Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 301 Entering the Ascension Tower, ascending to the 24th floor!

"It's quite courageous."

Lu Changsheng was noncommittal.

He didn't actually rescue him just because he was threatened by bandits.

No need.

He just wanted to find someone to ask.

"Who can tell me what ascending to heaven is?"

Lu Changsheng asked again.

"I know what senior wants to ask!"

The eldest lady of the Zhou family gritted her teeth and spoke again.

"Senior has already ascended to heaven, why bother teasing us?"

The second leader said bravely.


Lu Changsheng shook his head: "You have been practicing for so long, but you haven't cultivated your brain. You are no better than a delicate woman."

Lu Changsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Since the woman knew what he wanted to ask, Lu Changsheng would naturally not keep fools like the second leader around.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng simply pointed his fingers.

"call out".

A ray of white light, and it stops in an instant.

The second master roared angrily and immediately blocked the knife in front of him.


However, it seems to be of no use.

This ray of white light instantly penetrated the sword, and the blade broke with a "click".

And the white light also entered the body of the second leader.

The second leader was shocked, then his eyes became blurred, and he fell to the ground with a "plop", no longer breathing.


The dignified second leader of the Black Mountain bandits was "killed" by Lu Changsheng with just one finger.

This scene is shocking.

At this moment, no one doubted that the person in front of them was a strong person in the "Heaven Realm".

Only those who have "reached the sky" can possess such terrifying power.

"Senior, have mercy on me."

When many Black Mountain bandits saw that the second leader was dead, they did not even dare to take revenge or even escape. Instead, they knelt on the ground and prayed for Lu Changsheng's forgiveness.

This shows how powerful a powerful person who has "reached the sky" is to intimidate ordinary people.

"Go away."

Lu Changsheng didn't bother to pay attention to these bandits.

As a result, these bandits fled quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the eldest lady of the Zhou family finally breathed a sigh of relief. She saluted respectfully and said, "Thank you, senior."

"Don't worry about thanking me yet."

"Tell me, what is ascending to heaven?"

"If you dissatisfy me, you should know the consequences."

Lu Changsheng's words seemed very calm, but the eldest lady of the Zhou family felt a shiver in her heart.

If you offend those bandits, you might still be able to survive.

But if you offend a powerful person who ascends to heaven, the consequences will undoubtedly be much more serious.

Therefore, the eldest lady of the Zhou family did not dare to hide anything, and explained in detail word by word: "Senior, actually everyone knows about ascending to the sky."

"There is a Climbing Temple in the Central Region."

"There is a pagoda in the temple called the Climbing Tower."

"The pagoda has a total of thirty-six floors."

"It is said that only those with great perseverance, great wisdom, and great supernatural powers in the world can enter the Climbing Tower and start ascending to the sky."

"Every time you ascend to the sky, you will receive blessings from heaven. If you can ascend to the thirty-sixth floor, it is said that you will receive gifts from heaven, and even become the Lord of the World and rule the world!"

"However, since the emergence of the Climbing Tower, no one has ever been able to climb to the thirty-sixth floor."

The eldest lady of the Zhou family explained "reaching the sky" in detail.

"Tower of Climb to Heaven?"

"Can you ascend to the thirty-sixth level of the sky to become the Lord of the World and rule the world?"

Lu Changsheng's heart moved.

After he learned the information about the "Tower of Climbing the Sky", a piece of information seemed to appear in his mind.

"Ascending to the thirty-sixth level of the sky, you can sense the specific locations of all the earthly saints in this world."

This piece of information suddenly appeared in Lu Changsheng's mind, silently.

However, Lu Changsheng understood immediately.

This is the information "revealed" on the Huandao battlefield.

This information must be "triggered" by knowing the "Tower of Ascension".

It turns out that the so-called domination of the world is the ability to perceive the specific location of the Earth Sage in this world.

This is actually of little use to ordinary Earth Saints.

After all, they may not be able to defeat other Earth Saints, and may even be in danger.

