Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 62 The secret method of Yi Sui is complete!

At dawn, Lu Changsheng and Li Hongzhuang changed their outfits again and left the Giant Monument City.

"Stop it."

"They can't catch up."

Li Hongzhuang took the initiative to stop.

She directly said to Lu Changsheng: "Brother Thirteen, you and I should part ways here. I will not go back to Nanyang City again. I will find a place to practice the secret method of Yi Marrow, strive to succeed in Yi Marrow as soon as possible, and then try to get through The profound gateway of life and death, impacting the realm of divine power!"

Lu Changsheng saw the determination in Li Hongzhuang's eyes.

Without reaching the realm of divine power, it is estimated that Li Hongzhuang will not appear in the world.

"Okay, all the feasts in the world come to an end."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

Anyway, he achieved his goal and obtained seven Yi Marrow Pills, which was even far more than expected.

"Brother Thirteen, here are the Secret Techniques of Yi Marrow and the Secret Technique of Mountains and Mountains."

"Also, I have written down some of the experiences and experiences I have gained over the years of traveling around the world."

"I hope Thirteenth Brother can also achieve the realm of divine power as soon as possible!"

Lu Changsheng took over the secret techniques and martial arts from Li Hongzhuang. He looked through them and found that there was nothing wrong with them.

"Then I wish Miss Li to achieve the realm of divine power as soon as possible and avenge her family!"

"Brother Thirteen, see you in the world if we are destined."

Having said that, Li Hongzhuang immediately turned around and left without any hesitation.

Lu Changsheng put away the secret book in his hand and felt quite comfortable. He patted Ma's head and laughed and said: "Ma, we have gained a lot this time. Let's go back too."

The horse seemed to sense Lu Changsheng's joyful mood, and immediately started to let out joy, and galloped towards Nanyang City with its hooves flying.

Lu Changsheng returned to Miaoshou Garden successfully.

Although the journey was dusty, he did not feel tired. Instead, he was energetic and in high spirits.

"I have obtained the Yi Marrow Secret Technique, Divine Power Realm Martial Arts, and Yi Marrow Pill."

"Now, practice the secret method of Yi Marrow first."

"As long as the secret method of Yi Marrow is perfected, you can take the Yi Marrow Pill immediately."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath.

He began to sort out the complete marrow secret method in his mind.

This marrow-changing secret method is called Li's marrow-changing secret method. It is easy to get started but difficult to master, let alone achieve great success or even perfection.

Lu Changsheng has more than 500 points of comprehension, so it is naturally easy to get started.

Half an hour later, Lu Changsheng brought up the attribute panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 558 (Hidden Dragon in the Abyss)

Li's Secret Method of Yi Marrow: Getting Started

Spring Breeze Transforms into Rain to Practice Zang Qigong: The Third Level

Nine-character Thunder Sound Secret Technique: Perfection (Remnant)

"This secret technique seems to make bones vibrate in a special way."

“Only when it can shake your bones and penetrate your marrow is it complete.”

"Once it can shake the bones into the marrow, and then take the Yi Marrow Pill, the Yi Marrow Pill can be completely integrated into the bone marrow, thus starting the 'Marrow Yi'. Therefore, this secret method of Yi Marrow is actually a way to help use the 'Marrow Yi' Dan's Secret."

Lu Changsheng understood.

The secret method of Yi Marrow is actually somewhat similar to the "follow-up" of the top bone-forging martial arts.

Top-notch bone-forging martial arts can harden bones into the marrow, but after just coming into contact with the "marrow", top-notch bone-forging martial arts have no further means.

If you want to "temper the bone marrow" in the future, you actually need to rely on this secret method of marrow refining.

And simply "tempering the bone marrow" is not advisable.

The bone marrow is very fragile and can only be enhanced with some foreign objects, or even reborn.

Yisui Dan is such a "foreign object".

"It shouldn't be difficult to achieve a bone-shattering effect."

"In the next time, don't go anywhere, just stay in Nanyang City to see a doctor and practice martial arts."

Lu Changsheng made plans for the next few months.

