Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 65: Remarks on the release! (Must read)

It will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock in the evening, see you there!

Lao Yue has been fighting for online literature since January 2009, and it has been almost fourteen years, almost full-time. From the bronze age of online literature to now, the authors of the same period have changed one after another, but Lao Yue is still insisting and still active in the forefront of creation. This is Lao Yue's pride!

But time is unforgiving, and Lao Yue gradually feels that he is unable to do it. Sometimes when I read some new books written by newcomers, I really doubt myself, is it really not good enough?

It was in this confusion and doubt that Lao Yue cut three books in a row. Even before, there were two books that were fine, but the number of words in each book was only a mere one million words, which was actually a flop. Lao Yue fell into the lowest point of his creative career. Even if we follow the writer's creative age and trajectory, Lao Yue at this time is on a downward slope, and may slowly fade out of the online literature circle until he completely stops writing and disappears.

But Lao Yue did not give up, and Lao Yue had nothing to be unwilling about. It was because he loved writing that he wanted to stick to it. Not to mention cutting three books in a row, Lao Yue would not quit even if he cut ten books.

Later, Lao Yue thought about it and decided to write the upgrade article that he was best at, and combined it with the latest online literary trends and styles, so he had this new book.

To be honest, this book should actually be the best in recent years. With only four rounds of recommendations, no trumpets, no Sanjiang, and no strong push, it has almost 3,000 followers. This result is quite good, almost the best among all Lao Yue’s books, and Lao Yue is also very satisfied.

After the listing, Lao Yue’s update volume will double, but it is really too difficult to update 20,000 or 30,000 a day. I understand that Lao Yue does not have enough energy and really can’t beat the young people. Lao Yue’s only promise is to update steadily and write three to five million words quietly.

Well, I said a lot, just want to ask for a first order. See you at twelve o'clock in the evening!

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