Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 89: Going out to sea and encountering huge waves, jumping into the sea and having an epiphan

There were people coming and going on the dock, and there were many large boxes filled with goods that needed to be moved by the coolies at the dock.

Just the "moving" business requires thousands of people, which shows how prosperous Zhanhai City's business is.

Lu Changsheng looked at the large ships, and then he stepped forward and asked, "Are you going to go to sea?"

"Yes, we are going to sea and return to Tuo Kingdom."


Lu Changsheng also got to know these merchants during this period, and they came from many countries.

"Tuo Kingdom" is one of them. It is said to be very far away, far more than ten thousand miles away. Even if you sail on the sea, you may have to sail for a year or two and you may not be able to return to Tuo Kingdom.

It took too long, and Lu Changsheng would not think of going to Tuo Kingdom.

Lu Changsheng asked again, but most of the merchants returned to their own countries, which were all very far away.

Back and forth, it takes at least one or two years, maybe even three or four years.

As for renting a large ship from Fanshang, that is even more of a joke. For a large ship to go to sea, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources, which cannot be done with just a few thousand taels of silver.

"Quick, quick, put all the goods on the boat, we are going to set off."

"This trip to Fire Dragon Island will take at least ten days and a half."

"Yes, Fire Dragon Island is in season for spices recently. Go to Fire Dragon Island to buy some spices. This is a hot commodity and you can make a lot of money."

There were crew members discussing on the dock nearby.

These crew members include merchants and people from Zhanhai City.

Lu Changsheng's heart moved. He knew about Fire Dragon Island, which was a large island not far from Zhanhai City.

It is said to be a big island, but it is actually very huge. There is also the Fire Dragon Kingdom on it, which is famous for its rich production of spices.

Ten days and a half month, this fits Lu Changsheng's conditions very well.

So, Lu Changsheng walked straight over and was about to get on the ship, but was stopped by someone.

"I want to board the ship and follow you to the Fire Dragon Kingdom and then return to Zhanhai City."


The people who stopped Lu Changsheng were two merchants.

They looked Lu Changsheng up and down, then shook their heads and said, "No, this is the ship of our Ocean Chamber of Commerce. No one can get on board."

"I can give you money."

Lu Changsheng directly took out a banknote with a denomination of one hundred taels.


The two looked at each other, somewhat moved.

One hundred taels of silver is no small amount.

"No, no one else can board the ship."

At this time, a flurry of Mandarin with an accent came from behind Lu Changsheng.

Behind Lu Changsheng, a businessman led a stern-faced woman in black straight onto the boat.

"Master Longsha."

The two merchants saluted hurriedly.

Long Sha said coldly: "You two heard clearly? No one can wait to board the ship."

"Beautiful Miss Yun, please come aboard."

Longsha turned to look at the woman in black and immediately put on a smile.

The two merchants grimaced, shook their heads and said, "You see, Master Longsha does not allow idlers to board the ship. Even if we have money, we cannot let you board the ship."


Lu Changsheng glanced at Long Sha and the woman in black, then turned around immediately.

Even if there is no such ship, I believe there are other big ships that will go to Fire Dragon Island.

However, just as he turned around to leave, he saw a familiar Fanshang woman.


Sophie was overjoyed. The benefactor she had been talking about all night last night actually met again?

Lu Changsheng naturally recognized this Fanshang woman.

However, Lu Changsheng glanced at the Fanshang woman, who seemed to be about to walk towards the ship, so he asked, "Can you board the ship?"

"Boarding? Yes, this is the merchant ship of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce. I'm going to go to the Fire Dragon Kingdom to have a look."

Sophie nodded.

"I wanted to board the ship, but that Lonsa stopped me. Can you take me on board?"

"Benefactor, of course you can board the ship if you want. That idiot Longsa almost hit my benefactor. Don't worry, Longsa is my cousin, but I am the daughter of the president of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce. Can you board the ship, Longsa? It doesn’t count!”

Sophie patted her chest and said confidently.

Lu Changsheng didn't say anything, as long as he could board the ship.

So Lu Changsheng followed the Fanshang woman onto the boat, and the two Fanshangs didn't dare to stop her at all.

After boarding the ship, Lu Changsheng also learned that the Fanshang woman he rescued last night was quite young. She was the daughter of the president of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce. She controlled dozens of ocean-going ships and was very powerful among the Fanshang.

