Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 471: Physical Life Transformation, Passing the Ultimate Test of the Black Light Realm

Qingchi left Lu Changsheng's cave.

Lu Changsheng calculated the time. It was only about three thousand years since he chose to accept the ultimate test of the Black Light Realm.

In other words, he was indeed still within the ten thousand year limit.

There were still seven thousand years left.

The ultimate test of the Black Light Realm was to use the Kaitian method to make a life transition within ten thousand years and successfully advance, then he would pass the ultimate test of the Black Light Realm.

Lu Changsheng was very confident about this.

After all, Lu Changsheng still had seven thousand years left.

There was also a large amount of Hongmeng Qi.

With resources and time, Lu Changsheng was still afraid that he would not be able to make a life transition?

Lu Changsheng was not worried about this at all.

"Let's improve the physical body to perfection first."

Lu Changsheng began to refine the Hongmeng Qi.

If each Hongmeng Qi wanted to be completely refined, it would take at least one year.

Lu Changsheng refined one Hongmeng Qi after another.

One year, two years, three years, four years, five years...

In the blink of an eye, twenty-four years had passed.

Lu Changsheng stopped.

It's not that the Hongmeng Qi is not enough.

There are still 312 Hongmeng Qi left, which is very sufficient.

The reason why he stopped is very simple.

Lu Changsheng's physical progress has reached 100% perfection.

At this time, there is no point in refining Hongmeng Qi.

Life transition is necessary.

If you want life transition, the physical body must reach a certain level, which is actually 100% progress of the physical body.

Lu Changsheng has met this condition.

Then you must have a method for life transition.

Lu Changsheng already has the method of opening the sky.

This is the method of life transition given by the Black Light Realm, and it is also the method that must be used in the ultimate test.

The method created by the Black Light Ancestor must be extraordinary.

Then there is the precise control of the physical body, as well as courage, boldness, etc.

Lu Changsheng has all of them.

At this time, life transition, what is there for Lu Changsheng to fear?

So, Lu Changsheng adjusted for three days.

After the state was basically adjusted to the best, Lu Changsheng began to make a life transition.

"Let's start."

Lu Changsheng's mind moved.


Lu Changsheng flew out of the cave directly and came to the chaos.

The physical life transition of chaotic life must be in a spacious place.

It is best to be in the chaos.

Chaos is boundless and completely undisturbed.

After all, the physical body of each chaotic life is very huge.

Lu Changsheng released his physical body.

The huge physical body no longer had any reservations, and it appeared in the chaotic void with a terrifying aura.

As for the method of opening the sky, Lu Changsheng actually had a sense of déjà vu.

It seemed to be similar to the "reopening the world" in his virtual world.

One is to reopen the world.

The other is the method of opening the sky.

They are all "opening the sky", which cannot be said to be exactly the same, but can only be said to be roughly the same.

Anyway, various cultivation systems have different paths to the same end, and they are all similar.

This also made Lu Changsheng feel more confident.

As for opening the sky, he was very familiar with it.

However, the physical body's method of opening the sky is still a little different.

Each particle of Lu Changsheng's physical body can be regarded as a world.

Of course, it is definitely far inferior to the virtual world.

But the principle is the same.

The method of opening the sky is to make billions of particles in the physical body explode, thereby "regenerating the world".

This is indeed extraordinary.

If the life jump of the method of opening the sky continues, Lu Changsheng's advantage of a strong physical body foundation will continue to accumulate.

Again and again.

Every time the life jumps, his accumulation is stronger than that of the same level.

If it accumulates to nine life jumps, Lu Changsheng's accumulation will reach a terrifying level.

In the end, the probability of achieving the source life is much greater.

For a while, Lu Changsheng seemed to understand the "essence" of the method of opening the sky.

It is indeed a very powerful method of life jump.

Of course, this method is not something that everyone can practice.

There are so many chaotic lives that have passed the primary test in the Black Light Realm. Who can rely on the method of opening the sky to the end?

