Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1309: Qingling lure demon

"Top of Qinglian (

After half an hour, they appeared outside the long and narrow valley. On both sides of the valley were steep rock walls more than a thousand feet high. The valley was overgrown with green weeds as tall as a person.

Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness and found nothing abnormal. Wang Qingling released two puppet beasts and rushed into the valley without any abnormality.

"Ninth Uncle, let me go in and have a look!"

Wang Qingling took the initiative to ask Ying, if there is an abnormality, it is her who is in trouble. After all, they have known Mo Yunzi for too short a time, so they must be cautious.

"Okay, Qingling, be careful. If you find something abnormal, retreat immediately, and I will support you."

Wang Changsheng exhorted with a solemn expression.

Wang Qingling agreed, released the earth dragon worm, jumped on the back of the earth dragon earth, after the earth dragon earth lit up for a while, it went into the ground one by one and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng released the double-eyed rat and let it follow. It is more resistant to beatings. If something goes wrong, it can lift Wang Qingling to block it. No matter how strong the fourth-order monster is, it is impossible to kill a third-order high-grade at once. 's spirit beast.

Not long after, there was a deafening roar in the valley, Wang Changsheng and Mo Yunzi's faces tightened, and their faces were full of alertness.

A dirt bag bulged up on the ground and moved towards them quickly. The double-eyed rat came out from the ground. It made a sharp "jiji" sound, and its small black eyes were full of fear, and it climbed directly to Wang Changsheng's. shoulders.

Wang Qingling and Dilongji emerged from the ground, her face was solemn, and she said, "Ninth Uncle, Senior Mo, the blood toad beast ate a plant of Xuelizhi and was in a coma. It is more sensitive now, and the double-eyed mouse was caught by it. It was injured, but fortunately the injury is not serious, this blood toad beast's supernatural power is not weak, I think it is better to set up a formation, lead it out, use the formation to trap it, and we take the opportunity to pick the elixir, which is more secure."

"The old man has tried this trick a long time ago, it is useless, it is not fooled at all, whoever lures it will only become the target of its attack, if it is so easy to be fooled, the old man has already picked Xuelizhi away. Will wait until today."

Mo Yunzi disagreed, she tried this method, but the result was heavy losses, otherwise he would be able to swallow Xue Lizhi by himself.

"Qingling, how sure are you."

Wang Changsheng knew that Wang Qingling was proficient in the art of fighting beasts, and she often communicated with other spiritual masters. During her trip to the fairyland in the Central Plains, Wang Qingling specially visited the Murong royal family and learned a lot of knowledge about beasts.

"About 70%! Let me try it! Uncle Ninth, this will reduce the risk."

Wang Qingling said seriously, they have no friendship with Mo Yunzi. In case, when dealing with the blood toad beast, Mo Yunzi suddenly picked up the elixir one step ahead, and the actual secretary left, and the unlucky ones were Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingling. without.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Okay, you can try it! Be careful."

Mo Yunzi snorted lightly, didn't speak, didn't listen to the old man's words, and suffered a loss in front of him.

Wang Qingling and Dilongworm drilled into the ground and moved towards the valley.

It didn't take long for Wang Qingling to stop. Not far away, there was a hole about zhang wide. The hole was dark, and it was difficult to see what was inside.

She took out a piece of blood-red sandalwood, inserted it in the cave, and lit the sandalwood.

A pungent smell drifted away and poured into the cave.

With a muffled sound, a huge yellow earth wall drilled out from the ground, sealing the cave.

What Wang Qingling took out was the incense of the beasts. When breeding the spirit beasts, the spirit beasts of the same rank would not cooperate. In this case, the imperial master would lock the two spirit beasts together and give them the Acacia Pill. Such things, or ignite the animal incense, stimulate their animal nature, and the rest will be easy to do.

He Beast Incense is refined into acacia powder and the like, which is specially aimed at high-level monsters.

A quarter of an hour later, there was a violent roar from the cave.

Wang Qingling hurriedly smashed the yellow earth wall and rushed out of the valley.

Wang Changsheng set up a formation outside the valley, and waited for Wang Qingling to lead out the blood toad beast.

"Ninth Uncle, it's about to rush out."

