Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 413 The hundred-year period is approaching, Lu Changsheng enters the heaven!

The Void Phase Bead has a wide range of uses.

For example, if you have the Void Phase Bead, you will naturally be able to fit in with the space.

When you encounter an enemy, you can directly activate the Void Phase Bead and hide in the space.

Or you can use the Void Phase Bead to travel through space.

It can also stabilize a space. For example, the space interlayer is stabilized by the Void Phase Bead. After so many years, it is still very stable.

In short, the Void Phase Bead has a wide range of uses.

When the Immortal Venerable Kong Xiang traveled in the sky, he also relied on the Void Phase Bead to escape danger several times.

However, now it has become a bargain for Lu Changsheng.

This Void Phase Bead has been controlled by Lu Changsheng.

In addition to the Void Phase Bead, Lu Changsheng's biggest gain is the corpse of the Immortal Venerable Kong Xiang.

This is a complete corpse of a Golden Immortal.

Many Golden Immortals died because of accidents. How could they have corpses if they were killed?

Only when the deadline comes and the five decays of heaven and man are encountered, can a complete corpse be left.

Every corpse of a Golden Immortal is very precious.

For example, Lu Changsheng can often figure out the mana in the corpse of Kongxiang Immortal Venerable.

That is immortal mana.

Lu Changsheng is now a celestial immortal. If he wants to be promoted to a golden immortal, he must achieve immortal mana.

But, he didn't even have a clue before.

Now that he has a golden immortal corpse, he can carefully figure out the mana in the corpse and even analyze the mana.

It is very helpful for his practice.

Of course, practice is not a matter of one day or one night.

Now Lu Changsheng does not have the practice method of celestial immortals.

Even if he knows that he needs to make his mana immortal.

But that also requires a method.

It is impossible for him to create something out of nothing.

Even if he has a strong understanding, he can't create something out of nothing.

Maybe, slowly comprehending the mana in the golden immortal corpse, and then spending a long time, he may be able to deduce some methods.

But that takes too long.

And the effect may not be good, and it doesn't make much sense.

When Lu Changsheng went to the outer battlefield, the problem of the method was naturally solved.

Lu Changsheng calculated the time. He had been in the boundary sea for more than ten years.

There were still ninety years left in the hundred-year agreement with the Heavenly Court.

These ninety years were neither long nor short.

Lu Changsheng had one very important thing to do in the boundary sea.

And it had to be done in the boundary sea.

That was to fill the virtual world.

He had to "reshape" the entire boundary sea in the virtual world.

It was just an outline before.

It would take a long time to completely fill the virtual world.

It was definitely not something that could be done overnight.

Before, Lu Changsheng fought against the five great immortals, and he could only suppress them with the virtual world.

This gave Lu Changsheng confidence.

If there was a complete boundary sea in his virtual world, it would be easier to suppress the five great immortals.

Even, if he wanted to erase the consciousness of the five great immortals at that time, it would be easier.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng made up his mind.

Even if it takes a long time, the entire boundary sea must be completely "reshaped" in the virtual world.

So, Lu Changsheng stayed in the boundary sea.

He began to shuttle through various places in the boundary sea, and carefully "reshaped" every inch of the boundary sea into the virtual world.

One year, three years, five years, ten years...

Lu Changsheng only did one thing in the boundary sea.

If it were in the past, even if Lu Changsheng had decades, he probably wouldn't be able to completely "reshape" the boundary sea into the virtual world.

After all, the boundary sea is too big.

It's so big that even a celestial being can't fly all over the boundary sea in a short time.

But it's different now.

Lu Changsheng can shuttle through space.

No matter how far the distance is, he can shuttle in an instant.

Let alone walking through the boundary sea once.

Even if he walks ten or a hundred times, it's easy.

It's because of space shuttle and top-level comprehension that Lu Changsheng has the confidence to "move" the entire boundary sea into the virtual world.

"Rebuilding" an identical boundary sea in the boundary sea.

This project is naturally so huge that it is unimaginable.

It is even so complicated that it is unimaginable.

But with top-level comprehension, no matter how complicated or huge it is, it is not a problem.

All it takes is time.

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years, forty years, fifty years...