So far, not one!

Even those chaotic lives that passed the ultimate test were practicing other methods.

Not the method of opening the sky.

It was because Lu Changsheng himself had many physical particles, which was very special, that he was given the ultimate test of the method of opening the sky by the Black Light Tower.

This ultimate test itself shows the importance that the Black Light Tower attaches to Lu Changsheng!

All the physical particles in Lu Changsheng's body were boiling.

It seemed that every physical particle was vibrating.

"Open! The sky!"

As Lu Changsheng's voice fell.


Billions of physical particles were shaken at the same time.

It seemed that there was an invisible force that completely detonated all the physical particles.

In an instant, the terrifying power of the physical particles erupted, and the physical particles vibrated violently.


The physical particles were different from the virtual world of Lu Changsheng at the beginning.

At the beginning, Lu Changsheng's virtual world also relied on him to reconstruct one avenue after another, thus stabilizing the virtual world and withstanding the terrifying explosion of the virtual world, so that he could regenerate the world again and again, and even regenerate the world three times.

But now it is Lu Changsheng's physical body.

His physical body particles did not reconstruct the avenue.

It is also impossible to make the body particles strong enough to withstand the explosion impact inside the body particles.

Therefore, in an instant, as Lu Changsheng used the "Open Heaven Method" to make a life transition.

Most of the body particles were instantly shattered.

The shattering of body particles means collapse.

10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%...

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Changsheng's body collapsed by 50%.

And it is still continuing.

However, Lu Changsheng did not panic.

He is so familiar with "Open Heaven".

He knows that this is the shock wave of the explosion.

This round of shock waves is very strong.

However, as long as he can survive this round of shock waves, he can successfully make a life transition.

Or, in fact, he is already making a life transition now.

That kind of horrible explosion caused the body particles to break and collapse at once.

Isn't it the sublimation of some kind of life?

60%, 70%, 80%...

Finally, Lu Changsheng's body collapsed by 80%.

However, the speed of collapse is getting slower and slower.

After reaching 80%, it almost stopped.

Actually, it didn't stop.

Rather, Lu Changsheng's already collapsed flesh particles actually began to reorganize again.

Even the speed of reorganization was getting faster and faster.

During the process of reorganization of flesh particles, Lu Changsheng felt a brand-new force, which continuously came out from each reorganized flesh particle.

That was the flesh particles after a life transition.

Lu Changsheng smiled.

In fact, it was destined from this moment that Lu Changsheng succeeded in a life transition!

"For a life transition to succeed, first the flesh must be strong enough, and then the method of life transition must be thoroughly understood. Finally, the foundation..."

"And my flesh foundation is far superior to that of the same level, so I can withstand the impact of the explosion of flesh particles and hold on until the flesh particles begin to reorganize."

"If I can't bear it, I will die..."

Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

He had never made a life transition before.

He just knew that life transition was very difficult.

Almost every time he was hovering between life and death.

Many chaotic beings don't even dare to make a life transition.

From this point of view, it is actually more difficult for chaotic beings to make a life transition than to comprehend the Great Dao and become a Great Sage in the Dark Realm.

After all, making a life transition is almost risking one's life.

Without courage, one dares not to make a life transition at all.

This is why there are so many chaotic beings in the vast chaos.

And most of them are ordinary chaotic beings, who don't even make a life transition.

It's because it's too dangerous.

Of course, if the foundation is deep and solid, life transition is actually very guaranteed.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

He immediately called up the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: Top Comprehension

Lord of the World: 33% (three times)

Chaotic Life: 0 (one transition)

Sure enough, on the attribute panel, Lu Changsheng has already made a life transition in his physical body.

Lu Changsheng carefully felt the changes in his physical body.

Each of his particles has been improved tenfold or a hundredfold.

As the particles of his physical body improved, Lu Changsheng felt that his physical body particles seemed to be more like a world.

Of course, it was far worse than the real chaotic world.