"The blood toad beast will really come out? Is it so easy to be fooled?"

Mo Yunzi was dubious. He tried many methods without success. Wang Qingling, a cultivator of pill formation, could actually lead out the blood toad beast?

"I guess so! Just try it and you'll know."

Wang Qingling took out a blue porcelain bottle and threw it away.

With a "pop", the porcelain bottle smashed on a boulder, and it shattered immediately, splashing a large amount of pungent cyan liquid.

"That blood toad beast is a male. This is the urine of a third-rank top-grade female Qingyue toad. It may attract the blood toad beast, so hurry up and hide."

Wang Qingling explained and followed the earth dragon earth into the ground.

Wang Changsheng and Mo Yunzi glanced at each other, and then escaped into the ground.

It didn't take long for a **** light to fly out of the valley. It was a blood-colored toad the size of a house. The blood-colored toad was two feet high. There were head-sized bulges on its back, and two grinding disc-sized golden demon eyes flashed with a cold light.

It opened its mouth, and dozens of blood-colored fireballs the size of fists flew out, hitting the nearby ground.


A deafening roar sounded, and there were more than a dozen huge pits on the ground, and the soil in the pits showed signs of melting.

It's not far from its lair, and it doesn't take three breaths to go back and forth.

A gust of breeze blew, and a pungent smell came oncoming, and the blood toad beast's demon eyes turned blood red. Normally, it is not attracted by female urine, but it is now surging with blood in its body, and can't wait to find it. A female toad mates.

After a moment of hesitation, the blood toad beast turned into a ray of blood and flew towards the front.

As soon as it flew out of the valley, a strong gravity suddenly appeared on the ground, which slowed down the speed of the blood toad beast, and countless yellow mists rushed out, covering the blood toad beast.

Wang Changsheng and Mo Yunzi emerged from the ground, each holding a yellow array plate the size of a palm.

"Qingling, you went to pick the Xuelizhi, and the speed should be faster."

Wang Changsheng said loudly, several magic tricks hit the yellow array plate, Wang Qingling responded with a sound, and flew towards the valley.

The blood toad beast was furious, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and a large blood-colored flame flew out.


A deafening roar sounded, and the dust flew into the sky.

Countless thick yellow ropes drilled out from the ground, entangled the blood toad beast at once, and tied it to the ground.

The bulge on the back of the blood toad beast burst, and a large piece of blood-colored venom erupted Inspiration even on the yellow rope, all the yellow ropes shattered.

At this time, Wang Qingling has also succeeded.

"Qingling, you withdraw first, to the place where we met just now."

Wang Qingling agreed, and followed the earth dragon to escape into the ground and disappeared.

Mo Yunzi frowned, but he didn't say anything.

After half an hour, Wang Changsheng estimated that Wang Qingling had fled away, and said, "Friend Mo, you withdraw first, and I will break."

It's not that he is kind, he withdraws first, and Mo Yunzi will definitely not agree.

Mo Yunzi was a little surprised, nodded, put away the array plate, turned into a ray of light and walked away.

Twenty breaths later, Wang Changsheng withdrew the formation, the blood toad beast escaped from the trap, a blood-colored flame rushed towards his face, and at the same time a blood-colored long tongue descended from the sky, like a sharp sword, slashing at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's figure flickered, turning into ten, the blood-colored flame hit a Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng disappeared.

One of them, Wang Changsheng, took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Saber, the tip of the blade lit up with a burst of white light, and he slashed towards the opposite side. The blood toad beast left.

The blood toad beast hurriedly spewed out a blood-colored flame, smashing the white light blade, and a large white mist erupted.

The void above its head fluctuated together, and a blue giant palm more than ten feet long suddenly appeared, and the surface of the blue giant palm was filled with a large blue arc, which was quickly photographed.


Accompanied by a shrill hissing sound from the blood toad beast, a blue thunder light drowned the blood toad beast, and countless cyan thorns poured out from the ground to bind it.

The blood toad beast opened its mouth and spurted blood-colored flames, burning through the cyan thorns. At this time, Wang Changsheng also disappeared.

The blood toad turned into a ray of blood and chased after it, and the direction was exactly the direction Mo Yunzi left.

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