Sophie didn't know what method she used to get Longsha to apologize to Lu Changsheng in person.

Soon, the big ship set off, slowly leaving the dock and sailing towards the endless sea.

Lu Changsheng stood on the deck, looking at the endless sea ahead.

This was the first time he boarded a ship and came to the sea.

Originally, this big ship was huge, but compared with the entire vast sea, it was like a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning.

Lu Changsheng looked at the sea quietly. There were no waves yet, so he did not understand the artistic conception.

But they were still far away from Fire Dragon Island, and it was only a matter of time before they encountered wind and waves, so Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry.

At this time, the woman in black who followed Longsha also came to the deck.

She glanced at Lu Changsheng and said proactively: "You have offended Long Sha. He is very vindictive. You have to be careful."

"Aren't you from Longsha?"

Lu Changsheng looked at the woman in black and felt a little surprised.

Before, it was Lonza who personally brought the woman in black onto the boat, but now it seems that the woman in black is not from the same group as Lonza.

"I want to go to Fire Dragon Island. Longsha also has some small ideas, just go with the flow."

The woman in black said calmly.

And Lu Changsheng also understood.

The woman in black is not from Lonza.

Even the woman in black is taking advantage of Longsa. She knows that Longcha covets her, but she is not afraid at all, which shows that the woman in black actually has reliance or confidence.

"Why tell me?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

The two met by chance and had never interacted before, but the woman in black came to warn him.

In the world of martial arts, being courteous for nothing is not a good thing.

"Believe it or not."

The woman in black didn't explain, just turned and left.

Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

In fact, he didn't care if Lonza was very vengeful.

If Longsha made any move, he would kill him directly.

The identity of "Sword Twelve" is like this. You can do whatever you want, follow your heart in everything, and will not be bound by anyone or any rules.

Before, no matter "Zhuang Shisan" or "Lu Changsheng", these two identities were actually bound by many rules.

Zhuang Shisan is a heroic character, he is heroic and courageous, hates evil as much as he hates evil, and cannot do many things, otherwise it will affect his reputation as a "hero".

As for the identity of "Lu Changsheng", although he uses his original name, the character of "Lu Changsheng" is a well-known doctor in Miaoshou Garden. He just wants to cure diseases, save people, and live in peace of mind.

There are many things that "Lu Changsheng" is inconvenient to do and cannot do.

Only "Sword Twelve" can do whatever he wants, follow his heart, and have no taboos!

Lu Changsheng's soul felt unprecedentedly comfortable or released.

Perhaps, "Twelve Swordsmen" is the life that Lu Changsheng really wants to pursue.

The scenery on the sea seems spectacular, but in fact it is boring and boring.

Because no matter how long or how far we sail, the sea remains unchanged and there is no other scenery.

Even Lu Changsheng was tired of it and simply stayed in the cabin and waited quietly.

Sophie often came to show her courtesy to Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng knew what Sophie meant. These Fanshang women were very bold when it came to personal relationships. However, Lu Changsheng was really not interested in Fanshang women and rejected her openly or covertly.

Therefore, Sophie gradually became disappointed and stopped coming to show her courtesy.

On this day, Lu Changsheng walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck again.

Lu Changsheng also saw the woman in black, whose name he also knew in recent days, Yun Haitang.

I don’t know if it’s a pseudonym.

Both of them stood on the deck, but neither of them spoke, looking at the sea quietly.


Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, and dark clouds filled the sky.

Moreover, the sails on the big ship began to blow "roaring".

"The wind is picking up. There may be a storm. Lower the sails quickly."

Someone on the big ship immediately shouted.

Although they are all experienced sailors, it is not a good thing to encounter a storm in the sea.

There's a storm, that means there's wind and waves.

"The wind is blowing..."

Lu Changsheng was different.

Feeling the raging wind and the thunder and lightning in the sky, he felt only joy in his heart.

Because if there is strong wind, there will be huge waves.

Didn't he come to the sea just to understand the artistic conception of the three waves?

The best way to appreciate the artistic conception of the triple wave is to experience the strong winds and waves in person and feel the most magnificent waves of the sea.

At this time, a huge wave hit, and the whole ship immediately began to shake violently.

Many people staggered around and quickly hid in the cabin.

Yun Haitang took out a whip from nowhere and rolled it directly on the mast, so that he could barely maintain his balance.