But that was just the particles of his physical body.

Let alone the world.

Even if it was space, the explosion of billions of physical body particles in space would be a very terrifying force.

Moreover, with the fundamental law of Wanyuan as the foundation of chaotic life, and the law of opening the sky for life transition.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng's physical body was stronger than ever before!

This was the power of the essence of life.

It seemed to be completely different from the feeling of Lu Changsheng's virtual world system.

Every life that has not transcended can basically not get rid of the physical body.

And the physical body is the root.

The power of the physical body, under the empathy, is completely incomparable to other cultivation systems.

The cultivation system of the dark domain is not comparable.

At least in terms of the power of the physical body, the chaotic life has almost reached the extreme.

"Congratulations, Master, you have completed the ultimate test in just three thousand years!"

At this time, Zi Sang, the spirit of the Black Light Tower, took the initiative to congratulate Lu Changsheng.

Zi Sang also knew that this was Chaos.

Very safe, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Yes, it took three thousand years to complete the ultimate test. This speed should be quite fast, right?"

Lu Changsheng also knew that this speed was very fast.

The Black Light Tower mother body stipulated a deadline of ten thousand years.

In fact, let alone ten thousand years, it would be difficult for anyone to complete it in a hundred thousand years.

But Lu Changsheng did it.

It was also fortunate that Lu Changsheng came to the front line of the Chaos Alliance, fortunately he entered the dark domain, and stayed in the dark domain for more than a thousand years, which led to the rapid development of the virtual world, allowing Lu Changsheng to re-derive the world again and again.

Even evolved three worlds.

It was because Lu Changsheng relied on the evolution of the virtual world that he understood the "Kai Tian Fa" very thoroughly.

This is how he was able to use the Kai Tian Fa to make a life transition and succeed in one fell swoop.

Without these kinds of experiences.

Even if Lu Changsheng has enough cultivation resources and cultivates his physical body to 100%, it may not be so easy to make such a smooth transition in life.

Blessings and disasters go hand in hand.

Although being trapped in the dark realm has some dangers, there are more benefits.

Lu Changsheng calculated that he still had 312 primordial qi left.

It could still support him to continue refining and strengthening his body.

It could even support him to make life transitions again and again.

However, his ultimate test had a deadline of 10,000 years.

The sooner he completed the test, the greater the benefits he would get.

Even the Qingchi Patriarch specifically reminded him of this, which showed that the benefits of the ultimate test in the Black Light Realm were also extraordinary in the eyes of the source life.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng planned to return to the Black Light Realm first.

Let's see what kind of benefits he would get after passing the ultimate test?

Anyway, he was in the chaos, and he could refine the primordial qi and make life transitions at any time, so he was not in a hurry.

So, Lu Changsheng said goodbye to the Qingchi Patriarch.

The Qingchi Patriarch agreed.

He just reminded Lu Changsheng to deal with things as soon as possible.

If the space channel was stable, he would have to return to the dark domain at that time, and many things would require Lu Changsheng to escort him in the dark domain.

Lu Changsheng naturally agreed.

It doesn't take long to get from the Chaos Alliance to the Black Light Realm, because there is a teleportation array built between the two.

Last time, Lu Changsheng was directly teleported to the Chaos Alliance by the Black Light Tower Matrix.

Lu Changsheng soon stepped onto the teleportation array.


Lu Changsheng's figure disappeared in the teleportation array.

The next moment, Lu Changsheng's figure shook slightly.

He looked around.

They were all familiar scenes.

Black Light Realm, he is finally back!

Lu Changsheng returned to his cave and applied for the Black Light Tower Matrix inspection as soon as possible.

"Lu Changsheng, are you sure to apply for the inspection?"


Soon, an invisible force enveloped Lu Changsheng.

It swept over Lu Changsheng.

"The test is complete. Congratulations to Lu Changsheng for passing the ultimate test in three thousand years and becoming a core disciple of the Black Light Realm!"

