Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 75: Grab the steel knife and turn the iron into mud!

Time flies, and a month has passed.

Lu Changsheng practiced the martial arts triple wave in the yard early in the morning, over and over again.

The moves of Triple Wave are not complicated, there are only three moves, but the moves are all powerful and very coherent.

It's just that Lu Changsheng has not been able to practice the triple wave at present, and he still cannot exert its due power.


Lu Changsheng punched out.

Of course, like waves, one wave is higher than the other.

This creates the "artistic conception".

"It's done!"

"It took a whole month to practice the triple wave to the second level. If you want to practice to the third level, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time."

A smile appeared on Lu Changsheng's face.

With his current understanding, it would take him a month of hard training to reach the second level of the third level wave, which shows how difficult this martial skill is to practice.

Although triple wave is difficult to practice, the rewards are great.

Once you master the second wave, you can increase your power by 50%!

This can greatly improve Lu Changsheng's strength.

So, Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check the situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 609 (Hidden Dragon in the Abyss)

Triple Wave: Second Wave

Blood Crystal Secret: Mastery

The Nine Levels of Fish Leaping over the Dragon Gate: The First Level

Dragon Transformation: First Transformation

Nine-character Thunder Sound Secret Technique: Perfection (Remnant)

Lu Changsheng's comprehension has exceeded 600 points. This is because he has perfected all eight martial arts in a month. Among them are third-level martial arts and fourth-level martial arts.

His comprehension finally began to improve again, which made Lu Changsheng even more satisfied.

After all, his understanding had actually stopped growing for a long time.

As a result, he currently only has 609 comprehension points.

If his comprehension could reach 1,000 points, he believed that he would have reached the third level of the three waves in this month.

Even the Blood Crystal Secret Technique has long since reached perfection.

Unfortunately, his understanding is only 609 points.

Fortunately, Lu Changsheng gained a lot of martial arts skills from the Blood Demon Sect's arsenal this time, which should be able to greatly improve his comprehension points.

Lu Changsheng finished his work, washed up and went out.

Within a month, the streets of Nanyang City became prosperous again.

Because of the "special product" of "ancient rock fragrance", although all the major forces in Nanyang Prefecture had a hand in it, it still benefited many people.

For example, mining, production, etc. may require some people to work.

More or less, the people also got some benefits.

It seems to be more prosperous than before the Thirteen Riders of the Desert caused trouble.

Lu Changsheng came to Miao Ren Hall and just sat down when a woman came.

"Doctor Lu, I haven't been feeling well the past few days..."

This woman is in her thirties and quite pretty.

He didn't know if it was Lu Changsheng's illusion, but he always felt that something was wrong with this woman's gaze.

However, Lu Changsheng was sitting upright, his expression unchanged.

In fact, as his reputation gradually spread, especially in "gynecology", many women came to see Lu Changsheng for treatment.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng now has the most patients in the "gynecology department".

In this regard, he is more popular than his master Wu Jingdu.

After all, no matter how old Wu Jing is, most women still prefer to see Lu Changsheng for medical treatment.

In particular, Lu Changsheng's medical skills seemed to be as good as Wu Jing's.

Lu Changsheng didn't mind either. What happened to the gynecology department? Gynecology also treats illnesses and saves lives!

After working all morning, Lu Changsheng was just getting ready to take a rest. At this time, an apprentice hurriedly ran in.

Lu Changsheng knew this apprentice. He was an apprentice in his master Wu Jing's pharmacy.

"Doctor Lu, Mr. Wu would like to ask Dr. Lu to come."

The apprentice said respectfully to Lu Changsheng.

"Oh, what does master want from me?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"Mr. Wu seems to be ill and has something to explain."

Lu Changsheng stood up immediately and asked Zhang Huan to explain, assign his patients to Wang Ruhai, or ask the patients to come back another day.

Soon, Lu Changsheng arrived at Wu Jing's pharmacy.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Lu Changsheng entered the medicine shop, he saw the master lying half on the chair.

"Ah Chang Sheng, I'm fine. I'm just old and I'm a bit cold."

"Cough cough cough..."

While speaking, Wu Jing coughed violently.

Lu Changsheng looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Master, this disciple will take your pulse."

"Immortal, it's just a little cold, don't worry."

"Master, if you don't want to heal yourself, let your disciples take a look at it."

Wu Jing finally nodded.

Lu Changsheng took Wu Jing's pulse and found that it was indeed wind-cold.

Then another prescription was written.