But for some ambitious and powerful Earth Saints, this can bring them unimaginable benefits.

If you want to become the Master of Thousand Daos without relying on luck, you can only go to the Climbing Tower.

As long as he can reach the thirty-sixth level of the sky, he can completely sweep away the earth saints in this world.

By then, let alone the Lord of Thousand Daos, it is not impossible to even be the Lord of Ten Thousand Daos.

Lu Changsheng even remembered that every time the Dao Transformation Battlefield was opened, it was actually an opportunity.

But I have never heard of anyone becoming the Lord of All Ways.

It is estimated that on the thirty-sixth floor of the Climbing Tower, even among countless earthly saints, no one can climb to the thirty-sixth floor.

Otherwise, the Lord of All Daos will definitely be born.

"I wonder if I can reach the thirty-sixth level?"

Lu Changsheng was also very curious and even eager to try it.

"Where is the Temple of Heaven in the Central Region?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"The Central Territory is very far away, and Dengtian Temple is very famous in the Central Territory. You should be able to find out about it as long as you get to the Central Territory."

"My Zhou family has a complete map to the Central Territory, which should be able to give the seniors some help."

"However, I still have to trouble senior to go to Zhou's house..."

The eldest lady of the Zhou family said cautiously.

In fact, she still had some considerations in mind.

With this mysterious and powerful "senior" together, it is equivalent to escorting the Zhou family caravan, and the caravan will definitely be able to reach the Zhou family safely.

Lu Changsheng naturally saw some of the little thoughts of the eldest lady of the Zhou family at a glance.

He remained calm and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, where is the Zhou family? Just show me the way!"

Lu Changsheng waved his hand, and immediately, the eldest lady of the Zhou family was restrained by an invisible force and rose straight into the void.



"Let's leave quickly. The lady should have returned to Zhou's house..."

Seeing this scene, the Zhou family caravan naturally understood what Lu Changsheng was thinking.

He must have arrived at Zhou's house first.

As for slowly escorting the Zhou family's caravan, that was simply impossible.

In just a moment, Lu Changsheng returned to Lancheng with the eldest lady of the Zhou family.

The eldest lady of the Zhou family looked pale.

The "flight" experience just now was so scary that she still can't calm down.

"Okay, here's the map."

Lu Changsheng said coldly.

"Senior, wait a moment."

Although the eldest lady of the Zhou family was filled with doubts, she still had to comply with Lu Changsheng's request.

Soon, she held a map and offered it with both hands.

Lu Changsheng took a quick glance and understood that it was indeed a map to the Central Territory.

At his speed, it would take several days to reach the Central Territory if there were no delays along the way.

Although it will take a few days, if you can really reach the 36th floor.

That's like sharpening your sword and chopping firewood.

At that time, the few days of delay will be nothing at all.


Lu Changsheng took a deep look at the eldest lady of the Zhou family.

"If I'm not mistaken, I have a hidden disease and I'm afraid I won't live for a few years, right?"

Lu Changsheng's words shocked the eldest lady of the Zhou family.

Her face instantly turned pale, and she said with a trembling voice: "Senior has a keen eye, I am indeed suffering from a terminal illness, and I will not die soon..."

The Zhou family's conditions are not bad.

I must have thought of various ways, but still can't cure his illness.

It is indeed a terminal illness.

Even if it’s martial arts training.

Unless one reaches the so-called "Heaven Realm", otherwise the terminal illness still cannot be cured.

But Lu Changsheng was different.

He has "quick fixes".

Although Lu Changsheng is not a doctor and cannot cure diseases.

But he is the ancestor of flesh and blood, and he can create blood descendants.

And blood descendants can cure any disease.

"Meeting is fate."

"Since you are respectful to me, I will give you a blessing."

"Give you a drop of the blood of your ancestors, and you will be transformed into a blood descendant, and you will be free from all diseases from now on."

"How far you can go in healing flesh and blood martial arts depends on your own luck..."

After saying that, Lu Changsheng flicked his finger.

