Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1284: Come to the door (not available today)

"Top of Qinglian (

Qinglian Island, a secluded courtyard.

Fang Tianyuan was talking to Wang Jiyu, Fang Tianyuan's face was flattering, Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo were in company, and they were holding their children in their arms.

"Ji Yu, look, I've put my words out. If you don't see them, I'll be embarrassed. I promise to do it once."

Fang Tianyuan begged bitterly, and he gave Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo a wink.

More than 30 years ago, under his arrangement, Wang Jiyu and sisters Fang Yufei cooked raw rice and cooked rice. He dared to take Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo as his concubine. With Wang Jiyu's help, Fang Tianyuan lived a good life. He also took wives and concubines.

"Husband, my uncle has put the words out. If you don't see them, there will be no face for uncle to see anyone in the future, so you can help him!"

"Yes! Husband, it's not too difficult for you."

If it wasn't for Fang Tianyuan, they would not have been able to marry Wang Jiyu, let alone build a foundation, so they would naturally help Fang Tianyuan to speak.

Fang Tianyuan had two friends who wanted to visit Wang Jiyu, but the Wang family easily prevented foreign monks from entering Qinglian Island. Fang Tianyuan had no choice but to ask Wang Jiyu for help.

Wang Jiyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay! I'll accompany you to bring them in. The two of you will prepare some food and drink to entertain the guests."

Fang Tianyuan smiled happily and hurriedly led the way, Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo hurriedly prepared wine and food.

The two flew towards the outside, very fast.

Jinlian Island, a secluded courtyard.

In a cyan stone pavilion, Guangdong Ren sat on a stone bench, looking at the table full of fine wines and delicacies, drooling.

Wang Qingqing stood aside with a smile on his face.

"Master, I know you like to enjoy food. It happened that a spiritual chef from the Eight Immortals Business Alliance passed by Jinlian Island. The disciple asked him to make a table of food. I don't know if Master likes it or not."

Wang Qingqing said with a smile that Guangdong Ren loves food, so she tried to get some food to entertain Guangdong Ren.

"Just passing by? There are so many coincidences. You invited me here! Sit down and eat together! It's no fun for the old man to eat alone."

Guangdong Ren said, grabbed a large piece of red crab meat with both hands, and bit it, the sweet juice dripped down his chin and dripped onto his clothes.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master. The disciple is not very interested in food. This is the exclusive spirit wine of the Eight Immortals Business Alliance. Eight Immortals Drunk, Master, try it."

Wang Qingqing declined politely, picked up a beautiful golden jug and poured wine for Guangdong Ren.

"You, like your father, don't know how to enjoy. No, it should be said that most monks are the same. Pure heart and few desires do not mean ruthless and desireless. Wanting longevity itself is a desire."

Guangdong Ren said vaguely, bit off a piece of animal meat, swallowed it, and showed a satisfied expression on his round cheeks.

His way is to eat, and to eat and sleep is to cultivate.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, accompanied by a huge roar, and a group of red flames could be vaguely seen.

"No, someone is making trouble!"

Wang Qingqing's jade appearance changed and exclaimed.

Jinlian Island is a square market opened by the Wang family. It has a history of more than 50 years. Some people dare to make trouble on Jinlian Island, which means that the other party is targeting the Wang family.

Guangdong Ren was furious. While he was enjoying the food, someone wanted to interrupt him, which was unbearable and unbearable.

He quickly stuffed the last piece of animal meat in his hand into his mouth and flew out.

The fire in Jinlianfang City was soaring into the sky, and passersby fled everywhere.

"Everyone returned to their residences. Fangshi's law enforcement team inspected Fangshi. If they encounter any suspicious elements, they will be arrested first, and those who resist will be killed without mercy."

Guangdong Ren made a decisive decision and immediately ordered.

Wang Qingqing also flew out of the yard, commanding the law enforcement team in Fang City, patrolling the city, arresting suspicious persons, etc.

A huge roar sounded, and a blue water blade with a length of more than 100 meters fell from the sky, smashing on the formation of Jinlian Island, causing a ripple.

Guangdong Ren's plump sleeve robe flicked, and a red gleaming pig-killing knife appeared in his hand, which was covered with oil stains.

"Qingqing, I'll leave it to you. This old man goes out to deal with other people, send a message to your family, and be careful of the enemy's sneak attack."

Guangdong Ren gave an order and flew out.

A young woman in a blue dress with a hot figure floated in the air out of thin air, and she was naturally Lu Yongyi, a transfiguration real person.

The five people from the real Huanglong went to attack Qinglian Island, and no one knew what the result would be. If they win, the Wang family will be severely damaged, and the Lu family will naturally launch a war to seize part of the island of the Wang family. Joining other forces to annex the Wang family, if Huang Longzhen were defeated, the Lu family would have nothing to lose.

The Lu family has a geographical advantage, and Huanglong real person can at most steal some property, the risk is high, and the harvest is big, Lu Yongyi only needs to contain Guangdong Ren.

Seeing that there was only one Nascent Soul cultivator, Guangdong Ren immediately understood the other party's plan. It was obvious that he had sent an enemy to hold him back and assembled a heavy army to besiege Qinglian Island.

The trouble now is that Guangdong Ren doesn't know whether Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are on Qinglian Island. After all, they didn't say how long they were away, and they didn't have to report to Guangdong Ren when they came back.

There is a Nascent Soul cultivator who is entangled in He wants to use the teleportation array to teleport to Qinglian Island, but he can't do it, and the enemy will not let him leave. Jinlian Island is full of merchants, and there are many royal families. His allies and partners, if they sit by and watch these people get killed, the Wang family will be in even greater trouble. In the future, when the Wang family opens a market, it is estimated that not many merchants will settle in.

A cold light flashed in Guangdong Ren's eyes, and the red light of the butchering knife in his hand rose sharply.

The red light flashed, and there was a muffled buzzing sound in the void, and a red sword aura of more than one hundred meters long swept out, with a monstrous heat wave, slashing at Lu Yongyi.

Lu Yongyi didn't panic, she held out a small blue flag the size of a slap, and with a flick of it, the sea below violently swelled, and a blue water wall several hundred meters high rose from the ground and stood on the sea.


After a loud bang, the blue water wall was cut in half by the red sword energy, burst open, and the sea water splashed.

Lu Yongyi's jade hand released blue light and slapped towards the void, the void distorted for a while, and a big blue hand more than ten feet long emerged out of nowhere and slapped the opposite side.

Not long after the big blue hand flew out, it suddenly turned into a white ice hand, and slapped the red sword qi.

The red blade gas was smashed by the white ice hand, and a large red flame erupted, which in turn covered the white ice hand, and a large white mist emerged.

The sound of breaking the air was loud, and the dense white ice blades shot from the opposite side. Before they got close, a strange cold force came towards the mask.

Guangdong Ren didn't dare to be careless, the short knife in his hand slashed towards the void, red light flashed, and hundreds of extremely sharp red knife qi flew out and greeted him.


A series of roars sounded, and hundreds of red blade qi smashed the white ice blade that hit.

Lu Yongyi didn't care, she just had to entangle Guangdong Ren.

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