Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 545 The soul finally transforms and the true meaning of immortality is born!

Lu Changsheng stayed in the treasure made of immortal material for several months.

Finally, Lord Zhaotian stopped.

"We are here. The Amethyst Universe is ahead."

"Thank you, Lord Zhaotian."

Lu Changsheng bowed respectfully.

Then he walked down.


Lu Changsheng took a step forward and saw the Amethyst Universe in front of him.

This is indeed a universe on the verge of collapse.

However, it seems to be much larger than the Xingying Universe.

At least several times.

Such a huge universe, and on the verge of collapse, there are almost no intelligent life in it, let alone practitioners. This is exactly what Lu Changsheng needs.

So, Lu Changsheng stepped directly into the universe.


The real world with a volume of tens of thousands of times unfolded, and this time there was a lot of noise.

The Amethyst Universe, which was already on the verge of collapse, was shaking.

The real world plane that covered the sky and the sun directly covered a part of the Amethyst Universe.

Then he began to refine those dead planes.

Lord Zhaotian did not leave immediately.

Instead, he was watching from afar outside the purple crystal universe.

Zhao Tianzhu could clearly see Lu Changsheng's every move.

"A world of this size, even if it is not as big as the universe, if it is completely controlled by him, then the power gathered together is really terrifying."

"This level of power, I am afraid even the master can touch it, let alone the second realm cultivator."

"No wonder Lu Changsheng can become the first supreme on the Hundred Supremes List, he does have such strength..."

Zhao Tianzhu saw Lu Changsheng unfold the real world plane tens of thousands of times

Even with his third realm master's eyes, he felt extremely amazed in his heart.

He only heard about Lu Changsheng's various methods, but he had never seen them with his own eyes.

And now, Zhao Tianzhu saw Lu Changsheng's amazing methods with his own eyes, and he was shocked.

This name of "First Supreme" is really worthy of the name!

After watching for several months, Zhao Tianzhu also left.

After all, he is a dignified master, it is impossible for him to accompany Lu Changsheng all the time.

Moreover, after Lu Changsheng finished his training, he could naturally return to the Eternal Academy by himself with the coordinates of the Eternal Universe.

Time passed day by day.

Lu Changsheng was completely immersed in his training.

He continued to devour the planes in the entire Purple Crystal Universe.

The real world with a volume of tens of thousands times greatly improved his devouring efficiency.

It was far more efficient than when it was six hundred times larger.

While devouring the planes to practice, a large amount of luck continued to gather towards Lu Changsheng.

It allowed his golden soul to steadily improve.

One thousand years, two thousand years, two thousand five hundred years, two thousand seven hundred years...

About two thousand seven hundred years.


Lu Changsheng was shocked.

He was completely immersed in refining and devouring the planes.

All perceptions of the outside world were reduced to the minimum.

Theoretically, it would be difficult for him to wake up in this situation.

But, just now, he was awakened.

"Is this... soul transformation?"

Lu Changsheng immediately realized the change of his soul.

Just now, he took a look at the attribute panel.

His golden soul had obviously reached 100% progress.

And Lu Changsheng knew very well what 100% meant.

The soul was about to transform!

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng immediately stopped devouring the plane.

He didn't know how terrifying the real world plane had grown.

But now the transformation of the soul was obviously more important.

After all, Lu Changsheng speculated that once his golden soul transformed, the immortal true meaning would be born.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng's whole mind was focused on the golden soul.

The original golden soul was actually a little bit of light gold dotted in the soul.

It looked light gold, not rich.

But now his soul transformed.

A rich golden light quickly covered the soul.

Faintly, Lu Changsheng's "consciousness" seemed to be sublimating, and his soul seemed to be sublimating.

"Hua La La".

Faintly, Lu Changsheng seemed to see a long river of time and space, rushing endlessly.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng seemed to be able to sense that there were many familiar breaths in many dimensions.

Lu Changsheng had felt this familiar breath before.

Souls from other dimensions!

Now Lu Changsheng could vaguely sense souls from other dimensions and other timelines.

However, perception is one thing, and it is another to completely match the frequency and absorb souls from other dimensions.

As long as the breath is sensed.

Then with Lu Changsheng's understanding, it is only a matter of time before he can match the soul frequency.

However, Lu Changsheng had a feeling in his heart.

Now is just a special period of his soul transformation, so he can feel the breath of souls from other dimensions.

If the transformation is over, I am afraid he will no longer be able to feel the breath of souls in other dimensions.

He must remember the approximate location of these breaths as soon as possible.