"call out".

Lu Changsheng flicked his finger.

A drop of bright red blood instantly sank into the eyebrows of the eldest lady of the Zhou family.

Suddenly, the eldest lady of the Zhou family felt a sharp pain in her body from the inside out. She couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground, twisting and twitching.

It was obviously extremely painful.


Suddenly, all the servants panicked.

"Just let her have a good rest..."

After saying that, Lu Changsheng turned into a rainbow and disappeared without a trace.

What he should give has been given.

Just a drop of the blood of the ancestors.

You can have a blood descendant a long time ago.

As for where Miss Zhou's family can go in the future, Lu Changsheng doesn't care.

He just rolls with it.

However, Lu Changsheng's casual behavior brought about earth-shaking changes to the eldest lady of the Zhou family.

The eldest lady of the Zhou family had been in pain for several hours, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore and fainted.

When she woke up it was already the next day.

"Miss, you finally woke up, how do you feel?"

When the personal maid saw Miss Zhou waking up, a look of surprise immediately appeared on her face.

Miss Zhou is now the only pillar of the Zhou family.

If anything happens to Miss Zhou, the entire Zhou family will be doomed.

"Am I...fainted?"

Ms. Zhou seemed to be still recalling carefully.

She still remembered that the mysterious senior gave her a drop of blood directly.

The blood submerged into her body, and then she felt severe pain all over her body.

Miss Zhou knew nothing about what happened after that.

"Miss, you have been comatose for the whole day. The doctor can't find anything wrong with you, so he just asked you to rest."

Miss Zhou seemed to have thought of something and immediately asked: "Where is that senior?"

"Senior? Is he the weirdo who made the lady unconscious? He gave the lady a drop of blood and then left without a trace..."

Miss Zhou felt disappointed.

But it seems to be reasonable.

How can those who wait to ascend to heaven stay here?

However, when I think about it, the other party seems to have given me a drop of blood.

Ms. Zhou still doesn't know what effect this drop of blood has.

So she took a closer look at her body.


"My hidden disease...has been cured?"

"I've really recovered... and I'm in great health now! I'm full of energy and full of energy."

"Wait a minute, there is another article in my mind about the 'Practice of Flesh and Blood Martial Arts'. Was it left by that senior?"

Miss Zhou was simply ecstatic.

Her terminal illness was cured just like that.

It's just a drop of that senior's blood.

Moreover, from the "flesh and blood martial arts practice method" in her memory, Miss Zhou also understood that she has now become a blood descendant.

That senior is the ancestor of flesh and blood!

A drop of the ancestor's blood can allow her to transcend countless levels.

Perhaps, second only to ascending to heaven!

Even the second leader of the Black Mountain Bandits was far inferior to her.

Moreover, the flesh and blood martial arts can continue to be practiced.

Once you have achieved success in practice, it will be easy to advance to the "Heavenly Realm".

"Thank you, senior, no, thank you, ancestor!"

Miss Zhou's heart was burning, and she was extremely grateful to Lu Changsheng.

This drop of ancestor's blood not only cured her terminal illness, but also allowed her to start practicing from then on.

She was originally afraid that the other two leaders of the Black Mountain Bandits would cause trouble for the Zhou family.

After all, the second leader was dead.

But now she has the ancestor's blood.

In addition, she can practice the flesh and blood martial arts, even if the two leaders of the Black Mountain Bandits come, what can they do?

She can even catch all the Black Mountain Bandits in one fell swoop!

And all this is a good fortune given to her by the senior!

"Thank you, senior..."

Miss Zhou kowtowed respectfully in the direction where Lu Changsheng left.

This is the greatest fortune in her life!

She must hold on to it firmly!

Lu Changsheng only gave Miss Zhou a drop of blood afterwards.

In fact, it was not worth mentioning to him.

Lu Changsheng did not care whether creating a blood descendant could cause any waves in this world.

He just did it on impulse.

He finally arrived at the Central Region at the fastest speed.