Lu Changsheng stayed there for decades.

He had no intention of returning to the heaven.

This can also be considered a kind of practice.

It's just that he practiced in the virtual world.

And the virtual world is also increasing its progress bit by bit as Lu Changsheng continues to improve the "boundary sea".

However, the rate of increase is very slow.

It seems that it is difficult to increase the progress after it reaches more than 50%.

It is not easy to increase the progress by 1%.

Finally, in the 93rd year of Lu Changsheng's arrival in the boundary sea, there was a roar in the virtual world.

Then, the virtual world seemed to turn into a boundary sea.

It is exactly the same as the real boundary sea.

Except for time.

In the boundary sea in the virtual world, everything seems to be still, without the flow of time.

It seems to be fixed at a certain moment.

Without the flow of time, it will always be a virtual world and cannot transform into a real world.

But it is enough.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng showed a satisfied smile on his face.

He immediately activated the attribute panel to check the current attributes.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: Top Comprehension

Red Dust Dao Fruit: 90% (Virtual World Magical Power)

Wanling Dao Fruit: 52% (Soul Devouring Magical Power)

Blood and flesh Dao fruit: 26% (great power and magical power)

Immortal physical characteristics: Immortal physical

On the attribute panel, Lu Changsheng's Red Dust Dao fruit has reached a terrifying 90% progress.

And this seems to be the limit.

No matter how hard Lu Changsheng tries, he can no longer improve the progress of the Red Dust Dao fruit.

Lu Changsheng has a vague guess in his heart.

If he wants to improve the Red Dust Dao fruit again, there may be only one way.

That is time.

If he can comprehend time, then perhaps the Red Dust Dao fruit can be completed.


Lu Changsheng knows that if he wants to comprehend time, he may need an opportunity.

With his top comprehension.

For nearly a hundred years, he has not had any comprehension of "time".

Obviously, this is not something that can be comprehended by comprehension alone.

It must require some opportunities.

Or maybe his current realm is not enough.

Maybe when he becomes a Golden Immortal or even a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he may be able to comprehend time.

But definitely not now.

"It's almost done. It's been ninety-three years, and there are only about seven years left before the Hundred Years' Agreement."

"It's time to return to the Heavenly Realm..."

After Lu Changsheng returned to the Sea of ​​Boundaries, he had basically arranged everything.

It's time to return to the Heavenly Realm.

He had to follow the Hundred Years' Agreement and go to the battlefield outside the Heavenly Realm. He couldn't stay in the Sea of ​​Boundaries all the time.

The hundred years of preparation really benefited Lu Changsheng a lot.

He not only obtained the Void Phase Pearl.

And the progress of the Void Realm was increased to 90%, almost no progress.

Facing any Heavenly Immortal, Lu Changsheng was not afraid.

Even if it was a Golden Immortal, Lu Changsheng didn't think that the Void Realm had no chance of winning.

We have to try it out for sure.

But in any case, there must be some guarantees to go outside the Heavenly Realm.

So, Lu Changsheng returned to the Xianwu Palace.

He informed everyone in the Xianwu Palace that he was about to return to the Heavenly Realm.

For a while, everyone in the Xianwu Palace was in an uproar.

However, everyone was not too surprised.

After all, there had been some speculations before.

And Lu Changsheng was a Heavenly Immortal, and he would return to the Heavenly Realm sooner or later.

This is known without any guessing.

"Palace Master, can we follow you to the heaven?"

Suddenly, someone asked.

As the saying goes, if one person achieves enlightenment, all his family members will ascend to heaven.

This makes sense.

In the past, if someone in the sea of ​​​​boundaries became a fairyland, but was not a real fairy, it would be very difficult to bring people to the heaven.

However, very difficult does not mean that you can't bring them.

In fact, you can bring them.

Even Lu Changsheng was able to ascend to the heaven, in a sense, it was also with the help of the giant axe fairy.

Of course, in the end, it still depends on Lu Changsheng himself.

And now Lu Changsheng is no longer the same as before.

He is not only a fairy, but also a celestial fairy king!

It is not difficult for Lu Changsheng to take people to the heaven together.

