Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1278: Leave

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Three months passed quickly.

Ye Haitang sat cross-legged on the futon, Wan Guiling floated in front of her, a black dan fire wrapped Wan Guiling, and Zhao Meier stood on a black peak.

She opened her mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence. After submerging into the Wanguiling, it disappeared. The Wanguiling suddenly lit up with countless mysterious runes. At first glance, they were runes, but on closer inspection, they looked like ghosts of different shapes. It looks a little intimidating with open teeth and claws.

The black light flashed, and the ghosts made the body soar, like a huge black pavilion, and a large number of ferocious ghosts could be seen.

Zhao Mei'er's body flew towards Wan Gui Ling uncontrollably, and Wan Gui Ling burst out with a powerful suction, and the gloomy wind prevailed.

"It's been half a year, you have to leave here!"

Zhao Meier said with a frown.

"I came here to avoid being chased by the Nascent Soul cultivator. If I go out now, wouldn't it be a sheep? The environment here is good. I'll stay for ten or eight years."

Ye Haitang stretched and said with a smile.

She also wanted to leave here, but she couldn't follow Zhao Meier.

"Cultivator of Nascent Soul? Great, I haven't eaten Nascent Soul for a long time. I just had a full meal and replenished my vitality. The space here is unstable, and there are many space cracks. If you are unlucky, a crack storm will break out. , even if you are a late Nascent Soul cultivator, you will still die without a place to be buried."

Zhao Meier said without the slightest emotion.

"Crack storms? You mean storms formed by space cracks?"

Ye Haitang was surprised.

"When I talk about this, I'm angry. If it wasn't for the old ghost in the four seasons, I wouldn't be reduced to where it is today."

When Zhao Meier mentioned the word "Four Seasons", her eyes were filled with cold light.

Ye Haitang frowned, she didn't know whether what Zhao Meier said was true or not, and if it was true, she had to leave here, but what she was worried about was that after going out, Zhao Meier was out of control and started killing and implicated her.

"Bengong knows what you are worried about. If it is not a last resort, I will not take action. If you die, I will also die."

Zhao Meier seemed to see the worry in Ye Haitang's heart and explained.

Ye Haitang was silent, Zhao Meier was a hidden danger, one day she would lose control and Ye Haitang would die without a place to be buried.

At this moment, there was a deep roar from a distance high in the sky, and the calm black sea water violently rolled and surged, setting off waves more than ten meters high.

Ye Haitang's eyes lit up with a dazzling black light, and through the thick Yin Qi, she saw thousands of space cracks moving towards her.

"Damn, a crack storm actually broke out, get out of here, Ben Gong almost died under the space crack last time."

Zhao Mei'er's appearance changed greatly and urged.

Ye Haitang didn't dare to neglect, she removed the formation, Zhao Mei'er turned into a green light and flew into the Ten Thousand Ghosts Order.

Ye Haitang's body surface escaping light soared, and flew towards the outside.


A huge roar suddenly came from behind, and the air was billowing.

"If it weren't for the existence of the space storm, Ben Gong's practice was interrupted several times, and the vitality was injured again and again, and Ben Gong would have cultivated to the late Nascent Soul."

Zhao Meier's voice came from Ye Haitang's mind.

Ye Haitang was silent, speeding up her escape.

There was a deafening roar from high in the sky, and a large piece of silver lightning fell from the sky and struck Ye Haitang.

Ye Haitang broke out in a cold sweat, and the golden jade buddha's light soared, and a large piece of colorful aura emerged, covering her whole body.

The silver lightning disappeared one after another, as if it had never appeared.

"Haha, Ben Gong guessed right, Ben Gong can only stay in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Order, and with the cover of Buddhist Lingbao, you can leave here, haha, Four Seasons, Ben Gong is coming to collect debts from you."

Zhao Meier laughed wildly, very excited.

Ye Haitang ignored it, she wouldn't follow Zhao Mei'er, she planned to return to Qinglian Island and hand over the Ten Thousand Ghost Order to Wang Changsheng, even if she couldn't unlock the co-birth spell, she could seal the Ten Thousand Ghost Order. , the entire royal family will be in trouble.

Even Zheng Guqi, after Jin entered the Yuan Ying period, would not casually kill to avoid public outrage.

After a cup of tea, Ye Haitang appeared in the sky above a black sea with a look of alertness on her face.

At this moment, three flying knives with dark glitter flew out of the thick yin without warning, and instantly arrived in front of Ye Haitang.

Ye Haitang has the golden jade Buddha in her hand, so the ghost repair method can't help her, and there is no problem with using magic weapons.

Ye Haitang was taken aback, and without her having to take action, Wan Guiling flew out of her hand automatically and faced the three black flying knives.

Ding Ding!

After a few muffled noises, three blacks flew out backwards, Zhao Meier flew out of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Order, and her eyes fell on a certain void.

She took a deep breath, and her body swelled sharply, turning into a huge cyan ball.

The whistling sound was loud, the void was twisted, and gray wind blades swept out, heading straight for a certain void.

The gloomy wind was strong, and countless black stones flew up to meet the gray wind blade.


A series of explosions sounded, the black stone was smashed by the dense gray wind blades, and the dust flew.

Zheng Guqi looked at Zhao Meier and was stunned. He never imagined that Ye Haitang would have a ghost in the Yuan Ying period after not seeing him for a few months.

Zhao Mei'er opened her mouth and let out a shrill devil's cry, which was incessant, far and near.

Immediately, the gloomy wind was strong, and there were gusts of wind blowing within a hundred miles, and a large number of low-level ghosts came from all directions, numbering in the thousands.

It didn't stop there, the void was twisted, and gray sound waves swept out, heading straight for Zheng Guqi.

Zheng Guqi felt dizzy and in a trance, and when he came back to his senses, a strong pressure came oncoming.

His right hand slashed towards the void, white light flashed, and a white bone blade more than a hundred feet long flew out.


After an earth-shattering loud noise, the white bone blade smashed all the gray sound waves, and a powerful air wave spread, and the sea tumbled violently, setting off waves dozens of feet high.

A gust of gloomy wind blew, Zhao Meier suddenly appeared behind Zheng Guqi, her nails became pitch black as ink and extremely sharp.

Zheng Guqi also found Zhao Mei'er behind him. He was about to cast a spell to attack Zhao Mei'er when a tempting voice sounded in his ear; "Husband, concubine is here to serve you, you don't have to do anything, concubine will serve you. Comfortable."

Zheng Guqi heard this, buzzing in his ears, dizzy, and in a trance, he only felt a chill in his A green ghost hand passed through his chest, grabbing a miniature Yuan Ying.


Zheng Guqi was horrified. He never imagined that he would lose so quickly. He had no idea that Zhao Meier was a ghost cultivator who had been practicing for thousands of years.

Zhao Meier swallowed Zheng Guqi's Yuan Ying with a satisfied expression on her face.

Ye Haitang was stunned. She knew that Zhao Mei'er was extremely powerful, but she didn't expect that Zhao Mei'er would kill Zheng Guqi so quickly.

Zhao Meier swept away Zheng Guqi's belongings and returned to Ye Haitang.

"Let's go! It's settled."

It took Ye Haitang a long time to react, she put away her belongings, and took Zhao Meier back into the Ten Thousand Ghost Order. She couldn't make up her mind and could not release Zhao Meier casually, lest Zhao Meier's cultivation base be too high to attack her and join a ghost repairer who had lived for thousands of years. Together, she's worried all day long.

Ye Haitang turned into a black light and flew out.

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