After asking around in the Central Region, he found Dengtian Temple.

In the Central Region, Dengtian Temple is so famous that it is hard not to know about it.

Lu Changsheng continued to travel and finally arrived at Dengtian Temple.

"Is this Dengtian Temple?"

Lu Changsheng came to Dengtian Temple and looked at a tall tower soaring into the clouds.

There is no doubt that it should be the Dengtian Tower!

Dengtian Temple is famous, but there are not many people, and it even seems a little deserted.

Lu Changsheng walked straight towards the Dengtian Tower.

However, he was stopped after passing through a gate.

"If you want to burn incense, please go to the hall outside."

A Taoist priest said.

"I am not burning incense, I am going there."

Lu Changsheng pointed to the Dengtian Tower and said.

"The Ascension Tower is not open to the public."

The Taoist shook his head.


"What if the Ascension Tower is not open to the public?"

Lu Changsheng's words shocked the Taoist.


"Please wait a moment."

So the Taoist went to report immediately.

Soon, a group of Taoists came in a hurry.

"But this layman wants to ascend to heaven?"


"May I ask what the layman's name is?"

"Lu Changsheng."

The Taoists discussed with each other, but all shook their heads, obviously they had never heard of the name "Lu Changsheng".

"Daoyou Lu, if you want to ascend to heaven, please prove it first, otherwise, many people will come to ascend to heaven, which will disrupt the order of the Ascension Temple."

Lu Changsheng understood what the other party meant.


Lu Changsheng didn't waste words and directly emitted a breath.


The terrifying breath covered the entire Ascension Temple in an instant.

All of a sudden, all the Taoists were as if they were hit hard, and their whole bodies seemed to be suffocated, and their hearts were even more terrified.

They haven't even reached the Ascension Realm, how can they withstand such a terrifying aura from Lu Changsheng?

"Is it okay now?"

"Yes, of course, Taoist friend please!"

The Taoists let him go immediately.

What a joke, this terrifying aura, even in the Ascension Realm, is a very terrifying existence, how dare they stop it?

"Of course, Taoist friend please."

So, a group of Taoists just watched Lu Changsheng stride away.

"I wonder which floor this Taoist friend Lu can reach?"

"I estimate seven or eight floors."

"Seven or eight floors? I think there must be more than ten floors!"

"The last strong man who came to the Ascension Tower reached the 21st floor."

"Recently, there are obviously many more people coming to the Ascension Tower. I'm afraid the world is in trouble again."

Many Taoists were very emotional.

Although they did not leave the Ascension Temple and stayed in the Ascension Temple for their entire lives.

But they knew very well.

Whenever the number of people coming to the Ascension Temple gradually increased, it meant that there were more masters in the world.

If there are too many masters in the world, this world will definitely not be peaceful.

Maybe there will be chaos in the world.

Of course, this has nothing to do with their Dengtian Temple.

Whether there is chaos in the world or not, Dengtian Temple can be preserved.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng has stood in front of the Dengtian Tower.

He raised his head and looked at the Dengtian Tower.

"Dengtian Tower, could it be a spiritual treasure?"

Lu Changsheng thought.

Although it sounds a bit unbelievable, this is the battlefield of Huadao.

Lu Changsheng is very sober.

The Dengtian Tower is very magical, and all kinds of means are indeed very similar to spiritual treasures.

But whether it is a spiritual treasure or not, Lu Changsheng must step into the Dengtian Tower.


Finally, Lu Changsheng stepped into the Dengtian Tower.


As soon as he stepped into the Dengtian Tower, Lu Changsheng felt that it was pitch black all around, and he couldn't see his hand in front of his face.

However, this was nothing to him.

It was too easy to see things in the dark.

"First floor, gravity."

At this time, a voice came from the Dengtian Tower.


Lu Changsheng was slightly surprised.

Then, he felt a pressure coming from all directions.

The pressure was very strong.

But to him, it was nothing.

Even if he didn't use his Dao body, his flesh and blood martial arts body would not be affected at all.