As long as he remembers the approximate location, Lu Changsheng can rely on his top understanding to match the soul frequency and directly devour the souls in other dimensions.

One, two, three, four, five...

Lu Changsheng immediately seized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He kept recording the breath of souls from other dimensions.

He didn't know how long it would take.

About an hour.

About a day.

Or even longer.

When Lu Changsheng was shocked, he saw that the golden soul had completely transformed.

At this time, Lu Changsheng's special feeling ended.

Instead, there was a feeling of "immortality".

His soul had completely turned into a dazzling golden color.

It seemed to shine in all directions.

Moreover, there was a feeling of "immortality".

Lu Changsheng understood the artistic conception that came out of the golden soul.


This is the immortality!

It's very simple.

It seems to be a matter of course.

He had long speculated that once the golden soul transformed, it would be very likely to give birth to the immortality.

Now it seems that his speculation is correct.

The immortality is indeed born.

Or, to put it another way.

The so-called immortality is actually the artistic conception that naturally derives after the soul transforms.

In essence, it is the soul that transforms into the immortal soul.

Yes, now the golden soul has transformed.

It is called the immortal soul!

This immortal soul is actually the root of the masters of the third realm.

It is also the fundamental reason why the masters of the third realm can be trapped in the long river of time and space, but can resist the long-term erosion of the long river of time and space.

Even, the immortal soul is similar to the immortal matter.

It belongs to the same kind of power.

Therefore, the immortal true meaning derived from the immortal soul can carry the immortal matter.

Because the two are essentially the same level of power.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng instantly understood the immortal true meaning, immortal matter and the masters of the third realm.

Once the immortal soul is born, it is equivalent to stepping into the third realm with half a foot.

The rest is that the immortal soul drives one's own body, consciousness, etc. to step into immortality.

This is actually difficult.

Even quite difficult.

If the physical body is not strong, it cannot carry the immortal soul.

Then this is a bad thing.

At that time, the physical body will collapse, leaving only the immortal soul, and without the source of power, it will soon sink in the long river of time and space.

Those cosmic powers who gave birth to the true meaning of immortality failed to break through the third realm, in fact, their bodies and consciousness could not bear the immortal soul.

In the end, they died.

Even if they still had immortal souls, they would quickly sink in the long river of time and space.

It was equivalent to death.

No wonder those half-step masters were so pessimistic.

Many half-step masters failed to break through the third realm.

Once they failed, their souls would sink in the long river of time and space.

"It turns out that the third realm must rely on the water of the long river of time and space to cleanse the body and consciousness. Only the body, consciousness and even power cleansed by the water of the long river of time and space can be completely transformed."

"For example, the decomposition power of the master of the third realm is actually transformed into decomposition power after being washed by the water of the long river of time and space."

"Another example is that the immortal body can only be transformed into an immortal body after being washed by the water of the long river of time and space."

"But if the soul has not been transformed into an immortal soul first, it is impossible to withstand the washing of the water of the long river of time and space, and it is doomed to fail."

At this moment, Lu Changsheng understood the breakthrough method of the master of the third realm without a teacher.

Although the immortal soul has half a foot into the third realm.

But whether the other half foot can completely enter the third realm depends on whether the body, consciousness and even the overall power are strong enough and whether the foundation is solid enough.

Otherwise, the powerful immortal soul is a heavy burden.

Until it completely crushes the great power of the universe.

This is completely different from Lu Changsheng's previous imagination.

Previously, Lu Changsheng thought that once the immortal true meaning was born, it would actually be a huge improvement for the great powers of the universe.

This is only half right.

The birth of the immortal true meaning is indeed a huge improvement for the great powers of the universe.

But it is also a huge burden.

If you give birth to the immortal true meaning and do not break through the third realm for a long time, you will be courting death.

No wonder Qiushan Supreme gave birth to the immortal true meaning, but kept dragging his time to try to become the first supreme on the Hundred Supremes List.

It turns out that giving birth to the immortal true meaning and having to "endure" not to break through the third realm is actually too much of a burden.

"What about me?"

"My body is the real world, how long can my consciousness and the real world carry the immortal soul?"

Lu Changsheng fell into deep thought.

He called up the attribute panel to check his own situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: Top Comprehension

Realm Master: Second Realm

Real Realm Plane: 51,800 times (can be increased)

Immortal Soul: 0 (Soul is immortal, with the qualification to enter the long river of time and space)

When Lu Changsheng saw his real realm plane, he was slightly startled.

"51,800 times? The real realm volume has increased by 40,000 times?"

Lu Changsheng was awakened before.

So he hadn't looked at it carefully.