The next day, Lu Changsheng went to Miao Ren Hall early in the morning.

When Dr. Wang Ruhai saw Lu Changsheng, a smile appeared on his face and he said, "Dr. Lu is back so soon?"

"The matter is done. Doctor Wang, are there many patients in Miao Ren Tang recently?"

"It's okay, I can barely handle it on my own."

"However, there have been more patients with trauma and bone injuries recently, and I'm not very good at this. Now that Dr. Lu is back, it won't be a big problem."

Lu Changsheng nodded, but said nothing more.

He studied under the famous doctor Wu Jing and was a general practitioner.

Regardless of external injury, internal injury, or illness, Lu Changsheng is good at it.

Zhang Huan was still very attentive. After making the hot tea, he stood aside to help.

Lu Changsheng began to receive patients, most of whom were suffering from typhoid fever and cough.

"Quick, doctor, my leg is broken."

"My hand is gone..."

"Doctor, help..."

At this time, there was a noise outside.

Zhang Huan and some other apprentices came in carrying a stretcher.

Several men were lying on stretchers.

However, they were all wailing and their bodies were covered in blood.

Lu Changsheng immediately stepped forward and gave emergency treatment to a man whose arm was severed. He stopped the bleeding, applied medicine, and injected needles.

In the end, the patient survived.

Then there were several patients with broken bones or some trauma.

"What's going on?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

One of the patients looked pale and whispered: "We are a few merchants traveling together, preparing to go to Nanyang City to sell and purchase some goods."

"As a result, we met a group of strong men on the road, who claimed to be under the command of the Thirteen Desert Riders. They not only robbed our belongings, but even injured people."

"We didn't dare to resist, so we survived. Although no one died, our companions were more or less injured."

Lu Changsheng frowned and looked at Zhang Huan.

Zhang Huan seemed to know what Lu Changsheng was wondering, so he explained in a low voice: "The Thirteen Riders of the Desert, it is said that thirteen warriors came from the desert, all the way south, rampant. And they recruited green forest bandits, and even some of the thieves under the command of Li Ji, the "King of Swords", were recruited by the Thirteen Riders of the Desert."

"Now this banditry is entrenched on the Nanyang Prefecture Commercial Road, collecting tolls from the passing caravans. If they don't obey, they will directly rob the goods and kill people, which is very cruel."

Lu Changsheng frowned even deeper, and said in a deep voice: "Official The government doesn't care? What about the government troops? "

At this time, Wang Ruhai smiled bitterly and said, "Alas, Doctor Lu, now the world is in turmoil with thieves everywhere. If you want to send out the government troops, you need a lot of money."

"Now the prefect is said to be calling on the various forces and gentry in Nanyang Prefecture to raise funds, hoping to collect enough money and food for the government troops, otherwise the government troops cannot be sent out to suppress the bandits."

"However, I think it will be useless. In the end, the government will even have to impose more responsibilities on the people. The so-called harsh government is more ferocious than a tiger..."

Wang Ruhai kept shaking his head.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the current world.

But he was just a small doctor, and he had no choice but to try his best to cure diseases and save people.

Lu Changsheng didn't say anything when he heard it. This was the government's business, and naturally the government would deal with it.

In the following days, Lu Changsheng saw a doctor and practiced martial arts every day.

In the blink of an eye, two months had passed.

It was a bright spring day with the fragrance of flowers. But Lu Changsheng did not go out for an outing, but took a day off and stayed at home.

Suddenly, a line of small words appeared in front of Lu Changsheng.

"Li's Yi Sui Secret Method is complete, and the comprehension is increased by 7."

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

"Li's Yi Sui Secret Method is finally complete, it's time to take Yi Sui Dan."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice, and there was a hint of uncontrollable excitement in his tone.

After all, he has been waiting for this day for a long time!

Lu Changsheng took out a white porcelain bottle from the secret compartment in the house.


Lu Changsheng pulled out the cork and poured out a soybean-sized pill with a strange fragrance.

This is the Yi Sui Dan he took from the Cui family!

"Let's start."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and then swallowed a Yi Sui Dan in one gulp.

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