The key is that Lu Changsheng still has the empty phase bead, which can stabilize the space.

He will not be in the same situation as the giant axe fairy, which will cause the ascension to the heaven to be separated or even in danger.

However, there are also problems.

Who should be brought?

Who should not be brought?

This is a problem.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Lu Changsheng.

Their eyes were full of expectation.

"You can bring them."

Lu Changsheng spoke.

Everyone was delighted.

"But, you can only bring a part of them, and they must be senior ancestors."

"If you are new to the ancestral realm, just stay in the Xianwu Palace."

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

He couldn't bring all the ancestors to the heaven.

If he really wanted to bring them to the heaven, what would the Xianwu Palace do?

As for bringing the strongest and top ancestors to the heaven, the Xianwu Palace would lose its top combat power, which was actually not a problem at all.

Lu Changsheng would also leave some flesh and blood clones to sit in the Xianwu Palace.

His flesh and blood clones were basically invincible in the strongest ancestral realm.

Now there are no immortals in the sea of ​​​​worlds.

Then the strongest ancestral realm is the ceiling.

No force is the opponent of the Xianwu Palace.

Hearing that Lu Changsheng could stay in part of the ancestral realm, many people were very excited.

But the remaining ancestors were a little disappointed.

After all, that is "ascending" to the heaven.

Who doesn't want to ascend to the heaven?

Lu Changsheng also warned: "Even if you ascend to the heaven, it is still the same. It is still difficult to become an immortal. On the contrary, if you stay in the boundary sea and gather the resources of the boundary sea, you may have a greater chance of becoming an immortal."

"At that time, you can naturally reach the longevity temple through the heavenly road I left behind, and then condense the immortal body to become a real immortal!"

"So, whether to stay in the boundary sea or ascend to the heaven, I will give you another choice."

"You all think about it carefully and give me an answer in three days."

After speaking, Lu Changsheng asked these people to go down and think carefully.

Time flies, and three days pass quickly.

Lu Changsheng is in front of the heavenly road.

He is waiting.

See who will choose to ascend to the heaven.

The first one to come is naturally the old ancestor Powu.

He is already the strongest ancestor in the boundary sea, and there is no further progress.

After ascending to the heaven, there may be a chance to become a true immortal.

Then there was the Ju Ding Patriarch and the three martial ancestors of the Xianwu Palace.

These people also wanted to go to the heaven.

In addition to these, there were more ancestors who chose to stay in the sea of ​​boundaries this time.

After all, after a few days of careful consideration.

Some ancestral realms still feel that they should stay in Jiehai first, as they have families, relatives, etc. that also need to be taken care of.

Not to mention practicing the same way in Jiehai.

On the whole, the number of people who are willing to follow Lu Changsheng to ascend to the heavenly realm is slightly smaller.

"Okay, now that you have decided, let's go!"

Lu Changsheng no longer delayed, and directly led many Ancestral Realm monks on the road to heaven.

On the way to heaven, Lu Changsheng led dozens of people into the space passage.

As soon as they entered the space passage, dozens of people were in the ancestral realm.

It's even just a normal ancestral realm.

They can't stand the pressure of space.

It is simply impossible for Lu Changsheng alone to protect so many ancestral realms.

Only a few ancestral realms can withstand such pressure.

But I tried my best.

However, since Lu Changsheng agreed to take these people to the heaven together, he would naturally not take these people to die.


The next moment, facing the terrifying spatial turbulence and pressure, Lu Changsheng turned his palms.

A bead appeared in his palm.

It’s the Kongxiang Bead!


Lu Changsheng shouted softly.

The empty phase bead also emitted a trace of gray light, suddenly covering the space.

Strange to say.

After the light of the Sky Phase Pearl covered this space, the originally shaky space suddenly became stable.

Despite the constant erosion of the turbulent flow of space, this space remained motionless.

And the original space pressure seems to have disappeared without a trace now.

Everyone was shocked.

They all looked at the bead in surprise.

Obviously, after seeing this scene, they all knew that the bead must be some powerful fairy treasure.

But Lu Changsheng did not explain.

He was also very satisfied.

This empty phase bead can originally stabilize the space.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

The turbulence in this space is very terrifying.