"Rewards are now issued. Because Lu Changsheng performed well and completed the test early, he has great potential. Now the authority of Lu Changsheng's Black Light Tower sub-body is upgraded, and the power of the Black Light Tower sub-body is upgraded to the level of high-level chaotic life."

"Award one hundred primordial auras, and enter the Black Light Illusion once, and use the authority of the Black Light Tower mother body to evolve the source life advancement process once."

"Note that the Black Light Tower mother body's authority to evolve the source life advancement process once is only the original perception of the master Black Light Ancestor, and it cannot be guaranteed that everyone will do so. And only high-level chaotic life can apply to evolve the source life advancement process."

The voice of the Black Light Tower mother body appeared in Lu Changsheng's mind.

However, the content contained in each sentence shocked Lu Changsheng's heart.

Yes, shocking!

Even though Lu Changsheng is knowledgeable.

He has even seen the source life.

However, he was still shocked.

One hundred primordial auras, this is simply a big deal.

However, the bigger deal is that the Black Light Tower mother body can actually evolve the process of Source Life advancement.

This is incredible.

What is this?

It is equivalent to teaching step by step, how to advance Source Life?

Relatively speaking, improving the authority and power of the Black Light Tower sub-body is not worth mentioning.

No wonder even the Qingchi Patriarch reminded Lu Changsheng that he must come to the Black Light Realm to pass the ultimate test.

Such benefits are probably not even available to the Chaos Alliance.

After all, there is only one Black Light Tower mother body.

Such a treasure cannot be found in the entire Chaos.

"Master, look, your ranking has also risen."

At this time, Zi Sang hurriedly said.

Lu Changsheng took a look at his ranking in the Black Light Realm.

It has risen to 999th place.

It is exactly in the top 1,000.

It means that every thousand years, he can obtain a cultivation resource, that is, Hongmeng Qi.

Of course, the premise is that Lu Changsheng can still rank in the top 1,000 before the expiration.

"Zisang, I have only made one life transition, how can I be ranked in the top 1,000 all of a sudden?"

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

The Black Light Realm has a profound foundation.

There are so many chaotic lives that have passed the test.

He has only made one life transition.

It is still very far from the source life.

No matter what, it is not his turn to be ranked in the top 1,000.

"Master, this ranking is based on the closer to the source life, the higher the ranking. In general, it does depend on the cultivation level. After all, the higher the cultivation level, the closer to the source life."

"But you are different. You passed the ultimate test in just three thousand years, which obviously greatly exceeded the expectations of the Black Light Tower Matrix. You are even better than the Supreme Prodigy."

"After the precise calculation of the Black Light Tower Matrix, you have great potential, and it is naturally easier to become a source life, so your ranking has been greatly improved."

Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

Indeed, this ranking is not based on combat power.

It depends on who is closer to the source life.

That is, who is more likely to become a source life.

Of course, Lu Changsheng has the qualifications to be ranked in the top 1,000.

However, the first thousand people will get one cultivation resource, and they will need to get one every thousand years.

This is nothing to Lu Changsheng.

He doesn't care at all.

This time, after passing the ultimate test, Lu Changsheng obtained a full hundred Hongmeng Qi.

So the number of Hongmeng Qi in his body has reached 412.

This is a terrifying number.

It is enough to push Lu Changsheng to go very far in the physical body.

"It will take some time for the Chaos Alliance to completely open up and stabilize the space channel."

"Use this time well, first refine the Hongmeng Qi to improve your cultivation."

So, Lu Changsheng began to refine the Hongmeng Qi.

It takes time to refine the Hongmeng Qi, and one Hongmeng Qi takes a year.

If Lu Changsheng wants to make another life leap, it will take at least a hundred years.

One year, three years, five years, eight years, ten years...

As time goes by.


Lu Changsheng's communication stone vibrates.

He just refined the eighteenth Hongmeng Qi.

