Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1300: Come to learn from each other

"Top of Qinglian (

Because of this, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan went to the northern border to find the murderer, but judging from the current situation, it seems that Jiuyouzong did not do it.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other and shook their heads.

"There are no clues, and I can't find any real evidence."

Wang Ruyan sighed lightly and said bitterly.

"Don't worry! We will definitely find out, and we will definitely avenge them."

Wang Changsheng comforted and said that if it wasn't for Jiuyouzong, it might be the hostile forces of the Wang family, or Huanglong Island.

Huanglong Island has this strength, but Huanglong Island has no motive for committing the crime. After all, the Wang family was just a small force at that time, and there was no serious conflict of interest with Huanglong Island.

All this is speculation, the clues of the Nine Nether Sect were broken, and Wang Changsheng had no choice but to target Huanglong Island.

Ye Haitang nodded, feeling a little disappointed.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Ye Haitang chatted all night, and they repeatedly reminded Ye Haitang not to let Zhao Meier out easily.

Not to mention, she is the last sect master of Wangui Sect. If she is recognized, it will be troublesome. Fortunately, more than 4,000 years have passed, and it is estimated that few monks know the appearance of Wangui Sect sect master. Drive carefully. After obtaining the Wannian Ship, Ye Haitang should not release Zhao Meier unless it is a last resort.

On the second day, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan summoned all the clansmen, Wang Jiyu was wearing iron chains and his eyes were dull.

"If it weren't for Ji Yu, so many people would not have died. He made an unintentional mistake, but the mistakes he made cannot be forgiven. If you are not careful, our family will be wiped out. I know that many of you are lucky. , I thought that there would be no danger if we were here. I want to tell you that you are all wrong. You are wrong. You must remember that no matter when you are, you must remember to be prepared for danger in times of safety. What will happen tomorrow."

"Ji Yu, as the key training object of the family, can easily bring outsiders in. Although he made an unintentional mistake, he must be severely punished. Otherwise, how can we explain to the dead clansmen?"

Wang Jiyu raised his head and shouted loudly; "Don't learn from me, always be vigilant, remember the words of our ancestors, and be prepared for danger in times of safety. I, Wang Jiyu, will die."

He knew that he would die, but his descendants would be properly settled, which was already a good condition.

"For the sake of your unintentional, plus you are refining the foundation pill for the family, you have worked so hard, and abolish your mana!"

Wang Jiyu is over 100 years old. If his mana is abolished, he will not be able to live. It is a decent way to die. Wang Qingqi's emotions still need to be taken care of. After all, Wang Jiyu did not take the initiative to betray the family. It was already a very severe punishment, and only those who truly betrayed the Wang family would torture them severely.

Ye Zhongchen and Chen Xudong stood in the crowd, their faces were shocked, Wang Jiyu was the best second-order alchemist in the Wang family, and the Wang family was willing to kill him.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Jiyu was deprived of his mana, his face quickly aged, his head was full of white hair, and he died of old age.

After Wang Jiyu was executed, Wang Mengfen promulgated a series of clan rules, aimed at strengthening the clan people's thoughts of living in peace.

In addition, the Wang family built a small island near Qinglian Island, and visitors can come to the Wang family in the future and meet on the island.

In the following month, the disciples of the Wang Family’s Law Enforcement Hall were dispatched aggressively. The Wang Family cultivators who embezzled, bullied men and women, and seriously neglected their duties were punished accordingly. A few Wang Family cultivators who committed more serious mistakes were executed. The clansmen were reused and rewarded, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan used tough methods to rectify the clan.

Baihe Island, the Lu family.

In Baihelou, Lu Yongyi was talking to a middle-aged man with a refined face, their expressions were solemn.

They never imagined that the five Nascent Soul cultivators would not be able to destroy the Wang family. Wang Qingshan had already conceived a baby, and it was even more impossible for them to deal with the Wang family.

The Lu family didn't want to participate in this battle from the beginning. If the Wang family was destroyed, it would be a good thing to say, but the Wang family could not be destroyed. The Lu family was just looking for trouble.

The Lu family hoped to use the hands of Huanglong Zhenren to seriously damage the Wang family.

Who would have thought that the Wang family was not severely injured, Huang Longzhen and others were destroyed, Wang Qingshan married a baby, and the Lu family is most worried about their identities being exposed.

When Lu Yongyi attacked Fang City, she didn't use her face, and the Wang family's traitor had nothing to do with Lu Jiaming.

"Old Ancestor, Qinglian Immortal Companion came to the door and said that he wanted to visit you."

Lu Hengbin walked in and said nervously.

Lu Yongyi and the middle-aged scholar's expressions tightened, and their eyes were suspicious. Did the Wang family come to take revenge? The Wang family is going to destroy the Lu family?

"Just the Qinglian Xianlu two? Is there anyone else?"

Lu Yongyi asked calmly, her eyes solemn.

Qinglian Xianlu came to the door at this time, which is not a good thing.

"Just the two of them, no one else, old ancestor, do you want to let them in?"

The Lu family has done something wrong, and they have ghosts in their hearts. If they let the Qinglian immortals come in, they are worried that the Qinglian immortals will kill Baihe Island has a half-elite from the Lu family, and others will not say it. If the two Nascent Soul cultivators had an accident, the Lu family's vitality would be severely damaged.

If the Wang family was not allowed in, wouldn't there be no silver taels here!

"Let them come in and take them to the White Crane Hall. In addition, strengthen the guard. If they really come to make trouble, then don't blame us for being rude to them."

Lu Yongyi ordered calmly.

The more this time, the more calm they have to be.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Lu Hengbin agreed and bowed to leave.

"Let's go! Seventh brother, let's go see Qinglian Immortal Companion, I hope we think more."

Not long after, Lu Yongyi and the middle-aged scholar met Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan in a huge white stone square.

Zhao Meier ate Jin Yu's Yuan Ying and knew that the Lu family was also involved in this matter, but the damage caused by the Lu family was too little.

The strength of the Lu family is not weak. If the Wang family destroys the Lu family, not to mention whether it can be done, the Wang family will definitely attract the attention of the Sun Moon Palace. This is not what Wang Changsheng wants to see.

They will not pretend that nothing has happened, and they are here today to ask for an explanation.

"Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, listen to the people below, do you have something to meet with your concubine?"

Lu Yongyi said in a pleasant manner, giving people a feeling of being approachable.

"Wang heard that Yanshui Zhenren's Taoism is profound, so he came here to teach him some advice. I wonder if Mrs. Lu is willing to teach me?"

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists and said, his eyes smiling.

The strength of the immortal world is respected, and Wang Changsheng does not like to play tricks.

"Fellow Daoist Wang is here to learn from each other? Are you going together? Or are we one-on-one?"

A look of fear flashed in Lu Yongyi's eyes. Qinglian Immortal Companions joined forces to kill even the demon clan in the early Nascent Soul, but she didn't dare to be careless.

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