Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1256: Genocide

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Generally speaking, if a low-level cultivator casually glances at it, it will definitely not attract Wang Changsheng's attention.

If the low-level cultivator's gaze stayed on Wang Changsheng's body for a long time, it would be difficult for Wang Changsheng not to notice.

The young woman in the blue dress has the cultivation of the second layer of alchemy. Her beauty is outstanding, not much worse than Fairy Ziyue. If Wang Changsheng has seen this woman, he will definitely have an impression.

"I don't know. Junior Song Yuning was fortunate enough to meet Senior Wang. I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be Senior Wang."

The beautiful woman in the blue dress said respectfully, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Have you seen me? Where have you seen me?"

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, she is also a woman, the beauty of the beautiful woman in the blue dress is so outstanding, Wang Ruyan has seen it once, so she must have an impression.

"What? The two daoists are asking the old man's wife in public. Is it really easy to be bullied by the old man?"

A somewhat displeased male voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Changsheng turned his head and saw a golden-robed old man with a dove-faced and eagle-nosed nose walking over, looking at his breath, he was a middle-stage cultivator of Nascent Soul.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, I just asked casually."

Wang Changsheng asked with a frown.

"Hmph, others are afraid of your Qinglian Immortal Companion, but this old man is not."

The golden-robed old man said with a cold face, a look of fearlessness.

Song Yuning saw the golden-robed old man, and hurriedly threw himself into the golden-robed old man's arms, crying: "Husband, you are here. The slave family just looked at Senior Wang a few more times, and somehow offended Senior Wang."

"Okay, with the old man here, you won't be bullied."

The golden-robed old man patted Song Yuning's fragrant shoulders, and comforted her with a pleasant tone.

"We didn't say you offended us, don't give us a hat."

Wang Changsheng said with a cold face, he was afraid of the golden-robed old man, but he wouldn't back down casually, making people laugh.

He didn't do anything at all, just asked Song Yuning a few words.

"Your Excellency is Master Jinjing from Jinjingdao! Song Xiaoyou must have seen me at the auction!"

Wang Ruyan suddenly remembered something.

Jinjing Island is a cultivator force in the Fire Dolphin Sea area. Master Jinjing is the owner of the island. When the Wang family first settled in the Wulong Sea Area, they held a large-scale auction. It is estimated that Song Yuning met Wang Ruyan at that time.

"Exactly, the junior didn't form the pill at that time. I was fortunate to meet Senior Wang, and I never wanted to be misunderstood by Senior Wang."

Song Yuning nodded and explained.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, forget it, let's go! Rongrong is still waiting for us!"

Master Jin Jing hugged Song Yuning's slender waist, turned and left.

At this time, the young maid packaged the medicine pill.

Wang Changsheng paid the spirit stone and left with Wang Ruyan.

They walked to the seventh floor, and the two turned around in the Wanbao Pagoda.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked out of the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda. There was a batch of refining and talisman materials in the storage bag, and a large amount of spirit stones were missing.

They found an inn and stayed there.

"Ma'am, I always feel that there is something wrong with this Song Yuning. After returning to the South China Sea, I have to send someone to check it carefully."

Wang Changsheng always felt that something was wrong. They were now in the Central Plains Xiu Xian world, and they couldn't do it if they wanted to investigate Song Yuning's origin.

"I want to check it carefully. Master Jinjing seems to care about Song Yuning. If this woman is hostile to us, it will be troublesome."

Wang Ruyan strongly agrees that they are not good people. They have killed many immortal cultivators. I can't guarantee that Song Yuning is the descendant of the dead soul under the sword. There are not many examples of this.

Song Yuning was nothing to fear, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were afraid of the Master Jin Jing.

In a secluded courtyard, a cyan stone pavilion, Song Yuning was talking to Master Jin Jing, and a simple and honest young man in red was playing with a teenage girl in red. Sanjiu Novel Network

"Husband, I didn't lie to you, I just recognized Senior Wang, took one more look, and they asked me questions, if it wasn't for Qinglian Xianlu's reputation, I wouldn't pay more attention to them. ."

Song Yuning's pair of peach blossoms were full of tears, and she was about to cry.

"Mother don't cry, father is not allowed to bully mother."

The girl in red took out the handkerchief and wiped her tears for Song Yuning.

Master Jin Jing sneered, picked up the girl in red, and said with a smile, "Rong'er, don't get me wrong, Dad didn't bully your mother, just chatted with your mother, Madam, this auction in Kyoto is very large, and many people came here. Old monster, pay attention in the future, not every time you have such good luck."

"Understood, my Golden Island Lord."

Song Yuning agreed.

Master Jin Jing frowned slightly, took out a golden jade plate the size of a palm, and entered a magic formula.

"Madam, Rong'er, I'm in a hurry. You guys stay at the residence honestly. I'll be back later. I'll let Feng'er do something."

"Dad, I'm going too. I stay in the house every day. It's so boring. Brother Li is like a wood, and he doesn't say a few words."

Jin Rongrong took the Master on the Golden Mirror and pleaded, she was the only daughter of the Master on the Golden Mirror, and was favored by the Master on the Golden Mirror.

"Rongrong, don't be fooled, your father has something to do."

Song Yuning frowned and reprimanded.

Jin Rongrong pouted, her face full of grievances.

"Since she wants to come along, then come along! Let her see the market."

Master Jin Jing took Jin Rong'er away, and the father and daughter walked out of the courtyard.

The smile on Song Yuning's face froze, her eyes gloomy.

"Li Feng, you go to check the movements of Qinglian Immortal Companion, it is best to find out the purpose of their trip."

Song Yuning instructed the young man in red.

"What? This... disciple is powerless."

Li Feng frowned and said, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"If your master knew that you slept with me when he was in retreat, what do you think he would do to you?"

Song Yuning said with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Obviously it was you who seduced..."

"It doesn't matter who seduces whom. With your master's temperament, you know what's going to happen."

Song Yuning said coldly, her eyes full of ridicule.

Li Feng shuddered, and said helplessly: "I'll try my best! I don't dare to guarantee this kind of thing."

"I understand, it's good to do your best, I'll have the final say if you don't do your best, go!"

Li Feng sighed and left quickly.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion, I, Song Yuzhen, never dare to forget the feud of exterminating the clan, and pay for it with blood."

Song Yuning said to herself, her real name is Song Yuzhen, and she was born in the Song family of Jinque Island in the Five Dragon Sea Area.

The Song family is an affiliate of the Lu family. More than 20 years ago, the Song family was exterminated The treasure of the Song family, the water dragon, also disappeared. Song Yuzhen was not in the family at that time, hiding After a catastrophe, when she returned to Golden Sparrow Island, she saw the ruins. She endured the grief and buried her relatives, incognito.

In an accidental situation, her body was destroyed, and another female cultivator in the foundation-building period was taken away, and she transformed into Song Yuning. , was promoted to the lady of the Master of the Golden Mirror.

On Jinjing Island, there is only one Yuanying cultivator, Master Jinjing. Song Yuning gave birth to a daughter for him and became his wife.

She knew very well that if she wanted to take revenge with her cultivation, it would be difficult to ascend to the sky.

She didn't dare to show her intentions. It was impossible for Master Jinjing to fight with the Wang family for her, so she could only rely on her own efforts.

In order to develop her own power, she did not hesitate to hook up with the apprentices of Master Jinjing. She said without hesitation that on Jinjing Island, she was one person under ten thousand people.

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