Now he seemed to realize something, and immediately swept his consciousness towards the purple crystal universe.

"Boom boom".

The purple crystal universe has indeed begun to collapse.

Basically, the dead planes of the entire universe have been swallowed up by him.

Even if there is no soul transformation, he will stop practicing in the near future.

Even the universe is about to collapse, and there is no dead plane, so naturally there is no way to practice.

"Two thousand seven hundred years... There are less than three hundred years left before my status as a true disciple of the Eternal Academy expires."

"Within three hundred years, there is no point in continuing to practice. Moreover, even if the immortal true meaning is born, I would like to apply for the time and space boat to try. After all, the immortal soul seems to be able to improve. The immortal soul is strong, which is a huge burden on the body and consciousness, but the strong immortal soul can also carry more water in the long river of time and space, which is of great help to the transformation of the body, the transformation of consciousness, and the transformation of power."

"So, it's time to go back to the Eternal Academy..."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

Then, Lu Changsheng got up and left the purple crystal universe directly, heading towards the Eternal Academy.

"Hua La La".

The vast long river of time and space, Lu Changsheng hurried on the road and observed the long river of time and space.

No one can tell how majestic the long river of time and space is.

The long river of time and space is the destination of all life.

Even the master is not immortal.

Despite the immortal soul, the immortal soul of the master will fall into the long river of time and space over time.

It can only resist the erosion of the river of time and space for a very long time.

Even if countless universes are born and die, the master may not die.

But it is not immortal after all, and will die eventually.

For the river of time and space, it is the destination of all life and the source of all power.

But at the same time, the river of time and space can give birth to all life.

For example, the universes one after another.

In fact, they are born from the river of time and space.

Life is born in the universe.

Therefore, in a sense, the river of time and space is the cause of everything, the result of everything, the beginning and the end.

Only the great eternity seems to be able to transcend the river of time and space and wander in the past, present and future.

That realm is incredible and indescribable.

Lu Changsheng is not ignorant now.

Thanks to the large amount of precious information from the Eternal Academy.

Lu Changsheng also knows a lot about the fourth realm, that is, the description of the Eternal.

However, no matter how it is described, it seems to point to one point.

No one has ever seen the Eternal.

Some are just speculative.

Or speculation.

Or imagination.

Even the description of the fourth realm Eternal is no longer traceable.

No one knows who spread the source of the Eternal information.

It is even difficult to distinguish the truth from the false.

Maybe the Eternal left it intentionally?

Maybe there are other reasons.

In short, countless universes and countless third realm masters are tirelessly pursuing the ultimate realm of cultivation.

It’s a pity that, at least since the records began, there has been no definite information about the Eternal.


Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

What a majestic realm that is?

He couldn't imagine it anyway.

While thinking, Lu Changsheng looked up.

In the vast river of time and space, there was a huge figure.

This figure was too huge.

It was the first time that Lu Changsheng saw such a huge figure in the river of time and space.


Suddenly, Lu Changsheng saw the huge figure, and he actually took the initiative to approach the shore of the river of time and space.

Then, he stretched out his long arms and actually grabbed a universe directly.

"Boom boom".

That was the universe.

Such a huge universe was actually grabbed by the big hand and pulled into the long river of time and space.


Several streams of light flew out of the universe.

Instantly transformed into huge bodies.

They were all masters!

The faces of these masters changed drastically when they saw the scene in front of them.

"It's a devourer. There is a devourer wandering to the bank of the long river of time and space, and such a huge devourer is a devourer comparable to the top masters."

"Our glorious universe was caught by the devourer and became the devourer's prey."

Several masters immediately recognized the behemoth.

So, the masters took action one after another.

Waves of decomposition force hit the behemoth, but it was like tickling, and it had no effect at all.

Even the devourer slapped his hands directly.

The masters immediately panicked and avoided it.

Fortunately, the Devourer cannot go ashore, and the attack distance is limited.

As long as it stays away from the shore of the long river of time and space, it will be fine.

But if the Glorious Universe is caught, it will be troublesome.

"Use immortal matter!"

So, several masters immediately used immortal matter and attacked the Devourer.


The attack of immortal matter is indeed effective.

The Devourer's arms were blown apart.

The Devourer was obviously injured.

It's a pity that this little damage is completely within the Devourer's tolerance.

The Glorious Universe is about to be pulled into the long river of time and space step by step.

It will be too late by then.

"Quick, go and notify the Universe Alliance, and let the top masters come down quickly, otherwise our Glorious Universe will be finished."

"But is it too late now?"

The masters are helpless.

They are the masters of the third realm in the universe.

They are the top existences.

