Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1261: 9 Transform Erdan

"Top of Qinglian (

"I'll come first!"

A black light flew from the corner and landed on the round high platform, it was Fang Mu.

He used his real face to show people, but he didn't take pictures and buy things much just now.

He took out more than a dozen things and placed them on the jade table, including thousand-year-old elixir, ores, materials for monsters, and fourth-order demon pills.

"In exchange for the corpses of fourth-order monsters, it is best to use metallic monsters, or metal refining materials."

Fang Mu said loudly, his expression indifferent. Among the nine types of corpses, there are only two types of corpses: gold and dark. In contrast, golden corpses are relatively easy to refine. To make metallic corpses, they are naturally metallic monsters. The corpse will do. The higher the corpse's cultivation base before death, the greater the potential of the corpse, and the greater the magical power.

There was a commotion among the monks present. Most of them didn't know Fang Mu, and they didn't know Fang Mu's fascination with corpses.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had smiles on their faces, Fang Mu was still the same.

Fang Mu took out a lot of things, and a dozen monks flew to the circular high platform to communicate with him through voice transmission.

Fang Mu exchanged with the three monks, looking at his smiling face, it was obvious that he had exchanged something good.

After the exchange, he flew back to his original position, and the other monks flew to the circular high platform one by one, and took out the exchanged items for display.

Because of the cover of the blue bamboo hat, no one knows the identity of the other, and at most knows whether the other party is a man or a woman.

Wang Ruyan used some monster beast materials in exchange for two kinds of talisman materials.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng flew to the high circular platform. He took out three things, a spar whose blue light could flow indefinitely, a blood stone the size of a fist, and a ten thousand-year-old jade the size of an egg.

As soon as Wannian Xuanyu appeared, the desktop quickly froze, and the temperature nearby dropped instantly, giving people a feeling of being in a Wannian ice cellar.

"Hai Xuanjing, Flooded Blood Stone, and Wannian Xuanyu, change to Tier 4 healing pills, don't take out the general healing pills."

Wang Changsheng's voice was a little hoarse. He used the Qinglian Cauldron to expel the impurities of the Jiao Bloodstone, and cut a small piece for exchange. Wannian Xuanyu also cut a small piece.

If he took out a piece of Wannian Xuanyu the size of a watermelon, the three major business alliances would probably be tempted.

They have injuries, at least it will take fifty or sixty years to recover. This is still relatively fast. If it is slow, it may take hundreds of years.

If there is a healing medicine, they can shorten the healing time.

This is also the biggest purpose of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan going to the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie. After all, the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie is the most prosperous commercial area in the Dongli Realm.

"Ten Thousand Years Profound Jade, Flooded Blood Stone, Sea Dazzling Crystal!"

There was a commotion among the monks present, and Zhou Tongtian's eyes were fixed on Wannian Xuanyu.

Jin Zhengguang's face changed, and he exclaimed, "Wannian Xuanyu!"

Even an egg-sized Wannian Profound Jade, when refined into a magic weapon, can greatly increase its power. If the Wannian Profound Jade is a little bigger, there is no problem in refining it.

The materials that Wang Changsheng took out were certainly precious, but the fourth-order healing pills were even more precious.

Zhou Tongtian flickered and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

In front of so many people, Wang Changsheng believed that Zhou Tongtian would not do stupid things.

"This fellow Daoist, this old man is willing to use a Nine Transformation Erdan, the Nine Transformation Erdan is our royal family's unique holy medicine. How about these three things for you?"

Zhou Tongtian took out a blue porcelain bottle and poured out a pill that exuded a strange fragrance. There were some golden lines on the surface of the pill.

"One is too few. I want two. In order to get the Wannian Profound Jade, I almost died next time. Such a big bloodstone is not uncommon."

Wang Changsheng said through voice transmission, his voice was a little hoarse.

"You are not finished products, this old man is more than enough to use one Nine Transformation Erdan for your three materials. Nine Transformation Erdan is our royal family's holy medicine for healing, and it is not comparable to ordinary healing medicines, unless fellow Taoist takes out another piece. Wannian Xuanyu or other rare materials."

Zhou Tongtian said through voice transmission.

More than a dozen cultivators flew up and sent voice transmission to Wang Changsheng.

The things they exchanged were very valuable, but what Wang Changsheng wanted was a healing medicine.

Naturally, he would not take out another ten thousand year mysterious jade, which would be tantamount to courting death.

"Wannian Xuanyu is not Chinese cabbage. If such a large piece of Wannian Xuanyu is refined into a magic weapon, its power can be greatly improved. I will give you another ten kilograms of Tianyue Divine Water, and then exchange it for a nine-transformation Erdan?"

Wang Changsheng bargained and said that Tianyue Divine Water is not something unique to the Wang family, and it can be exchanged with confidence.

"Nine Transformations Erdan is our royal family's holy medicine for healing. I don't have a second pill on my body, but I can give you a nourishing pill. The effect is far worse than the Nine Transformations Erdan, but it is also a healing medicine."

Zhou Tongtian said through voice transmission.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, and agreed, it was better than not.

After the exchange, Wang Changsheng returned to his original position, and Wang Ruyan flew to the circular platform. She took out more than a dozen kinds of materials and exchanged them for water-type refining materials or materials of the same value.

Not long after, Wang Ruyan returned to her original position, and she exchanged a complete fourth-order animal skin.

A cultivator flew to the high circular platform and took out five things, one of which was a black sac-like object that caught Wang Changsheng's attention. UU reading

The bloodthirsty thorn looked a little irritable, and Wang Changsheng could clearly feel that it wanted something.

Wang Changsheng flew to the round high platform, picked up the black sac-like object and asked, "This fellow Daoist, what is this thing?"

"This is the poison sac of the third-order high-grade poisonous dragon, in exchange for the materials for refining the sound and law treasure."

A man's voice came from the cyan glow, and the things he took out were all used by the cultivators of Pill Formation.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, he felt that this voice was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Material for refining the sound and law treasure?"

Wang Changsheng took out a bundle of golden silk and handed it over.

"Yes, I want this silk, and I will replace it."

Wang Changsheng put away the poison sac and returned to his original position.

After the men's exchange, a cultivator flew to the circular high platform and took out several materials. A pleasant female voice sounded: "Exchange the refining materials for flying swords."

"Cheng Zhenyu, Zheng Nan, are they?"

Wang Changsheng had a conjecture. There were not many female monks who practiced the rhythm exercise. Zheng Nan practiced the rhythm exercise, and Cheng Zhenyu was a sword cultivator, which was in line with these two monks.

"If it's really them, if we have a fate, we will meet them. Daoyou Zheng exchanged materials for refining flying swords for Daoyou Cheng, and Daoyou Cheng exchanged materials for refining sound and law treasures for Daoyou Zheng. It can be seen that they are very affectionate."

Wang Ruyan smiled lightly and said through voice transmission.

An hour later, the exchange meeting ended, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not receive any more healing pills.

Under the arrangement of the organizer, the monks teleported away one after another, and naturally handed over their hats before leaving.

After Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came back to their senses, they appeared in the backyard of a bookstore.

Before long, they appeared in the noisy streets.

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