Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1316: Extinguishing Bizui Dove

"Top of Qinglian (

A steep black peak with few vegetation on the mountain, you can see a lot of black stones, the upper half of the peak is thin and the lower half of the peak is wide, from a distance, it looks like a huge black gourd, standing on the ground.

The five Wang Changsheng stood at the foot of the mountain with different expressions.

The ground nearby was a mess, and you could see more than a dozen huge dirt pits. It was obvious that someone had fought here.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, and he carefully scanned the black peak, but found nothing unusual.

His face was as usual, and a puzzlement arose in his heart. He had obtained the relics of the barbarians in the Yuan Ying period and obtained a map, which included this black mountain.

Wuling Sanren accidentally discovered that there was an ancient monk's cave here. Why did the barbarians say that he had discovered this ancient monk's cave a long time ago, so he was making a mystery, or did he really know the existence of the ancient monk's cave? If it is the latter, could this person be the descendant of that barbarian?

"The ancient monk's cave is in a cave on the top of the mountain, but in the cave there are one or two lower-ranked blue-mouthed doves. I want to find a way to lure them out. Let's take the opportunity to break the ban, how about it?"

Santa narrowed his eyes and proposed.

Bizui dove is a kind of extremely poisonous monster bird, very difficult to deal with. Their strength is far superior to the average fourth-order low-grade spirit bird, and the strength is comparable to the fourth-order middle-grade monster bird. If five people work together, it is possible to kill them. Two lower-ranked blue-mouthed doves, but they don't trust each other.

Lin Yuzong frowned and said, "Who is going to lead out Bizui doves? Ordinary methods won't work!"

"We have a piece of soul-breaking ointment in our hands. This ointment is extremely poisonous. It is an irresistible temptation for Bizuijiu. We provide the soul-breaking ointment. Naturally, it is you who will seduce Bizuijiu."

While speaking, the young woman in the red skirt took out a palm-sized cyan wooden box and opened the wooden box. There was a blood-colored paste-like object the size of an egg inside, exuding a nasty smell.

"Soul-broken ointment? Is it better than Tianyue Divine Water?"

Wang Changsheng chuckled lightly, took out a cyan porcelain bottle, opened the cork, shook it gently, a drop of Heavenly Moon Divine Water flew out, and dripped onto a black boulder as high as one person, with a muffled sound of "thorn", the black boulder A puff of blue smoke emerged and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of Shanta and the young woman in the red dress. They did not expect that Wang Changsheng actually had Tianyue Divine Water in his hands.

"There are two fourth-order blue-mouthed doves. To be cautious, it is better for the two fellow Daoists to lead them away together. The time is too short, and we have no time to break the formation. We only need to fight for a quarter of an hour."

Zhang Wuchen suggested, his face was calm.

Santa thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, no problem."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, be careful, the barbarians may make a fool of yourself."

Zhang Wuchen reminded Wang Changsheng through voice transmission.

Wang Changsheng nodded as a response.

The three of Zhang Wuchen cast spells and hid, Wang Changsheng and the young woman in the red skirt ran towards the mountain at a very fast speed.

It didn't take long for them to reach the middle of the mountain, and a strong wind blew past, blowing two special smells into the cave.

After a while, two strange hissing sounds sounded, and two black lights flew out of the cave.

Wang Changsheng and the young woman in the red dress flew towards the sky without saying a word, their directions were diametrically opposed.

The two black lights suddenly dispersed and chased after them.

Zhang Wuchen and the others cast spells to attack the two black lights, buying time for Wang Changsheng and the others.

There was a deafening roar behind him, and Wang Changsheng knew without looking back that Zhang Wuchen was buying time for him.

Half an hour later, he appeared above a black lake with a size of more than ten acres, and his expression was indifferent.

Near the black lake, there is a large black jungle.

After a while, a black light flew from the distant sky, and it was a black dove bird three feet long. It had soft black feathers, a green mouth, and a pair of faint green eyes staring at Wang Changsheng. .

Bizuijiu's wings fluttered, and a piercing sound of breaking wind sounded, and the dense black feathers flew out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword and slashed towards the void. With a flash of golden light, a golden blade of light more than a hundred meters long shot out, colliding with the black feathers, and a powerful air wave erupted.

Some of the black feathers were knocked out and fell to the ground. The towering trees collapsed with a bang, splashing a large piece of dust, and thick smoke billowed.