Even in the long river of time and space, they are at the peak.

It's a pity that facing the Devourer in front of them, it's not enough.

The so-called devourer is actually the master trapped in the long river of time and space. In order to delay the erosion and scouring of its own soul by the long river of time and space, the devourer will often grab the universe or life on the bank of the long river of time and space and devour it.

Once devoured, the devourer's own "sense of presence" will increase.

Although it cannot completely delay the impact of the long river of time and space.

But it can slow down the process.

But for those universes and lives that were swallowed up, it was a disaster.

Therefore, no one in the universe would like Galactus.

There are also strong and weak Devourers.

The behemoth Devourer in front of him was obviously once a top master.

Therefore, so many masters joining forces cannot do anything to each other.

Lu Changsheng also stayed away from the shore of the long river of time and space.

The Radiant Universe also appears to be a member of the Universal Alliance.

They apply for the arrival of the top masters at all costs.

There will definitely be a big price to pay for this.

But for the sake of their home universe, they would not hesitate.

Time passed little by little.

One day, two days, three days...

A whole month passed, and a vast aura appeared.

Top master!

The top master belonging to the Universe Alliance appeared.

It's a pity that the glorious universe has been completely pulled into the river of time and space by the Devourer.

Now it is being devoured.

Several masters also looked ashen.

Even when the top master came, he couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this scene and said: "The glorious universe has been pulled into the long river of time and space, and there is nothing I can do. However, there is such a huge devourer in our area, then Be sure to pay close attention.”

"With such a huge Devourer, it is impossible for him to swallow only one universe. Once he gets close again, only the top master can stop him."

Although the glorious universe is gone, this news is extremely important.

Lu Changsheng witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

The Devourer is gone.

It seems that he can also feel the threat of the top master.

But no one knows when he will approach the shore again.

I don't know where it will be near the shore.

After all, the river of time and space is always running.

Lu Changsheng also felt a little heavy in his heart.

He looked at the Lords.

So what if he becomes the master of the third realm?

If he is not a top master, he cannot protect his home universe.

He could only watch helplessly as his home universe was swallowed up.

Lu Changsheng didn't know if the universe would encounter such a thing.

How can the universe protect itself once it encounters such a powerful devourer?

"It seems that joining the Universe Alliance is the right choice for the big universe. Even if there is no threat from another universe, there is still the threat from the elusive Devourer. The long river of time and space is too dangerous..."

Lu Changsheng had a clear understanding in his heart.

How can it be called absolutely safe?

There are various threats to individuals.

The universe also has various threats.

Compared to other universes, what the universe is actually most afraid of is the Devourer.

Lu Changsheng did not stay long, but quickly returned to Eternal Academy.

He has decided.

Advance to the third level as soon as possible!

However, he first had to apply to use the space-time ship.

This is the greatest "benefits" of Eternal Academy.

As a true disciple of Eternal Academy, how could Lu Changsheng give up such benefits?

So, Lu Changsheng went directly to the True Inheritance Hall and found the deacon of the True Inheritance Hall.

There are many True Successors in the True Succession Hall now, and they are all applying for various supplies.

Lu Changsheng has not applied for these supplies yet.

But these supplies are of little use to him now.

Lu Changsheng is now the number one on the list of 100 Supreme Beings.

He is also the number one true disciple of Eternal Academy.

When he appeared, he immediately caused a sensation.

Countless eyes in the True Inheritance Hall fell on Lu Changsheng.

Moreover, almost every true disciple who passed by bowed respectfully to Lu Changsheng.

To show "respect" for Lu Changsheng.

This shows how respected he is as the "First Supreme" now.

"Is that the Immortal Supreme?"

"Indeed, he is the Supreme Immortal. He is currently the No. 1 Supreme on the list of 100. He is the No. 1 True Successor of our Eternal Academy."

"Why did he come to the True Inheritance Hall?"

Many people stopped and just wanted to see what Lu Changsheng wanted to apply for.

Lu Changsheng came to the front of several deacons and elders and said directly: "Dear deacons and elders, this is my identity card. I am Lu Changsheng, a true disciple of Eternal Academy. I apply to use the time and space ship!"

After the words fell, several deacons and elders looked suddenly shocked.

"There are two ways to apply for the Time and Space Ship. The first is for disciples who have not given birth to the true meaning of immortality, and the second is for disciples who have given birth to the true meaning of immortality. There is a big difference between these two ways. May I ask, Supreme Immortal, which one do you want to apply for? way?"

"The second way is that I have given birth to the true meaning of immortality."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the hall, which was quite noisy just now, instantly became quiet.

Countless true disciples had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

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