Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

After finishing the book! (New book preview)

Lao Yue actually updates quite a few words in this book, 7,000 or 6,000 words a day, but he is indeed slack compared to before. This book was actually written with some bumps, but it finally ended, and Lao Yue was actually very satisfied with the ending. The protagonists in Lao Yue’s previous books appeared, such as Chen, Lei Dao, etc. This can be regarded as the big universe of all Lao Yue’s books. There will be some connections in the future, but basically each book is an independent book and will not have much impact.

As a preview, Lao Yue’s next book will be a very "pure" book, a book that fits Lao Yue’s style very well. As for the update, Lao Yue is also going to speed up a bit, and can’t be as lazy as this book. In short, the new book is a very "high", very cool, and original Lao Yue flavor book.

The release time of the new book is tentatively scheduled for the end of February. After the Spring Festival, Lao Yue will probably release the book. See you then!

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year’s Eve and a prosperous Year of the Dragon! (End of this chapter)

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