Top of Qinglian

Chapter 961: The rise of the South China Sea

Wang Qiuming controlled two third-order puppet beasts and rushed towards the giant walrus.

Wang Mengbin's body surface thundered loudly, countless silver arcs emerged on him, the wind whistled, and the dark clouds gathered. At first, the dark clouds were only a few dozen feet in size. After a violent tumbling, the size of the dark clouds quickly expanded to hundreds of feet. Continuing to expand, the rumble of thunder resounded overwhelmingly.

Wang Xiansheng and the others were not idle either. They took out a longbow whose aura was fluctuating, and drew the bow and arrow. Unlike the common arrows, the arrows they took out were conical.

The Wang family has its own Item Refining Hall. In addition to refining spiritual items, magic items and puppet beasts, there are also people who study new types of magic items.


Following Wang Xiancheng's order, a whistling sound of arrows piercing the eardrums sounded, and hundreds of colorful arrows shot out, like a rainbow, quickly across the sky, hitting those second-order monsters.

A giant blue shrimp with a small mountain was holding a dead Wang clan in its tongs. Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, a large number of arrows shot at it, hitting it, and a burst of rain hit the bananas. The muffled sound of leaves.

The red arrow hit the blue giant shrimp and burst open, turning into a large piece of red flames, drowning the blue giant shrimp's body.

The sound of "chichi" breaking through the air sounded, and another round of arrows shot out, submerging into the sea of ​​​​fire, and there was a shrill scream.

It didn't take long for the flames to dissipate, and the giant blue shrimp fell into a pool of blood, with arrows sticking all over its body. Some of the arrows passed through its body, and the conical arrows bloomed and turned into colorful lotus flowers. .

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan created a vision, and a large number of lotus patterns appeared. Wang Qingqing developed a magic weapon Wanlian Arrow for this purpose. The red arrow is a talisman arrow, which is a self-exposing magic weapon. Come on, the white arrows are icy, and the black arrows are poisonous.

When the Wanlian arrow shoots into the monster's body, the arrow will automatically burst and turn into a lotus flower, and a flying needle will fly out from the lotus flower, causing secondary damage.

In addition to Wanlian Arrow, there are many lotus-shaped instruments.

The arrow is a magic weapon. After killing the monster, the Wang family cultivator controlled the arrow and flew back, and continued to attack the monster below the third rank.

The monsters can quit. While releasing their spell attacks, they pounced on Wang Xiansheng and others. Despite their large size, they move faster.


The monks of the Wang family put away their bows and arrows and brought out puppet beasts. In groups of three, they arranged a puppet formation with puppet beasts to deal with the monsters.

Over the years, Wang Qiuhong has increased the training of his clansmen, and their cooperation has become more and more proficient.

Wang Xiansheng instructed his clan to arrange puppet beasts and annihilate them.

The monster's spell hit the puppet beast, but it failed to cause damage to the puppet beast, but was severely injured by the puppet formation.

Two centipede puppet beasts crawled around a blue giant python. A row of sharp claws of the centipede swept across the body of the blue giant python, making a muffled sound, and bloodstains were faintly visible.

A mantis puppet waving a pair of sharp mantis arms, turned into a series of black shadows, blinding the eyes of a black crab.

Three huge golden eagle puppets swooped down from the sky, grabbed a red seal, flew to a height of thousands of feet, released their claws, and the red seal fell from the sky.


The red seal fell to half death, and its huge body smashed to death two smaller monsters.

The red octopus waved its huge tentacles and smashed it towards the Ice Wind Jiaojiao.

The red octopus was a third-order middle-grade, and the ice wind Jiao was a third-grade low-grade. For a time, they fell into a stalemate, and no one could do anything about it.

A rumbling thunder sounded, and a large piece of thick silver lightning flew out from the dark clouds in the sky, slashing at the red octopus. The red octopus wanted to avoid it, but the soil under it suddenly turned into quicksand, and the body could not help but move towards the octopus. sunk to the bottom of the bunker.

The tentacles of the red octopus suddenly became longer and submerged into the ground in the distance. Dozens of yellow ropes flew out from the ground. If you look closely, you can find that the yellow ropes are made of yellow sand, and dozens of yellow ropes are woven into a large yellow net. Covered the red octopus.

The red octopus spewed out a large piece of red flame, hit the big yellow net, and spread quickly. The big yellow net was torn apart. At this time, the silver lightning also fell down, hit the red octopus, and turned into a large piece of silver lightning, covering the red octopus. up red octopus.


Another huge thunder sounded, and a large piece of silver lightning flew out from the dark clouds, rushing to submerge into the silver lightning, and the lightning soared.

"Thousands of thunders rang in unison."

Wang Mengbin put his hands in an embrace, raised them high, and shouted in a low voice.

The dark clouds rolled violently, lightning flashed and thundered, and hundreds of thick silver lightnings poured down from the dark clouds, hitting three third-order monsters one after another.

A huge group of silver thunder light lit up, and countless gravels flew in all directions. A circle of visible air waves spread out with the silver thunder light as the center, like ripples, covering a radius for several miles.

One after another, thick silver lightning flew out of the dark clouds and submerged into the sea of ​​​​thunder.

Wang Qiuming and Wang Qingling looked at each other and swallowed together, not to mention the third-order monsters, even the cultivators of the pill could not stand it.

After five breaths, the silver thunder light dissipated, and there was a huge pit several miles in size on the island. The three third-order monsters were motionless, their bodies were scorched black, and there was a burning smell. A puff of black smoke.

"Meng Bin, you've done a great job. After you form an elixir, your magical powers are much stronger than mine."

Wang Qingling smiled and praised.

"My aunt is very praised. If it wasn't for you and Qiu Ming's great-uncle holding them back, the grandson might not have been able to succeed so easily."

Wang Mengbin said modestly, the power of thunder spells is great, UU reading www.uukanshu. com However, other cultivators will not stand still. Wang Mengbin is self-aware. He is not necessarily Wang Qingling's opponent when he fights alone. Wang Qingling has a third-order flood dragon.

He is not a loner. If he can fight in a group, he will definitely not fight alone, but teamwork with other clansmen is the best choice.

After the three third-order monsters were killed, Bingfeng Jiao flew back to Wang Qingling.

At this time, Wang Xiansheng and others had almost killed the low-level monsters.

Wang Qingling sent people to repair the formation, clean the battlefield, and sent people to communicate with the family.

During the period of safety, Wang Qingling stayed on the island, and Wang Mengbin and Wang Qiuming returned to Silver Snake Island to strengthen the defense of Silver Snake Island.

Almost at the same time, beast tides broke out in multiple sea areas. High-level monsters led low-level monsters to attack the island where the cultivators were stationed. The sea area located in the rear was not bad, but in several sea areas near the Wanyao Sea, the fourth-order monsters caused the attack. The beast tide, the human monks were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

The ten major sects widely issued demon-killing orders, recruited immortals to rush to the front line, cleared the demon clan, and received the demon-killing order and did not obey the dispatched forces, regarded as the public enemy of the human race.

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