When Lu Changsheng forced himself to ascend to heaven, he was almost swept away by the space turbulence and died in the space turbulence.

Fortunately, he was able to analyze the spatial turbulence in the first place.

Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

Now there is the Kongxiangzhu, a golden fairy-level fairy treasure.

It is enough to stabilize the space and prevent many ancestral realms from being in danger.

As the space flowed turbulently, everyone only felt a slight sway, and the surrounding darkness disappeared.

What replaced it was a magnificent place filled with a strong fairy spirit.


Lu Changsheng waved his hand and collected the Kongxiang Bead.

"This is... the Immortality Dojo!"

Many ancestral realms were slightly shocked.

Then they realized what this place was.

Lu Changsheng's dojo.

At the same time, this is also their destination, heaven!

Lu Changsheng knew that a group of ancestral realms had ascended to heaven, and they must be very curious.

But he didn't want to have to explain to these people endlessly.

Of course there are people from the ashram who can explain it to them.

Lu Changsheng summoned people from the dojo and arranged for everyone in the Xianwu Palace.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng returned to the cave of Changsheng Dojo.

He took out the communication stone.


There is a message in the communication stone.

It was sent three years ago, reminding him that there were only ten years until the centenary date.

Lu Changsheng knew that this was a message from heaven.

The purpose is not to urge, just to remind.

So as not to miss the centenary deadline due to other things.

Once the deadline is missed, Heaven will not show mercy.

"The summons was sent three years ago, and now there are still seven years left..."

Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry.

Seven years was enough time for him to rush to heaven.

However, Lu Changsheng still wanted to adapt to the heavenly realm first.

He tried to understand the power of space.

Traveling through space as he did across the Realm Sea.

The result is this induction.


He cannot travel through space in the heaven.

Moreover, with Lu Changsheng's top level understanding, he can have a glimmer of understanding.

If you want to be able to travel through space in the heaven, it may take a long time.

Moreover, the space pressure in heaven is huge.

Maybe even the gods may not be able to bear it.

"Sure enough, space is changeable. The most obvious feature of space is its changeability."

"Any world has the power of space, but the power of space is very special and cannot be used universally."

"If you want to travel through space, you can only adapt to the space of heaven as soon as possible, and then slowly sense it."

"It's a pity that we don't have so much time..."

Lu Changsheng knew that he only had a few years left.

This little time is simply not enough to comprehend the power of space in the heavens.

"That's all, let's go to the outer battlefield."

Lu Changsheng didn't waste any more time.

Although he was confident that he would reach heaven in a short time.

But there is no need to squeeze time so hard.

Go to heaven in advance to be prepared.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng arranged some matters for the Changsheng Dojo.

Then, he set off for heaven.

He has the specific location of Heaven, and now he is going there in advance. Even if he cannot travel through space, he will not be delayed for too long.

Along the way, Lu Changsheng encountered no danger.

After all, he is already an immortal.

Except for the outer battlefield, the Celestial Immortal Lord is almost at the pinnacle of existence in the heaven.

Those more powerful immortals are basically on the outer battlefield.

About a year later, Lu Changsheng arrived in Heaven.

"Ahead is the heaven..."

Lu Changsheng looked at the pavilions and towers floating in the void in front of him.

It seemed that this was the real fairyland.

There was no doubt that this was the Heavenly Court!

The history of the Heavenly Court was very ancient.

Even many immortals did not know when the Heavenly Court was born.

However, it was true that there was a Taoist ancestor behind the Heavenly Court.

Some people even suspected that the Heavenly Court was the power opened up by the Taoist ancestor.

It was just that the Heavenly Court had always been very low-key and did not intervene in the disputes within the Heavenly Realm.

For a time, people forgot about the Heavenly Court.

It was not until the invasion of the You Clan that the Heavenly Realm and the You Clan fought in the battlefield outside the Heaven that the Heavenly Court had a sense of existence.

Over time, with the support of the Taoist ancestor, the Heavenly Court had become the overlord of the Heavenly Realm.


Lu Changsheng flew towards the Heavenly Court.

Soon, a true immortal from the Heavenly Court came up to greet him.

"Are you the Taoist Changsheng?"

