Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1322: Countermeasures of the Sun Moon Palace

Sun Moon Palace, a magnificent palace.

Du Chang and Fang Yue were sitting around two shining jade chairs, two men and one woman were reporting the situation to them.

"Huanglong Island was destroyed? Do you know who destroyed Huanglong Island?"

Fang Yue frowned and said that Sun Moon Palace supports Huanglong Island in order to check and balance the development of Taiyi Immortal Sect. Now that Huanglong Island is destroyed, it means that someone is provoking the status of Sun Moon Palace.

"I don't know, we found a number of cultivators in Huanglong Island, and they didn't know about it, but the disciples of Huanglongzhen revealed that they were once ordered to go to the Golden Whale Sea area to track the whereabouts of Taihao, and the Wang family was just attacked. It is related, but the whereabouts of Huang Yuxu, the descendant of Huanglong Zhenren, are unknown, he should know the inside story."

A tall, thin middle-aged man said respectfully that the Wang family was attacked on the front feet and the back feet of Huanglong Island were destroyed. If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental.

Du Chang frowned and asked, "The Wang family? Does the Wang family have a grudge against Huanglong Island?"

The rise of the Wang family is too fast, but the network of relationships is intricate. The Wang family is an in-law of the Ouyang family. It is also related to Taiyi Xianmen. It is also an affiliate of Wanjianmen. He might end up in person to deal with the Wang family. If Sun Moon Palace ends, he might pull Wanjianmen and Taiyixianmen into the water.

"Master, according to our investigation, when the Wang family first arrived in the South China Sea, they went to the Coral Sea to develop. During a battle on Huanglong Island, a group of monks from the Wang family were killed, and Qinglian Xianlu's son-in-law, nephew and niece were all killed."

Du Chang and Fang Yue frowned. If it were a normal force, they wouldn't let it go. If it involves the Wang family? They must be cautious.

Du Chang pondered for a moment, then ordered: "I see, you go down first? Send someone to look for Huang Yuxu."

"Yes? Master."

The three middle-aged men bowed and stepped back, leaving behind Du Chang and Fang Yue.

"The rise of the Wang family is irreversible? There is no cultivator who caused the vision of the baby, and they define it as demon revenge? They obviously don't want to make things bigger? Other forces come to power to check and balance Taiyi Xianmen."

Du Chang suggested that the Wang family would not pose a threat to them for the time being. They are already in the late Nascent Soul stage? If they go further, they will enter the divine transformation stage. Even if the Wang family has ten Nascent Soul monks, they are not their opponents. The ten major sects in the South China Sea There has been an agreement for a long time? Foreign forces are not allowed to interfere in disputes between local forces. Who asks for foreign aid? It will become the target of public criticism.

Throughout the history of the development of the South China Sea, the top ten sects in the South China Sea and the top ten aristocratic families in the South China Sea? The number of deaths, especially, did the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect die by themselves? The elders of Zhenhai Sect were stubborn? In this way, Zhenhaizong was destroyed after several thousand years and several crises, and the Murong family was similar. As long as the Sun Moon Palace did not kill itself, it would be difficult for external forces to destroy the Sun Moon Palace.

Qinglian Immortal Couple's formation of a baby caused a vision, and its rise was unstoppable. Huanglong Island was destroyed, and Sun Moon Palace would not stand up for Huanglong Island. Huanglong Island was also unreasonable. It was Huanglong who attacked the Wang family. kill.

The strength of the immortal world is respected, but it is still necessary to be reasonable. The so-called reason is just a fig leaf for the great forces.

"That's what I mean. Let's send someone to participate in the Qinglian Jianzun's Infant Ceremony! Let's see how the Wang family responds. If the Wang family confronts our Sun Moon Palace in the future, then you don't have to be polite to them."

Fang Yue strongly agrees that they cannot be friends, they are enemies.

"By the way, I heard that Junior Nephew Li and the others killed a group of disciples from the Nine You Sect half a year ago. Didn't our two sect make peace?"

Fang Yue's expression turned cold, and she said, "Shangguan Wei's jealousy must be reported, she won't stop making peace, our stronghold in the northern Xinjiang Xiu Xianjie was destroyed again, it must have been done by Jiuyouzong, they are the first year of the new year, and we are the fifteenth. If it wasn't for the younger sister who killed the vice sect master of Jiuyouzong, our Sun Moon Palace would not have formed a deadly feud with Jiuyouzong, and thanks to her being so reckless, the master did not pass on the position of the palace master to her."

"She is similar in character to Shangguan Wei, she will retaliate if she has revenge, she will do anything to achieve her goals, in order to kill the vice sect master of Jiuyou Sect, our Sun Moon Palace also killed and injured two Nascent Soul cultivators, and we don't know how the vice sect master of Jiuyou Sect offended you. She's gone, let her kill her at all costs."

Du Chang said with a curious look on his face.

Fang Yue shook her head and said, "Who knows! She will do whatever she can to achieve her goals, but she is indeed a genius. We only managed to force her to stop by joining forces, and she revealed that she was injured. Fortunately, she is no longer alive, her destiny is The wedding lights are all off, if she is still alive, I don’t know how much trouble it will bring to our Sun Moon Palace.”

In their mouths, she was Situ Mei, the deputy palace lord of the Moon Palace. She gave birth to a baby when she was less than three hundred years old. She was decisive in killing. Along the way, her hands were covered with the blood of the enemy. She was originally the best candidate for the palace lord of the Moon Palace. Radical, lost the election for various reasons, and wanted to fight in the nest, but was killed by the two palace masters.


The Eastern Wilderness, an emerald green mountain range that stretches for millions of miles.

There is a ten-thousand-zhang peak in the depths of the mountain range, and most of the peaks are covered by white fog. Under the white fog, this is a large building, courtyard pavilion, rockery garden, and a large number of monks can be seen walking around.

There is a magnificent and magnificent palace on the top of the mountain, and the three characters "Tianfeng Temple" are written on the plaque.

This is a sub-rudder of the Tianfeng Business Alliance, which is responsible for handling all the business of the Tianfeng Business Alliance in Donghuang.

In the main hall, an old man in golden robes with benevolent eyes was listening to the reports of two men.

"This year's benefits are good, but next year needs to work harder. By the way, I heard that Qinglian Xianlu's nephew Qinglian Jianzun has given birth. Wu Zizai, this old man remembers Qinglian Xianlu rescued you, and you, Wang Yang, Qinglian Jianzun has introduced guests to you, you and the old man will go to Qinglian Island and have a good relationship! Maybe you can use this relationship in the future."

The golden-robed old man ordered in a deep voice.

"It's Elder Sun."

The two men agreed in succession, and a potbellied young man in red flashed a bit of joy in his eyes. He was Wang Mengyang, alias Wang Yang, who had joined the Tianfeng Business Alliance for many years. With the help of his family, he climbed to the Tianfeng Business Alliance. the middle layer.

The Tianfeng Business Alliance is a chamber of commerce organization that only pays attention to interests and will not easily participate in the battles of major forces.

Wang Mengyang has a number of sales networks in his hands. He has a wide range of contacts, and his family is getting stronger and stronger. He is also more and more eager to return to the family and manage the Qinglian Business Alliance for the family.

After leaving the Tianfeng Palace, Wu Zizai looked at Wang Mengyang and said with a smile, "Brother Wang, I remember that you had a good relationship with Sword Master Qinglian back then. He introduced guests to you, so you should prepare a generous gift."

"It's natural, but after so many years, I don't know if Senior Wang still remembers me."

Wang Mengyang said with a chuckle.

After chatting for a while, the two went back to their respective homes.

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