at Lu Changsheng.

These earth saints are becoming more and more overlords in the world of immortal martial arts.

As a result, when they arrived in the Yuan Realm, everyone felt useless.

Nothing seemed to help.

However, others did not think of it, but Lu Changsheng had actually thought of it a long time ago.

In other words, he had already thought about this problem.

The real body arrives.

But the upper limit of the Yuan Realm is the level of becoming a god.

The true body is also the level of Earth Saint and Transformation God.

Once the martial arts is condensed, it is the martial arts at the Earth Saint level.

So, can Earth Saints really break the martial arts?

Now it seems that his original worries have come true.

Ordinary earth saints may really be unable to deal with martial arts at the earth saint level.

In this case, only he can take action!

Moreover, Lu Changsheng also had a plan.

In the past few months, he has been fully prepared to break the martial arts!

Now, it’s time to put it to use!

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