However, Lu Changsheng still stood on the deck, motionless.

No matter how the ship shook, Lu Changsheng remained unmoving, as if there were roots under his feet.

"How is that possible?"

There was a look of surprise on Yun Haitang's face.

Even if you are a warrior, no matter how strong your Qi and blood are, and no matter how stable your foot is, you cannot remain indifferent if the ship tips over. You must grab or hold onto something to barely prevent yourself from falling.

However, Lu Changsheng didn't feel that surprised.

Because, almost every divine power realm warrior can do it.

For warriors in the realm of divine power, their consciousness is integrated with every inch of flesh and blood in their body, and they can freely control every inch of flesh and blood.

For them, "taking root under their feet" is not difficult at all.

It's nothing more than holding the splint firmly.

The same is true for Lu Changsheng now. Although he is still wearing his shoes, he has used force to break the soles of the shoes. His flesh and blood are like suckers, firmly "grabbing" the deck. No matter how big the wind and waves are, Lu Changsheng will not fall. fall.

Lu Changsheng didn't even need to use his divine power level ability. Even if his energy and blood turned into silk, he could still firmly stabilize his body by turning his energy and blood into "tentacles".

But Lu Changsheng is now the "Sword Twelve", and he doesn't want to reveal any ability similar to Zhuang Shisan, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Lu Changsheng just stood in the middle of the deck, quietly comprehending the wind and waves.


There was a thunder in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, it started pouring rain.

The rain poured down like water.

This is the case in the sea, wind and rain come at any time.

A big wave hit, and the ship shook violently, and the waves even rolled directly onto the deck.

Lu Changsheng was hit "on the head" by the big wave. He was shocked all over, and the feeling became stronger and stronger.

"Not enough, not enough, the waves are not enough, make it bigger."

Lu Changsheng hoped that the big wave would be bigger.

The sea wind was howling and the waves were rolling, one wave higher than the other.

Lu Changsheng felt like a rock in the big waves, letting the waves beat him.

However, he was standing on the deck, and most of the force of the waves hitting him was blocked by the big ship. After all, Lu Changsheng felt that he still had something to say.

Lu Changsheng looked at the big waves in the sea.

That is the power of heaven and earth.

How insignificant human beings are in front of the natural power of heaven and earth.

In fact, even this big ship is so small.

“How can you understand the artistic conception without experiencing it yourself?”

"Staying on the boat all the time, after all, I am separated by a layer, and I cannot truly appreciate the power of the big waves."

"In that case..."

Lu Changsheng had already made a decision in his heart. He looked at the big waves rolling in the distance with extremely hot eyes.


Lu Changsheng jumped up.


He instantly jumped up from the deck and jumped straight into the sea.

"What is he doing?"

Yun Haitang couldn't believe his eyes.

What did she see?

Dao Twelve actually jumped into the sea by himself.

With such a huge wind and wave, wouldn’t jumping into the sea like this be a dead end?

However, no matter how she looked at Dao Twelve, he didn't look like he was about to commit suicide.

Yun Haitang even struggled to get to the side of the boat and looked down, but couldn't see anything.

Only the rolling waves swept over in mighty force.

Knife Twelve is probably dead!


Yun Haitang shook his head, then wrapped his soft whip around the boat and walked towards the cabin step by step.

If she continued like this, a big wave might sweep her into the sea.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng had jumped into the sea.

However, he was not too far from the ship.

Because, his hands were attached to the hull of the boat, letting the waves beat against him.

In the sea, Lu Changsheng faced the big waves, and the force of the waves was at least several times stronger.

And one wave after another, making it impossible to breathe.

If Lu Changsheng hadn't been a warrior in the divine power realm, he would have been swept away by the big wave.

“This is the real big wave!”

"This is the true meaning of the triple wave."

Vaguely, Lu Changsheng felt that the third wave was completely complete.

"The triple wave is complete, and the understanding increases by 15."

A line of small words appeared in front of Lu Changsheng's eyes.

Unfortunately, Lu Changsheng was caught up in a strange realization and did not notice this small line of writing.

Originally, Lu Changsheng came to the sea to comprehend the artistic conception and complete the three waves.

However, now that Lu Changsheng was in the sea, he vaguely felt that the perfection of the three waves did not seem to be the whole of the artistic conception.

Therefore, with a comprehension level of 800 points, he fell into a wonderful realization.

This kind of realization is called epiphany!

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