Seeing the prescription prescribed by Lu Changsheng, Wu Jing's eyes were filled with relief: "Yes, the temperature of the medicine used is exactly the same as that of Master. He also understood that Master is old and frail, so he deliberately reduced some strong drugs."

"Changsheng, your current medical skills are really not much worse than those of a teacher. What you lack is just some experience and knowledge."

Wu Jing was really satisfied with Lu Changsheng.

"Mr. Wu, is this the disciple you are talking about, Dr. Lu?"

At this time, an old man in his fifties suddenly spoke.

"That's right. With my current health, it is really difficult for me to travel long distances. If you can trust me, just let me, my disciple, go on my behalf."

After Wu Jing said this, he closed his eyes and remained silent.

Lu Changsheng glanced at this fifty-year-old man, and judging by his dress, he seemed to be of extraordinary status.

Looking at Wu Jing's current state, Lu Changsheng probably understood.

Most likely, the other party asked Master Wu Jing to see a doctor, but Wu Jing caught a cold and was weak, so he didn't want to go again, but recommended himself.

Now it depends on whether the other party is trustworthy.

At this time, the fifty-year-old man bowed to Lu Changsheng and said, "I am the housekeeper of the Xia Mansion in Yancheng. Because my young lady occasionally contracted a strange disease, I specially came to invite Master Wu to go."

"I didn't expect that Master Wu was ill and couldn't travel far. However, Doctor Lu has learned the true teachings of Master Wu, and his medical skills must be very good. I wonder if Doctor Lu is willing to go to Yancheng?"

"If Doctor Lu is willing to go, and cure the young lady, he will have a consultation fee of 100 gold!"

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

A consultation fee of 100 gold is not a small amount. Converted into silver, it is 1,000 taels!

This is definitely a huge sum!

Of course, Lu Changsheng is not short of silver, but it seems that Master Wu seems to have an old relationship with the Xia family.

Old Wu spoke up: "Changsheng, it's okay to go and take a look. Mr. Xia helped me a little in the past. If you can cure it, then cure it. If you can't cure it, just tell me the truth."

Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

No wonder the master asked him to come here specially. It turned out that he had this relationship with the Xia family.

"Master has ordered, how dare the disciple disobey?"

"Butler Xia, can I go home to pack up and prepare? After all, Yancheng is still quite far away."

"Doctor Lu, please."

So, Lu Changsheng went home to pack up.

This trip to Yancheng is actually quite far. It is not in Nanyang Prefecture, but in Qingshan Prefecture.

If you travel normally, it actually takes three to five days.

In today's world, going on a long journey is actually risky.

If Wu Jing had not had an old relationship with the Xia family, Wu Jing would definitely not let Lu Changsheng go to Yancheng.

After packing up his things, Lu Changsheng returned to Wu Jing's medicine shop.

"Doctor Lu, we have prepared a carriage for you, please get on."

Lu Changsheng nodded and saw the carriage on the side.

He then got on the carriage.

Butler Xia said goodbye to Wu Jing, and then drove the carriage out of the city.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The carriage slowly drove into Yancheng.

During this time, Lu Changsheng also roughly knew what the Xia family did.

After all, the people escorting the carriage along the way were all bone-forging warriors, and the leader even had a refining internal organs warrior, which shows how powerful the Xia family is.

The Xia family is a salt merchant, and a big salt merchant!

Yancheng is famous for its well salt, and the Xia family is the largest salt merchant in Yancheng. With very strong financial resources, they can naturally train or recruit warriors.

Soon, the carriage slowly drove into a huge manor.

This huge manor is actually larger than the entire Gaojiabao.

Lu Changsheng can be regarded as a man who has seen the world. At that time, Gaojiabao was extremely luxurious.

However, compared with the Xia family's manor, Gaojiabao is not good enough. In fact, Gaojiabao looks like a local rich man in the countryside.

The salt merchants are so rich.

Lu Changsheng was respectfully welcomed into the hall. Xia Yuanwai had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Lu Changsheng coming in, Xia Yuanwai and his wife immediately stood up and said, "Doctor Lu, you are finally here."

"I had a relationship with Mr. Wu at the beginning. I know that Mr. Wu can bring people back to health. He is a medical expert. Doctor Lu can inherit Mr. Wu's legacy, so his medical skills must be good."

"Xia Yuanwai, let's go see your daughter first. I'm not sure if she can be cured."

Lu Changsheng said lightly.

"Okay, see the doctor first."