"Pass the first level."

Then, a staircase appeared in the first level of the Climbing Tower, and Lu Changsheng walked straight up.

Soon, Lu Changsheng arrived at the second floor.

Or gravity.

It's just that gravity has been strengthened many times.

Then the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor.

The first five floors are all about gravity.

However, by the fifth floor, gravity is already terrifying.

I'm afraid that most people who reach the Heaven Realm will fall into the quagmire of gravity on the fifth level, and it will be extremely difficult to move their hands and feet.

Even if you are not careful, you will be crushed into a puddle of flesh by gravity.

But Lu Changsheng was unscathed.

This bit of gravity is nothing to mention to him.

So, he passed the five-story Climbing Tower at an extremely fast speed and directly reached the sixth floor.


There seems to be no gravity on the sixth floor.

Lu Changsheng only felt a ray of light, which was so fast that even he couldn't avoid it, and it hit him instantly.

"Is attack?"

"It has such strong penetrating power. The speed of this light is so fast that it is impossible to avoid it."

"The only way is to resist."

"So, do you want to see the physical defense of the monk who ascended to heaven?"

Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

In fact, he discovered the clues as soon as he entered the Climbing Tower.

All the spiritual treasures on his body became silent.

In other words, Lingbao cannot be used at all.

You can only rely on yourself.

It used to be gravity, but now it's attack. It's actually a "test" of physical strength in all aspects.

However, the attack from the sixth-level Ascension Tower was unable to harm Lu Changsheng.

Then there are the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth floors.

On the twelfth floor, it was an overwhelming light attack.

The power has increased by more than ten times?

At least dozens or even hundreds of times.

But Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood martial arts body is comparable to that of Earth Saint.

How powerful?

And, the resilience is amazing.

As long as all of Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood cannot be completely annihilated in an instant, he will recover quickly.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng climbed to the twelfth floor just by relying on his physical body.

Now we are about to head to the thirteenth floor.

"The Climbing Tower has a total of thirty-six floors, with the twelve floors as the dividing line."

"Below the twelfth floor, although there will be various tests and tests, the difference will not be too big."

"But once you reach the thirteenth floor, it's a completely different test..."

Lu Changsheng has actually never felt any pressure so far.

So, he continued to step into the thirteenth floor.

However, outside the Climbing Tower, there were many Taoist priests from the Climbing Temple watching the situation of the Climbing Tower.

The speed at which Lu Changsheng ascended to the sky was simply astonishing.

"Look, he's so fast."

"It's the fifth floor, and he reached the fifth floor so quickly? Even the fifth floor couldn't do anything to him, and he went straight to the sixth floor!"

"The first five levels are filled with terrifying gravity. If you can't bear it, you will turn into a puddle of flesh. Many people in the heaven-reaching realm were blocked on the fifth level. Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Lu was able to easily climb to the sixth level like a broken bamboo. "

"No, even the sixth floor can't stop him. It's too fast. We've already reached the twelfth floor!"

"Can the twelfth floor stop him?"

"No, it's the thirteenth floor..."

The Taoist priests who ascended to Heaven Temple were all dumbfounded.

I was very shocked.

They have always stayed at Dengtian Temple, so they are actually "well-informed".

After all, there are many powerful people who come to the Climbing Tower to ascend to the sky.

But no matter how strong he is.

No matter how famous it is.

Once you enter the Climbing Tower, you must be careful every step you take.

If you are not careful, you will die.

Even those who reach heaven must die.

It often takes several hours to get through one level.

But what about Lu Changsheng?

In just one or two hours, he went straight to the thirteenth floor of the Climbing Tower!

Such a speed is simply unheard of and truly incredible.

However, this also made them aware that Lu Changsheng might be unusual.

This Climbing Tower might cause a big fuss.

Therefore, this group of people stared closely at the Climbing Tower.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng was standing on the thirteenth floor of the Sky Tower.

He looked at an illusory swordsman condensed in front of him.

"You can pass the thirteenth floor by defeating me."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."