That is, it has only been eighteen years, and the communication stone vibrates.

Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

He took out the communication stone and took a look.

This is the message sent by the Qingchi Patriarch himself.

Let him go to the location of the dark domain channel.

Now the channel is almost stable.

Lu Changsheng needs to go there.

"It took eighteen years to refine eighteen primordial qi, and it is still a long way from the second life transition."

"But even if I go to the dark domain, there will be plenty of time to return to the chaos to refine the primordial qi in the future, so there is no need to rush."

Lu Changsheng's heart calmed down a little.

After all, he had promised the Qingchi Patriarch before.

So, Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave.

"Zisang, go to the dark domain passage."

"Yes, Master."

Lu Changsheng activated the Black Light Tower.

The current Black Light Tower is no longer what it used to be.

After all, it has reached the high-level chaotic life level.

It can be said to be a huge improvement.

Therefore, even the distance of shuttle space has been greatly enhanced.

Lu Changsheng kept shuttling.

After just a few days, he had arrived at the location of the dark domain passage.


Lu Changsheng appeared.

"It's Saint Lu."

"Saint Changsheng."

"Daoyou Lu."

Everyone greeted Lu Changsheng.

There are many more people here.

More than ten times more than before.

All of them are Chaos Lifeforms.

And each of them holds an important position in the Chaos Alliance.

Obviously, this dark domain passage has almost become the most important place in the Chaos Alliance.

And Lu Changsheng is the core focus and the most critical person.

After all, Lu Changsheng is still needed to enter the dark domain to stabilize the situation.

"Lu Changsheng."

At this time, the Qingchi Patriarch appeared.

"Meet the Patriarch."

Lu Changsheng and many other Chaos Lifeforms hurriedly saluted.

All Chaos Lifeforms must respect the Source Lifeforms.

Patriarch Qingchi glanced at the dark domain passage and then said, "The dark domain passage has been completely stabilized. Now you need to go to the dark domain. You said that the opposite side is the Yunmeng Mountains, and there are not many people, but just in case, you need to set up a magic array to hide it."

"Moreover, it would be best if you can control the Yunmeng Mountains openly. In this way, we will establish a base in the Yunmeng Mountains and will not be discovered by others."

"With your current strength, you are a great saint in the dark domain. It should not be difficult for you to control the Yunmeng Mountains, right?"

Lu Changsheng pondered for a moment.

He recalled the situation near the Yunmeng Mountains in his mind.

Although there are sects.

But they are only some small sects.

If he wants to control the Yunmeng Mountains, it is indeed not a problem.

"Don't worry, ancestor, I will definitely control the Yunmeng Mountains in the shortest time after entering the dark domain."

Lu Changsheng promised Patriarch Qingchi.


"I will stay here for a while. If you are in any danger, you can escape from the dark domain. Even if you provoke the emperor, I will cover you!"

Qingchi Patriarch said firmly.

This can be regarded as a reassurance for Lu Changsheng.

Let Lu Changsheng feel completely at ease.

He will not be abandoned by Qingchi Patriarch.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng nodded.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng flew directly into the space channel without any hesitation, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Just a moment later.


In the depths of Yunmeng Mountains, a figure appeared again.


Lu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The surroundings were still shrouded in clouds and mist, and there was no abnormality.

Lu Changsheng first used the magic circle to completely cover the space channel.

However, the magic circle alone was not very useful.

If someone really entered the Yunwu Mountains and saw the magic array covering it, they might think it was a cave or a rare treasure, and they would want to break the magic array to see what was inside.

This would be dangerous.

However, Lu Changsheng had to do so.

Therefore, it was still the Qingchi Patriarch who saw it clearly.

It would be best if Lu Changsheng controlled the Yunmeng Mountains.

Then there would be no problem.

However, it is not so easy to control the Yunmeng Mountains.

Lu Changsheng can't always sit in the Yunwu Mountains.

He still has to return to Chaos.

Or he has to return to the Enlightenment Saint Sect in the future.