So, Xia Yuanwai led Lu Changsheng into Miss Xia's boudoir.

The boudoir was very large, with a scent of pollen mixed with some sandalwood.

There were several maids waiting in front of the bed.

And a young girl of fifteen or sixteen was lying on the bed.

The girl had delicate features and fair skin, but her eyes were a little dazed and pale, and she looked sick.

Lu Changsheng asked, "Miss Xia, what's wrong with you?"

Miss Xia glanced at Lu Changsheng, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

During this period, the Xia family invited famous doctors from all walks of life, basically old men.

It was rare for someone as young as Lu Changsheng to be allowed by the Xia family to treat her.

Miss Xia said, "I just have nightmares. I have nightmares every night, and then I feel drowsy every day, and it seems that I easily confuse reality with dreams."

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly when he heard this. This disease looked very complicated.

So he took Miss Xia's pulse again.

"How is it, Doctor Xia?"

Xia Yuanwai asked anxiously.

Lu Changsheng did not rush to say it, but walked out with Xia Yuanwai.

"Mr. Xia, if I'm not mistaken, Miss Xia should be suffering from nightmare disease."

"Nightmare disease?"

Mr. Xia was slightly startled.

"Yes, nightmare disease is not fatal, but it can make people depressed and have nightmares."

"However, as far as I know, nightmare disease is often caused by humans."

Mr. Xia asked, "What do you mean?"

"Incense! Miss Xia should have been intoxicated by someone, and it was not a short time. If she is in that kind of incense for a long time, she will have nightmares at night and suffer from nightmare disease!"

Lu Changsheng's words made Mr. Xia's face change drastically.


He knew very well what this meant.

Someone was plotting against his daughter!

"Doctor Lu, is there a way to cure this nightmare disease?"

Mr. Xia asked in a low voice.

"Of course it can be cured. I will prescribe a prescription first, and change the prescription every three days. After changing the prescription three times, it will take about ten days to adjust the body, and then Miss Xia will naturally recover."

"However, during the treatment period or after the treatment, Miss Xia must not be exposed to that kind of aphrodisiac incense again. Otherwise, even if it is cured, it will relapse."

Mr. Xia was thoughtful, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Mr. Xia dared to use aphrodisiac incense on his daughter. He is not a good person.

This time, I am afraid someone will be unlucky.

However, this has nothing to do with Lu Changsheng. He is just a doctor, treating patients and saving lives, and he doesn't want to get involved in other things.

"I understand, I will deal with the aphrodisiac incense. Thank you, Doctor Lu."

So, Lu Changsheng wrote down the prescription and asked the Xia family to follow the prescription to get the medicine.

Then, Lu Changsheng was invited to the guest room to rest.

It will take about ten days for him to adjust Miss Xia's body.

During this period, he could only live in the Xia family to prevent Miss Xia's illness from happening again.

Time flies, and three days have passed.

Miss Xia has finished his first prescription, and now he has to change the prescription.

After three days of treatment, Miss Xia's condition has improved significantly.

It is said that she no longer has nightmares at night, and her spirits are much better.

But if you want to be completely cured, you have to keep conditioning your body.

Lu Changsheng probably heard some rumors in the Xia Mansion.

Mr. Xia seems to have killed some servants in the Xia Mansion.

And he also ordered the refining warriors in the mansion to go out, which is a big commotion.

This must be related to Miss Xia's privacy.

Miss Xia's illness, most of the time, has hidden secrets.

But since it concerns Miss Xia's privacy, no one dares to gossip about it.

Lu Changsheng is not interested in knowing Miss Xia's gossip.

He stayed in the Xia Mansion for three days, and went out for a walk when he had nothing to do.

Yancheng is rich in well salt, and it is a commercial city with many merchants coming and going.

Lu Changsheng was walking on a busy street, when suddenly, there was a sound of hurried horse hooves in front of him.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Two fast horses galloped through the crowded street.

Some people were not careful and were knocked to the ground.

A four or five-year-old child was standing in the middle of the street, and the fast horse rushed up, with no intention of stopping at all.

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly.

Suddenly, a burly man rushed out from the side of the street, picked up the child, and then slapped the fast horse with a palm.


The fast horse actually fell down, and the man on the horse quickly jumped up and jumped down.

"Damn it, who hurt my horse?"

"Do you know who I am?"

The man on the horse immediately glared at the burly man.

The burly man put the child down and sneered: "No matter who you are, you should be beaten for galloping in the street!"