"It's me."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

It was normal for the people in the Heavenly Court to know him. Since he was going to the battlefield outside the Heaven, the Heavenly Court would definitely have corresponding arrangements.

"Please follow me, Taoist Changsheng."

The immortal took Lu Changsheng to a cave.

"Taoist Changsheng, there is a common sense introduction about the outer battlefield in the cave."

"You can read it first and then make a decision."

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me at any time. My name is Xuan Jiu, and I am the immortal who is responsible for receiving Taoist Changsheng."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

The cave is not luxurious, but it is very clean and tidy.

Lu Changsheng saw a piece of jade slip in the cave.

It should be the common sense about the outer battlefield.

So, Lu Changsheng used consciousness to check.

The jade slip introduced some simple information about the outer battlefield.

It turned out that the outer battlefield implemented a wartime system.

All immortals must obey the arrangements, just like ordinary soldiers.

The immortal king is just a basic combat unit.

In many cases, it is the immortal king who falls in the outer battlefield.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng's heart sank.

The celestial immortals have become basic combat units, which shows how bad the situation in the outer battlefield is.

Generally, immortals have to become a member of a huge immortal army, and may even become cannon fodder.

The immortal's body is immortal, which is not very useful in the outer battlefield.

The You Clan and some powerful lives under their command have the means to destroy the immortal's immortal body.

However, for the immortals who have just entered the outer battlefield, the heavenly court also gave them a chance.

A chance not to become cannon fodder.

That is to climb the immortal ladder.

The immortal ladder is a place that purely tests the combat power of the immortal.

There are ten steps in total.

As long as you can climb to a high enough height, you will be granted immortal skills before entering the outer battlefield.

You can use immortal skills to exchange for various treasures, skills, etc.

Moreover, the higher you climb the immortal ladder, the more you will be valued.

At that time, you will be reused as soon as you enter the outer battlefield, and you will not become cannon fodder.

This is the only chance.

Otherwise, in the outer battlefield in the future, even if you can climb a very high immortal ladder, you will have to rely on immortal skills to obtain resources.

Immortal skills, that means fighting a real war with aliens, and only by killing aliens can you get immortal skills.

"Immortal skills..."

Lu Changsheng learned that the core of the entire Tianwai battlefield is immortal skills.

Nothing is important, only immortal skills are important.

As long as there are enough immortal skills, you can exchange everything!

Don't look at him fighting to death in the boundary sea and getting a fairy treasure of the golden fairy level.

But in the Tianwai battlefield, as long as the immortal skills are enough, it can be exchanged for more than just the fairy treasure of the golden fairy level?

Immortal treasures that are much stronger than the empty phase beads can be exchanged.

Therefore, before going to the Tianwai battlefield, going to the Tianxian ladder to obtain immortal skills may be one of the easiest ways to obtain immortal skills.

Every immortal king has and only has one such opportunity.

If you miss this opportunity, there will be no more, and you will have to fight hard in the Tianwai battlefield.

After almost reading the jade slip, Lu Changsheng has made a decision in his heart.

He needs immortal skills to exchange for the skills of the Tianxian level.

So it is most appropriate to go to the Tianxian ladder now.

So, Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave.

He saw Xuan Jiu Zhenxian outside the cave.

"Xuan Jiu Zhenxian, I want to challenge the Heavenly Immortal Stairs. Please lead the way."

Lu Changsheng directly stated his purpose.

Xuan Jiu Zhenxian nodded and said, "Please follow me, Lord Changsheng."

Xuan Jiu Zhenxian was not surprised that Lu Changsheng was going to challenge the Heavenly Immortal Stairs.

This is too normal.

Almost every Lord is like this.

After all, this is a "welfare" given by the Heavenly Court to every Lord.

As for how much immortal power can be obtained, it depends on the ability.

Xuan Jiu Zhenxian took Lu Changsheng all the way to the Heavenly Immortal Stairs.

The so-called Heavenly Immortal Stairs are actually huge arenas.

These arenas form layers of stairs.

From bottom to top, there are a total of ten stairs, so it is called the Heavenly Immortal Stairs.

"From the first to the third level, there is no immortal power."