The swordsman swung his sword, and the sword energy filled the sky swept towards Lu Changsheng.

The overwhelming sword energy was simply unavoidable.

There is also a terrifying sword intent.

However, Lu Changsheng never thought of avoiding it.

"Earthly Saint Dao Body!"

Immediately, Lu Changsheng displayed the Earth Saint Dao Body on the first floor of the Climbing Tower.

Lu Changsheng's Earthly Saint Dao Body lies across the thirteenth floor of the Climbing Tower.

No matter how much sword energy hit the Earth Saint Dao Body, it could not leave even a trace on the Earth Saint Dao Body.

"Weak, too weak."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

He didn't bother to waste any more time and just slapped it with one palm.


The thirteenth floor of the Climbing Tower was shaking.

When Lu Changsheng put away his palm, he found that the illusory swordsman had disappeared and collapsed.

Then, Lu Changsheng stepped straight into the fourteenth floor.

Fourteenth floor, fifteenth floor, sixteenth floor, seventeenth floor, eighteenth floor...

Lu Changsheng stepped into one level after another.

It seems to be the same as before the twelfth floor.

No level of the Climbing Tower can stop Lu Changsheng.

Facing any opponent, Lu Changsheng could just slap him with the Earth Saint Taoist body, and then he could directly continue to the next level.

This is Lu Changsheng’s Earthly Saint Dao Body.

There are a total of thirty-five kinds of martial arts, which have increased Lu Changsheng's Earthly Saint Dao body to an extremely terrifying level.

"If the Climbing Tower is just a test of this level, it would be too simple."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

He had already reached the twenty-fourth floor with great momentum.

He knew that the twenty-fifth floor would be another qualitative change.

But so far, the previous twenty-four floors of the Climbing Tower have not brought any test to Lu Changsheng.

His Earthly Saint Dao Body is enough to cope with any test.

At this moment, the Taoist priests outside all opened their mouths and could not even speak a word.

They have become numb.

I even thought I was hallucinating.

I originally thought that Lu Changsheng would definitely encounter some trouble after entering the thirteenth floor.

Not to mention it is difficult, but after all, you have to be careful at every level, and the speed will definitely drop significantly.

However, they were wrong, very wrong.

After Lu Changsheng reached the thirteenth floor of the Climbing Tower, his speed actually accelerated again.

It seems that each layer can only stay for a maximum of one stick of incense.

It was so fast, so unbelievable.

They have never seen people who come to climb to the sky ascend faster and faster.

Generally speaking, it gets slower and slower as you go up.

Like Lu Changsheng, he is getting faster and faster.

Is there really no resistance after climbing to the thirteenth floor of the Sky Tower?

Otherwise, how could it get faster and faster?

"This Lu Changsheng is really extraordinary. Will he reach the thirty-sixth level of the sky?"

"The thirty-sixth floor, that's almost a legend. Who can climb to the thirty-sixth floor?"

"If Lu Changsheng reaches the sky at the current speed, he really has hope of reaching the 36th level of the sky."

"No, after reaching the twenty-fourth floor, it is impossible for Lu Changsheng to reach the sky so quickly. Before the twenty-fourth floor, there were still people who could reach the sky. But after the twenty-fourth floor, every level is very difficult."

"The reason why Lu Changsheng ascends to the sky faster and faster is because he hid his strength before? Or, in the past, he only showed part of his strength, but after the twelfth level, he showed his full strength?"

"There is a possibility..."

For a time, many Taoist priests had different expressions.

They have various speculations.

However, no one wanted to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, someone might reach the thirty-sixth level of the sky!

This is a rare opportunity.


Lu Changsheng reached the twenty-fifth floor in an instant.


"This is... martial arts?"

"Various prototypes of martial arts..."

"What is the test on the twenty-fifth floor of the Climbing Tower?"

"Are you asking me to learn various martial arts and test my understanding?"

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

The twenty-five-story Climbing Tower seemed different from before.

This level is most likely to test your understanding!

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