At this time, the man on another horse stopped his furious companion. He looked at the burly man carefully, and then bowed and said: "It turned out to be Lei Xiong, the hero of Bashan Yidao."

"We brothers were in a hurry to get on the road and bumped into Lei. I hope Lei will forgive us."

Lei Xiong sneered: "Hehe, you didn't bump into Lei, but you scared the child."

"Looking at your clothes, you should be from the Yancheng Black Water Gang."

"In Yancheng, many people are afraid of your Black Water Gang, but Lei is not afraid!"

"By the way, go back and tell your gang leader that it is a dream for the Black Water Gang to want to take the Four-eyed Toad Treasure alone!"

The faces of the two people from the Black Water Gang changed instantly.

"Let's go."

The two did not dare to delay and immediately rode away quickly on the same horse.

"Thank you, hero. I kowtow to you."

At this time, the child's mother came over, took the child, and immediately knelt on the ground to kowtow to Lei Xiong.

Lei Xiong quickly helped the mother and child up, shook his head and said, "Keep an eye on the children in the future. Okay, let's go quickly. You live in Yancheng. If those two people from the Black Water Gang target you, it will be troublesome."

Lei Xiong waved his hand and asked the mother and child to leave quickly.

He was not afraid of the Black Water Gang, but the mother and child living in Yancheng did not dare to offend the Black Water Gang.

Afterwards, Lei Xiong also left quickly.

Witnessing all this, Lu Changsheng's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

"Four-eyed Toad Treasure?"

"One of the seven secret treasures needed in the secret method of Qiantianhuabao is the Four-eyed Toad Treasure."

"It's such a coincidence that the Four-eyed Toad Treasure appeared in Yancheng?"

Lu Changsheng looked at Lei Xiong's disappearing back, thinking.


Lei Xiong turned around and around, and finally returned to the temporary courtyard he rented.

Obviously, he is not as rough as he appears, but very cautious.

He came all the way from Bashan to Yancheng for the purpose of the four-eyed toad treasure.

He received news that the four-eyed toad treasure appeared in Yancheng.

If you eat this four-eyed toad treasure, you can be immune to all poisons. And more importantly for the internal organs warriors, the four-eyed toad treasure can strengthen the body.

With the four-eyed toad treasure, Lei Xiong even dared to try to impact the divine power realm.

There are many warriors who came to Yancheng to compete for the four-eyed toad treasure. He has met many famous masters in the world these days, at least not weaker than him.

If you want to get the four-eyed toad treasure, you have to plan carefully.

Today he is just cheating the Black Water Gang, and he doesn't know whether the Black Water Gang has obtained the four-eyed toad treasure.

However, the Black Water Gang is the local snake in Yancheng after all. If the Four-eyed Toad Treasure really appears in Yancheng, it is very likely that the Black Water Gang will get it.

"Four-eyed Toad Treasure, how much do you know?"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in Lei Xiong's ears.

Lei Xiong's face changed drastically: "Who?"

At the same time, Lei Xiong drew his sword instantly.


Lei Xiong is known as "Bashan Knife" in the martial arts world, and it is naturally not a false reputation.

Even though he was facing away at this moment, he drew his sword out of the sheath and swept it back directly.

The action was very coherent and the speed was very fast.

And this knife was so powerful that even a peak warrior in the refining of the internal organs would not be able to take it hard.

After turning around, he saw a young man who was looking at him calmly.

And his blade had already reached the opponent's neck three inches in front of him.

It seemed that he would behead him with a knife in the next moment!


The young man stretched out his hand in an instant like lightning, and with his flesh and blood, he just grabbed the sharp blade.


With a slight sound, Lei Xiong's eyes widened.

His invincible sword was caught by someone with bare hands.

The opponent seemed to be effortless, and the hand holding the sword was motionless. No matter how hard Lei Xiong tried, he could not pull out the sword.


The sword was pinched by the young man's palm, just like paper, and was crushed into a ball of scrap metal in the blink of an eye.

"The sword is good, but it's a pity that the sword technique is too weak."

The person who came was naturally Lu Changsheng.

Lei Xiong's sword technique was indeed powerful and strong.

But in terms of sword technique, it was weaker than Zhao Qilei.

"Holding the steel sword, holding the iron into mud! God... God power realm!"

Lei Xiong's heart was shocked, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Only a warrior in the God power realm could catch his sword with one hand, and even break his hundred-tempered steel sword with ease.

Obviously, the young man in front of him was a high-ranking warrior in the God power realm!

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