Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1340: Happy Treasure

"We didn't say that, and we don't want to make things worse, so let's go! You give up two hundred islands, and we will retreat. What do you think?"

Ye Yuwei looked at Madam Qingyan and Jingtao with a half-smile but not a smile. Ever since the Sanctuary Alliance settled in the Golden Clam Sea, there were frequent conflicts between the Sanctuary Alliance and the Ye family. When they came to the door, they said they were willing to help the Ye family deal with the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and the Ye family readily agreed.

The matter was just as the Ye family had expected. The three coalition forces were going all the way, killing hundreds of disciples of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, which can be said to be severely damaged.

"Hmph, if you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to retreat, you can retreat? How can there be such a cheap thing? My concubine has long wanted to experience Madam Lu's magical powers. I wonder if Madam Lu is willing to teach me."

Mrs. Qingyan's expression turned cold and she said unceremoniously.

In the case that her own side has not won the slightest victory, even if it is a peace negotiation, she is not qualified to bargain.

"Okay! The concubine also wants to experience Madam Wei's magical powers, but let's go to a high place to learn from each other, so as not to hurt the younger generation."

Lu Yongyi agreed. She and Mrs. Qingyan were both in the early Nascent Soul. If she could defeat Mrs. Qingyan, she would gain more benefits, and if she lost, the loss would not be large.

The two flew towards the sky, and soon, there was a deafening roar from the sky, and the blue light and the blue light were blazing together.

Wang Qingqing and Ye Haitang looked at the blue light and blue light in the sky, with envious expressions on their faces. Even though the three coalition forces were going through the cracks, if Mrs. Qingyan's supernatural powers were relatively large, they would not be able to get much benefit.

After a while, accompanied by a shrill scream of a woman, a cloud of blue aura descended from the sky, Ye Yuwei grabbed her hand towards the void, and countless blue light spots emerged? Turned into a huge blue cloud? Hold it up blue light.

Lu Yongyi's face was pale, and a cloud of blue flames covered most of her body.

"Qingyang is really hot!"

A look of surprise flashed in Ye Yuwei's eyes? A jade hand turned over? A small purple mirror with a simple shape appeared in her hand, and a purple light flashed? A large piece of purple mist surged out, covering Lu Yongyi.

After a while? The purple mist dissipated? The blue flames on Lu Yongyi's body disappeared. Lu Yongyi's face was pale, and she looked a little embarrassed.

Qingyang Zhenyan is a supernatural power attached to Mrs. Qingyan's practice? After hundreds of years of cultivation? Qingyang Zhenyan's power is a bit more powerful than the Infant Fire of the Yuanying cultivator.

Lu Yongyi quickly took out a blue robe and put it on, with a look of fear in her eyes.

Wang Qingqing and Ye Haitang looked at each other. They didn't expect Lu Yongyi to be defeated so quickly. It seems that it makes sense for the Sanctuary Alliance to gain a foothold in the Golden Clam Sea.

Madam Qingyan descended from the sky with an indifferent expression.

"I thought you were capable of anything! That's all!"

Madam Qingyan sneered? She looked disdainful.

"It seems that Mrs. Wei's gods pass through people? Wang wants to ask Mrs. Wei for advice. I wonder what Mrs. Wei thinks?"

A somewhat indifferent male voice came from the sky? A cyan Changhong appeared in the sky, and after a few flashes? The cyan Changhong stopped, it was Wang Qingshan.

At the foot of Wang Qingshan is a green sword light? Long hair fluttering? Quite a bit of fairy style.

"Qinglian Sword Sovereign!"

Madam Qingyan's jade appearance changed? There was a look of fear in her eyes.

For other Nascent Soul cultivators, she is willing to discuss with each other, if it is Wang Qingshan, she is absolutely not willing.

Qinglian Jianzun became famous at a young age. There are legends about him in Donghuang, Nanhai, and Central Plains. With this level of peers, Mrs. Qingyan has little chance of winning. Who is she talking to? Even if they win, the Loose Cultivation Alliance still has to cede the land and seek peace, it's just a matter of cutting more and cutting less.

For the sake of some territory, the gambling king Qingshan could kill himself. This transaction is too bad, and it is not worth it at all.

Thinking of this clearly, Madam Qingyan rolled her eyes and said, "Hmph, if the concubine wins, so what? Can our dead disciples be resurrected? If you want to fight for life and death, just say it, we won't be afraid of you, Even if you die, you will have to pull a few backs."

