Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1342: mediate

In the Fire Dolphin Sea, an island resembling a golden full moon, a pale golden light curtain covers the entire island.

Jinyue Island, this is the main altar of the Golden Sword Gate.

There are five major forces in the Fire Dolphin Sea area, namely Golden Sword Gate, Huoyun Island, Seven Flame Gate, Golden Mirror Island, and Qianyun Sect. Golden Mirror Island is the latest force to be established, but Jin Jing Sanren is a monk in the middle Nascent Soul. Only then can Jingdao become one of the five major forces.

Jindaomen is an old-fashioned force in the Fire Dolphin Sea area. It did not suffer much loss in the war between the human and the demon. The golden sword is a monk in the early Nascent Soul, but he has a puppet beast made from the bones of a fourth-order Jiaolong. Comparable to the mid-Yuanying monks.

More than a year ago, a war broke out between Jindaomen and Huoyun Island. The reason was that the deputy head of Jindaomen was suspected to have died in the hands of a cultivator of Huoyun Island. At first, Master Jindao did not believe it, but the following people suddenly The fight started, and when Master Jindao received the news, the situation was out of control, and the monks of Jindaomen and the Liu family were already red-eyed.

It is a palace of golden bricks and glazed tiles, with three large silver characters "Golden Knife Hall" written on the square plaque painted in gold.

In the hall, Master Jindao and Sanren Jinyue were sitting on the main seat, and their expressions were solemn.

A decent-looking middle-aged man is reporting the situation to them. The situation is very difficult. It was originally a battle between the Jindaomen and the Liu family. The door will be destroyed.

"Master, Uncle Song, all the disciples we sent to ask for help were killed, and their heads were hanging outside. Even if other forces knew about this, I'm afraid they might not be willing to come to support us."

The middle-aged man was full of bitterness. The four major forces had been besieging for two months. The Golden Sabre Sect fought back hard. The Golden Sabre Master personally shot and injured a Nascent Soul cultivator? Only then did he barely block the attack of the four major forces.

The four major forces are temporarily surrounded but not attacked? Without reinforcements, the disciples of Jindaomen have shrunk on Jinyue Island? It has been a long time? The disciples of Jindaomen have gradually lost their fighting spirit and morale is low? Doors don't have the guts.

"Do you know that for the teacher? You should step back first!"

Master Jindao waved his hand? He instructed.

The middle-aged man bowed and turned to leave.

"Senior Brother Sun, the four major forces of Huoyun Island are threatening, I think this level is sad? Why don't you hand over that fourth-order Flood Dragon Skeleton!"

Jinyue Sanren frowned and said? Up to now, how could they not see that someone had taken a fancy to the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton in the hands of the golden sword, and then set up a bureau to deal with the golden sword.

There was a lot of friction between the Liu family and Jindaomen, which just gave the enemy an opportunity to take advantage.

"No? If we hand it over, we are just fish on the chopping block? The life is really handed over to the enemy."

Master Jindao refused, with a very tough attitude.

What are you kidding? He finally got the skeleton of a fourth-order Jiaolong and asked him to hand it over? Can the Golden Sword Gate last for several months? It has a lot to do with this puppet beast.

If it wasn't for the fear of other Nascent Soul cultivators?

Right at this moment? A huge roar came, and a harsh sound of a knife came from the arms of the Golden Sabre Master.

"Hey, it's a blessing or a curse, but they're starting to attack our main altar again, let's go! Go out and see, it's really not good, the old man had to hurt one of them again."

Master Jindao sighed and flew out, followed by Sanren Jinyue.

Outside the Golden Knife Island, four huge white clouds were suspended in mid-air. Hundreds of cultivators stood on top of the four white clouds. , Fairy Qianyun, except for Jinjing Sanren who is in the middle Nascent Soul, the other three cultivators are in the early Nascent Soul.

They cast spells to attack Jinyue Island one after another. All kinds of spells, like asking for no money, smashed wildly on the guardian formation of the Golden Sword Gate, and the guardian formation of the Golden Sword Gate trembled.

"Everyone work harder, the Golden Sword Gate won't last long."

The Golden Mirror Sanren shouted loudly, this battle was planned by him alone, it would be best to destroy the Golden Sabre Gate, but it would be good to get the fourth-order Jiaolong skeleton.

The three of Liu Xinchao also saw that there was a problem with this battle, but they had already cooperated to deal with the Golden Sword Gate. , who calculates the Golden Sword Gate is not important for the time being, destroying the Golden Sword Gate is the top priority.

There is no evidence for this matter. Huoyun Island suspects that it is the so-called by the other three forces, and the other three forces suspect that Huoyun Island is deliberately causing trouble.

The golden light flashed, and hundreds of golden swords with a length of more than 100 meters flew out from the golden light curtain, and went straight to Liu Xinchao to cut off the four of them.

The Golden Mirror Sanren flipped the palm of his hand, and a small golden mirror with a simple shape appeared in his hand, looking towards the void, a large golden ball of light flew out, responding to the attacking golden sword energy.


After a series of roaring sounds, the golden saber aura and the golden light ball perished together and disappeared one after another.

The Golden Sabre Master and the Jinyue Loose Master flew out with indifferent expressions.

"How is it? Fellow Daoist Sun, have you thought about it? We don't want to embarrass you either. You honestly hand over that fourth-order Flood Dragon skeleton and pay us a sum of resources for cultivation, and we will retire."

Jin Jing Sanren narrowed his eyes and looked at Master Jin Dao with a smile.

"Hmph, you killed our disciples of the Golden Sword Sect, occupied our territory, and asked the old man to hand over the bones of the fourth-order Flood Dragon, and then pay you a sum of cultivation resources before you are willing to retreat? You too underestimate our Golden Sword Sect. War is war, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.”

Master Jindao said coldly, his face full of murderous intent.

The more arrogant the enemy is, the less he can make concessions.

"Then there's nothing else to say, the old man is just trying to experience Daoyou Sun's magical powers."

Jinjing Sanren sneered, if there is a chance, he doesn't mind killing Master Jindao, when that time comes, Jindaomen will definitely be destroyed.

Master Jindao's face became solemn, he glanced at the three Liu Xinchao, saw their indifferent expressions, and secretly said in his heart: "Bad, they have reached an agreement, I am afraid it will be real, this is troublesome. ."

If the four Jinjing Sanren agree, it will be troublesome. In name, it is a discussion, and the Jinjing Sanren is likely to be poisonous to the Jindao Master.

"It's so lively here! When did Wang come?"

A somewhat indifferent male voice suddenly sounded, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a white light appeared in the distant sky.

"It's the royal family of Qinglian Island!"

In several nearby sea, only the Wang family has a third-order Jiaolong, and only the Wang family dares to join in the fun.

The faces of Master Jindao and Jinyue Sanren became more and more ugly. If they had a chance of life before, the arrival of the Wang family completely overwhelmed them.

It didn't take long for a white dragon that was more than fifty feet long to appear in their sight. Wang Qingshan and other more than fifty cultivators stood on the back of the white dragon.

"Liu Daoyou, Sun Daoyou, long time no see."

Wang Qingshan smiled and greeted Liu Xinchao and Master Jindao with a relaxed tone.

If the Wang family wants to mediate this war, they must first get the support of Huoyun Island.

"Wang Daoyou, what are you doing here! We have been busy for so long, do you want to pick peaches?"

Jinjing Sanren frowned and said, the Golden Sword Sect could no longer hold on, and the Wang family participated at this time, making it clear that it was taking advantage.

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