Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1274: important information

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"It's accepted, Fellow Daoist Sun."

Wang Qingling clasped his fists and said, smiling happily.

The young man in the green shirt put away the spirit beast, took out a blue porcelain bottle, and threw it to Wang Qingling, saying, "Mrs. Wang's spirit beast is powerful, she is willing to accept the bet."

Fighting beasts must have a lot of luck, otherwise everyone would fight beasts with Wang Qingling, Wang Qingling would be at a loss.

"Hey, I'll just say it! Fairy Bailing will definitely win, and rank doesn't mean everything."

"Hey, Fairy Bailing didn't release Icewind Jiao. I thought that Daoyou Sun's Lihuo Python would be able to defeat Earth Dragon Earth. After all, Daoyou Sun's Lihuo Python had a lot of victories, but I didn't expect that she would still lose to Earth Dragon Earth. Fairy Bailing is well-deserved."

"Fairy Bailing is the niece of Qinglian Xianlu and the cousin of Qinglian Jianzun. Naturally, she is not comparable to ordinary people."

The cultivators around were chatting wildly, and the Qinglian Sword Master they were talking about was naturally Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan is the nephew of Qinglian Xianlu. The outside world calls him Qinglian Jianzun. Among a thousand sword cultivators, there may not be one sword cultivator who can be called Jianzun, but all the cultivators can be recognized as Jianzun. , strength, talent and the heart to the Tao are all the best choices. In the entire Eastern Wilderness, the only one who can get the title of Sword Master is Wang Qingshan's master Xiaoyao Sword Master. From this, we can see how optimistic the other cultivators are of Wang Qingshan. Castle Peak.

"Who else is willing to enlighten me?"

Wang Qingling narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the other cultivators.

She wins more and loses less, and the general imperial master is not her opponent at all.

The cultivators of the knot pills looked at each other in dismay, and no one stepped forward. There are no one hundred or eighty Yuling Masters who have been defeated by Wang Qingling these years, and they do not want to take their own humiliation.

"Is there really no fellow Taoist willing to enlighten me? I am willing to take a magic weapon as a bet."

Wang Qingling's tone was full of temptation. She fought beasts with other monks in order to resolve the bottleneck. As long as the bottleneck could be resolved, it would be fine to lose a magic weapon.

You look at me, I look at you. No one wants to be the first bird. There are very few cultivators who can win against Wang Qingling.

There was no response from the monk for a long time, Wang Qingling was a little disappointed, and put away the earth dragon earth.

"Qiu Ming, let's go!"

She went out with Wang Qiuming, planning to come and see in a few days.

Before they could go far, they suddenly saw Wang Changsheng, and they quickly quickened their pace.

"You come with me."

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly and turned to leave with Wang Ruyan, while Wang Qingling and Wang Qiuming quickly followed.

After half an hour, they appeared in a secluded courtyard.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting in the stone pavilion, while Wang Qingling and Wang Qiuming stood aside. They reported to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan the situation over the years, especially the family situation.

Knowing that everything in the family was fine, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were relieved.

It seems that Jiuyouzong has not found out who the real culprit is. Suppose, it was not Jiuyouzong who destroyed the three strongholds of the Wang family. .

The information sent by Fairy Ziyue caught Wang Changsheng's attention.

The sun and the moon refers to the sun and moon palace, and the paper cannot cover the fire, which means that something has been exposed.

Wang Changsheng and Ziyue Fairy have two common enemies in the South China Sea, the first is Sun Moon Palace, and the second is Huanglong Island. Fairy Ziyue should say that Huanglong Island found that Wang Changsheng was the murderer of Yuan Gang.

Over the past 30 years, Huanglong Island has not taken any action. There are two possibilities. First, Huanglong Island has no evidence and dare not come here. Second, Huanglong real person is afraid of the strength of the Wang family and does not want to confront him for the time being.

Thinking from another perspective, if Wang Changsheng is the real person of Huanglong, he will send someone to buy off the monks of the Wang family and contact the enemies of the Wang family, and the enemies of the enemies are friends.

If you fight a snake instead of dying, you will be bitten, either you don't do it, or you don't give your opponent a chance to take revenge.

There are three Nascent Soul monks on the face of Wang Jiaming. If you want to deal with the Wang family, you must use at least six Nascent Soul monks. There were originally three Nascent Soul monks on Huanglong Island. One died and two were left. Contacting the four Nascent Soul cultivators and trying to persuade the four Nascent Soul cultivators to kill the Qinglian Immortal Companion, the price is very high.

Thinking from another perspective, if someone invites Wang Changsheng to kill the Nascent Soul cultivator who has been famous for many years, it will not be a spirit stone or a magic weapon.

Huanglong Zhenren is not stupid, and the other Nascent Soul monks are not stupid. Those who have a family may not agree. If they can't kill Qinglian Immortal Companion, it is equivalent to forming a deadly feud with the Wang family. They have a great appetite.

The troublesome thing is that Wang Qingling made too much noise in the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's travels in the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie may have spread to the ears of the real person Huang Long.

If Master Huanglong knew that Qinglian Immortal Companion was not in the South China Sea, he would definitely take action on Qinglian Island. Considering the existence of Qinglian Immortal Companion, even if Qinglian Immortal Companion would not destroy Qinglian Island, he would still severely damage Qinglian Island.

The half-dead enemy is the best enemy.

Some of the trouble is that there is a problem within the Qin Dynasty, and the road may be blocked at any time.

You can only return to the East Wasteland first, and then return to the South China Sea. Even if there is a large teleportation formation, it will take a year and a half. This is still returning to the South China Sea. If you return to the Wulong Sea, it will take more than two years at the earliest.

"Forget it, go back to the South China Sea first and settle the Huanglong Island first."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, he originally wanted to figure it out slowly, but he didn't expect the matter to be exposed. Since the matter was exposed, there is no room for relaxation. Now he just hopes that Qingshan has entered the Nascent Soul Stage. If something happened to Wang Qingshan, Wang Changsheng will never let Huanglong live.

With Fairy Ziyue and Guangdong Ren there, they should be able to hold on, but at worst, they can also cover Wang Qingshan to kill him.

The double-eyed mouse has been sleeping for so long, and it should wake up. If it advances to the fourth rank, it can help a little bit.

"Ninth uncle, Murong Bo Murong's senior is in Fangshi, Kyoto. He has a fourth-order low-grade lion-peng beast. Why don't we borrow a lion-peng beast from him, which can shorten the travel time."

Wang Qingling suggested that The Yuanying monk of the Murong royal family has been in Kyoto Fangshi.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, and took out the communication disk to contact Murong Bo.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you're finally out."

Murong Bo's tone was familiar, and those who didn't know it thought they were old friends for many years!

"Fellow Daoist Murong, is it convenient for you now? I have something to talk to you about."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely, his attitude is naturally better if he asks others.

"Convenient, the old man is drinking tea in Yuexianlou! Come here!"

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared in a private room in Yuexian Tower, and Murong Bo sat opposite them.

"Daoist friend Murong, thank you for taking care of you during our time in the Dayan Dynasty. We would like to invite you to the South China Sea as a guest. What do you think about Daoist friend Murong?"

Wang Changsheng said enthusiastically, he was calm on the surface, but he was anxious to death.

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