Ye Yuwei didn't expect Mrs. Qingyan's attitude to be so tough, she could see that because of Wang Qingshan's arrival, Mrs. Qingyan's arrogance had subsided.

"Mrs. Wei misunderstood, I think so! Let's each send five disciples to compete in five games, three wins and two losses. If we win, the two hundred islands will belong to us, and there will be a fortune. If we lose, we will Retire here."

Naturally, Mrs. Qingyan would not agree to such a humiliating condition, winning or losing would not benefit.

After wrangling over a cup of tea, the two sides reached an agreement. Each sent five cultivators of Pill Formation to discuss, three wins and two losses. If the Sanctuary Alliance wins, they can get a compensation, and the three coalition forces will retire obediently. If they lose, the Sanxiu Alliance will give up 150 islands, and Take out a few treasures to pay to the three families.

After Ye Yuwei, Wang Qingshan and Lu Yongyi discussed, they sent Lu Hengbin, Wang Qingqing, Wang Huati, Wang Qiuming and Ye Ruolan.

It is obvious to all that the Wang family's cultivators are powerful. As long as the Wang family wins three games, even if Lu Hengbin loses the competition, it doesn't matter.

Wang Qingqing's opponent was a short and stout old man in red robes, who had an eighth-level cultivation base.

At the beginning of the competition, Wang Qingqing released a third-order flood dragon and two third-order puppet beasts.


The cyan Flood Dragon shook its head and swayed its tail, rushing towards the red-robed old man. A golden bear with a height of 10 feet strode towards the opposite side. A cyan eagle with a height of 30 feet hovered uncertainly in the sky, looking for an opportunity to sneak attack.

The red-robed old man was struggling to face the attack of a third-order flood dragon, not to mention that there were two third-order middle-grade puppet beasts. He performed spiritual techniques or sacrificed magic weapons, but he failed to destroy the third-order puppet beasts, but was instead attacked by a third-order puppet beast. The third-order Jiaolong seized an opportunity and swept the tail of the red-robed old man. The red-robed old man flew out backwards, and before he stood up, countless thick yellow ropes emerged from the ground and entangled the red-robed old man's body. A cyan giant eagle and a cyan dragon descended from the sky.

"Stop, I admit defeat."

The red-robed old man broke out in cold sweat and shouted loudly, a large red flame appeared on his body.

"Stop, nephew Li loses."

Madam Qingyan shouted loudly.

Wang Qingqing smiled knowingly and put away the cyan dragon and the puppet beast.

Wang Qiuming released a third-order Flood Dragon and two third-order middle-rank puppet beasts, which easily defeated the opponent. Wang Huabiao was even more powerful. He came and went like the wind, and the enemy could not touch him. Fight back.

After Wang Qingqing and the three defeated their opponents, Lu Hengbin and Ye Ruolan hadn't finished their fighting, and Mrs. Qingyan directly announced the end of the sparring.

There is no need to fight in this competition. With a third-order flood dragon alone, who is the opponent of the Wang family cultivator?

After losing the test, Mrs. Qingyan had to obey the agreement, ceded 150 islands, and took out six treasures to pay to Wang Qingshan and the Wang Qingshan got two drops of one yuan heavy water, Wang Changsheng has been in Looking for one yuan heavy water, with two drops of one yuan heavy water and other materials, he can refine two more Dinghaizhu, the more the number of Dinghaizhu, the stronger his strength.

The goal was achieved, and Wang Qingshan and others left together.

"In less than a hundred years, the Wang family has actually cultivated so many third-order flood dragons. It seems that the real inheritance of the Wulong Palace has been obtained by the Wang family, and we must avoid the Wang family in the future."

Madam Qingyan muttered to herself with an envious expression on her face.

As a cultivator of Nascent Soul, she did not have a third-order flood dragon as a spirit beast, and several of the cultivators of the Wang family had a third-order flood dragon as a spirit beast, and people were more popular than dead people.

It is foreseeable that with the passage of time, the number of third-order flood dragons in the Wang family is increasing. Coupled with the existence of Qinglian Immortal Companion and Qinglian Sword Master, the rise of the Wang family is unstoppable.

As long as Qinglian Immortal Companion and Qinglian Sword Sovereign do not fall, the Wang family will only get better and better.

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