"From the fourth to the sixth level, you can get 100 immortal powers by passing each level."

"From the seventh to the ninth level, you can get 1,000 immortal powers by passing each level."

"And the tenth level...if you pass it, you will get 10,000 immortal powers!"

Xuan Jiu Zhenxian explained.

"10,000 immortal powers?"

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up slightly.

He was not completely ignorant of the immortal power system.

As far as he knows, if you want to exchange for a fairy treasure of the Golden Immortal level, it will cost 10,000 fairy gong.

Such a reward is simply crazy.

That is a fairy treasure of the Golden Immortal level.

Look at how crazy those fairy kings are for the Golden Immortal treasure in the boundary sea.

Most fairy kings, even if they die in the outer sky, cannot get 10,000 fairy gong, which shows how precious 10,000 fairy gong is.

"The tenth level... what kind of strength is required?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

The tenth level of the ladder rewards so many fairy gong, it must be not simple.

"The tenth level?"

Xuan Jiu Zhenxian was a little surprised, but still replied: "For so many years, I have not seen anyone who can break through the tenth level. However, a long time ago, it is said that someone broke through the tenth level."

"As for the required strength... Anyway, last time, an eight-tribulation great fairy king tried to break through the tenth level in the outer sky battlefield, but failed."

"I even think that no fairy king can break through the tenth level at all."

Lu Changsheng understood.

Even the eight-tribulation great fairy king could hardly break through.

Can he get through?

Lu Changsheng didn't know.

After all, Lu Changsheng didn't know how the Heavenly Immortal Ladder tested combat power.

He did have a trump card, and his virtual world was invincible at the Heavenly Immortal level.

However, that required a life with spiritual consciousness.

If there was no life with spiritual consciousness, Lu Changsheng's virtual world would be useless.

However, even if he couldn't get through the tenth level, just being able to get through the seventh level or above would have been a great benefit.

Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry to challenge.

There were still immortals challenging him above.

Even if it was a challenge, he had to queue up.

Lu Changsheng queued up.

He ranked 187th.

This meant there were still 186 people ahead.

However, he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, there were still a few years, which was enough.

Besides, if he got up quickly, it would actually be very fast.

Many people couldn't even get through the first three levels of the ladder.

From the bottom of the ladder, you can see the battle above.

It seems that the Heavenly Immortal Ladder also intended for everyone to see the process of the battle.

One day, two days, three days...

Lu Changsheng was still interested at first.

But he lost interest later.

Because in so many days, almost no immortal king could pass the seventh level.

One immortal king reached the seventh level, but he failed to pass the seventh level in the end.

It's a pity.

And most immortal kings didn't pass the first three levels.

That is to say, they didn't have any immortal skills.

This heavenly immortal ladder seems to be very difficult.

It's not so easy to get immortal skills.

It's worth noting that the use of immortal treasures is not allowed when passing the heavenly immortal ladder.

This is also normal.

What if some big forces can give some powerful immortal treasures to their immortal kings.

Wouldn't that be almost like cheating?

The Heavenly Court will naturally prevent this situation.

Lu Changsheng waited for three months.

Finally, it was his turn today.

"No. 187, Immortal Changsheng!"

Lu Changsheng looked up at the heavenly immortal ladder.

It was finally his turn.


Lu Changsheng flew up and landed on the first level of the ladder.

However, Lu Changsheng did not attract attention.

After all, in the Heavenly Court, "Changsheng Immortal Lord" is not famous.

He is an unknown person.

An unknown person like Lu Changsheng often cannot pass the first three steps.

"The first step, a celestial immortal level alien life!"

Lu Changsheng already knew who the opponent on the celestial immortal ladder was.

In fact, it was an alien life.

That is, the opponent that will be faced in the outer battlefield.

This celestial immortal ladder may also have a purpose.

That is to let many immortals be familiar with the situation of the opponents in the outer battlefield.

So as not to be caught off guard.

Of course, there are many alien lives in the outer battlefield, and the celestial immortal ladder can only ensure that the alien lives are roughly the same in strength.

But what kind of alien life is dealt with is completely random and depends on luck.

And Lu Changsheng also recognized the alien in front of him.

The outer life, Ba!

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