Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1272: family heritage

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Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were not on Qinglian Island. Under normal circumstances, the Wang family would not easily let high-level cultivators enter Qinglian Island.

Zhang Wuchen's identities are different. Zhang Wuchen is an in-law of the Wang family and an ally of the Wang family. In addition, Qinglian Island has Nascent Soul monks in charge, so he is not afraid of making trouble.

Wang Mengfen took Zhang Wuchen's meeting room, and as soon as Zhang Wuchen sat down, a monk from the Wang family walked in with a pot of spirit tea, put down the spirit tea, and left.

"Wang Xiaoyou, please pass the news. If your concubine has important matters, you can interview Wang Daoyou or Mrs. Wang."

Zhang Wuchen said straight to the point.

"I'm really sorry, Senior Zhang, the two ancestors are in retreat and practice, we don't dare to disturb."

Wang Mengfen said politely, of course he would not tell the truth.

"Closed-door practice?"

Zhang Wuchen frowned, his expression a little weird.

Could it be that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan killed Yuan Gang and injured him? There is this possibility.

Without seeing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, Zhang Wuchen would not be able to test the true magical powers of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, nor would he be able to prove whether they were descendants of Zhenhaizong.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, it only takes time to verify.

"Okay then! You give me a word, there are many Huanglong Island cultivators in the Golden Whale Sea area to inquire about the whereabouts of Dahao Dahao, if they leave the customs, they can come to Qingli Island to find me, remember, I want to The things you are talking about involve the survival of your royal family."

Zhang Wuchen said with a special meaning, she reminded Wang Changsheng that Huanglong Island had discovered that he was the murderer, which was a gesture of goodwill.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend. The Zhang family and Huanglong Island used to be allies, but since Huanglong Island took refuge in the Sun Moon Palace, the Zhang family and Huanglong Island have less contact and the relationship has faded.

"Yes, when the ancestors leave the customs, the younger generation must tell the truth."

Wang Mengfen agreed.

"I won't bother you any more, farewell."

Zhang Wuchen got up and left. She hadn't gone very far when she suddenly stopped, but soon, she returned to normal and walked out quickly, Wang Mengfen got up and said goodbye.

As soon as they left, Fairy Ziyue walked out from the side room behind the council hall.

"The cultivator of Huanglong Island appeared in the Golden Whale Sea area to inquire about the whereabouts of Senior Brother Wang. It seems that Senior Brother Wang is suspected of being on Huanglong Island. This matter must be told to Senior Brother Wang."

Fairy Ziyue spoke to herself, and her beautiful eyes showed a bit of worry.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were not in the South China Sea. If Huanglong Island was in trouble, the trouble would be no small matter.

After a cup of tea, Wang Mengfen came back.

"Senior Lin, Senior Zhang has already left."

Fairy Ziyue nodded and instructed: "Go on, let loose on the outside and tighten on the inside, and investigate suspicious people strictly, and send someone to the northern border to inform Wang Daoyou that the sun and the moon are safe, and the paper can't wrap the fire."

The attack on Yuan Gang was a top secret, so she couldn't talk about it. She believed that Wang Changsheng understood the meaning.

Riyue Wuji means that the Riyue Palace did not discover their identities, and the paper bag did not know the fire. Naturally, they attacked and killed Yuan Gang.

"Yes, Senior Lin."

Wang Mengfen agreed, and Wang Changsheng reminded him to obey all the orders of Senior Lin.

After Wang Mengfen left, Fairy Ziyue flipped her jade hand over, and a purple tulle appeared on her hand, she said to herself: "Zhang Wuchen seems to have discovered me just now, it shouldn't be! I personally tested the concealment effect of Ziyunsha. , Brother Wang and Sister Wang couldn't find it, but Zhang Wuchen was able to find out that her spiritual consciousness was comparable to that of the late Nascent Soul? Or did she practice a cultivation technique to increase her spiritual consciousness? It is rare for a monk in the early Nascent Soul to have such a strong spiritual consciousness."

In a secluded courtyard, in a cyan stone pavilion, a tall young man in cyan shirt held a lifelike wooden monkey.

There are a lot of refining materials scattered on the ground, as well as several lifelike golden apes.

A slight footstep sounded, and Wang Qingqing walked in.

The youth in the green shirt did not seem to notice the existence of Wang Qingqing, and was concentrating on refining the puppet beast.

Wang Qingqing looked at the young man in green shirt with love and love. The young man in green shirt was her descendant, Wang Yinghao, and Wang Qingqing took him by his side to teach her carefully.

Wang Yinghao also lived up to Wang Qingqing's teaching, and the level of puppet making is relatively high. First, he was taught carefully by Wang Qingqing, and secondly, he studied hard.

An hour has passed, and Wang Yinghao has not yet discovered the existence of Wang Qingqing, and the monkey puppet beast in his hand has also been completed.

Wang Qingqing smiled knowingly and walked towards Wang Yinghao. At this moment, a stone slab on the ground suddenly turned into a tortoise puppet beast, which opened its mouth and bit towards Wang Qingqing.

After all, Wang Qingqing was an alchemy cultivator, so he responded very quickly.

She swayed, her figure quickly retreated, and the attack of the turtle puppet beast failed.

"Yinghao, have you discovered me long ago?"

Wang Yinghao smiled and said, "Ancestor, have you forgotten that your grandson's consciousness is stronger than ordinary people?"

Some immortal cultivators are naturally stronger than others, and the number of such cultivators is very small. Wang Yinghao and Wang Changsheng are both such people.

After forming the elixir, this advantage is gone, but before forming the elixir, Wang Yinghao can occupy a great advantage by virtue of the fact that his spiritual sense is stronger than that of ordinary cultivators. He is a natural artifact refiner.

"Yes, you apply what you have learned and refine the puppet beast into the floor. If you don't observe it carefully, I really can't find it."

Wang Qingqing praised with a smile.

Wang Yinghao smiled proudly and said, "Ancestor, take a closer look and see what's different in the yard."

Wang Qingqing turned his head and looked towards the yard. Next to the stone pavilion was a rockery, and beside the rockery was a willow tree three feet tall.

"A rockery is a puppet beast?"

Wang Yinghao smiled and pinched the magic trick. The rockery lit up with a yellow light, and suddenly turned into a golden giant ape two feet tall. After the surface of the willow tree lit up for a while, a cyan giant python climbed out of the thick trunk. Come out, the trunk has been hollowed out.

Standing on the shoulders of predecessors, future generations can see higher and go further.

Wang Qingqing studied under Fairy Ziyue, and Wang Yinghao's puppet-making level is much higher than that of the clansmen of the same age.

"Not It's really good to be able to disguise the puppet beast with the terrain, but you have to remember that these are just tricks, it's useless when you meet a monk with a strong sense of consciousness, but before you form an elixir, still It’s very useful, puppet control is important, and cultivation can’t be slack, you know?”

Wang Qingqing's tone is stern, and you can hear the indulgence in his words.

Over time, Wang Yinghao's achievements will never be lower than hers.

"Yes, ancestor, grandson will work hard to cultivate, one day, grandson will kill the enemy."

Wang Yinghao said in a deep voice, his face full of chills.

Wang Qingqing told him about Zhao Zheng and Zhao Ziyu, and Wang Yinghao always kept this in mind.

Hearing this, Wang Qingqing nodded with a relieved expression on his face.

She instructed Wang Yinghao to refine the puppet beast, and Wang Yinghao asked questions he didn't understand until he figured it out.

Wang Qingqing was very satisfied with Wang Yinghao's attitude towards studying, and he spoke more attentively.

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