A gust of wind suddenly blew from behind Wang Changsheng, and a black light flashed, revealing the figure of Bizuijiu, the wind escape technique.

As soon as it appeared, Wang Changsheng noticed it, and the Taihao Spirit Slasher in his hand slashed towards the top of his head.


There was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, and the tip of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword slashed on Bizuijiu's sharp claws, leaving only a shallow trace.

At this moment, the tip of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword suddenly lit up with a burst of white light, and the tip of the blade turned snow-white, emitting a slight chill.

Bizui dove's sharp claws freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ice layer spreads rapidly, as if to freeze Bizui dove.

Bizuijiu opened his mouth and spewed out a black light, which hit Wang Changsheng exactly, Wang Changsheng suddenly burst open, and disappeared into a shred of water vapor.

The next moment, a little blue aura appeared on top of Bizuijiu's head, quickly turning into a huge blue palm more than ten feet long. The surface of the huge palm was filled with a large number of blue electric arcs, and it was photographed with a lightning flash. Bizuijiu quickly fell towards the lake below like a meteorite falling to the ground.

The calm lake water tumbled violently, and Wang Changsheng drilled out of the bottom of the lake without any warning.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Three ear-piercing arrow whistles sounded, and the three cyan arrows turned into three cyan rainbow lights, heading straight for Bizuijiu.

Bizuijiu felt the amazing momentum of the three cyan rainbow lights, and there was a look of fear in her eyes, and she wanted to avoid it.

A rapid bell sounded, Bizuijiu's speed suddenly slowed down, three cyan rainbow lights hit Bizuijiu's body, and a dazzling cyan thunder light drowned Bizuijiu's body.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and nine blue lights shot out, flying towards the surroundings.

The void distorted for a while, and a large amount of water vapor emerged. A huge blue water curtain covered a radius of ten miles. The surface of the blue water curtain was constantly flowing, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suffered setbacks in the northern border. That was because they were **** and did not dare to use their real supernatural powers to confront the enemy. Wang Changsheng had nine Dinghaizhu, and he cultivated a magic weapon of the earth grade, and his strength was not weak.

With a flick of his finger, a metal ball flew out and turned into a huge golden luan bird, which was a fourth-order puppet beast.

The golden luan bird spread its wings and flew towards the cyan thunder light.

A large piece of black light flew out without warning, and the golden luan bird hurriedly avoided it, but it was still too late.

There was a loud cracking sound, and a white light blade exuding a biting chill flew out from the Taihao Spirit Slashing Blade. Before it fell, the water vapor in the void froze and turned into ice chips.

A large piece of black feathers flew out, smashing the white light blade.

Several black lights flew out with a burst of sound, and instantly appeared in front of Wang Wang Changsheng moved his arms and smashed it up.

"Kang Keng!"

He sucked in a breath of cold air, looked down, his palms were dripping with blood, and it seemed that he had been injured by a sharp weapon.

"court death!"

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, his hands embraced, and the lake below seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, rolling up and turning into a huge blue water mountain, smashing towards Bizuijiu.


Bizuijiu flew out backwards, and the feathers on his body fell off a lot. Before it fell to the ground, the void was twisted and deformed, and a little water vapor emerged.

It flapped its wings and wanted to avoid it, a large blue glow emerged from the void, and a huge pressure hit from all directions, as if a huge mountain was pressing on it, its speed slowed down, silk water Vaporized into blue ropes, wrapping it all over.

The golden luan bird pounced, spewing out a large piece of slender golden light, hitting Bizui dove, who made a shrill scream, the body was dripping with blood, and the breath was sluggish.

Countless water vapor emerged and turned into a huge blue water ball, wrapping it up.

A white light blade with a length of more than one hundred meters slashed, and the blue water ball suddenly froze, turning into a huge white ice ball, and then torn apart.

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, took away Bizuijiu's spirit, and put away the corpse.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the blue water curtain dissipated, turning into nine Dinghai beads, which flew back to his sleeve and disappeared.

If he was trapped by his nine Dinghaizhu, the mid-Nascent Soul cultivator would not be able to get a bargain.

Wang Changsheng flew along the way he came, and it didn't take long for him to return to the black mountain.

The young woman in the red dress also came back. She saw Wang Changsheng with a relaxed face, and her eyes flashed with surprise. Bizuijiu is not an ordinary fourth-order monster, but it is not so easy to deal with. It seems that Taihao really has real skills.

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