Therefore, it is better to have an obedient force to help him control the Yunmeng Mountains.

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He thought of a way.

Isn't it just to form an obedient force?


The Yunmeng Mountains are indeed barren.

But there are also some sects nearby.

Especially some small sects and small forces.

Lu Changsheng needs to start from scratch to form his own, which is very time-consuming.

In this case, then "occupy" a force.

Starting from this, it will expand and completely unify the entire forces near the Yunmeng Mountain Range.

At that time, it will not be Lu Changsheng who has the final say on how to arrange the Yunmeng Mountain Range?

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng already made a decision in his heart.

So, Lu Changsheng spent a few hours, and after setting up the concealment circle, he flew directly out of the Yunmeng Mountain Range.

Consciousness swept away.

Lu Changsheng immediately sensed the nearest sect.


Lu Changsheng immediately flew towards that sect.

Feiyun Sect is a sect that only has the Holy Realm in charge.

The history is not long either.

Only a mere ten thousand years.

The founder is a great saint, but he is just a great saint, nothing more.

However, near Yunmeng Mountain, Feiyun Sect is already one of the strongest forces.

It stands to reason that Feiyun Sect can develop with peace of mind.

Wait until the great sage is born, then the sect will be able to shine.

Unfortunately, Feiyun Sect has been having a hard time recently.

Sage Cangxia, the leader of Feiyun Sect, was even more sad.

Saint Cangxia is the leader of Feiyun Sect and a relatively rare female monk.

There are also two supreme elders in the sect, but they are also in the holy realm.

The three holy realms are enough in the Yunmeng Mountain Range.

Unfortunately, a great saint was recently born at the Shanyang Gate near the Yunmeng Mountain Range.

This greatly changed the situation near the Yunmeng Mountain Range.

A great sage almost overwhelmed Feiyun Sect and could not lift its head.

In fact, if the Shanyang Sect had the idea of ​​​​exterminating the Feiyun Sect, the Feiyun Sect's life would probably be even more difficult.

Relying on the sect's formation, I don't know if I can block the great sage at Shanyang Gate.

After all, that is the Great Sage!


Just when Saint Cangxia had a headache, suddenly, a strange figure appeared outside Feiyun Sect.

The other party just glanced at Feiyun Sect, and then exuded his aura.


The breath of terror swept over in a mighty manner.

There was even a vague avenue of thunder and fire emerging in the void.

The terrifying power of the avenue unleashes its power unbridled.

The entire Feiyun Sect was shocked.

"What's going on? Such terrifying pressure, is it a great saint?"

"Oh my God, even the power of the Great Dao is manifested. How did our Feiyun Sect offend a great saint? Is this going to destroy our Feiyun Sect?"

"Could it be the great sage from Shanyang Gate?"

"No, it is said that the great sage of Shanyang Gate masters an avenue similar to that of the Great Sun, not this kind of thunder and fire avenue."

"Then this senior great sage came to our Feiyun Sect and came with a fierce attitude. Why is this?"

For a moment, Feiyun Sect was shocked.

The two Supreme Elders of the Holy Realm who were in retreat did not care about the retreat anymore. They immediately left the retreat and flew into the void with Saint Cangxia. They looked at the figures in the void with vigilant expressions.

"Senior, why did you come to Feiyun Sect?"

Saint Cangxia said respectfully.

But there was a hint of vigilance in his respectful tone.

The strange figure stood with his hands behind his hands, glanced at Saint Cangxia, and then said lightly: "Lu is about to realize a new path and needs to practice in Yunmeng Mountains for a long time. I want to lend you the mountain gate. Do you have any objections?"

The visitor was naturally Lu Changsheng.

But these "tyrannical" words caused the expressions of the three Feiyun Sect saints to change instantly.

How is this "borrowing the mountain gate" to practice?

It’s clear that he wants to seize Feiyun Sect’s orthodoxy! (End of chapter)

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